John McCain go's back to the hill!

It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/

you disgust me

Good. I'm sick of all you slaves being suckers for a sob story electing trash like McCain. Hopefully the plane ride kills him.

You are a typical Trump supporter. So filled with hate. I would rather have McCain for a President than Trump even though I have had my differences with McCain.
It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/
Do you feel better after airing this garbage? Like him or not, you should show a little God damn respect to an ex veteran and a dying man. The fact that you took the time to write a personal attack like this makes me sick, how embarrassing for you.

You have no right to tell me what I can , should or can not do. Go fuck your self. That said, I will not worship McCain b cause he got shot down and was a prisioner of war. That's like holding up a rape victim as a hero for getting raped. You may have fell for the PR campaign, but not me. I give two fucks, and that service doesn't mean I have to think he guy is a avid or something. Fuck McCIn, fuck his service (many vets say the same) he needs to hurry and die.

You speak big. I would like to see you go through what McCain did. You would spill your guts in 2 hours. Why don't you hurry up and die or maybe be put down like the animal you are.
It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/
Do you feel better after airing this garbage? Like him or not, you should show a little God damn respect to an ex veteran and a dying man. The fact that you took the time to write a personal attack like this makes me sick, how embarrassing for you.

You have no right to tell me what I can , should or can not do. Go fuck your self. That said, I will not worship McCain b cause he got shot down and was a prisioner of war. That's like holding up a rape victim as a hero for getting raped. You may have fell for the PR campaign, but not me. I give two fucks, and that service doesn't mean I have to think he guy is a avid or something. Fuck McCIn, fuck his service (many vets say the same) he needs to hurry and die.

You speak big. I would like to see you go through what McCain did. You would spill your guts in 2 hours. Why don't you hurry up and die or maybe be put down like the animal you are.

Why wouldn't I spill? McCaine did. You better read up on him before you speak more. Your ignorance is showing.
It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/

you disgust me

Good. I'm sick of all you slaves being suckers for a sob story electing trash like McCain. Hopefully the plane ride kills him.

You are a typical Trump supporter. So filled with hate. I would rather have McCain for a President than Trump even though I have had my differences with McCain.

Then get a matching brain tumor and blow it out your ass.
Do you feel better after airing this garbage? Like him or not, you should show a little God damn respect to an ex veteran and a dying man. The fact that you took the time to write a personal attack like this makes me sick, how embarrassing for you.

He is free to express his opinion, no matter how disgusting that they may be. John McCain fought so he could speak freely about McCain. In turn we are free to call him an idiot for his opinion. He should be thank people like McCain who fought for his freedom.
He can't say whatever he wants and I can call him worthless scum for saying such things. I think we are in agreement

Yes I can. Don't like it ? Tell a mod. Otherwise fuck your self. You can watch fox and friend and cry.
That was a typo, i meant to say you that CAN say whatever you want. You do a pretty good job at discrediting yourself so feel free to carry on.

Meh most American really want McCain to go away. That way we don't have a guy who say a war pit continuing to try and send our kids off to pointless wars. That, and we won't have senators posing for pictures with terriorist and lobbying to give them better guns. Fuck McCaine. His time is past and he needs to get it.

You really have a low opinion of Americans. Moist Americans would want you to go away. Trump is backing terrorists in Iran by disengaging in Syria. Maybe we can chip in so you can get it.
It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/

you disgust me

Good. I'm sick of all you slaves being suckers for a sob story electing trash like McCain. Hopefully the plane ride kills him.

You are a typical Trump supporter. So filled with hate. I would rather have McCain for a President than Trump even though I have had my differences with McCain.

Then get a matching brain tumor and blow it out your ass.

You are a disgusting little pig you asshole.
He can't say whatever he wants and I can call him worthless scum for saying such things. I think we are in agreement

Yes I can. Don't like it ? Tell a mod. Otherwise fuck your self. You can watch fox and friend and cry.
That was a typo, i meant to say you that CAN say whatever you want. You do a pretty good job at discrediting yourself so feel free to carry on.

Meh most American really want McCain to go away. That way we don't have a guy who say a war pit continuing to try and send our kids off to pointless wars. That, and we won't have senators posing for pictures with terriorist and lobbying to give them better guns. Fuck McCaine. His time is past and he needs to get it.
Yeah, many people may want McCain to go away, I don't agree with much of what he says and does and i'm not a big supporter of his. Critique his politics, those arguments are fine to make. There is no reason or excuse to use the disgraceful attacks and wishes for death that you have repeated stated. You display a lack of basic humanity and compassion which really does display you as a mentally ill piece of shit. Do yourself a favor and seek help.

A person IS their politics. And just like I said, he only came back to grandstand. It proves only one thing. To John McCain vanity matters more the name patriotism.

Apparently he was needed to begin debate or it would have failed 50-49.
It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/
Do you feel better after airing this garbage? Like him or not, you should show a little God damn respect to an ex veteran and a dying man. The fact that you took the time to write a personal attack like this makes me sick, how embarrassing for you.

You have no right to tell me what I can , should or can not do. Go fuck your self. That said, I will not worship McCain b cause he got shot down and was a prisioner of war. That's like holding up a rape victim as a hero for getting raped. You may have fell for the PR campaign, but not me. I give two fucks, and that service doesn't mean I have to think he guy is a avid or something. Fuck McCIn, fuck his service (many vets say the same) he needs to hurry and die.

You speak big. I would like to see you go through what McCain did. You would spill your guts in 2 hours. Why don't you hurry up and die or maybe be put down like the animal you are.

Why wouldn't I spill? McCaine did. You better read up on him before you speak more. Your ignorance is showing.

Your ignorance is showing. That's not too hard to see you cowardly little dog.
It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/

you disgust me

Good. I'm sick of all you slaves being suckers for a sob story electing trash like McCain. Hopefully the plane ride kills him.

You are a typical Trump supporter. So filled with hate. I would rather have McCain for a President than Trump even though I have had my differences with McCain.

Then get a matching brain tumor and blow it out your ass.

You are a disgusting little pig you asshole.

From you it's a compliment.
Yes I can. Don't like it ? Tell a mod. Otherwise fuck your self. You can watch fox and friend and cry.
That was a typo, i meant to say you that CAN say whatever you want. You do a pretty good job at discrediting yourself so feel free to carry on.

Meh most American really want McCain to go away. That way we don't have a guy who say a war pit continuing to try and send our kids off to pointless wars. That, and we won't have senators posing for pictures with terriorist and lobbying to give them better guns. Fuck McCaine. His time is past and he needs to get it.
Yeah, many people may want McCain to go away, I don't agree with much of what he says and does and i'm not a big supporter of his. Critique his politics, those arguments are fine to make. There is no reason or excuse to use the disgraceful attacks and wishes for death that you have repeated stated. You display a lack of basic humanity and compassion which really does display you as a mentally ill piece of shit. Do yourself a favor and seek help.

A person IS their politics. And just like I said, he only came back to grandstand. It proves only one thing. To John McCain vanity matters more the name patriotism.

Apparently he was needed to begin debate or it would have failed 50-49.

That's why it would have been better if he just died in surgery.
It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/
Do you feel better after airing this garbage? Like him or not, you should show a little God damn respect to an ex veteran and a dying man. The fact that you took the time to write a personal attack like this makes me sick, how embarrassing for you.

You have no right to tell me what I can , should or can not do. Go fuck your self. That said, I will not worship McCain b cause he got shot down and was a prisioner of war. That's like holding up a rape victim as a hero for getting raped. You may have fell for the PR campaign, but not me. I give two fucks, and that service doesn't mean I have to think he guy is a avid or something. Fuck McCIn, fuck his service (many vets say the same) he needs to hurry and die.

You speak big. I would like to see you go through what McCain did. You would spill your guts in 2 hours. Why don't you hurry up and die or maybe be put down like the animal you are.

Why wouldn't I spill? McCaine did. You better read up on him before you speak more. Your ignorance is showing.

Your ignorance is showing. That's not too hard to see you cowardly little dog.

Lol, thank you big man on the interwebs. I'm okay with my self. Wouldent change a thing.
Do you feel better after airing this garbage? Like him or not, you should show a little God damn respect to an ex veteran and a dying man. The fact that you took the time to write a personal attack like this makes me sick, how embarrassing for you.

You have no right to tell me what I can , should or can not do. Go fuck your self. That said, I will not worship McCain b cause he got shot down and was a prisioner of war. That's like holding up a rape victim as a hero for getting raped. You may have fell for the PR campaign, but not me. I give two fucks, and that service doesn't mean I have to think he guy is a avid or something. Fuck McCIn, fuck his service (many vets say the same) he needs to hurry and die.

You speak big. I would like to see you go through what McCain did. You would spill your guts in 2 hours. Why don't you hurry up and die or maybe be put down like the animal you are.

Why wouldn't I spill? McCaine did. You better read up on him before you speak more. Your ignorance is showing.

Your ignorance is showing. That's not too hard to see you cowardly little dog.

Lol, thank you big man on the interwebs. I'm okay with my self. Wouldent change a thing.
that's why all the girls say "hey i saw him first !".
"His brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district"? WTF is that little tidbit of hate speech supposed to mean? I'm no fan of McCain but that's way out of bounds.
He is free to express his opinion, no matter how disgusting that they may be. John McCain fought so he could speak freely about McCain. In turn we are free to call him an idiot for his opinion. He should be thank people like McCain who fought for his freedom.
He can't say whatever he wants and I can call him worthless scum for saying such things. I think we are in agreement

Yes I can. Don't like it ? Tell a mod. Otherwise fuck your self. You can watch fox and friend and cry.
That was a typo, i meant to say you that CAN say whatever you want. You do a pretty good job at discrediting yourself so feel free to carry on.

Meh most American really want McCain to go away. That way we don't have a guy who say a war pit continuing to try and send our kids off to pointless wars. That, and we won't have senators posing for pictures with terriorist and lobbying to give them better guns. Fuck McCaine. His time is past and he needs to get it.

You really have a low opinion of Americans. Moist Americans would want you to go away. Trump is backing terrorists in Iran by disengaging in Syria. Maybe we can chip in so you can get it.

Moist Americans. It's a wonder HappyJoy hasn't been back on this thread ripping you a new one, he was the English cop earlier. Maybe he only goes after rightwing misspelling and not left. :dunno:

Just kidding and keeping it light.
He can't say whatever he wants and I can call him worthless scum for saying such things. I think we are in agreement

Yes I can. Don't like it ? Tell a mod. Otherwise fuck your self. You can watch fox and friend and cry.
That was a typo, i meant to say you that CAN say whatever you want. You do a pretty good job at discrediting yourself so feel free to carry on.

Meh most American really want McCain to go away. That way we don't have a guy who say a war pit continuing to try and send our kids off to pointless wars. That, and we won't have senators posing for pictures with terriorist and lobbying to give them better guns. Fuck McCaine. His time is past and he needs to get it.

You really have a low opinion of Americans. Moist Americans would want you to go away. Trump is backing terrorists in Iran by disengaging in Syria. Maybe we can chip in so you can get it.

Moist Americans. It's a wonder HappyJoy hasn't been back on this thread ripping you a new one, he was the English cop earlier. Maybe he only goes after rightwing misspelling and not left. :dunno:

Just kidding and keeping it light.

It's a simple typo and they happen. Crixus has difficulty getting through a single post without showcasing his losing battle with English.

So, frothing, making little sense and then throw horrendous grammar on top of that and you'll sound like a raving idiot.
It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/
Do you feel better after airing this garbage? Like him or not, you should show a little God damn respect to an ex veteran and a dying man. The fact that you took the time to write a personal attack like this makes me sick, how embarrassing for you.

You have no right to tell me what I can , should or can not do. Go fuck your self. That said, I will not worship McCain b cause he got shot down and was a prisioner of war. That's like holding up a rape victim as a hero for getting raped. You may have fell for the PR campaign, but not me. I give two fucks, and that service doesn't mean I have to think he guy is a avid or something. Fuck McCIn, fuck his service (many vets say the same) he needs to hurry and die.
The buffoon crashed every plane he got his hands on. He's lucky to have lived this long.

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
Yes I can. Don't like it ? Tell a mod. Otherwise fuck your self. You can watch fox and friend and cry.
That was a typo, i meant to say you that CAN say whatever you want. You do a pretty good job at discrediting yourself so feel free to carry on.

Meh most American really want McCain to go away. That way we don't have a guy who say a war pit continuing to try and send our kids off to pointless wars. That, and we won't have senators posing for pictures with terriorist and lobbying to give them better guns. Fuck McCaine. His time is past and he needs to get it.

You really have a low opinion of Americans. Moist Americans would want you to go away. Trump is backing terrorists in Iran by disengaging in Syria. Maybe we can chip in so you can get it.

Moist Americans. It's a wonder HappyJoy hasn't been back on this thread ripping you a new one, he was the English cop earlier. Maybe he only goes after rightwing misspelling and not left. :dunno:

Just kidding and keeping it light.

It's a simple typo and they happen. Crixus has difficulty getting through a single post without showcasing his losing battle with English.

So, frothing, making little sense and then throw horrendous grammar on top of that and you'll sound like a raving idiot.

You have good grammar and you come of as a raving idiot, what is your explanation for that? :)
That was a typo, i meant to say you that CAN say whatever you want. You do a pretty good job at discrediting yourself so feel free to carry on.

Meh most American really want McCain to go away. That way we don't have a guy who say a war pit continuing to try and send our kids off to pointless wars. That, and we won't have senators posing for pictures with terriorist and lobbying to give them better guns. Fuck McCaine. His time is past and he needs to get it.

You really have a low opinion of Americans. Moist Americans would want you to go away. Trump is backing terrorists in Iran by disengaging in Syria. Maybe we can chip in so you can get it.

Moist Americans. It's a wonder HappyJoy hasn't been back on this thread ripping you a new one, he was the English cop earlier. Maybe he only goes after rightwing misspelling and not left. :dunno:

Just kidding and keeping it light.

It's a simple typo and they happen. Crixus has difficulty getting through a single post without showcasing his losing battle with English.

So, frothing, making little sense and then throw horrendous grammar on top of that and you'll sound like a raving idiot.

You have good grammar and you come of as a raving idiot, what is your explanation for that? :)

You lack perspective.
Watching his speach to congress right now. Pretty inspiring, a man who is likely facing the end of life, comes back to congress with a message of cooperation and bipartisanship. Condemning the talking heads that do nothing but demonize their political opposition. Calling out the BS that is happening in Congress by our law makers. He has nothing left to gain from this, a man facing death may be the best one suited to speak with a clear mind and pure intentions. I've stated that I haven't been a big supporter of McCain in the past... But today I applaud his message and encourage everybody to pay close attention.
Why did it take him facing the end of his life to espouse such sentiments? They ring a bit hollow in my estimation.

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk

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