John Durham Case Update: Jury Finds Michael Sussmann NOT guilty of lying to the FBI

You make the mistake of assume all the trial will be before a DC jury. I think the next one will be held in Virginia. A VA jury will not be so eager to ignore the facts and violate the law by engaging in jury nullification.

You make another mistake by assment there won't be further indictments.

The clock is ticking, though... It's already been six years... Statue of limitations... that's why Weird Beard Durrrrr-ham had to rush through this abortion of an indictment.

The case against Dashenko is even weaker than the one against Sussmann.
I"M TALKING about the rule of law. I'm talking JUSTICE. I"m talking spying on and then undermining a sitting president using the mediuh and law enforcement agencies that are SUPPOSED To be non partisan and ruled by law AND GETTING AWAY WITH IT!!!


The FIB is nothing but the Gestapo arm of the Democrat party. They deserve no respect.

Um, Justice would have been Trump being removed for his two impeachments.

Here's the thing. The Justice Department/FBI were presented with evidence that a major presidential campaign was collaborating with the Russians, and 17 intelligence agencies concluded the Russians DID interfer in the election of 2016.

How does the FBI NOT look into that?
JoeB131 said:
Um, Justice would have been Trump being removed for his two impeachments.

Here's the thing. The Justice Department/FBI were presented with evidence that a major presidential campaign was collaborating with the Russians, and 17 intelligence agencies concluded the Russians DID interfer in the election of 2016.

How does the FBI NOT look into that?

you guys continually amaze me at how little you know and how much you run your big stupid mouths. Emails and evidence have shown THEY KNEW it was BULLSHYT from the first day. THIS was intended to ruin a presidency and protect hilliary and Obama. you guys. unbelievable how you ignore the latest news. and this isn't even latest. Its been out there for 2 weeks.

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you guys continually amaze me at how little you know and how much you run your big stupid mouths. Emails and evidence have shown THEY KNEW it was BULLSHYT from the first day. THIS was intended to ruin a presidency and protect hilliary and Obama. you guys. unbelievable how you ignore the latest news. and this isn't even latest. Its been out there for 2 weeks.

Pathetic lies. Fooled by idiot blog headlines, posts a bunch of arties he never read.
Um, Justice would have been Trump being removed for his two impeachments.

Here's the thing. The Justice Department/FBI were presented with evidence that a major presidential campaign was collaborating with the Russians, and 17 intelligence agencies concluded the Russians DID interfer in the election of 2016.

How does the FBI NOT look into that?
No, that wouldn't be justice, moron.

They knew it was all a big lie the day after Sussmann approached them with his "evidence."
you guys continually amaze me at how little you know and how much you run your big stupid mouths. Emails and evidence have shown THEY KNEW it was BULLSHYT from the first day. THIS was intended to ruin a presidency and protect hilliary and Obama. you guys. unbelievable how you ignore the latest news. and this isn't even latest. Its been out there for 2 weeks.
The problem with you contention is that some of the info in the Steele Dossier was inaccurate.
Some of it was right on the money.

So the FBI should have ignored serious questions about Trump's connections with Alfa Bank because there was a dubious story about Pee Hookers?

No, that wouldn't be justice, moron.

They knew it was all a big lie the day after Sussmann approached them with his "evidence."

Then what was the harm, exactly? This story DIDN'T make it into the press.

Seems to me MORE harm would have been done if the FBI didn't investigate it and it just got out there in the press.
you guys continually amaze me at how little you know and how much you run your big stupid mouths. Emails and evidence have shown THEY KNEW it was BULLSHYT from the first day. THIS was intended to ruin a presidency and protect hilliary and Obama. you guys. unbelievable how you ignore the latest news. and this isn't even latest. Its been out there for 2 weeks.

No wonder you're so completely misinformed, and don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. There isn't a single legitimate source in any of your links:

The problem with you contention is that some of the info in the Steele Dossier was inaccurate.
Some of it was right on the money.
It was all totally false. The FBI admitted that.

So the FBI should have ignored serious questions about Trump's connections with Alfa Bank because there was a dubious story about Pee Hookers?
There were no "serious questions." It was a scam concocted by Hillary. Don't you read the news, moron?

Then what was the harm, exactly? This story DIDN'T make it into the press.

Seems to me MORE harm would have been done if the FBI didn't investigate it and it just got out there in the press.

The harm was that the Trump presidency was put on hold for 2 1/2 years while this so-called "investigation" droned on, dumbfuck.
It was all totally false. The FBI admitted that.

There were no "serious questions." It was a scam concocted by Hillary. Don't you read the news, moron?

The harm was that the Trump presidency was put on hold for 2 1/2 years while this so-called "investigation" droned on, dumbfuck.

The FBI admitted no such thing. Most of the information contained was verified.

There were a lot of questions and the Mueller Report answered most of them. Too bad you didn't read it, and just believe the lies Trump told you.

Total bullshit. Trump did nothing the first year but hire and fire people. He did little throughout his Presidency but pursue his "enemies".
Unbelievable! Based on the instructions to the jury, this is not a surprise ( the judge told the jury that the text message was not admissible). The trial was held in Democrat DC, presided over by a Democrat judge, and decided by a jury of Democrats. The outcome of the was determined before the trail began. Now that he is acquitted the MSM will spin it that all of the related allegations are false.

The public sees this as a miscarriage of justice due to the open bias of the judge and jurors. They are misreading this very badly.

More importantly, Sussman, was operating an office within Perkins-Coie, that the FBI uses, to this day, in conjunction with the Lawyers who just happen to be the lead council for the DNC.. This revelation shows the incestuous nature and involvement of the FBI, who's staff enabled and incited the Jan 6 incident at the capitol.

This now makes sense as to why Pelosi refused re-enforcements, offered by Trump and his administration, and the CHP were told to let the public in. Jan 6 was a false flag operation by the FBI and the DNC. This Trial opened up pandoras box on the information and DNC's incestuous relationship with the FBI.

The "public" saw the charge as a "miscarriage of justice". Dunham spent 4 years combing through every government record there was and THIS was all he could come up with??? This was just as shameful as Barr's pursuit of Andrew McCabe after Trump fired him hours before he would have retired with a full pension.

There is nothing so unseemly as a very rich man taking away the pension of a man who served his country faithfully all of his life - just because he can. Barr tried 3 times to indict McCabe and the Grand Jury refused to indict.
It was all totally false. The FBI admitted that.

No, they really didn't. IN fact, the FBI stopped investigating allegations in the Steele Dossier after 2017, when Mueller took over the investigation.

There were no "serious questions." It was a scam concocted by Hillary. Don't you read the news, moron?

I've read the news. I don't read the crazy sites you guys do with "Alternative Facts".

The harm was that the Trump presidency was put on hold for 2 1/2 years while this so-called "investigation" droned on, dumbfuck.

Clinton had to deal with the Starr Investigation for seven years. He still managed to get things done.
The FBI admitted no such thing. Most of the information contained was verified.
Do you ever stop lying?

New docs show FBI already knew Flynn and Trump weren’t part of any 'Russian collusion'
There were a lot of questions and the Mueller Report answered most of them. Too bad you didn't read it, and just believe the lies Trump told you.
The Mueller repot was a pile of lies.

Total bullshit. Trump did nothing the first year but hire and fire people. He did little throughout his Presidency but pursue his "enemies".

Talk about bullshit.
because of Republican tax cuts for the wealthy.

Once again you are a lying sack of shit. Trump's tax cuts were across the board. In fact, the standard deduction which the vast majority of poor and middle class use, was doubled.

You have no clue about ANYTHING regarding the USA.


So STFU about America and go fix your shithole country that locks people up and seizes their property for disagreeing with the government. Third World Banana Republic.

His tax cuts were NOT "across the board". The wealthy got much much more than anyone else. The working class got crumbs. But once again you choose to post Republican lies instead of facts, and call people who post fact, "liars". Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

You refusal to face reality is why you're a FuckBoi. The fact that you're still here posting all day long proves you have no job and no interest in getting one. You project your own ignorance of life in the USA onto others.

And last but not least, you prove your total idiocy by attacking a country YOU know nothing about.

Willfully ignorant, uninformed and lacking in any kind of intellectual curiosity, you lash out calling everyone a "liar". That's because you lie and think other people are just as dishonest as you are.
Do you ever stop lying?

New docs show FBI already knew Flynn and Trump weren’t part of any 'Russian collusion'

The Mueller repot was a pile of lies.

Talk about bullshit.

Nothing you've posted in true. There are no "new docs" which prove anything of the kind. Flynn was in the pay of the Turkish Government, and had accepted a payment from the Russian government within months of leaving the military. He had failed to register as an "agent of a foreign government" with regard to his dealings with Turkey, and the US military has a rule about retired officers taking money from foreign governments within 2 years of retirement.

Last but not least, as a high ranking government official, Flynn had to have known that the FBI would be listening to the Russian Ambassador's phone calls, and that lying to the FBI is illegal. Only a complete fool would be lying to the FBI about that phone call, and Flynn has proven over and over again, he is just that stupid.

It is my sincere hope that Flynn faces more charges for his role in the January 6th Insurrection conspiracy, and gets significant jail time. He is a treasonous snake who needs to be jailed for his betrayal of his country. He got off the first time when Trump pardoned him, and then he turned around and tried to overthrow the government. What a tool! Strip of his commission while you're at it.

Calling the Mueller Report "bullshit" proves your stupidity and ignorance.
Fucking moron, that was a "conclusion" that Flynn was not colluding with Russia. Flynn was never accused of colluding with Russia. Flynn wasn't even attached to Trump's campaign. After winning the election, Trump tapped him into being his National Security Advisor.
The only excuse the FBI had for visiting him was because they supposedly had evidence that he was colluding with Russia, you fucking dumbass.
The clock is ticking, though... It's already been six years... Statue of limitations... that's why Weird Beard Durrrrr-ham had to rush through this abortion of an indictment.

The case against Dashenko is even weaker than the one against Sussmann.

Statue of limitations...


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