John Durham Case Update: Jury Finds Michael Sussmann NOT guilty of lying to the FBI

The public sees this as a miscarriage of justice due to the open bias of the judge and jurors. They are misreading this very badly.
Or the fact that the witness against Sussmann (James Baker) told two or three different stories at different times, about what Sussmann said or didn't say.

As I laid out here, Durham is forced to deal with the fact that his single witness against Sussmann gave sworn testimony that materially conflicts with the allegations against Sussmann. To do so, Durham will (and already has) argued that Baker’s descriptions of the a September 2016 meeting he had with Sussmann closer to the date of the meeting are less reliable than the ones after more time passed.
What have I said that is either racist or unfactual? The fact is, when you allow uneducated ghetto obese partisan colored welfare recipients to decide important matters, whether it be elections, criminal cases, or public policy, you can be 100% certain of bad results.

Dayum, are all Catholics as racist as you?

Why am I still waiting for you to post how you know they're uneducated? Or obese? Or on welfare?
Moron, do you even bother to read what you post??

were evidence that Sussmann probably denied during the meeting that he was representing a client.


That's your bar for convicting someone in a court of law?? They probably did it!

You fucking retard, you just proved why he was acquitted and you proved it had nothing to do with a few of the jurors being Hillary donors.


It is ironic that prosecutors could convincingly prove a defendant made a false statement to the FBI and yet lose a case because of the FBI’s own machinations. But that is what happened.

It is ironic that prosecutors could convincingly prove a defendant made a false statement to the FBI and yet lose a case because of the FBI’s own machinations. But that is what happened.

Moron, you posted, "probably" lied.

The bar for convincing a jury in a court of law is significantly higher than the bar for convincing the FBI.

Why do you work so hard to show everyone here just how retarded you really are?
Prosperity for whom??? Canada has the fastest growing middle class in the world, while the American middle class is declining, because of Republican tax cuts for the wealthy.

Your average life expectancy has been declining for the past 6 years, and you have the highest rates of poverty in the first world. You also have few worker protections for low income workers, and the lowest rate of minimum wage in the first world.

Your basic infrastructure is lagging far behind the rest of the First World because your utilities and communications networks aren't being managed or funded by the public sector.

Our economy didn't crater because of the pandemic because we haven't been cutting taxes for rich people. Our infrastructure isn't suffering from 40 years of neglect. Gun crime isn't out of control, and we have universal health care which kept our rate of sickness and death to one third of that in the USA.

The leftwing governors who shut their states down had the lowest rates of disease and death, after the first wave went through, and lower rates of death after their states were vaccinated. Since the nation started getting vaccinated, the disease and death has run unchecked in Red States, and continues to impact their economies.

Dunham tried to make that claim about the Clinton Campaign, but the Russia Investigation was NOT a "hoax" so once again, Republicans make up shit, and then fail to prove their lies are true in Court.

  • What do you mean they have "nothing on Trump". Trump settled the Trump University Fraud investigation for $25 million.
  • Trump's charity was shut down, and Trump has been barred from serving as an officer or a director of any registered charity in New York
  • Trump's was fined for using his charity to make political donations to two states' AG's who subsequently refused to join in the Trump U law suits
  • Trump's corporation has been charged with income tax evasion
  • The Mueller Report found potential charges of "obstruction of justice" which it could not charge because of DOJ policy not to charge a sitting President
  • No American bank will lend to Donald Trump
  • Deutches Banke has severed its relationship with Trump
  • The 2020 Trump Campaign was forced to return more than $122 million dollars it stole from donors after massive fraud claims from one-time donors who found their bank accounts cleaned out
  • No audited financial reports have ever been received from Trump's Inauguration Fund. Over $100 million was raised. Very little was spent.
  • Lev and Igor were both convicted to funneling illegal foreign bribes/donations to the Inauguration Fund
  • Pay for play at the East Coast golf clubs
  • Illegal immigrants employed at several Trump properties
  • Billions missing from the Payroll Protection Plan fund, with no accounting from the office of Budget Management
  • The cost of golf weekends at Mar-a-lago
And that's just off the top of my head.
1) How in the world is tax cuts from the wealthy or for anyone, harming you or any other middle class family

2) it was a hoax, the evidence presented a the trial for her lawyer highlighted it was a hoax...literally her own campaign manager testified that she green lighted taking Russian misinformation they paid for via Michael Steele to the Obama DOJ, knowing it was lies and propaganda.

I am not sure how Trump playing golf at Mar- Largo or any of your list proves there Russian conspiracy was real, or the hoax investigation legit.

It is ironic that prosecutors could convincingly prove a defendant made a false statement to the FBI and yet lose a case because of the FBI’s own machinations. But that is what happened.
Bakers statements about the 2016 meeting made in 2016, conflicted with his statements in 2018 and 2019 about that meeting.
Durham was faced with the contemporaneous statements, conflicted with the carefully constructed statements of events based on 2-3 year old recollections.

Essentially The jury had to decide between the statements Baker originally made, when there was no investigation, against statements coached out of him years later.
Manfort's crimes were committed a decade before Trump ran for office
The crimes of which he was convicted persisted long after that.

... and, such a resumé was irresistible for someone who only picks the "best people," so many of whom the Loser later lashed out at in his repeated tantrumps.

The weird worshipers are in such a tizzy!
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Manfort's crimes were committed a decade before Trump ran for office, and had no connection to Trump, Dumbass.
The crimes of which he was convicted persisted long after that.

... and, such a resumé was irresistible for someone who only picks the "best people," so many of whom the Loser lashed out at in his repeated tantrumps.

The weird worshipers are in such a tizzy!
Nostra needs to explain why the worlds greatest businessman, who only hires the best people, kept hiring crooks, liars, and tax cheats.

All I can say is birds of a feather.
because of Republican tax cuts for the wealthy.

Once again you are a lying sack of shit. Trump's tax cuts were across the board. In fact, the standard deduction which the vast majority of poor and middle class use, was doubled.

You have no clue about ANYTHING regarding the USA.


So STFU about America and go fix your shithole country that locks people up and seizes their property for disagreeing with the government. Third World Banana Republic.

Once again you post no links to support Trumps lies. You have no clue about anything, period. Inside the USA or OUTSIDE.

"So STFU about America and go fix your shithole country that locks people up and seizes their property for disagreeing with the government. Third World Banana Republic."

Again you're lying. These people were locked up and their property seized because they broke the law, and refused to abide by court orders obtained by the citizens of Ottawa, to end their illegal protests.

Canada, which is more than 80% vaccinated, resented these assholes partying all week on their CERB benefits (read "taypayer's dollars"), while keeping working people from sleeping at night. Drunken parties, defacing national monuments, and flying swastikas and Confederate flags doesn't go over well in Canada.

We believe in law and order.
Bakers statements about the 2016 meeting made in 2016, conflicted with his statements in 2018 and 2019 about that meeting.
Durham was faced with the contemporaneous statements, conflicted with the carefully constructed statements of events based on 2-3 year old recollections.

Essentially The jury had to decide between the statements Baker originally made, when there was no investigation, against statements coached out of him years later.

I'm didn't follow the case that closely, but what others are saying is Durham could care less about a guilty verdict. He just wanted to get statements under oath be they true or false. If true, it helps him dig deeper in the case. If false, it's perjury.
Moron, you posted, "probably" lied.

The bar for convincing a jury in a court of law is significantly higher than the bar for convincing the FBI.

Why do you work so hard to show everyone here just how retarded you really are?

From YOUR link:

It is ironic that prosecutors could convincingly prove a defendant made a false statement to the FBI and yet lose a case because of the FBI’s own machinations. But that is what happened.
Bakers statements about the 2016 meeting made in 2016, conflicted with his statements in 2018 and 2019 about that meeting.
Durham was faced with the contemporaneous statements, conflicted with the carefully constructed statements of events based on 2-3 year old recollections.

Essentially The jury had to decide between the statements Baker originally made, when there was no investigation, against statements coached out of him years later.
Yep, because the hack judge refused to allow the text message confirming Sussman lied to the FBI.

Not sure why this is so hard for you to understand............oh you.

I'm didn't follow the case that closely, but what others are saying is Durham could care less about a guilty verdict. He just wanted to get statements under oath be they true or false. If true, it helps him dig deeper in the case. If false, it's perjury.
Durhams problem is that he was up against the 5 year statute of limitations, and had to go with what he could present within that time limit. As far as getting statements under oath, remember, Sussmann didn't testify on his own behalf.

Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann will not testify at FBI trial

So if that was Durhams goal, he failed again.
Nostra needs to explain why the worlds greatest businessman, who only hires the best people, kept hiring crooks, liars, and tax cheats.

All I can say is birds of a feather.
In fairness, let's not forget that the Cry Baby Loser also lashed out viciously at competent folks he had hired but who failed to indulge in the mindless veneration he demanded.
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Durhams problem is that he was up against the 5 year statute of limitations, and had to go with what he could present within that time limit. As far as getting statements under oath, remember, Sussmann didn't testify on his own behalf.

Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann will not testify at FBI trial

So if that was Durhams goal, he failed again.
There was testimony under oath that Hitlery was behind all of it.
Nostra needs to explain why the worlds greatest businessman, who only hires the best people, kept hiring crooks, liars, and tax cheats.

All I can say is birds of a feather.
Nostra needs to explain

No, Nostra doesn't care about your obsession with Trump, and Nostra doesn't jump thru hoops for TDS Afflicted single digit IQ morons.


From YOUR link:

It is ironic that prosecutors could convincingly prove a defendant made a false statement to the FBI and yet lose a case because of the FBI’s own machinations. But that is what happened.

So you still don't understand the bar for convincing a jury in a court of law a defendant is guilty is beyond a reasonable doubt; whereas the bar to convince the FBI is let me tell ya what this guy did
Durhams problem is that he was up against the 5 year statute of limitations
Durham could not contrive any evidence to sustain the Cry Baby Loser's paranoid delusion concerning the FBI.

If there were any, there is no statute of limitations to prevent him releasing it.

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