John Durham Case Update: Jury Finds Michael Sussmann NOT guilty of lying to the FBI

Sure ya did. You presented no proof to back your claim that Sussmann billed Hillary at the exact time he met with the FBI.

Nope. I conceded nothing to your stupid ass.

Your delusions are cute.

Grow a brain.
Nope. I conceded nothing to your stupid ass.

Your delusions are cute.

Grow a brain.


Nothing you say can turn your bullshit into reality. You still have no proof to back your claim that Sussmann billed Hillary at the exact same time he met with the FBI. Your own links destroyed you. I just sat back and watched and laughed as you posted one link saying the defense countered that claim by pointing out Sussmann billed Perkins Coie, not Hillary; and then another link saying the billing wasn't clear.


Nothing you say can turn your bullshit into reality. You still have no proof to back your claim that Sussmann billed Hillary at the exact same time he met with the FBI. Your own links destroyed you. I just sat back and watched and laughed as you posted one link saying the defense countered that claim by pointing out Sussmann billed Perkins Coie, not Hillary; and then another link saying the billing wasn't clear.

Unlike you, I have provided links to support my positions

Your refusal to accept reality isn't my problem, Window licker. :dance: :itsok: :auiqs.jpg: :banana::laugh2:
You were already like that. You are of low ethical character.

That's why you so freely assume 8 jurors you never met are of as low ethical character as you are.

You are abnormal, and they are not bottom of the barrel ethically, like you. The vast majority of people aren't.
WE know they are democrats. That's enough.
So you agree that lying to the FBI is a felony. Now explain why Sussmann shouldn't go to prison for the same crime.

Well, to start with, General Mayhem admitted he did it. He admitted he did it to avoid prosecution on other things he and his son did, with the expectation that he'd rat out Trump. Then Trump offered him a pardon to keep his mouth shut.

If you want a better analog to Sussmann, it would be Scooter Libby, who was convicted of not remembering a conversation the same way Tim Russert did. And I thought that was an abuse of the justice system.

You and your sleazy cohorts all hooted for Flynn to go to prison.

Who are you trying to fool?

Um, yeah, because Flynn sold out this country to foreign interests. That's why we think Flynn should have gone to jail.

That's right, you supported people going to prison for process crimes. No explain why Sussman's case is different.

Um, Flynn confessed... to a lot more things than he was actually charged with, and got a sweetheart deal.

You prog morons are unbelievable. When Republicans complain about an injustice being done to them, you shout and holler about how it's totally justified. Then when you one of your heroes is wriggling on the same hook, you call Republicans hypocrites for demanding the same treatment. You aren't even capable of understanding why you're the hypocrites, not Republicans. Demand equal treatment for both cases is not hypocritical. That's called justice, you fucking moron.

Oh, please. BOTH sides are guilty of this. I thought the abuses of Fitzgerald and Walsh were just as bad as the ones by Ken Starr and Durrham. It's both sides trying to achieve in the courts what they can't achieve at the ballot box. And it doesn't work! Not since Nixon, anyway, and only because that guy was dumb enough to record himself committing crimes.
okay...who changed the definition of lie.

Nobody did.

Durrrrrrham failed to make his case.

He claimed that Sussman was acting on behalf of Hillary. The evidence showed that he was probably acting in opposition to Hillary's wishes. Hillary wanted to get this story out there. The FBI investigating it actually prevented it from getting out in the public domain before the election.
no. DC jury, clinton supporters on jury, obama appointed judge and the usual, lawlessness of DC in general. Put a damn fence around that God forsaken place and don't let them out.
no. DC jury, clinton supporters on jury, obama appointed judge and the usual, lawlessness of DC in general. Put a damn fence around that God forsaken place and don't let them out.

If I were dragged into a jury to decide what the content of a conversation was... I'd be pretty pissed off.
No one cares about your mental malfunction, dumbass.

Well, no, but the mindset of the jury should bother you.

Durrrr-ham spent years building up this HUGE CONSPIRACY to try to frame Trump for Russian collusion, and all he came up with after it was all said and done was did Sussman claim he was acting on his own when he provided the FBI with information on something THEY WERE ALREADY INVESTIGATING.

These jurors looked at each other, and wondered why there was three weeks of their lives they weren't going to get back having to listen to this nonsense.
Well, no, but the mindset of the jury should bother you.

Durrrr-ham spent years building up this HUGE CONSPIRACY to try to frame Trump for Russian collusion, and all he came up with after it was all said and done was did Sussman claim he was acting on his own when he provided the FBI with information on something THEY WERE ALREADY INVESTIGATING.

These jurors looked at each other, and wondered why there was three weeks of their lives they weren't going to get back having to listen to this nonsense.
We’ll at least they got lunch money
Well, no, but the mindset of the jury should bother you.

Durrrr-ham spent years building up this HUGE CONSPIRACY to try to frame Trump for Russian collusion, and all he came up with after it was all said and done was did Sussman claim he was acting on his own when he provided the FBI with information on something THEY WERE ALREADY INVESTIGATING.

These jurors looked at each other, and wondered why there was three weeks of their lives they weren't going to get back having to listen to this nonsense.
no, that isn't all he came up with, dumbass. He has a lot more targets in his sights.. Durham new he was going to lose the Sussmann case. He did it to get certain testimony on the record under oath. The malefactors won't be able to lie their way out of their crimes.
If no one pays for what hilliary and Obama did to a candidate for presidency and THEN THE President of the US then this country is done. THe Rule of Law will be done. Now maybe the left would like that....but in the long run they will suffer as much as any of us.
no, that isn't all he came up with, dumbass. He has a lot more targets in his sights.. Durham new he was going to lose the Sussmann case. He did it to get certain testimony on the record under oath. The malefactors won't be able to lie their way out of their crimes.

Wow, you have a healthy fantasy life. If they can't get Sussman, they certainly aren't going to get anyone else.

The only reason why he brought charges against Sussmann was because the Statue of Limitations was about to run out.

The only other indictment he has is Igor Danchenko, who is charged with making false claims about his sources to the FBI. He didn't even work for Hillary directly.
If no one pays for what hilliary and Obama did to a candidate for presidency and THEN THE President of the US then this country is done. THe Rule of Law will be done. Now maybe the left would like that....but in the long run they will suffer as much as any of us.

Histrionics much?

Let's go after anyone who claimed Obama wasn't born in this country, then.
Or the people who claimed Dubya Bush dodged the draft
Or that Bill Clinton was involved in drug smuggling at the Mena Airport.
Or that Ronald Reagan was involved in smuggling drugs into the inner cities to finance the contras.

Every president in history has been subject to salacious rumors with a grain of truth to them.
Wow, you have a healthy fantasy life. If they can't get Sussman, they certainly aren't going to get anyone else.

The only reason why he brought charges against Sussmann was because the Statue of Limitations was about to run out.

The only other indictment he has is Igor Danchenko, who is charged with making false claims about his sources to the FBI. He didn't even work for Hillary directly.

You make the mistake of assume all the trial will be before a DC jury. I think the next one will be held in Virginia. A VA jury will not be so eager to ignore the facts and violate the law by engaging in jury nullification.

You make another mistake by assment there won't be further indictments.
joel said:
Histrionics much?

I"M TALKING about the rule of law. I'm talking JUSTICE. I"m talking spying on and then undermining a sitting president using the mediuh and law enforcement agencies that are SUPPOSED To be non partisan and ruled by law AND GETTING AWAY WITH IT!!!


The FIB is nothing but the Gestapo arm of the Democrat party. They deserve no respect.
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