John Durham Case Update: Jury Finds Michael Sussmann NOT guilty of lying to the FBI


Remember how you squealed for years that Flynn's charge was just a pathetic, tiny "process crime"? You know, the crime to which he formally admitted guilt three times.

I remember.

Now here you are, having to watch your cult high priests fall on their faces , unable even to secure a pedantic conviction for a "mere" process crime, after years of "work".

That has to hit ya right in the feelz, crybaby.
So? You were happy to prosecute Republicans for supposedly lying to the FBI, but now you want to give Democrats a get-out-of-jail free card? You are the assholes who always want to prosecute people for process crimes, not us. Now it's time for you to take your medicine.
So? You were happy to prosecute Republicans for supposedly lying to the FBI, but now you want to give Democrats a get-out-of-jail free card? You are the assholes who always want to prosecute people for process crimes, not us. Now it's time for you to take your medicine.
What bizarre crybabying.

I didn't charge Flynn. I didn't force Flynn to commit a felony, or to formally admit guilt 3 times.

I didn't fall on my face on the national stage, losing the "process crime" case that appears to be the sum total of years of apparently drinking margaritas and playing Angry Birds on the taxpayer dime. Durham did.

Maybe go whine to him, whiner.
New rules:

When I get on a jury, I will acquit any person who is like minded politically and vote guilty for any person who I dont like.

Apparently it is ok to do and then brag about it in public.
Not Guilty! Not Guilty! Not Guilty! :heehee:

Sucks for rightards.
What bizarre crybabying.

I didn't charge Flynn. I didn't force Flynn to commit a felony, or to formally admit guilt 3 times.
So you agree that lying to the FBI is a felony. Now explain why Sussmann shouldn't go to prison for the same crime.

You and your sleazy cohorts all hooted for Flynn to go to prison.

Who are you trying to fool?

I didn't fall on my face on the national stage, losing the "process crime" case that appears to be the sum total of years of apparently drinking margaritas and playing Angry Birds on the taxpayer dime. Durham did.

Maybe go whine to him, whiner.

That's right, you supported people going to prison for process crimes. No explain why Sussman's case is different.

You prog morons are unbelievable. When Republicans complain about an injustice being done to them, you shout and holler about how it's totally justified. Then when you one of your heroes is wriggling on the same hook, you call Republicans hypocrites for demanding the same treatment. You aren't even capable of understanding why you're the hypocrites, not Republicans. Demand equal treatment for both cases is not hypocritical. That's called justice, you fucking moron.
New rules:

When I get on a jury, I will acquit any person who is like minded politically and vote guilty for any person who I dont like.

Apparently it is ok to do and then brag about it in public.
It's actually a crime.
He sure as hell did admit it. No, he didn't say that

allow me to quote:

"“I don’t think it should have been prosecuted. There are bigger things that affect the nation than a possible lie to the FBI.”"

He said nothing about the evidence.

Progs are always wrong. It's not their job to judge the importance of the case.
Funny how all of a sudden it’s okay to lie to the FBI. These moronic jurors just opened a big can of worms. They essentially admitted they KNEW Sussman was guilty as charged, yet decided on their own that the case shouldn’t have been brought. As you’ve said, that’s not their decision to make. But some bigger fish are on the block later this year.
And there's no crime in spreading lies about Trump, but it is a crime to lie to the FBI. And as you probably noticed, Durham never even charged that the ACTUAL INFORMATION SUSSMAN PROVIDED TO BAKER WAS UNTRUE.... he came up with zilch.

So as the statute of limitations was running out, Durham filed the charge that Durham allegedly lied to Baker in an FBI meeting about who he was representing. Some evidence tended to prove that (including the prior email) but other evidence including Baker's own records and statements tended to show Sussman had not lied. So, as should happen in a criminal trial when the evidence is in conflict as to guilt, Sussman was acquitted.

And Durham looks a fool, and Barr and the Trumpmedia are scrambling to find ... something, anything.

But everyone who paid attention knows, there were steady media links by folks with ties to Hillary and Obama alleging links between Trump and Russia. THAT'S NOT ILLEGAL. It wasn't illegal for Trump to say Hillary should be in jail .... for all kinds supposed crimes. It should have been sedition for Trump to continue publishing false claims that the sitting president, Obama, wasn't an American .... but in America, presidents OTHER THAN TRUMP have a pair of balls, and don't get their panties in wads when other pols jam them up ... as he regularly jammed up anyone who offended his HUMONGOUSly fragile ego.

And Mueller's report showed the evidence of Russia helping Trump's campaign.
You know you look really, really stupid spouting that bullshit. Sorry loser, Mueller showed nothing of the sort. Hence no chatges, and Mule-er run off in shame like the crooked fuck he has always been. So you now say it’s okay to lie to the FBI, but then cry like a bitch about Trump. Showing you have no balls, just go along with your Dim masters lies. Intelligent people (leaving idiots like you and Joe out) see that Sussman was guilty as sin. The jurors even admitted it. They just ignored it.
New rules:

When I get on a jury, I will acquit any person who is like minded politically and vote guilty for any person who I dont like.

Apparently it is ok to do and then brag about it in public.
You were already like that. You are of low ethical character.

That's why you so freely assume 8 jurors you never met are of as low ethical character as you are.

You are abnormal, and they are not bottom of the barrel ethically, like you. The vast majority of people aren't.
You were already like that. You are of low ethical character.

That's why you so freely assume 8 jurors you never met are of as low ethical character as you are.

You are abnormal, and they are not bottom of the barrel ethically, like you. The vast majority of people aren't.
The jurors ADMITTED they did that. I know it makes you cry when your bullshit is revealed to the public at large and you’re shown to be underneath the bottom of the barrel for integrity or honesty.

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