John Durham...Just Another Swamp Creature


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever be a reality.

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappear. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

Told ya. And it wasn't because he was afraid of backlash. It was the fact that in order for charges to be brought, evidence would have to be manufactured....and no career prosecutor is going to put his career on the line for DJT. And the fact that nothing wrong was done. I figured it would end quietly (just like the FISA investigation) and it did.
John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

Wow...that didn't take long.
These Trumpers just can’t comprehend that in the USA we don’t manufacture evidence to prosecute our political opponents as much as they hope Trump would. If there is no evidence, charges are dropped. The OP should move to Belarus, they prosecute political opponents on trumped up charges all the time.
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John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

Everyone is free to speculate

but the Deep State is known to be a dangerous enemy
John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

Everyone is free to speculate

but the Deep State is known to be a dangerous enemy

Sorry. Trump and his unhinged supporters are the only enemies. In fact, they've become cancers.
Even Nixon didn't weaponize the DOJ like Trump and Barr did.
John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

Indeed. I suspected this when he delayed releasing any findings. Just another gutless swamp slime.
John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

Everyone is free to speculate

but the Deep State is known to be a dangerous enemy

Sorry. Trump and his unhinged supporters are the only enemies. In fact, they've become cancers.
Even Nixon didn't weaponize the DOJ like Trump and Barr did.
You are speaking of obama not trump
John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

Wow...that didn't take long.
Yeah, you think they wait a month or two to at least make it look like it wasn't a partisan witch hunt.
John Durham and Bill Barr are not swamp creatures. You gotta understand; you do not indict somebody unless you have sufficient evidence to convict somebody of an illegal act, meaning a law was broken. The swamp rats do that, like they did to Michael Flynn. Honest people do not.
John Durham is a gutless coward. After spending TAXPAYER dollars for an investigation of corruption, he's pulling the plug WITHOUT ANY REPORTING!

He's afraid of backlash from a CORRUPT BIDEN ADMINISTRATION that may not ever become a reality. So far, only the MSM and the DNC have created the "Office of President Elect". These people are IDIOTS!

Durham should be fired without retirement pay. Bill Barr should be fired without retirement pay. Both of them are doing nothing more than protecting other swamp creatures in the DOJ.

We should demand to see what he's found before he disappears. I recall his efforts being turned into a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

With all that money he pissed away, we deserve to see some results.

Or maybe because there is nothing there. The same old song and dance. If things don't go your way, it is the swamp. You cannot prosecute4 with no evidence.
NOT WITH A BANG, BUT A WHIMPER. Report: Durham Investigation Closing Down Without Indictments, Scared of Biden Blowback.

Any hope that figures like John Brennan, James Comey, and Andrew McCabe would pay a price for their illegal FISA warrants, lying, and targeting of Donald Trump rested on Durham doing his job. “Trust the plan” became a mantra among some on the right, with the idea being that the hammer was always just around the corner.

Unfortunately, it appears Durham successfully ran out the clock. What many have suspected for a long time appears to be true, namely that no one will be held accountable for the corruption of the Trump-Russia investigation. The Federalist, who has covered this saga better than any other news outlet out there, is now reporting that Durham is looking to close up shop, fearing that an incoming Biden administration will retaliate.

Keep in mind that Durham had a near open and shut case against Andrew McCabe, who had admitted multiple times to having lied to the FBI. Instead of pursing that, the DOJ decided not to prosecute. They also failed to act on a criminal referral of James Comey. In the end, the bureaucracy made sure to protect the bureaucracy. This was always about saving face for these agencies, not actually seeking justice.

For many of us this isn’t a surprise, though there was perhaps some twinkle of hope that things would shift.

Worse, it appears that none of this is happening because Durham didn’t find anything. According to Sean Davis, he has enough to file multiple charges but appears to just be sitting on the evidence instead.

A separate source who has seen the evidence compiled during the course of Durham's investigation told @FDRLST this afternoon that there's "more than enough evidence to indict multiple" involved in the Russian collusion hoax operation to take down Trump.

The idea that so many people could have touched that illegal FISA warrant of Carter Page, yet no one did anything illegal, never made a bit of sense. Durham has the goods and has likely had the goods for many months. But this is how business is done in Washington D.C. It doesn’t matter how corrupt something is, these agencies cover for each other. No one ever pays for what they do, and the game continues. A possible Joe Biden administration is just a green light to return to the way things always were. It’s one of the worst aspects of Trump losing this election, if he does indeed lose it after the electors vote in December.

So what have we learned? Even with a dream pick for President, the President alone is not capable of bringing the Federal Bureaucracies back under the authority of We The People. To do that we need also need the Legislatures.

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