John Kerry's wife in hospital

You know, I understand that for some their partisan beliefs are strong and be overwhelming. Some of you folks are very passionate, I get it, I see it from both sides of the aisle. That's fine, but does that mean you lose your humanity? Yeah, she wouldn't blink an eye if it happened to you, but you're not exactly in the public forum now are you?

I don't know... What ever happened to "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all?"
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As do we all I am sure.

oooooh !! and just what makes you so sure ??

Because I am an erstwhile optimist who finds that lost optimism seeping back in from time to time. I'd like to think that, despite our political differences, a little humanity remains in all of us. I'd like to think that those of us who are married, or have significant others, understand what John Kerry is going through.

I know I do. I know what it feels like when a wife collapses for no apparent reason. I know what it feels like to not know whether or not my wife is coming home after being rushed to the hospital. It is scary as hell.

So, while I may not agree with John Kerry politically, I certainly am able to identify with what he is going through and I hope all of us can. It may take a moment of reflection on the part of some...

Perhaps it was presumptuous on my part to say we all wish Mr. & Mrs. Kerry well, but it was better than starting a countdown to dickish partisan commentary...

well said.

its bad juju to wish true harm on another, if someone really thinks they know her well enough to 'hate' or 'despise' her to the point you'd wish her harm, truly, well, the wheel of Karma turns......:eusa_hand:
You know, I understand that for some their partisan beliefs are strong and be overwhelming. Some of you folks are very passionate, I get it, I see it from both sides of the aisle. That's fine, but does that mean you lose your humanity? Yeah, she wouldn't blink an eye if it happened to you, but you're not exactly in the public forum now are you?

I don't know... What ever happened to "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all?"
Agreed, she probably wouldn't care if it happened to me or my wife...but that's no reason for me not to be a compassionate human being.

"Nature, Mr. Allnut, is what we are put on this Earth to rise above."

-- Rose Thayer, The African Queen

Don't let other people dictate your actions.
You know, I understand that for some their partisan beliefs are strong and be overwhelming. Some of you folks are very passionate, I get it, I see it from both sides of the aisle. That's fine, but does that mean you lose your humanity? Yeah, she wouldn't blink an eye if it happened to you, but you're not exactly in the public forum now are you?

I don't know... What ever happened to "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all?"

I thought about saying nothing. Then I thought about saying what I really think of the two of them. So I decided on something in-between. Diplomacy ain't really my long suit...I'm the kind of guy you call in when talking didn't get ya anywhere. All in all, I think I did okay on this one. :eusa_angel:
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It's been hotter than hells blast furnace here in New England the last couple of days. She's not a spring chicken, and if she didn't keep hydrated properly that would put stress on her body. Hope she's better soon.

BTW Best Ketchup on the planet:up: that stuffs considered a vegetable in my house.

Prefer Hunt's ketchup myself.

Me too, Hunt's or Del Monte, and I don't give a damn about the Heinz lady either... as I'm pretty sure she doesn't give a damn about me.

I'm sure she doesn't care about me either but I still don't want her to be sick.
Heinz Kerry was born in Mozambique to a doctor, learned to speak five languages and became an interpreter for the United Nations. After her first husband's death, she became a philanthropist and backed numerous environmental causes through the Heinz family foundation.

During the 2004 presidential campaign, the outspoken Heinz Kerry was thrust into the spotlight as her husband ran for the Democratic nomination and became the party's standard bearer. She became a Democrat after the 2002 elections, to protest GOP attacks on Democratic Sen. Max Cleland of Georgia.

Teresa Heinz Kerry's condition upgraded to 'fair'
Heinz Kerry was born in Mozambique to a doctor, learned to speak five languages and became an interpreter for the United Nations. After her first husband's death, she became a philanthropist and backed numerous environmental causes through the Heinz family foundation.

During the 2004 presidential campaign, the outspoken Heinz Kerry was thrust into the spotlight as her husband ran for the Democratic nomination and became the party's standard bearer. She became a Democrat after the 2002 elections, to protest GOP attacks on Democratic Sen. Max Cleland of Georgia.

Teresa Heinz Kerry's condition upgraded to 'fair'

Why are you acting like she is dead?
Heinz Kerry was born in Mozambique to a doctor, learned to speak five languages and became an interpreter for the United Nations. After her first husband's death, she became a philanthropist and backed numerous environmental causes through the Heinz family foundation.

During the 2004 presidential campaign, the outspoken Heinz Kerry was thrust into the spotlight as her husband ran for the Democratic nomination and became the party's standard bearer. She became a Democrat after the 2002 elections, to protest GOP attacks on Democratic Sen. Max Cleland of Georgia.

Teresa Heinz Kerry's condition upgraded to 'fair'

I'd stack her life so far against Katzdogz.....

May she heal.
Cons vote to support the rich, unless they happen to be Democratic.
Do they all think they'll be rich someday?
Cons vote to support the rich, unless they happen to be Democratic.
Do they all think they'll be rich someday?

Conservatives support anybody, not just the rich and not just the rich who are not Democratics.

So, the first premise is a lie.

And one need not imagine that he or she will someday be rich in order for it to be reasonable, objective, rational and fair to "support" those who are rich.

As Junky's posts once again shows, the liberals spout mindless crap as long as the premise is ALWAYS one of divide divide divide.

It's ths same kind of crap we see and hear from the idiot Occupy Wall Street douche bags. "The 99%" VERSUS the 1%.

Fucking idiots like the OWS shit-for-brains and so-called "liberals" imagine that they have some actual moral, legal or ethical claim to the wealth of others.
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Cons vote to support the rich, unless they happen to be Democratic.
Do they all think they'll be rich someday?

Doesn't everyone?

It is the idea of being better off, being "rich" that leads to success.

I know I work hard and make every effort to better myself in my chosen field so that I can advance and make more...

To do anything less is a disservice to yourself and your employer.
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My baseball coach used to tell us to rub some dirt on it and walk it off....

I wonder if they've tried that with her?
Doctors Rule Out Heart Attack, Stroke, Brain Tumor For John Kerry’s Wife

but still they are not saying the cause.... I don't understand all the secrecy. all the mystery....why?

Doctors Rule Out Heart Attack, Stroke, Brain Tumor For John Kerry?s Wife « CBS Boston

Because, I think, when you are over 70 you don't have to die OF something; you get to just die, without anything or anyone getting blamed.

She's 74, she's entitled, and doesn't have to make excuses to anyone about it.

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