John McCain go's back to the hill!

It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/
I don't know if you remember that John Glenn bumped someone off a space flight just to take over being the oldest man in space back 10 years ago. Its all about History for those folks in DC.

Putting how much tax payer money at risk for his vanity? Same with McCain.
It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/

Too harsh for my taste. McCain got us our Colorado River water the Kalis were stealing and for that we Arizonans will always salute him. He shouldn't have run again but staying at home with his cold-fish wife wasn't appealing to him. As a Viet-Vet I also understand some of what he went through at Hoa Lo prison. We sent captured enemy to Phu Quoc Prison or Con Son Island....both as bad or worse than the Hanoi Hilton...they'd beg us to shoot them from what they'd heard was in store for them. John was in the Senate minority so long he sold out to Kennedy and the rest of them for a little consideration on things he wanted. It's never good form to wish death on another should think that over.

Berate all Americans, suck Putins cock DRY..

RussianWinger traitor bitches like the sob's who want McCain to die shouldnt be allowed to breathe American air.

Your an American, I'm an American, disagree on politics or not, thank you for your service.
It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/
Do you feel better after airing this garbage? Like him or not, you should show a little God damn respect to an ex veteran and a dying man. The fact that you took the time to write a personal attack like this makes me sick, how embarrassing for you.

You have no right to tell me what I can , should or can not do. Go fuck your self. That said, I will not worship McCain b cause he got shot down and was a prisioner of war. That's like holding up a rape victim as a hero for getting raped. You may have fell for the PR campaign, but not me. I give two fucks, and that service doesn't mean I have to think he guy is a avid or something. Fuck McCIn, fuck his service (many vets say the same) he needs to hurry and die.
I can tell you whatever the fuck I want. I never said you had to worship McCain... disagree with his policies all you want. But throwing out petty personal attacks right after news that he is dying just shows that you are scum. Plain and simple.
It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/
Do you feel better after airing this garbage? Like him or not, you should show a little God damn respect to an ex veteran and a dying man. The fact that you took the time to write a personal attack like this makes me sick, how embarrassing for you.

He is free to express his opinion, no matter how disgusting that they may be. John McCain fought so he could speak freely about McCain. In turn we are free to call him an idiot for his opinion. He should be thank people like McCain who fought for his freedom.
He can't say whatever he wants and I can call him worthless scum for saying such things. I think we are in agreement
To the OP: you really don't count in the scheme of things whereas the Senator does. I disagree with him a lot, though, and that's fine. I suspect you, Crixus, supported Trump.
Gay. ANy other time it's a libtard wishing McCain would die.
Partisanship shouldnt go down the road of petty personal attacks. You are way over the line with your OP and you obviously don't know what the fuck you are talking about. You may feed off this kind of ugliness and enjoy trying to shock people by stirring up this kind of controversy. It only tells me that you are most likely a very bitter and unhappy person. I feel sorry for you.
Gay. ANy other time it's a libtard wishing McCain would die.
Partisanship shouldnt go down the road of petty personal attacks. You are way over the line with your OP and you obviously don't know what the fuck you are talking about. You may feed off this kind of ugliness and enjoy trying to shock people by stirring up this kind of controversy. It only tells me that you are most likely a very bitter and unhappy person. I feel sorry for you.

Nothing to do with partisanship at all, but everything's to do with a tucked up bill being stalled by a half dead senile old fart who only cares about his platinum bling skank to be able to cry on and on on food news what a maverick her dead daddy was. Fuck that. McCain has had his day in the sun as evidenced by all his skin cancer. Put his ass in a corner until he dies and send a new senator democrat or republican to replace him that cares more about workin rather then crying on TV with Lindsey Graham. America is sick of all the hubbub made over this plonker. He only matters to those whom count ratings and people on message bords. Time for him to go.
It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/
Do you feel better after airing this garbage? Like him or not, you should show a little God damn respect to an ex veteran and a dying man. The fact that you took the time to write a personal attack like this makes me sick, how embarrassing for you.

He is free to express his opinion, no matter how disgusting that they may be. John McCain fought so he could speak freely about McCain. In turn we are free to call him an idiot for his opinion. He should be thank people like McCain who fought for his freedom.
He can't say whatever he wants and I can call him worthless scum for saying such things. I think we are in agreement

Yes I can. Don't like it ? Tell a mod. Otherwise fuck your self. You can watch fox and friend and cry.
Gay. ANy other time it's a libtard wishing McCain would die.
Partisanship shouldnt go down the road of petty personal attacks. You are way over the line with your OP and you obviously don't know what the fuck you are talking about. You may feed off this kind of ugliness and enjoy trying to shock people by stirring up this kind of controversy. It only tells me that you are most likely a very bitter and unhappy person. I feel sorry for you.

Not really. Just sick of hasbeen political animals making my vote not matter because they have an image to sell. Congress will be a much more productive body with McCain dead. There is also the issue that old man gots a tumor in his brain. He should responcible and step down, but his vanity is to important.
Gay. ANy other time it's a libtard wishing McCain would die.
Partisanship shouldnt go down the road of petty personal attacks. You are way over the line with your OP and you obviously don't know what the fuck you are talking about. You may feed off this kind of ugliness and enjoy trying to shock people by stirring up this kind of controversy. It only tells me that you are most likely a very bitter and unhappy person. I feel sorry for you.

Nothing to do with partisanship at all, but everything's to do with a tucked up bill being stalled by a half dead senile old fart who only cares about his platinum bling skank to be able to cry on and on on food news what a maverick her dead daddy was. Fuck that. McCain has had his day in the sun as evidenced by all his skin cancer. Put his ass in a corner until he dies and send a new senator democrat or republican to replace him that cares more about workin rather then crying on TV with Lindsey Graham. America is sick of all the hubbub made over this plonker. He only matters to those whom count ratings and people on message bords. Time for him to go.
Don't even pretend to speak for America. I think the reaction to your OP shows one thing... Your opinion is worth about as much as a big piece of steaming shit.
It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/
Do you feel better after airing this garbage? Like him or not, you should show a little God damn respect to an ex veteran and a dying man. The fact that you took the time to write a personal attack like this makes me sick, how embarrassing for you.

He is free to express his opinion, no matter how disgusting that they may be. John McCain fought so he could speak freely about McCain. In turn we are free to call him an idiot for his opinion. He should be thank people like McCain who fought for his freedom.
He can't say whatever he wants and I can call him worthless scum for saying such things. I think we are in agreement

Yes I can. Don't like it ? Tell a mod. Otherwise fuck your self. You can watch fox and friend and cry.
That was a typo, i meant to say you that CAN say whatever you want. You do a pretty good job at discrediting yourself so feel free to carry on.
Gay. ANy other time it's a libtard wishing McCain would die.
Partisanship shouldnt go down the road of petty personal attacks. You are way over the line with your OP and you obviously don't know what the fuck you are talking about. You may feed off this kind of ugliness and enjoy trying to shock people by stirring up this kind of controversy. It only tells me that you are most likely a very bitter and unhappy person. I feel sorry for you.

Not really. Just sick of hasbeen political animals making my vote not matter because they have an image to sell. Congress will be a much more productive body with McCain dead. There is also the issue that old man gots a tumor in his brain. He should responcible and step down, but his vanity is to important.

Your grammar is atrocious and yet somehow predictable. "he should responcible"? why should anyone care what you say when don't even make an attempt yourself? Your posts read like you have a brain tumor. Get spellcheck, get a dictionary, get a life.
It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/
Do you feel better after airing this garbage? Like him or not, you should show a little God damn respect to an ex veteran and a dying man. The fact that you took the time to write a personal attack like this makes me sick, how embarrassing for you.

He is free to express his opinion, no matter how disgusting that they may be. John McCain fought so he could speak freely about McCain. In turn we are free to call him an idiot for his opinion. He should be thank people like McCain who fought for his freedom.
He can't say whatever he wants and I can call him worthless scum for saying such things. I think we are in agreement

Yes I can. Don't like it ? Tell a mod. Otherwise fuck your self. You can watch fox and friend and cry.
That was a typo, i meant to say you that CAN say whatever you want. You do a pretty good job at discrediting yourself so feel free to carry on.

Meh most American really want McCain to go away. That way we don't have a guy who say a war pit continuing to try and send our kids off to pointless wars. That, and we won't have senators posing for pictures with terriorist and lobbying to give them better guns. Fuck McCaine. His time is past and he needs to get it.
Gay. ANy other time it's a libtard wishing McCain would die.
Partisanship shouldnt go down the road of petty personal attacks. You are way over the line with your OP and you obviously don't know what the fuck you are talking about. You may feed off this kind of ugliness and enjoy trying to shock people by stirring up this kind of controversy. It only tells me that you are most likely a very bitter and unhappy person. I feel sorry for you.

Not really. Just sick of hasbeen political animals making my vote not matter because they have an image to sell. Congress will be a much more productive body with McCain dead. There is also the issue that old man gots a tumor in his brain. He should responcible and step down, but his vanity is to important.

Your grammar is atrocious and yet somehow predictable. "he should responcible"? why should anyone care what you say when don't even make an attempt yourself? Your posts read like you have a brain tumor. Get spellcheck, get a dictionary, get a life.

Or, just don't read it. Now run along and fuck off.
Do you feel better after airing this garbage? Like him or not, you should show a little God damn respect to an ex veteran and a dying man. The fact that you took the time to write a personal attack like this makes me sick, how embarrassing for you.

He is free to express his opinion, no matter how disgusting that they may be. John McCain fought so he could speak freely about McCain. In turn we are free to call him an idiot for his opinion. He should be thank people like McCain who fought for his freedom.
He can't say whatever he wants and I can call him worthless scum for saying such things. I think we are in agreement

Yes I can. Don't like it ? Tell a mod. Otherwise fuck your self. You can watch fox and friend and cry.
That was a typo, i meant to say you that CAN say whatever you want. You do a pretty good job at discrediting yourself so feel free to carry on.

Meh most American really want McCain to go away. That way we don't have a guy who say a war pit continuing to try and send our kids off to pointless wars. That, and we won't have senators posing for pictures with terriorist and lobbying to give them better guns. Fuck McCaine. His time is past and he needs to get it.

Yeah, but not go away dead.
Gay. ANy other time it's a libtard wishing McCain would die.
Partisanship shouldnt go down the road of petty personal attacks. You are way over the line with your OP and you obviously don't know what the fuck you are talking about. You may feed off this kind of ugliness and enjoy trying to shock people by stirring up this kind of controversy. It only tells me that you are most likely a very bitter and unhappy person. I feel sorry for you.

Not really. Just sick of hasbeen political animals making my vote not matter because they have an image to sell. Congress will be a much more productive body with McCain dead. There is also the issue that old man gots a tumor in his brain. He should responcible and step down, but his vanity is to important.

Your grammar is atrocious and yet somehow predictable. "he should responcible"? why should anyone care what you say when don't even make an attempt yourself? Your posts read like you have a brain tumor. Get spellcheck, get a dictionary, get a life.

Or, just don't read it. Now run along and fuck off.

Read it? More like deciphering the angry ramblings of an impotent moron.
Gay. ANy other time it's a libtard wishing McCain would die.
Partisanship shouldnt go down the road of petty personal attacks. You are way over the line with your OP and you obviously don't know what the fuck you are talking about. You may feed off this kind of ugliness and enjoy trying to shock people by stirring up this kind of controversy. It only tells me that you are most likely a very bitter and unhappy person. I feel sorry for you.

Not really. Just sick of hasbeen political animals making my vote not matter because they have an image to sell. Congress will be a much more productive body with McCain dead. There is also the issue that old man gots a tumor in his brain. He should responcible and step down, but his vanity is to important.

Your grammar is atrocious and yet somehow predictable. "he should responcible"? why should anyone care what you say when don't even make an attempt yourself? Your posts read like you have a brain tumor. Get spellcheck, get a dictionary, get a life.

Or, just don't read it. Now run along and fuck off.

Read it? More like deciphering the angry ramblings of an impotent moron.

Okay then. Stop it and you will feel better. I mean, why waste time?
Do you feel better after airing this garbage? Like him or not, you should show a little God damn respect to an ex veteran and a dying man. The fact that you took the time to write a personal attack like this makes me sick, how embarrassing for you.

He is free to express his opinion, no matter how disgusting that they may be. John McCain fought so he could speak freely about McCain. In turn we are free to call him an idiot for his opinion. He should be thank people like McCain who fought for his freedom.
He can't say whatever he wants and I can call him worthless scum for saying such things. I think we are in agreement

Yes I can. Don't like it ? Tell a mod. Otherwise fuck your self. You can watch fox and friend and cry.
That was a typo, i meant to say you that CAN say whatever you want. You do a pretty good job at discrediting yourself so feel free to carry on.

Meh most American really want McCain to go away. That way we don't have a guy who say a war pit continuing to try and send our kids off to pointless wars. That, and we won't have senators posing for pictures with terriorist and lobbying to give them better guns. Fuck McCaine. His time is past and he needs to get it.
Yeah, many people may want McCain to go away, I don't agree with much of what he says and does and i'm not a big supporter of his. Critique his politics, those arguments are fine to make. There is no reason or excuse to use the disgraceful attacks and wishes for death that you have repeated stated. You display a lack of basic humanity and compassion which really does display you as a mentally ill piece of shit. Do yourself a favor and seek help.
Wow, that lump must have been huge. Looks like they cut off a huge chunk of his forehead above the left eye. Speech is okay though. Wish he would just stop blathering on about bipartisanship and get to work or go home and twitch and seize in private. Lead, follow or get the fuck out of the way.

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