John Durham Case Update: Jury Finds Michael Sussmann NOT guilty of lying to the FBI

Do you mean the story that Donald Trump made up that Hillary Clinton

LOL, what a mindless wench. Hillary was nailed for starting the lie that Russia pwned Trump, but you still believe the propaganda. Unfucking believable. Canadians, can't kill em ...
The Russians are STILL saying that they own Trump

And one thing we know is the Russians don't lie, LOL. You can't provide proof of the shit you make up to save your life, huh? So now your story is that Hillary made up an accusation that was true, huh?

Drink up, Lush! It's the weekend!
And one thing we know is the Russians don't lie, LOL. You can't provide proof of the shit you make up to save your life, huh? So now your story is that Hillary made up an accusation that was true, huh?

Drink up, Lush! It's the weekend!'re quite the douche.

Hillary wasn't the source of the Russia story. The FBI caught wind of a Trump toady bragging about it.

Would you like a link to Russian state TV saying they're not sure if they want to get Trump elected AGAIN?'re quite the douche.

Hillary wasn't the source of the Russia story. The FBI caught wind of a Trump toady bragging about it.

Would you like a link to Russian state TV saying they're not sure if they want to get Trump elected AGAIN?

You watch CNN, don't you commie racist?

You obviously haven't been following the news, you're just watching leftist political theater, Lush the racist
You actually don't know that I'm referring to, do you? That's why I asked if you watch CNN. Obviously you do
If you can't articulate your point that's on you...and it happens with you often
What related allegations????? Do you mean the story that Donald Trump made up that Hillary Clinton, the Obama White House and the FBI were all spying on his campaign?
Idiot, are you completely out of contact with reality? That spying has been positively absolutely confirmed.

What happened to all of the charges Dunham was going to file against Clinton, Obama and Biden?????
Good question. Why do charges against democrats always just "go away" while republicans are repeatedly nailed to the cross for every little thing right down to things they haven't even done?

Democrats wait until Republicans commit a crime before they investigate.
That has got to be the biggest steaming load of crap I've ever read here! I mean, it takes the investigation FIRST in order to gather the evidence to even KNOW there was a crime! :lmao:

Republicans always oblige by being dishonest and corrupt. That's who they are.
And democrats are just sweet bundles of innocence and virtue, right, Hon?! :auiqs.jpg: Give us a fricking break.
LOL, what a mindless wench. Hillary was nailed for starting the lie that Russia pwned Trump, but you still believe the propaganda. Unfucking believable. Canadians, can't kill em ...

Hillary was nailed???? I must have missed that report. Can you tell me who wrote it????

You are the dumbest, most gullible poster here!
You really are that gullible and stupid, aren't you???? Yes, critical parts of the dossier were verified. Why do you think Trump is still so bat shit crazy over it???? He wouldn't have cared if it wasn't true.
Jesus...someone STILL trying to claim that the dossiers were real? Are you determined to show just how naive you are, Dragonlady? Trump is pissed about it because it was always a sleazy smear job paid for by the Clinton Campaign! What part of that can't you wrap your little head around?
Jesus...someone STILL trying to claim that the dossiers were real? Are you determined to show just how naive you are, Dragonlady? Trump is pissed about it because it was always a sleazy smear job paid for by the Clinton Campaign! What part of that can't you wrap your little head around?

I can't believe anyone believes anything Donald Trump told them about that dossier. Try reading the unbiased reports, ie. anything NOT written by the billionaire owned right wing media.
I can't believe anyone believes anything Donald Trump told them about that dossier. Try reading the unbiased reports, ie. anything NOT written by the billionaire owned right wing media.
To begin's DOSSIERS not dossier! Hillary Clinton's campaign paid for a series of them to be released right before the election to smear Donald Trump. Do you really not know that the whole sordid mess has been exposed? It was made up CRAP and you ate it up with a spoon!
Hillary Clinton's campaign paid for a series of them to be released right before the election to smear Donald Trump.
There's no evidence that Hillary had ANYTHING to do with them other than her campaign hiring the company that employed Steele.

And oh yea...they weren't released "right before the election" Unless you think the election was held in January of 2017
Hillary was nailed???? I must have missed that report. Can you tell me who wrote it????

LOL, CNN viewers are just sad. So you don't know where I got that Hillary was behind the lie that Russia owned Trump. You have no idea where I got that. Sad. OK, you really are a brain fart and a racist. Just pathetic

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