John Lewis at Edmund Pettis Bridge...He Got Pushed Down

Civil Rights icon and professional big mouth Congressmen John Lewis likes to tout how his "saw death" coming toward him and that he was "beaten" at the Edmund Pettis bridge. Watch the footage. He got pushed down. Oh my! The horror of it all! Also, contrary to what the narrator said, the nation did not watch in shocked horror. The vast majority were in favor of law and order and the marchers were doing this without a permit in violation of the law. They were asked nicely to disperse. They did not.

But they had nicely asked if they could register to vote

It was so noted. They were asked to go back to Church. Voting Rights Act was being put into place. They just wanted to pander for the camera's. Have to remember SCLC, SNCC,CORE, NAACP, Black Muslims were all in competition to be the lead element of Civil Rights Movement.

Please sir......I'd like to vote

Give him the club

Act was being implemented. They just wanted to stir shit.

You have it wrong

It was Selma that got the act passed.....nobody dared vote against it

Thanks to Patriot John Lewis
Lewis has now relegated himself to illegitimacy.

Lewis is a legit American Patriot

It is Trump who is illegitimate.....unless you want a Russian Patriot

Wrong. He lost that when he started bragging about what he had done while castigating other. Trump is as reviled as lincoln was. Of course the left hates trump, they hated lincoln too. There is a lot that must be cleaned up in this country. Lincoln had to make difficult decisions also.
Civil Rights icon and professional big mouth Congressmen John Lewis likes to tout how his "saw death" coming toward him and that he was "beaten" at the Edmund Pettis bridge. Watch the footage. He got pushed down. Oh my! The horror of it all! Also, contrary to what the narrator said, the nation did not watch in shocked horror. The vast majority were in favor of law and order and the marchers were doing this without a permit in violation of the law. They were asked nicely to disperse. They did not.

But they had nicely asked if they could register to vote

It was so noted. They were asked to go back to Church. Voting Rights Act was being put into place. They just wanted to pander for the camera's. Have to remember SCLC, SNCC,CORE, NAACP, Black Muslims were all in competition to be the lead element of Civil Rights Movement.

Please sir......I'd like to vote

Give him the club

Act was being implemented. They just wanted to stir shit.

You have it wrong

It was Selma that got the act passed.....nobody dared vote against it

Thanks to Patriot John Lewis

Run away from the away from the light, and come back to reality.
Civil Rights icon and professional big mouth Congressmen John Lewis likes to tout how his "saw death" coming toward him and that he was "beaten" at the Edmund Pettis bridge. Watch the footage. He got pushed down. Oh my! The horror of it all! Also, contrary to what the narrator said, the nation did not watch in shocked horror. The vast majority were in favor of law and order and the marchers were doing this without a permit in violation of the law. They were asked nicely to disperse. They did not.

But they had nicely asked if they could register to vote

It was so noted. They were asked to go back to Church. Voting Rights Act was being put into place. They just wanted to pander for the camera's. Have to remember SCLC, SNCC,CORE, NAACP, Black Muslims were all in competition to be the lead element of Civil Rights Movement.

Please sir......I'd like to vote

Give him the club

Act was being implemented. They just wanted to stir shit.

You have it wrong

It was Selma that got the act passed.....nobody dared vote against it

Thanks to Patriot John Lewis

The Act was going to pass with or without this ridiculous march in Selma.

Yep got pushed down...then arrested. BTW...weren't real men in combat in Vietnam at this time? They were heroes.

Lewis was fighting for freedom at home not 15,000 miles away
No, he was stirring shit for news cameras and getting pushed down.
I remember marching with rep Lewis on the 50th anniversary of the bridge crossing, their we still of a contingent of write racist trash on the side line, got to talk to many great Americans like dick Gregory and other freedom fighters

Thousands cross Selma, Ala., bridge in honor of civil-rights march
Freedom Fighters? Lol. This post answers much as to why you are so fucked up.
and your kind thankfully are dying off and becoming a much smaller demographic
Old Southern whites have no moral authority to discuss anything to do with civil rights , given their history
. Do think that every person born in America has( as the constitution states) the Equal protection of the laws. , I always wonder how far would I go to protect the things I consider my rights. would I be willing to be beaten & jailed or killed for those rights.
His injury must have required at least a Band-Aid. Phony.
The majority of these so called "Civil Right Icons" have turned into shysters no better than snake oil salesmen, ripping their own people off. Martin Luther King Jr. would be ashamed.
Lewis has now relegated himself to illegitimacy.

Lewis is a legit American Patriot

It is Trump who is illegitimate.....unless you want a Russian Patriot

Wrong. He lost that when he started bragging about what he had done while castigating other. Trump is as reviled as lincoln was. Of course the left hates trump, they hated lincoln too. There is a lot that must be cleaned up in this country. Lincoln had to make difficult decisions also.
Umm...Lincoln was on the left
The left was abolitionist
Unfortunately, Civil Rights Leaders have turned their heroic efforts into political and economic personal benefit. After building a people up they spend their time tearing down others today.
Case-in-point... Race-Baiters and Race-Card-Players like the so-called Reverends Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton... cashing-in on faded glories...
Civil Rights icon and professional big mouth Congressmen John Lewis likes to tout how his "saw death" coming toward him and that he was "beaten" at the Edmund Pettis bridge. Watch the footage. He got pushed down. Oh my! The horror of it all! Also, contrary to what the narrator said, the nation did not watch in shocked horror. The vast majority were in favor of law and order and the marchers were doing this without a permit in violation of the law. They were asked nicely to disperse. They did not.

next week Lewis will claim that he was attacked by Godzilla, but survived the ordeal

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