John Durham Case Update: Jury Finds Michael Sussmann NOT guilty of lying to the FBI

"Best places to live' as identified by the leftwing environment whack standards. Not any real standards of prosperity. And we were greatly prosperous under President Trump. It was the leftwing governors who shut their huge states down that started this whole problem; one that should never have been.

Prosperity for whom??? Canada has the fastest growing middle class in the world, while the American middle class is declining, because of Republican tax cuts for the wealthy.

Your average life expectancy has been declining for the past 6 years, and you have the highest rates of poverty in the first world. You also have few worker protections for low income workers, and the lowest rate of minimum wage in the first world.

Your basic infrastructure is lagging far behind the rest of the First World because your utilities and communications networks aren't being managed or funded by the public sector.

Our economy didn't crater because of the pandemic because we haven't been cutting taxes for rich people. Our infrastructure isn't suffering from 40 years of neglect. Gun crime isn't out of control, and we have universal health care which kept our rate of sickness and death to one third of that in the USA.

The leftwing governors who shut their states down had the lowest rates of disease and death, after the first wave went through, and lower rates of death after their states were vaccinated. Since the nation started getting vaccinated, the disease and death has run unchecked in Red States, and continues to impact their economies.

It was held in the Eastern District of VA, which is a left wing district, because where the crimes took place...which was NOVA, a left wing Mecca.

This trial wasn't about the Clintons....what it did highlight though was she was personally involved with spreading the Russian hoax propaganda campaign against Trump.....half a decade long investigations of Trump, and you all still got nothing, why? Because they were hoax created by Clinton and the DNC.

Dunham tried to make that claim about the Clinton Campaign, but the Russia Investigation was NOT a "hoax" so once again, Republicans make up shit, and then fail to prove their lies are true in Court.

  • What do you mean they have "nothing on Trump". Trump settled the Trump University Fraud investigation for $25 million.
  • Trump's charity was shut down, and Trump has been barred from serving as an officer or a director of any registered charity in New York
  • Trump's was fined for using his charity to make political donations to two states' AG's who subsequently refused to join in the Trump U law suits
  • Trump's corporation has been charged with income tax evasion
  • The Mueller Report found potential charges of "obstruction of justice" which it could not charge because of DOJ policy not to charge a sitting President
  • No American bank will lend to Donald Trump
  • Deutches Banke has severed its relationship with Trump
  • The 2020 Trump Campaign was forced to return more than $122 million dollars it stole from donors after massive fraud claims from one-time donors who found their bank accounts cleaned out
  • No audited financial reports have ever been received from Trump's Inauguration Fund. Over $100 million was raised. Very little was spent.
  • Lev and Igor were both convicted to funneling illegal foreign bribes/donations to the Inauguration Fund
  • Pay for play at the East Coast golf clubs
  • Illegal immigrants employed at several Trump properties
  • Billions missing from the Payroll Protection Plan fund, with no accounting from the office of Budget Management
  • The cost of golf weekends at Mar-a-lago
And that's just off the top of my head.
What have I said that is either racist or unfactual? The fact is, when you allow uneducated ghetto obese partisan colored welfare recipients to decide important matters, whether it be elections, criminal cases, or public policy, you can be 100% certain of bad results.

Everything you've posted so far. Unfactual??? Untrue is the word you're looking for. Everything you've posted is either untrue, racist, or both.

100% of this post is untrue. All of it is based on racist lies promoted by FOX News, and the Republican Party.
Prosperity for whom??? Canada has the fastest growing middle class in the world, while the American middle class is declining, because of Republican tax cuts for the wealthy.

Your average life expectancy has been declining for the past 6 years, and you have the highest rates of poverty in the first world. You also have few worker protections for low income workers, and the lowest rate of minimum wage in the first world.

Your basic infrastructure is lagging far behind the rest of the First World because your utilities and communications networks aren't being managed or funded by the public sector.

Our economy didn't crater because of the pandemic because we haven't been cutting taxes for rich people. Our infrastructure isn't suffering from 40 years of neglect. Gun crime isn't out of control, and we have universal health care which kept our rate of sickness and death to one third of that in the USA.

The leftwing governors who shut their states down had the lowest rates of disease and death, after the first wave went through, and lower rates of death after their states were vaccinated. Since the nation started getting vaccinated, the disease and death has run unchecked in Red States, and continues to impact their economies.

Dunham tried to make that claim about the Clinton Campaign, but the Russia Investigation was NOT a "hoax" so once again, Republicans make up shit, and then fail to prove their lies are true in Court.

  • What do you mean they have "nothing on Trump". Trump settled the Trump University Fraud investigation for $25 million.
  • Trump's charity was shut down, and Trump has been barred from serving as an officer or a director of any registered charity in New York
  • Trump's was fined for using his charity to make political donations to two states' AG's who subsequently refused to join in the Trump U law suits
  • Trump's corporation has been charged with income tax evasion
  • The Mueller Report found potential charges of "obstruction of justice" which it could not charge because of DOJ policy not to charge a sitting President
  • No American bank will lend to Donald Trump
  • Deutches Banke has severed its relationship with Trump
  • The 2020 Trump Campaign was forced to return more than $122 million dollars it stole from donors after massive fraud claims from one-time donors who found their bank accounts cleaned out
  • No audited financial reports have ever been received from Trump's Inauguration Fund. Over $100 million was raised. Very little was spent.
  • Lev and Igor were both convicted to funneling illegal foreign bribes/donations to the Inauguration Fund
  • Pay for play at the East Coast golf clubs
  • Illegal immigrants employed at several Trump properties
  • Billions missing from the Payroll Protection Plan fund, with no accounting from the office of Budget Management
  • The cost of golf weekends at Mar-a-lago
And that's just off the top of my head.
because of Republican tax cuts for the wealthy.

Once again you are a lying sack of shit. Trump's tax cuts were across the board. In fact, the standard deduction which the vast majority of poor and middle class use, was doubled.

You have no clue about ANYTHING regarding the USA.


So STFU about America and go fix your shithole country that locks people up and seizes their property for disagreeing with the government. Third World Banana Republic.
Unbelievable! Based on the instructions to the jury, this is not a surprise ( the judge told the jury that the text message was not admissible). The trial was held in Democrat DC, presided over by a Democrat judge, and decided by a jury of Democrats. The outcome of the was determined before the trail began. Now that he is acquitted the MSM will spin it that all of the related allegations are false.

The public sees this as a miscarriage of justice due to the open bias of the judge and jurors. They are misreading this very badly.

More importantly, Sussman, was operating an office within Perkins-Coie, that the FBI uses, to this day, in conjunction with the Lawyers who just happen to be the lead council for the DNC.. This revelation shows the incestuous nature and involvement of the FBI, who's staff enabled and incited the Jan 6 incident at the capitol.

This now makes sense as to why Pelosi refused re-enforcements, offered by Trump and his administration, and the CHP were told to let the public in. Jan 6 was a false flag operation by the FBI and the DNC. This Trial opened up pandoras box on the information and DNC's incestuous relationship with the FBI.
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Yeah, there was. The judge allowed shrilary donors on the jury. The judge said the primary evidence couldn't be used.


Stop lying. She is a fucking criminal. Just admit it.

You'll be able to sleep at night again.
You're lying. There has been no proof shown in the trial that she ordered Sussemann to go to the FBI. WHY are you lying about that....?

And, even though she did not order it, if she had, IT STILL IS NOT A CRIME.

IF it were a crime, Trump would be in jail for using paid government employees and Rudy Giuliani to find dirt on Joe Biden in the Ukraine, and to threaten the Ukraine president, or to hold back congressional military help, until Velensky did an interview with CNN International, telling them that the Ukraine was reopening an investigation on the Bidens.
So glad justice was served.

I read the whole charge and everything and knew that Durham was just wanting to charge something because he couldn't find anything.

Justice is served.
You do realize that once that happened there was no way he was going to be convicted. Right?

We get it. Laws are for the serfs, but the ruling elite are above the law.

And now we have the xiden admin saying "let them eat cake" as people can't afford fuel and food.

What happened the last time a government was this out of touch with its people?

Can you remind me again?

Moron, it takes a unanimous decision by the jury to acquit. Not everyone on that jury was a Hillary donor.

Your brain doesn't work.
I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed reading through the sobbing, whining, howls of indignation from Trumpleton's. Trying to deal with the incongruity of the lies they believe and the reality of Durham's epic face plant.
But here's the real point I want to make. As Trog notes, Durham's failed witch hunt really is no big deal.......but not for the reason he suggests. The actual reason is that the outcome of the trial has no bearing on whether members of Trump's following will continue to believe the colossal lie Durham's investigation is based on. That is, the trial......and Durham's work to date.......don't show "The trial made the point that Hillary, the Democrats and the FBI are corrupt." They show exactly the opposite. But as always, the truth is completely immaterial to the beliefs of the gullible rubes Trump calls his base.
The Crazy Democrat Cultists lie to themselves everyday about how corrupt the Democrat Party is.
It's one of the things that makes them a cult.
What have I said that is either racist or unfactual? The fact is, when you allow uneducated ghetto obese partisan colored welfare recipients to decide important matters, whether it be elections, criminal cases, or public policy, you can be 100% certain of bad results.
They, like all jury selections, come from being IN a a pool of legal REGISTERED VOTERS.
Yep, the key piece of evidence confirming beyond any doubt Sussman lied to the FBI wasn't allowed in court. That doesn't change the fact he lied to the FBI.

Oh, and there is all this as well. Barry Hussein's FBI ran with information they new was false, and lied about where it came from. So Durham once again exposed the Barry Hussein Regime as the corrupt asshats they were.

The text message before the meeting, coupled with the notes of FBI officials with whom Baker spoke immediately after the meeting, were evidence that Sussmann probably denied during the meeting that he was representing a client.

significant evidence that the FBI knew (a) Sussmann was a top Democratic lawyer, and (b) if he was peddling anti-Trump information just six weeks before Election Day, he was doing so out of partisan motivations.

This was illustrated by the fact that FBI headquarters concealed Sussmann’s identity as the source of the information – i.e., the Internet data conveyed to Baker, which was falsely claimed to prove that then-candidate Donald Trump had established a communications back channel with the Kremlin through servers at Russia’s Alfa Bank. This was deeply frustrating to the Chicago cybercrime agents. Any good investigator wants to know where information comes from; the motivation of the source is often a good barometer of the reliability of information.

In addition, FBI headquarters directed that agents should open a counterintelligence investigation based on the Alfa Bank information, even though the agents had quickly determined there was no validity to the back communications channel claim.

Even worse, the FBI itself inserted a false statement in its investigation-opening documentations, ludicrously asserting that the information about Alfa Bank had come, not from Sussmann, but from the Department of Justice.

It is ironic that prosecutors could convincingly prove a defendant made a false statement to the FBI and yet lose a case because of the FBI’s own machinations. But that is what happened.

Moron, do you even bother to read what you post??

were evidence that Sussmann probably denied during the meeting that he was representing a client.


That's your bar for convicting someone in a court of law?? They probably did it!

You fucking retard, you just proved why he was acquitted and you proved it had nothing to do with a few of the jurors being Hillary donors.


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