John Prine, legendary singer/songwriter died today

Never heard of him.....and I'm sure the only reason he was mentioned was so the media could claim he died from COVID-19

You'd be wrong. John Prine was a legend among musicians and songwriters.
Who cares.

Millions of Prine fans. I have no problem with you wanting to politicize everything. But this man wrote some amazing songs and inspired musicians of every stripe.
This is not the political forum....shitwhistle is just trolling.
Mud's gone full blown tribalistic and sees everything as political hence my reference to Billy0000........
Sorry, but the media and the Democrats have gone full blown tribalistic long before me.
They don't give a flying-fuck what their actions do to the people of this country....and it's amazing there are still folks like you who never seem to take anything seriously.
Well....maybe you're going to be a dying the dinosaurs...apathetic no-it-alls that can't face the truth.
Unfortunately Mud you've become so full of shit your eyes are permanently stained brown...... There's one thing in this world we have any real control over and that's how we react. Don't blame others for what you've become..... Isn't that what you claim your opposition has done....... :eusa_whistle:
Oh and the Kung Flu is not why John Prine's death was reported, it would have been reported regardless of what killed him. Oops........
Maybe so.....then again....maybe not.

That doesn't remove that fact that they reported cause of death as COVID-19 before an autopsy had been performed. There is no way they could know it was COVID-19 till the test results come back. They wouldn't know it till tomorrow.

So put that in your bong and smoke it.
He was admitted to the hospital and tested positive for COVID-19 at the time, that's what he was being treated for. So take your conspiratorial crap, stuff it in your bong and smoke it.
How do you know that?
So do you know that or are you assuming that? Because I saw no report that he was admitted for COVID-19....just that they claimed he died from it. Shit anyone can say he died from this or that...but unless an autopsy is perform...which hasn't happened because it takes time do're only making an assumption.
I know it because I'm the one who originally posted when he was admitted in critical condition and it was determined it was COVID-19........., by the attending physicians.......
Not sure yet about COVID-19 but NO ONE dies from AIDs or the Flu, they die from complications brought on by those illnesses so it is said they died from AIDs or the Flu because they would not have died then otherwise.
So basically you're assuming.....nevermind the fact that he had serious health conditions before he started showing symptoms. That fact that he had cancer surgery and radiation treatment had zip to do with it....or the fact that his wife came down with symptoms but had recovered. All the folks on the left care about is that he died from an assumed of course this guy who most of us never heard of since the 70s is supposedly one of the greatest composers. Funny....I don't remember any of his work. Only who he worked with. I listened to a few of his songs on Youtube and they were just songs....nothing catchy.
Soooo, you're now "most of us"........ Omnipotent also?
Tell ya what, a famous person died, no one cares if you knew who he was or not. Making this political is simply you being an asshole. Try not to, ya don't have to eat, sleep and shit politics 24-7........
No....what makes it political, motherfucker, is the fact that the media is making this guy frontpage news. He died....who cares what the cause was. In the past they wouldn't release the cause of death...because they didn't want to make false assumptions before a proper autopsy was performed....but now....because the left wants to shut the God Damned country down for political reasons....we already have been told the cause of death.....and apathetic assholes like you figure this is all normal shit.

So fuck you and keep being an ignorant asshole and swallow the Bullshit the media tells you hook line and sinker.
This whole thing stinks to high Heaven.
Sure thing there Billy......... :rofl:
Oh and thanks for confirming my assessment of you. :thup:
As if I give a flying-fuck what your assessment of me is.

Some of us have been warning you ignorant assholes this was coming for years....we just didn't know exactly how they were going to do it....and now you're going along with it like the sheeple they think you all are.

Oh my, I've gone and pissed off Mud because I'm not buying into his political rhetoric. Oh woe is me............ :lol:
If I was pissed off I wouldn't respond to'd already be on ignore.
I just figured you might be one of the more rational folks here....

What's really hilarious is the fact that every time this stuff happens you still don't believe the whole thing is part of a conspiracy.
Ask yourself why the left castigates anyone who dares to say anything about a possible cure or treatment?
The primary purpose of this is to remind us several times a day that some schmuck died from it....that way we won't think there's hope.
So..............somebody who was already a physical wreak dies from it...or complications from it (that's really not the point BTW)....and that person was so wonderful and loved by fans.
It's the same stupid shit they pulled with mass-shootings. Nobody gives a flying-fuck about mass-shootings now. What we care about is what the media wants us to care about.

So keep being gullible. Keep being an ignorant suck ass and do your job ridiculing anyone who dares think that something stinks to high-Heaven about all of this. That's what they want you to do, dip-shit.
Tell ya what Billy, put me on ignore considering I don't go for conspiratorial BS from either side and if you think I believe the media any more than I believe the right and left rhetoric you're fooling yourself. If the attending physicians said it was COVID-19 then I'm going to tend to believe them over you. In reality COVID-19 probably kills no one directly but causes complications that kill, complications that would most likely not have happened if COVID-19 wasn't present, that's a medical reality. Therefore death was a DIRECT cause due to the presence of COVID-19. Since you've probably never worked in the medical field you wouldn't know that. In other words you don't know what you're talking about yet think you do. Try again.
I'm not gonna claim to having medical training beyond being CPR certified. I've also done some cross-training with the team medic when I was active-duty. So I can give shots and put in IVs if I have to. But I also have training in journalism.....and the only reason they publish anything is because it's part of the script. This shit doesn't just happen by accident. It's part of planned coverage.

The nature of this disease it that it effects people with other health just pushes them over the edge....but apparently it rarely is fatal on it's own with proper medical treatment....and you know that. There probably has been 100 people die in this country since I started typing this post...but the only ones that matter right now, to the media, is the ones they can blame on COVID-19. Yesterday 3 people were stabbed to death in KY by a crazy truck driver.....but you didn't hear about it because politically it doesn't fit the media's agenda. And far as I am concerned...John Prine doesn't mean anything considering the fact that we have a national emergency going on and the media is still Hell-bent on destroying the president and the United States in the process.
Never heard of him.....and I'm sure the only reason he was mentioned was so the media could claim he died from COVID-19

You'd be wrong. John Prine was a legend among musicians and songwriters.
Who cares.

Millions of Prine fans. I have no problem with you wanting to politicize everything. But this man wrote some amazing songs and inspired musicians of every stripe.
This is not the political forum....shitwhistle is just trolling.
Mud's gone full blown tribalistic and sees everything as political hence my reference to Billy0000........
Sorry, but the media and the Democrats have gone full blown tribalistic long before me.
They don't give a flying-fuck what their actions do to the people of this country....and it's amazing there are still folks like you who never seem to take anything seriously.
Well....maybe you're going to be a dying the dinosaurs...apathetic no-it-alls that can't face the truth.
Unfortunately Mud you've become so full of shit your eyes are permanently stained brown...... There's one thing in this world we have any real control over and that's how we react. Don't blame others for what you've become..... Isn't that what you claim your opposition has done....... :eusa_whistle:
Oh and the Kung Flu is not why John Prine's death was reported, it would have been reported regardless of what killed him. Oops........
Maybe so.....then again....maybe not.

That doesn't remove that fact that they reported cause of death as COVID-19 before an autopsy had been performed. There is no way they could know it was COVID-19 till the test results come back. They wouldn't know it till tomorrow.

So put that in your bong and smoke it.
He was admitted to the hospital and tested positive for COVID-19 at the time, that's what he was being treated for. So take your conspiratorial crap, stuff it in your bong and smoke it.
How do you know that?
So do you know that or are you assuming that? Because I saw no report that he was admitted for COVID-19....just that they claimed he died from it. Shit anyone can say he died from this or that...but unless an autopsy is perform...which hasn't happened because it takes time do're only making an assumption.
I know it because I'm the one who originally posted when he was admitted in critical condition and it was determined it was COVID-19........., by the attending physicians.......
Not sure yet about COVID-19 but NO ONE dies from AIDs or the Flu, they die from complications brought on by those illnesses so it is said they died from AIDs or the Flu because they would not have died then otherwise.
So basically you're assuming.....nevermind the fact that he had serious health conditions before he started showing symptoms. That fact that he had cancer surgery and radiation treatment had zip to do with it....or the fact that his wife came down with symptoms but had recovered. All the folks on the left care about is that he died from an assumed of course this guy who most of us never heard of since the 70s is supposedly one of the greatest composers. Funny....I don't remember any of his work. Only who he worked with. I listened to a few of his songs on Youtube and they were just songs....nothing catchy.
Soooo, you're now "most of us"........ Omnipotent also?
Tell ya what, a famous person died, no one cares if you knew who he was or not. Making this political is simply you being an asshole. Try not to, ya don't have to eat, sleep and shit politics 24-7........
No....what makes it political, motherfucker, is the fact that the media is making this guy frontpage news. He died....who cares what the cause was. In the past they wouldn't release the cause of death...because they didn't want to make false assumptions before a proper autopsy was performed....but now....because the left wants to shut the God Damned country down for political reasons....we already have been told the cause of death.....and apathetic assholes like you figure this is all normal shit.

So fuck you and keep being an ignorant asshole and swallow the Bullshit the media tells you hook line and sinker.
This whole thing stinks to high Heaven.
Sure thing there Billy......... :rofl:
Oh and thanks for confirming my assessment of you. :thup:
As if I give a flying-fuck what your assessment of me is.

Some of us have been warning you ignorant assholes this was coming for years....we just didn't know exactly how they were going to do it....and now you're going along with it like the sheeple they think you all are.

Oh my, I've gone and pissed off Mud because I'm not buying into his political rhetoric. Oh woe is me............ :lol:
If I was pissed off I wouldn't respond to'd already be on ignore.
I just figured you might be one of the more rational folks here....

What's really hilarious is the fact that every time this stuff happens you still don't believe the whole thing is part of a conspiracy.
Ask yourself why the left castigates anyone who dares to say anything about a possible cure or treatment?
The primary purpose of this is to remind us several times a day that some schmuck died from it....that way we won't think there's hope.
So..............somebody who was already a physical wreak dies from it...or complications from it (that's really not the point BTW)....and that person was so wonderful and loved by fans.
It's the same stupid shit they pulled with mass-shootings. Nobody gives a flying-fuck about mass-shootings now. What we care about is what the media wants us to care about.

So keep being gullible. Keep being an ignorant suck ass and do your job ridiculing anyone who dares think that something stinks to high-Heaven about all of this. That's what they want you to do, dip-shit.
Tell ya what Billy, put me on ignore considering I don't go for conspiratorial BS from either side and if you think I believe the media any more than I believe the right and left rhetoric you're fooling yourself. If the attending physicians said it was COVID-19 then I'm going to tend to believe them over you. In reality COVID-19 probably kills no one directly but causes complications that kill, complications that would most likely not have happened if COVID-19 wasn't present, that's a medical reality. Therefore death was a DIRECT cause due to the presence of COVID-19. Since you've probably never worked in the medical field you wouldn't know that. In other words you don't know what you're talking about yet think you do. Try again.
I'm not gonna claim to having medical training beyond being CPR certified. I've also done some cross-training with the team medic when I was active-duty. So I can give shots and put in IVs if I have to. But I also have training in journalism.....and the only reason they publish anything is because it's part of the script. This shit doesn't just happen by accident. It's part of planned coverage.

The nature of this disease it that it effects people with other health just pushes them over the edge....but apparently it rarely is fatal on it's own with proper medical treatment....and you know that. There probably has been 100 people die in this country since I started typing this post...but the only ones that matter right now, to the media, is the ones they can blame on COVID-19. Yesterday 3 people were stabbed to death in KY by a crazy truck driver.....but you didn't hear about it because politically it doesn't fit the media's agenda. And far as I am concerned...John Prine doesn't mean anything considering the fact that we have a national emergency going on and the media is still Hell-bent on destroying the president and the United States in the process.
The "planned" coverage is ratings related, i.e. follow the money........ Despite what they say the people want controversy, they want hype so the media gives it to them, the more the hype, the more controversial the more viewership ergo the higher ratings ergo more ad money revenue.........
It's not some conspiracy. The conspiracy or whatever you want to call it is when the media purposely misquotes, inserts or omits in an attempt to drive popular opinion their way. This pandemic is just another example of the media over-hyping, actually having for the first time in over a decade a sneeze and sniffle that's more serious than the ones in the past decade and running with it. Is COVID-19 serious? Yeah it is, more serious than your so called stats which are pretty much meaningless at this stage of the game. Is it over-hyped? Yeah but not to the degree you and others CHOOSE to believe.
Come back down to earth...........
Never heard of him.....and I'm sure the only reason he was mentioned was so the media could claim he died from COVID-19

You'd be wrong. John Prine was a legend among musicians and songwriters.
Who cares.

Millions of Prine fans. I have no problem with you wanting to politicize everything. But this man wrote some amazing songs and inspired musicians of every stripe.
This is not the political forum....shitwhistle is just trolling.
Mud's gone full blown tribalistic and sees everything as political hence my reference to Billy0000........
Sorry, but the media and the Democrats have gone full blown tribalistic long before me.
They don't give a flying-fuck what their actions do to the people of this country....and it's amazing there are still folks like you who never seem to take anything seriously.
Well....maybe you're going to be a dying the dinosaurs...apathetic no-it-alls that can't face the truth.
Unfortunately Mud you've become so full of shit your eyes are permanently stained brown...... There's one thing in this world we have any real control over and that's how we react. Don't blame others for what you've become..... Isn't that what you claim your opposition has done....... :eusa_whistle:
Oh and the Kung Flu is not why John Prine's death was reported, it would have been reported regardless of what killed him. Oops........
Maybe so.....then again....maybe not.

That doesn't remove that fact that they reported cause of death as COVID-19 before an autopsy had been performed. There is no way they could know it was COVID-19 till the test results come back. They wouldn't know it till tomorrow.

So put that in your bong and smoke it.
He was admitted to the hospital and tested positive for COVID-19 at the time, that's what he was being treated for. So take your conspiratorial crap, stuff it in your bong and smoke it.
How do you know that?
So do you know that or are you assuming that? Because I saw no report that he was admitted for COVID-19....just that they claimed he died from it. Shit anyone can say he died from this or that...but unless an autopsy is perform...which hasn't happened because it takes time do're only making an assumption.
I know it because I'm the one who originally posted when he was admitted in critical condition and it was determined it was COVID-19........., by the attending physicians.......
Not sure yet about COVID-19 but NO ONE dies from AIDs or the Flu, they die from complications brought on by those illnesses so it is said they died from AIDs or the Flu because they would not have died then otherwise.
So basically you're assuming.....nevermind the fact that he had serious health conditions before he started showing symptoms. That fact that he had cancer surgery and radiation treatment had zip to do with it....or the fact that his wife came down with symptoms but had recovered. All the folks on the left care about is that he died from an assumed of course this guy who most of us never heard of since the 70s is supposedly one of the greatest composers. Funny....I don't remember any of his work. Only who he worked with. I listened to a few of his songs on Youtube and they were just songs....nothing catchy.
Soooo, you're now "most of us"........ Omnipotent also?
Tell ya what, a famous person died, no one cares if you knew who he was or not. Making this political is simply you being an asshole. Try not to, ya don't have to eat, sleep and shit politics 24-7........
No....what makes it political, motherfucker, is the fact that the media is making this guy frontpage news. He died....who cares what the cause was. In the past they wouldn't release the cause of death...because they didn't want to make false assumptions before a proper autopsy was performed....but now....because the left wants to shut the God Damned country down for political reasons....we already have been told the cause of death.....and apathetic assholes like you figure this is all normal shit.

So fuck you and keep being an ignorant asshole and swallow the Bullshit the media tells you hook line and sinker.
This whole thing stinks to high Heaven.
Sure thing there Billy......... :rofl:
Oh and thanks for confirming my assessment of you. :thup:
As if I give a flying-fuck what your assessment of me is.

Some of us have been warning you ignorant assholes this was coming for years....we just didn't know exactly how they were going to do it....and now you're going along with it like the sheeple they think you all are.

Oh my, I've gone and pissed off Mud because I'm not buying into his political rhetoric. Oh woe is me............ :lol:
If I was pissed off I wouldn't respond to'd already be on ignore.
I just figured you might be one of the more rational folks here....

What's really hilarious is the fact that every time this stuff happens you still don't believe the whole thing is part of a conspiracy.
Ask yourself why the left castigates anyone who dares to say anything about a possible cure or treatment?
The primary purpose of this is to remind us several times a day that some schmuck died from it....that way we won't think there's hope.
So..............somebody who was already a physical wreak dies from it...or complications from it (that's really not the point BTW)....and that person was so wonderful and loved by fans.
It's the same stupid shit they pulled with mass-shootings. Nobody gives a flying-fuck about mass-shootings now. What we care about is what the media wants us to care about.

So keep being gullible. Keep being an ignorant suck ass and do your job ridiculing anyone who dares think that something stinks to high-Heaven about all of this. That's what they want you to do, dip-shit.
Tell ya what Billy, put me on ignore considering I don't go for conspiratorial BS from either side and if you think I believe the media any more than I believe the right and left rhetoric you're fooling yourself. If the attending physicians said it was COVID-19 then I'm going to tend to believe them over you. In reality COVID-19 probably kills no one directly but causes complications that kill, complications that would most likely not have happened if COVID-19 wasn't present, that's a medical reality. Therefore death was a DIRECT cause due to the presence of COVID-19. Since you've probably never worked in the medical field you wouldn't know that. In other words you don't know what you're talking about yet think you do. Try again.
I'm not gonna claim to having medical training beyond being CPR certified. I've also done some cross-training with the team medic when I was active-duty. So I can give shots and put in IVs if I have to. But I also have training in journalism.....and the only reason they publish anything is because it's part of the script. This shit doesn't just happen by accident. It's part of planned coverage.

The nature of this disease it that it effects people with other health just pushes them over the edge....but apparently it rarely is fatal on it's own with proper medical treatment....and you know that. There probably has been 100 people die in this country since I started typing this post...but the only ones that matter right now, to the media, is the ones they can blame on COVID-19. Yesterday 3 people were stabbed to death in KY by a crazy truck driver.....but you didn't hear about it because politically it doesn't fit the media's agenda. And far as I am concerned...John Prine doesn't mean anything considering the fact that we have a national emergency going on and the media is still Hell-bent on destroying the president and the United States in the process.
The "planned" coverage is ratings related, i.e. follow the money........ Despite what they say the people want controversy, they want hype so the media gives it to them, the more the hype, the more controversial the more viewership ergo the higher ratings ergo more ad money revenue.........
It's not some conspiracy. The conspiracy or whatever you want to call it is when the media purposely misquotes, inserts or omits in an attempt to drive popular opinion their way. This pandemic is just another example of the media over-hyping, actually having for the first time in over a decade a sneeze and sniffle that's more serious than the ones in the past decade and running with it. Is COVID-19 serious? Yeah it is, more serious than your so called stats which are pretty much meaningless at this stage of the game. Is it over-hyped? Yeah but not to the degree you and others CHOOSE to believe.
Come back down to earth........... it over-hyped or isn't it?
What could possibly be the purpose of over-hyping the spread of a virus other than for political purposes........not just because the media likes controversy.
They've lost their credibility long ago......and their conduct, since this pandemic has been identified, has been horrendous. Even FOX NEWS is guilty of it. I refuse to watch them anymore. I don't see the point of their constant over speculation of what the death tolls are or how many new cases have been reported. It's pointless. The problem is serious and alot of old people are going to die because of it. What bothers me is what people who aren't infected are doing. That's what scares me the most. Not the disease. What are Democrats going to do....and just how far are they willing to go in their thirst for power and control over us. I think the media is losing a shitload of cash and viewership over it can't be for ratings.
Never heard of him.....and I'm sure the only reason he was mentioned was so the media could claim he died from COVID-19

You'd be wrong. John Prine was a legend among musicians and songwriters.
Who cares.

Millions of Prine fans. I have no problem with you wanting to politicize everything. But this man wrote some amazing songs and inspired musicians of every stripe.
This is not the political forum....shitwhistle is just trolling.
Mud's gone full blown tribalistic and sees everything as political hence my reference to Billy0000........
Sorry, but the media and the Democrats have gone full blown tribalistic long before me.
They don't give a flying-fuck what their actions do to the people of this country....and it's amazing there are still folks like you who never seem to take anything seriously.
Well....maybe you're going to be a dying the dinosaurs...apathetic no-it-alls that can't face the truth.
Unfortunately Mud you've become so full of shit your eyes are permanently stained brown...... There's one thing in this world we have any real control over and that's how we react. Don't blame others for what you've become..... Isn't that what you claim your opposition has done....... :eusa_whistle:
Oh and the Kung Flu is not why John Prine's death was reported, it would have been reported regardless of what killed him. Oops........
Maybe so.....then again....maybe not.

That doesn't remove that fact that they reported cause of death as COVID-19 before an autopsy had been performed. There is no way they could know it was COVID-19 till the test results come back. They wouldn't know it till tomorrow.

So put that in your bong and smoke it.
He was admitted to the hospital and tested positive for COVID-19 at the time, that's what he was being treated for. So take your conspiratorial crap, stuff it in your bong and smoke it.
How do you know that?
So do you know that or are you assuming that? Because I saw no report that he was admitted for COVID-19....just that they claimed he died from it. Shit anyone can say he died from this or that...but unless an autopsy is perform...which hasn't happened because it takes time do're only making an assumption.
I know it because I'm the one who originally posted when he was admitted in critical condition and it was determined it was COVID-19........., by the attending physicians.......
Not sure yet about COVID-19 but NO ONE dies from AIDs or the Flu, they die from complications brought on by those illnesses so it is said they died from AIDs or the Flu because they would not have died then otherwise.
So basically you're assuming.....nevermind the fact that he had serious health conditions before he started showing symptoms. That fact that he had cancer surgery and radiation treatment had zip to do with it....or the fact that his wife came down with symptoms but had recovered. All the folks on the left care about is that he died from an assumed of course this guy who most of us never heard of since the 70s is supposedly one of the greatest composers. Funny....I don't remember any of his work. Only who he worked with. I listened to a few of his songs on Youtube and they were just songs....nothing catchy.
Soooo, you're now "most of us"........ Omnipotent also?
Tell ya what, a famous person died, no one cares if you knew who he was or not. Making this political is simply you being an asshole. Try not to, ya don't have to eat, sleep and shit politics 24-7........
No....what makes it political, motherfucker, is the fact that the media is making this guy frontpage news. He died....who cares what the cause was. In the past they wouldn't release the cause of death...because they didn't want to make false assumptions before a proper autopsy was performed....but now....because the left wants to shut the God Damned country down for political reasons....we already have been told the cause of death.....and apathetic assholes like you figure this is all normal shit.

So fuck you and keep being an ignorant asshole and swallow the Bullshit the media tells you hook line and sinker.
This whole thing stinks to high Heaven.
Sure thing there Billy......... :rofl:
Oh and thanks for confirming my assessment of you. :thup:
As if I give a flying-fuck what your assessment of me is.

Some of us have been warning you ignorant assholes this was coming for years....we just didn't know exactly how they were going to do it....and now you're going along with it like the sheeple they think you all are.

Oh my, I've gone and pissed off Mud because I'm not buying into his political rhetoric. Oh woe is me............ :lol:
If I was pissed off I wouldn't respond to'd already be on ignore.
I just figured you might be one of the more rational folks here....

What's really hilarious is the fact that every time this stuff happens you still don't believe the whole thing is part of a conspiracy.
Ask yourself why the left castigates anyone who dares to say anything about a possible cure or treatment?
The primary purpose of this is to remind us several times a day that some schmuck died from it....that way we won't think there's hope.
So..............somebody who was already a physical wreak dies from it...or complications from it (that's really not the point BTW)....and that person was so wonderful and loved by fans.
It's the same stupid shit they pulled with mass-shootings. Nobody gives a flying-fuck about mass-shootings now. What we care about is what the media wants us to care about.

So keep being gullible. Keep being an ignorant suck ass and do your job ridiculing anyone who dares think that something stinks to high-Heaven about all of this. That's what they want you to do, dip-shit.
Tell ya what Billy, put me on ignore considering I don't go for conspiratorial BS from either side and if you think I believe the media any more than I believe the right and left rhetoric you're fooling yourself. If the attending physicians said it was COVID-19 then I'm going to tend to believe them over you. In reality COVID-19 probably kills no one directly but causes complications that kill, complications that would most likely not have happened if COVID-19 wasn't present, that's a medical reality. Therefore death was a DIRECT cause due to the presence of COVID-19. Since you've probably never worked in the medical field you wouldn't know that. In other words you don't know what you're talking about yet think you do. Try again.
I'm not gonna claim to having medical training beyond being CPR certified. I've also done some cross-training with the team medic when I was active-duty. So I can give shots and put in IVs if I have to. But I also have training in journalism.....and the only reason they publish anything is because it's part of the script. This shit doesn't just happen by accident. It's part of planned coverage.

The nature of this disease it that it effects people with other health just pushes them over the edge....but apparently it rarely is fatal on it's own with proper medical treatment....and you know that. There probably has been 100 people die in this country since I started typing this post...but the only ones that matter right now, to the media, is the ones they can blame on COVID-19. Yesterday 3 people were stabbed to death in KY by a crazy truck driver.....but you didn't hear about it because politically it doesn't fit the media's agenda. And far as I am concerned...John Prine doesn't mean anything considering the fact that we have a national emergency going on and the media is still Hell-bent on destroying the president and the United States in the process.
The "planned" coverage is ratings related, i.e. follow the money........ Despite what they say the people want controversy, they want hype so the media gives it to them, the more the hype, the more controversial the more viewership ergo the higher ratings ergo more ad money revenue.........
It's not some conspiracy. The conspiracy or whatever you want to call it is when the media purposely misquotes, inserts or omits in an attempt to drive popular opinion their way. This pandemic is just another example of the media over-hyping, actually having for the first time in over a decade a sneeze and sniffle that's more serious than the ones in the past decade and running with it. Is COVID-19 serious? Yeah it is, more serious than your so called stats which are pretty much meaningless at this stage of the game. Is it over-hyped? Yeah but not to the degree you and others CHOOSE to believe.
Come back down to earth........... it over-hyped or isn't it?
What could possibly be the purpose of over-hyping the spread of a virus other than for political purposes........not just because the media likes controversy.
They've lost their credibility long ago......and their conduct, since this pandemic has been identified, has been horrendous. Even FOX NEWS is guilty of it. I refuse to watch them anymore. I don't see the point of their constant over speculation of what the death tolls are or how many new cases have been reported. It's pointless. The problem is serious and alot of old people are going to die because of it. What bothers me is what people who aren't infected are doing. That's what scares me the most. Not the disease. What are Democrats going to do....and just how far are they willing to go in their thirst for power and control over us. I think the media is losing a shitload of cash and viewership over it can't be for ratings.
Well you be scared, I'll continue to watch both sides exchange rhetoric and be entertained........
Never heard of him.....and I'm sure the only reason he was mentioned was so the media could claim he died from COVID-19

You'd be wrong. John Prine was a legend among musicians and songwriters.
Who cares.

Millions of Prine fans. I have no problem with you wanting to politicize everything. But this man wrote some amazing songs and inspired musicians of every stripe.
This is not the political forum....shitwhistle is just trolling.
Mud's gone full blown tribalistic and sees everything as political hence my reference to Billy0000........
Sorry, but the media and the Democrats have gone full blown tribalistic long before me.
They don't give a flying-fuck what their actions do to the people of this country....and it's amazing there are still folks like you who never seem to take anything seriously.
Well....maybe you're going to be a dying the dinosaurs...apathetic no-it-alls that can't face the truth.
Unfortunately Mud you've become so full of shit your eyes are permanently stained brown...... There's one thing in this world we have any real control over and that's how we react. Don't blame others for what you've become..... Isn't that what you claim your opposition has done....... :eusa_whistle:
Oh and the Kung Flu is not why John Prine's death was reported, it would have been reported regardless of what killed him. Oops........
Maybe so.....then again....maybe not.

That doesn't remove that fact that they reported cause of death as COVID-19 before an autopsy had been performed. There is no way they could know it was COVID-19 till the test results come back. They wouldn't know it till tomorrow.

So put that in your bong and smoke it.
He was admitted to the hospital and tested positive for COVID-19 at the time, that's what he was being treated for. So take your conspiratorial crap, stuff it in your bong and smoke it.
How do you know that?
So do you know that or are you assuming that? Because I saw no report that he was admitted for COVID-19....just that they claimed he died from it. Shit anyone can say he died from this or that...but unless an autopsy is perform...which hasn't happened because it takes time do're only making an assumption.
I know it because I'm the one who originally posted when he was admitted in critical condition and it was determined it was COVID-19........., by the attending physicians.......
Not sure yet about COVID-19 but NO ONE dies from AIDs or the Flu, they die from complications brought on by those illnesses so it is said they died from AIDs or the Flu because they would not have died then otherwise.
So basically you're assuming.....nevermind the fact that he had serious health conditions before he started showing symptoms. That fact that he had cancer surgery and radiation treatment had zip to do with it....or the fact that his wife came down with symptoms but had recovered. All the folks on the left care about is that he died from an assumed of course this guy who most of us never heard of since the 70s is supposedly one of the greatest composers. Funny....I don't remember any of his work. Only who he worked with. I listened to a few of his songs on Youtube and they were just songs....nothing catchy.
Soooo, you're now "most of us"........ Omnipotent also?
Tell ya what, a famous person died, no one cares if you knew who he was or not. Making this political is simply you being an asshole. Try not to, ya don't have to eat, sleep and shit politics 24-7........
No....what makes it political, motherfucker, is the fact that the media is making this guy frontpage news. He died....who cares what the cause was. In the past they wouldn't release the cause of death...because they didn't want to make false assumptions before a proper autopsy was performed....but now....because the left wants to shut the God Damned country down for political reasons....we already have been told the cause of death.....and apathetic assholes like you figure this is all normal shit.

So fuck you and keep being an ignorant asshole and swallow the Bullshit the media tells you hook line and sinker.
This whole thing stinks to high Heaven.
Sure thing there Billy......... :rofl:
Oh and thanks for confirming my assessment of you. :thup:
As if I give a flying-fuck what your assessment of me is.

Some of us have been warning you ignorant assholes this was coming for years....we just didn't know exactly how they were going to do it....and now you're going along with it like the sheeple they think you all are.

Oh my, I've gone and pissed off Mud because I'm not buying into his political rhetoric. Oh woe is me............ :lol:
If I was pissed off I wouldn't respond to'd already be on ignore.
I just figured you might be one of the more rational folks here....

What's really hilarious is the fact that every time this stuff happens you still don't believe the whole thing is part of a conspiracy.
Ask yourself why the left castigates anyone who dares to say anything about a possible cure or treatment?
The primary purpose of this is to remind us several times a day that some schmuck died from it....that way we won't think there's hope.
So..............somebody who was already a physical wreak dies from it...or complications from it (that's really not the point BTW)....and that person was so wonderful and loved by fans.
It's the same stupid shit they pulled with mass-shootings. Nobody gives a flying-fuck about mass-shootings now. What we care about is what the media wants us to care about.

So keep being gullible. Keep being an ignorant suck ass and do your job ridiculing anyone who dares think that something stinks to high-Heaven about all of this. That's what they want you to do, dip-shit.
Tell ya what Billy, put me on ignore considering I don't go for conspiratorial BS from either side and if you think I believe the media any more than I believe the right and left rhetoric you're fooling yourself. If the attending physicians said it was COVID-19 then I'm going to tend to believe them over you. In reality COVID-19 probably kills no one directly but causes complications that kill, complications that would most likely not have happened if COVID-19 wasn't present, that's a medical reality. Therefore death was a DIRECT cause due to the presence of COVID-19. Since you've probably never worked in the medical field you wouldn't know that. In other words you don't know what you're talking about yet think you do. Try again.
I'm not gonna claim to having medical training beyond being CPR certified. I've also done some cross-training with the team medic when I was active-duty. So I can give shots and put in IVs if I have to. But I also have training in journalism.....and the only reason they publish anything is because it's part of the script. This shit doesn't just happen by accident. It's part of planned coverage.

The nature of this disease it that it effects people with other health just pushes them over the edge....but apparently it rarely is fatal on it's own with proper medical treatment....and you know that. There probably has been 100 people die in this country since I started typing this post...but the only ones that matter right now, to the media, is the ones they can blame on COVID-19. Yesterday 3 people were stabbed to death in KY by a crazy truck driver.....but you didn't hear about it because politically it doesn't fit the media's agenda. And far as I am concerned...John Prine doesn't mean anything considering the fact that we have a national emergency going on and the media is still Hell-bent on destroying the president and the United States in the process.
The "planned" coverage is ratings related, i.e. follow the money........ Despite what they say the people want controversy, they want hype so the media gives it to them, the more the hype, the more controversial the more viewership ergo the higher ratings ergo more ad money revenue.........
It's not some conspiracy. The conspiracy or whatever you want to call it is when the media purposely misquotes, inserts or omits in an attempt to drive popular opinion their way. This pandemic is just another example of the media over-hyping, actually having for the first time in over a decade a sneeze and sniffle that's more serious than the ones in the past decade and running with it. Is COVID-19 serious? Yeah it is, more serious than your so called stats which are pretty much meaningless at this stage of the game. Is it over-hyped? Yeah but not to the degree you and others CHOOSE to believe.
Come back down to earth........... it over-hyped or isn't it?
What could possibly be the purpose of over-hyping the spread of a virus other than for political purposes........not just because the media likes controversy.
They've lost their credibility long ago......and their conduct, since this pandemic has been identified, has been horrendous. Even FOX NEWS is guilty of it. I refuse to watch them anymore. I don't see the point of their constant over speculation of what the death tolls are or how many new cases have been reported. It's pointless. The problem is serious and alot of old people are going to die because of it. What bothers me is what people who aren't infected are doing. That's what scares me the most. Not the disease. What are Democrats going to do....and just how far are they willing to go in their thirst for power and control over us. I think the media is losing a shitload of cash and viewership over it can't be for ratings.
Well you be scared, I'll continue to watch both sides exchange rhetoric and be entertained........
The only reason a sane person isn't a little scared is if they aren't living in America.
Europe and some of the other countries are already socialist. But they didn't get that way without alot of turmoil and hardship and we're next.
So if you don't mind looking for food in dumpsters.....then enjoy yourself.
Never heard of him.....and I'm sure the only reason he was mentioned was so the media could claim he died from COVID-19

You'd be wrong. John Prine was a legend among musicians and songwriters.
Who cares.

Millions of Prine fans. I have no problem with you wanting to politicize everything. But this man wrote some amazing songs and inspired musicians of every stripe.
This is not the political forum....shitwhistle is just trolling.
Mud's gone full blown tribalistic and sees everything as political hence my reference to Billy0000........
Sorry, but the media and the Democrats have gone full blown tribalistic long before me.
They don't give a flying-fuck what their actions do to the people of this country....and it's amazing there are still folks like you who never seem to take anything seriously.
Well....maybe you're going to be a dying the dinosaurs...apathetic no-it-alls that can't face the truth.
Unfortunately Mud you've become so full of shit your eyes are permanently stained brown...... There's one thing in this world we have any real control over and that's how we react. Don't blame others for what you've become..... Isn't that what you claim your opposition has done....... :eusa_whistle:
Oh and the Kung Flu is not why John Prine's death was reported, it would have been reported regardless of what killed him. Oops........
Maybe so.....then again....maybe not.

That doesn't remove that fact that they reported cause of death as COVID-19 before an autopsy had been performed. There is no way they could know it was COVID-19 till the test results come back. They wouldn't know it till tomorrow.

So put that in your bong and smoke it.
He was admitted to the hospital and tested positive for COVID-19 at the time, that's what he was being treated for. So take your conspiratorial crap, stuff it in your bong and smoke it.
How do you know that?
So do you know that or are you assuming that? Because I saw no report that he was admitted for COVID-19....just that they claimed he died from it. Shit anyone can say he died from this or that...but unless an autopsy is perform...which hasn't happened because it takes time do're only making an assumption.
I know it because I'm the one who originally posted when he was admitted in critical condition and it was determined it was COVID-19........., by the attending physicians.......
Not sure yet about COVID-19 but NO ONE dies from AIDs or the Flu, they die from complications brought on by those illnesses so it is said they died from AIDs or the Flu because they would not have died then otherwise.
So basically you're assuming.....nevermind the fact that he had serious health conditions before he started showing symptoms. That fact that he had cancer surgery and radiation treatment had zip to do with it....or the fact that his wife came down with symptoms but had recovered. All the folks on the left care about is that he died from an assumed of course this guy who most of us never heard of since the 70s is supposedly one of the greatest composers. Funny....I don't remember any of his work. Only who he worked with. I listened to a few of his songs on Youtube and they were just songs....nothing catchy.
Soooo, you're now "most of us"........ Omnipotent also?
Tell ya what, a famous person died, no one cares if you knew who he was or not. Making this political is simply you being an asshole. Try not to, ya don't have to eat, sleep and shit politics 24-7........
No....what makes it political, motherfucker, is the fact that the media is making this guy frontpage news. He died....who cares what the cause was. In the past they wouldn't release the cause of death...because they didn't want to make false assumptions before a proper autopsy was performed....but now....because the left wants to shut the God Damned country down for political reasons....we already have been told the cause of death.....and apathetic assholes like you figure this is all normal shit.

So fuck you and keep being an ignorant asshole and swallow the Bullshit the media tells you hook line and sinker.
This whole thing stinks to high Heaven.
Sure thing there Billy......... :rofl:
Oh and thanks for confirming my assessment of you. :thup:
As if I give a flying-fuck what your assessment of me is.

Some of us have been warning you ignorant assholes this was coming for years....we just didn't know exactly how they were going to do it....and now you're going along with it like the sheeple they think you all are.

Oh my, I've gone and pissed off Mud because I'm not buying into his political rhetoric. Oh woe is me............ :lol:
If I was pissed off I wouldn't respond to'd already be on ignore.
I just figured you might be one of the more rational folks here....

What's really hilarious is the fact that every time this stuff happens you still don't believe the whole thing is part of a conspiracy.
Ask yourself why the left castigates anyone who dares to say anything about a possible cure or treatment?
The primary purpose of this is to remind us several times a day that some schmuck died from it....that way we won't think there's hope.
So..............somebody who was already a physical wreak dies from it...or complications from it (that's really not the point BTW)....and that person was so wonderful and loved by fans.
It's the same stupid shit they pulled with mass-shootings. Nobody gives a flying-fuck about mass-shootings now. What we care about is what the media wants us to care about.

So keep being gullible. Keep being an ignorant suck ass and do your job ridiculing anyone who dares think that something stinks to high-Heaven about all of this. That's what they want you to do, dip-shit.
Tell ya what Billy, put me on ignore considering I don't go for conspiratorial BS from either side and if you think I believe the media any more than I believe the right and left rhetoric you're fooling yourself. If the attending physicians said it was COVID-19 then I'm going to tend to believe them over you. In reality COVID-19 probably kills no one directly but causes complications that kill, complications that would most likely not have happened if COVID-19 wasn't present, that's a medical reality. Therefore death was a DIRECT cause due to the presence of COVID-19. Since you've probably never worked in the medical field you wouldn't know that. In other words you don't know what you're talking about yet think you do. Try again.
I'm not gonna claim to having medical training beyond being CPR certified. I've also done some cross-training with the team medic when I was active-duty. So I can give shots and put in IVs if I have to. But I also have training in journalism.....and the only reason they publish anything is because it's part of the script. This shit doesn't just happen by accident. It's part of planned coverage.

The nature of this disease it that it effects people with other health just pushes them over the edge....but apparently it rarely is fatal on it's own with proper medical treatment....and you know that. There probably has been 100 people die in this country since I started typing this post...but the only ones that matter right now, to the media, is the ones they can blame on COVID-19. Yesterday 3 people were stabbed to death in KY by a crazy truck driver.....but you didn't hear about it because politically it doesn't fit the media's agenda. And far as I am concerned...John Prine doesn't mean anything considering the fact that we have a national emergency going on and the media is still Hell-bent on destroying the president and the United States in the process.
The "planned" coverage is ratings related, i.e. follow the money........ Despite what they say the people want controversy, they want hype so the media gives it to them, the more the hype, the more controversial the more viewership ergo the higher ratings ergo more ad money revenue.........
It's not some conspiracy. The conspiracy or whatever you want to call it is when the media purposely misquotes, inserts or omits in an attempt to drive popular opinion their way. This pandemic is just another example of the media over-hyping, actually having for the first time in over a decade a sneeze and sniffle that's more serious than the ones in the past decade and running with it. Is COVID-19 serious? Yeah it is, more serious than your so called stats which are pretty much meaningless at this stage of the game. Is it over-hyped? Yeah but not to the degree you and others CHOOSE to believe.
Come back down to earth........... it over-hyped or isn't it?
What could possibly be the purpose of over-hyping the spread of a virus other than for political purposes........not just because the media likes controversy.
They've lost their credibility long ago......and their conduct, since this pandemic has been identified, has been horrendous. Even FOX NEWS is guilty of it. I refuse to watch them anymore. I don't see the point of their constant over speculation of what the death tolls are or how many new cases have been reported. It's pointless. The problem is serious and alot of old people are going to die because of it. What bothers me is what people who aren't infected are doing. That's what scares me the most. Not the disease. What are Democrats going to do....and just how far are they willing to go in their thirst for power and control over us. I think the media is losing a shitload of cash and viewership over it can't be for ratings.
Well you be scared, I'll continue to watch both sides exchange rhetoric and be entertained........
The only reason a sane person isn't a little scared is if they aren't living in America.
Europe and some of the other countries are already socialist. But they didn't get that way without alot of turmoil and hardship and we're next.
So if you don't mind looking for food in dumpsters.....then enjoy yourself.
There's one other reason, some of us sane people know that standing on the railroad tracks will not stop a speeding train, the result is going to be inevitable............
Never heard of him.....and I'm sure the only reason he was mentioned was so the media could claim he died from COVID-19

You'd be wrong. John Prine was a legend among musicians and songwriters.
Who cares.

Millions of Prine fans. I have no problem with you wanting to politicize everything. But this man wrote some amazing songs and inspired musicians of every stripe.
This is not the political forum....shitwhistle is just trolling.
Mud's gone full blown tribalistic and sees everything as political hence my reference to Billy0000........
Sorry, but the media and the Democrats have gone full blown tribalistic long before me.
They don't give a flying-fuck what their actions do to the people of this country....and it's amazing there are still folks like you who never seem to take anything seriously.
Well....maybe you're going to be a dying the dinosaurs...apathetic no-it-alls that can't face the truth.
Unfortunately Mud you've become so full of shit your eyes are permanently stained brown...... There's one thing in this world we have any real control over and that's how we react. Don't blame others for what you've become..... Isn't that what you claim your opposition has done....... :eusa_whistle:
Oh and the Kung Flu is not why John Prine's death was reported, it would have been reported regardless of what killed him. Oops........
Maybe so.....then again....maybe not.

That doesn't remove that fact that they reported cause of death as COVID-19 before an autopsy had been performed. There is no way they could know it was COVID-19 till the test results come back. They wouldn't know it till tomorrow.

So put that in your bong and smoke it.
He was admitted to the hospital and tested positive for COVID-19 at the time, that's what he was being treated for. So take your conspiratorial crap, stuff it in your bong and smoke it.
How do you know that?
So do you know that or are you assuming that? Because I saw no report that he was admitted for COVID-19....just that they claimed he died from it. Shit anyone can say he died from this or that...but unless an autopsy is perform...which hasn't happened because it takes time do're only making an assumption.
I know it because I'm the one who originally posted when he was admitted in critical condition and it was determined it was COVID-19........., by the attending physicians.......
Not sure yet about COVID-19 but NO ONE dies from AIDs or the Flu, they die from complications brought on by those illnesses so it is said they died from AIDs or the Flu because they would not have died then otherwise.
So basically you're assuming.....nevermind the fact that he had serious health conditions before he started showing symptoms. That fact that he had cancer surgery and radiation treatment had zip to do with it....or the fact that his wife came down with symptoms but had recovered. All the folks on the left care about is that he died from an assumed of course this guy who most of us never heard of since the 70s is supposedly one of the greatest composers. Funny....I don't remember any of his work. Only who he worked with. I listened to a few of his songs on Youtube and they were just songs....nothing catchy.
Soooo, you're now "most of us"........ Omnipotent also?
Tell ya what, a famous person died, no one cares if you knew who he was or not. Making this political is simply you being an asshole. Try not to, ya don't have to eat, sleep and shit politics 24-7........
No....what makes it political, motherfucker, is the fact that the media is making this guy frontpage news. He died....who cares what the cause was. In the past they wouldn't release the cause of death...because they didn't want to make false assumptions before a proper autopsy was performed....but now....because the left wants to shut the God Damned country down for political reasons....we already have been told the cause of death.....and apathetic assholes like you figure this is all normal shit.

So fuck you and keep being an ignorant asshole and swallow the Bullshit the media tells you hook line and sinker.
This whole thing stinks to high Heaven.
Sure thing there Billy......... :rofl:
Oh and thanks for confirming my assessment of you. :thup:
As if I give a flying-fuck what your assessment of me is.

Some of us have been warning you ignorant assholes this was coming for years....we just didn't know exactly how they were going to do it....and now you're going along with it like the sheeple they think you all are.

Oh my, I've gone and pissed off Mud because I'm not buying into his political rhetoric. Oh woe is me............ :lol:
If I was pissed off I wouldn't respond to'd already be on ignore.
I just figured you might be one of the more rational folks here....

What's really hilarious is the fact that every time this stuff happens you still don't believe the whole thing is part of a conspiracy.
Ask yourself why the left castigates anyone who dares to say anything about a possible cure or treatment?
The primary purpose of this is to remind us several times a day that some schmuck died from it....that way we won't think there's hope.
So..............somebody who was already a physical wreak dies from it...or complications from it (that's really not the point BTW)....and that person was so wonderful and loved by fans.
It's the same stupid shit they pulled with mass-shootings. Nobody gives a flying-fuck about mass-shootings now. What we care about is what the media wants us to care about.

So keep being gullible. Keep being an ignorant suck ass and do your job ridiculing anyone who dares think that something stinks to high-Heaven about all of this. That's what they want you to do, dip-shit.
Tell ya what Billy, put me on ignore considering I don't go for conspiratorial BS from either side and if you think I believe the media any more than I believe the right and left rhetoric you're fooling yourself. If the attending physicians said it was COVID-19 then I'm going to tend to believe them over you. In reality COVID-19 probably kills no one directly but causes complications that kill, complications that would most likely not have happened if COVID-19 wasn't present, that's a medical reality. Therefore death was a DIRECT cause due to the presence of COVID-19. Since you've probably never worked in the medical field you wouldn't know that. In other words you don't know what you're talking about yet think you do. Try again.
I'm not gonna claim to having medical training beyond being CPR certified. I've also done some cross-training with the team medic when I was active-duty. So I can give shots and put in IVs if I have to. But I also have training in journalism.....and the only reason they publish anything is because it's part of the script. This shit doesn't just happen by accident. It's part of planned coverage.

The nature of this disease it that it effects people with other health just pushes them over the edge....but apparently it rarely is fatal on it's own with proper medical treatment....and you know that. There probably has been 100 people die in this country since I started typing this post...but the only ones that matter right now, to the media, is the ones they can blame on COVID-19. Yesterday 3 people were stabbed to death in KY by a crazy truck driver.....but you didn't hear about it because politically it doesn't fit the media's agenda. And far as I am concerned...John Prine doesn't mean anything considering the fact that we have a national emergency going on and the media is still Hell-bent on destroying the president and the United States in the process.
The "planned" coverage is ratings related, i.e. follow the money........ Despite what they say the people want controversy, they want hype so the media gives it to them, the more the hype, the more controversial the more viewership ergo the higher ratings ergo more ad money revenue.........
It's not some conspiracy. The conspiracy or whatever you want to call it is when the media purposely misquotes, inserts or omits in an attempt to drive popular opinion their way. This pandemic is just another example of the media over-hyping, actually having for the first time in over a decade a sneeze and sniffle that's more serious than the ones in the past decade and running with it. Is COVID-19 serious? Yeah it is, more serious than your so called stats which are pretty much meaningless at this stage of the game. Is it over-hyped? Yeah but not to the degree you and others CHOOSE to believe.
Come back down to earth........... it over-hyped or isn't it?
What could possibly be the purpose of over-hyping the spread of a virus other than for political purposes........not just because the media likes controversy.
They've lost their credibility long ago......and their conduct, since this pandemic has been identified, has been horrendous. Even FOX NEWS is guilty of it. I refuse to watch them anymore. I don't see the point of their constant over speculation of what the death tolls are or how many new cases have been reported. It's pointless. The problem is serious and alot of old people are going to die because of it. What bothers me is what people who aren't infected are doing. That's what scares me the most. Not the disease. What are Democrats going to do....and just how far are they willing to go in their thirst for power and control over us. I think the media is losing a shitload of cash and viewership over it can't be for ratings.
Well you be scared, I'll continue to watch both sides exchange rhetoric and be entertained........
The only reason a sane person isn't a little scared is if they aren't living in America.
Europe and some of the other countries are already socialist. But they didn't get that way without alot of turmoil and hardship and we're next.
So if you don't mind looking for food in dumpsters.....then enjoy yourself.
There's one other reason, some of us sane people know that standing on the railroad tracks will not stop a speeding train, the result is going to be inevitable............
So you insist on staying on the tracks.....while acting like the train isn't coming...
Never heard of him.....and I'm sure the only reason he was mentioned was so the media could claim he died from COVID-19

You'd be wrong. John Prine was a legend among musicians and songwriters.
Who cares.

Millions of Prine fans. I have no problem with you wanting to politicize everything. But this man wrote some amazing songs and inspired musicians of every stripe.
This is not the political forum....shitwhistle is just trolling.
Mud's gone full blown tribalistic and sees everything as political hence my reference to Billy0000........
Sorry, but the media and the Democrats have gone full blown tribalistic long before me.
They don't give a flying-fuck what their actions do to the people of this country....and it's amazing there are still folks like you who never seem to take anything seriously.
Well....maybe you're going to be a dying the dinosaurs...apathetic no-it-alls that can't face the truth.
Unfortunately Mud you've become so full of shit your eyes are permanently stained brown...... There's one thing in this world we have any real control over and that's how we react. Don't blame others for what you've become..... Isn't that what you claim your opposition has done....... :eusa_whistle:
Oh and the Kung Flu is not why John Prine's death was reported, it would have been reported regardless of what killed him. Oops........
Maybe so.....then again....maybe not.

That doesn't remove that fact that they reported cause of death as COVID-19 before an autopsy had been performed. There is no way they could know it was COVID-19 till the test results come back. They wouldn't know it till tomorrow.

So put that in your bong and smoke it.
He was admitted to the hospital and tested positive for COVID-19 at the time, that's what he was being treated for. So take your conspiratorial crap, stuff it in your bong and smoke it.
How do you know that?
So do you know that or are you assuming that? Because I saw no report that he was admitted for COVID-19....just that they claimed he died from it. Shit anyone can say he died from this or that...but unless an autopsy is perform...which hasn't happened because it takes time do're only making an assumption.
I know it because I'm the one who originally posted when he was admitted in critical condition and it was determined it was COVID-19........., by the attending physicians.......
Not sure yet about COVID-19 but NO ONE dies from AIDs or the Flu, they die from complications brought on by those illnesses so it is said they died from AIDs or the Flu because they would not have died then otherwise.
So basically you're assuming.....nevermind the fact that he had serious health conditions before he started showing symptoms. That fact that he had cancer surgery and radiation treatment had zip to do with it....or the fact that his wife came down with symptoms but had recovered. All the folks on the left care about is that he died from an assumed of course this guy who most of us never heard of since the 70s is supposedly one of the greatest composers. Funny....I don't remember any of his work. Only who he worked with. I listened to a few of his songs on Youtube and they were just songs....nothing catchy.
Soooo, you're now "most of us"........ Omnipotent also?
Tell ya what, a famous person died, no one cares if you knew who he was or not. Making this political is simply you being an asshole. Try not to, ya don't have to eat, sleep and shit politics 24-7........
No....what makes it political, motherfucker, is the fact that the media is making this guy frontpage news. He died....who cares what the cause was. In the past they wouldn't release the cause of death...because they didn't want to make false assumptions before a proper autopsy was performed....but now....because the left wants to shut the God Damned country down for political reasons....we already have been told the cause of death.....and apathetic assholes like you figure this is all normal shit.

So fuck you and keep being an ignorant asshole and swallow the Bullshit the media tells you hook line and sinker.
This whole thing stinks to high Heaven.
Sure thing there Billy......... :rofl:
Oh and thanks for confirming my assessment of you. :thup:
As if I give a flying-fuck what your assessment of me is.

Some of us have been warning you ignorant assholes this was coming for years....we just didn't know exactly how they were going to do it....and now you're going along with it like the sheeple they think you all are.

Oh my, I've gone and pissed off Mud because I'm not buying into his political rhetoric. Oh woe is me............ :lol:
If I was pissed off I wouldn't respond to'd already be on ignore.
I just figured you might be one of the more rational folks here....

What's really hilarious is the fact that every time this stuff happens you still don't believe the whole thing is part of a conspiracy.
Ask yourself why the left castigates anyone who dares to say anything about a possible cure or treatment?
The primary purpose of this is to remind us several times a day that some schmuck died from it....that way we won't think there's hope.
So..............somebody who was already a physical wreak dies from it...or complications from it (that's really not the point BTW)....and that person was so wonderful and loved by fans.
It's the same stupid shit they pulled with mass-shootings. Nobody gives a flying-fuck about mass-shootings now. What we care about is what the media wants us to care about.

So keep being gullible. Keep being an ignorant suck ass and do your job ridiculing anyone who dares think that something stinks to high-Heaven about all of this. That's what they want you to do, dip-shit.
Tell ya what Billy, put me on ignore considering I don't go for conspiratorial BS from either side and if you think I believe the media any more than I believe the right and left rhetoric you're fooling yourself. If the attending physicians said it was COVID-19 then I'm going to tend to believe them over you. In reality COVID-19 probably kills no one directly but causes complications that kill, complications that would most likely not have happened if COVID-19 wasn't present, that's a medical reality. Therefore death was a DIRECT cause due to the presence of COVID-19. Since you've probably never worked in the medical field you wouldn't know that. In other words you don't know what you're talking about yet think you do. Try again.
I'm not gonna claim to having medical training beyond being CPR certified. I've also done some cross-training with the team medic when I was active-duty. So I can give shots and put in IVs if I have to. But I also have training in journalism.....and the only reason they publish anything is because it's part of the script. This shit doesn't just happen by accident. It's part of planned coverage.

The nature of this disease it that it effects people with other health just pushes them over the edge....but apparently it rarely is fatal on it's own with proper medical treatment....and you know that. There probably has been 100 people die in this country since I started typing this post...but the only ones that matter right now, to the media, is the ones they can blame on COVID-19. Yesterday 3 people were stabbed to death in KY by a crazy truck driver.....but you didn't hear about it because politically it doesn't fit the media's agenda. And far as I am concerned...John Prine doesn't mean anything considering the fact that we have a national emergency going on and the media is still Hell-bent on destroying the president and the United States in the process.
The "planned" coverage is ratings related, i.e. follow the money........ Despite what they say the people want controversy, they want hype so the media gives it to them, the more the hype, the more controversial the more viewership ergo the higher ratings ergo more ad money revenue.........
It's not some conspiracy. The conspiracy or whatever you want to call it is when the media purposely misquotes, inserts or omits in an attempt to drive popular opinion their way. This pandemic is just another example of the media over-hyping, actually having for the first time in over a decade a sneeze and sniffle that's more serious than the ones in the past decade and running with it. Is COVID-19 serious? Yeah it is, more serious than your so called stats which are pretty much meaningless at this stage of the game. Is it over-hyped? Yeah but not to the degree you and others CHOOSE to believe.
Come back down to earth........... it over-hyped or isn't it?
What could possibly be the purpose of over-hyping the spread of a virus other than for political purposes........not just because the media likes controversy.
They've lost their credibility long ago......and their conduct, since this pandemic has been identified, has been horrendous. Even FOX NEWS is guilty of it. I refuse to watch them anymore. I don't see the point of their constant over speculation of what the death tolls are or how many new cases have been reported. It's pointless. The problem is serious and alot of old people are going to die because of it. What bothers me is what people who aren't infected are doing. That's what scares me the most. Not the disease. What are Democrats going to do....and just how far are they willing to go in their thirst for power and control over us. I think the media is losing a shitload of cash and viewership over it can't be for ratings.
Well you be scared, I'll continue to watch both sides exchange rhetoric and be entertained........
The only reason a sane person isn't a little scared is if they aren't living in America.
Europe and some of the other countries are already socialist. But they didn't get that way without alot of turmoil and hardship and we're next.
So if you don't mind looking for food in dumpsters.....then enjoy yourself.
There's one other reason, some of us sane people know that standing on the railroad tracks will not stop a speeding train, the result is going to be inevitable............
So you insist on staying on the tracks.....
Not at all, I fought the lost fight, now I'm just an observer, you all carry on. Maybe you'll get lucky and stop the onrushing train but I wouldn't put any faith that if you do succeed what you end up with is what you wanted. Overall history is against ya, the American Revolution was a historical fluke, the right people at the right place in the right time. Chances that will happen again any time soon are not good, historically speaking.
Never heard of him.....and I'm sure the only reason he was mentioned was so the media could claim he died from COVID-19

You'd be wrong. John Prine was a legend among musicians and songwriters.
Who cares.

Millions of Prine fans. I have no problem with you wanting to politicize everything. But this man wrote some amazing songs and inspired musicians of every stripe.
This is not the political forum....shitwhistle is just trolling.
Mud's gone full blown tribalistic and sees everything as political hence my reference to Billy0000........
Sorry, but the media and the Democrats have gone full blown tribalistic long before me.
They don't give a flying-fuck what their actions do to the people of this country....and it's amazing there are still folks like you who never seem to take anything seriously.
Well....maybe you're going to be a dying the dinosaurs...apathetic no-it-alls that can't face the truth.
Unfortunately Mud you've become so full of shit your eyes are permanently stained brown...... There's one thing in this world we have any real control over and that's how we react. Don't blame others for what you've become..... Isn't that what you claim your opposition has done....... :eusa_whistle:
Oh and the Kung Flu is not why John Prine's death was reported, it would have been reported regardless of what killed him. Oops........
Maybe so.....then again....maybe not.

That doesn't remove that fact that they reported cause of death as COVID-19 before an autopsy had been performed. There is no way they could know it was COVID-19 till the test results come back. They wouldn't know it till tomorrow.

So put that in your bong and smoke it.
He was admitted to the hospital and tested positive for COVID-19 at the time, that's what he was being treated for. So take your conspiratorial crap, stuff it in your bong and smoke it.
How do you know that?
So do you know that or are you assuming that? Because I saw no report that he was admitted for COVID-19....just that they claimed he died from it. Shit anyone can say he died from this or that...but unless an autopsy is perform...which hasn't happened because it takes time do're only making an assumption.
I know it because I'm the one who originally posted when he was admitted in critical condition and it was determined it was COVID-19........., by the attending physicians.......
Not sure yet about COVID-19 but NO ONE dies from AIDs or the Flu, they die from complications brought on by those illnesses so it is said they died from AIDs or the Flu because they would not have died then otherwise.
So basically you're assuming.....nevermind the fact that he had serious health conditions before he started showing symptoms. That fact that he had cancer surgery and radiation treatment had zip to do with it....or the fact that his wife came down with symptoms but had recovered. All the folks on the left care about is that he died from an assumed of course this guy who most of us never heard of since the 70s is supposedly one of the greatest composers. Funny....I don't remember any of his work. Only who he worked with. I listened to a few of his songs on Youtube and they were just songs....nothing catchy.
Soooo, you're now "most of us"........ Omnipotent also?
Tell ya what, a famous person died, no one cares if you knew who he was or not. Making this political is simply you being an asshole. Try not to, ya don't have to eat, sleep and shit politics 24-7........
No....what makes it political, motherfucker, is the fact that the media is making this guy frontpage news. He died....who cares what the cause was. In the past they wouldn't release the cause of death...because they didn't want to make false assumptions before a proper autopsy was performed....but now....because the left wants to shut the God Damned country down for political reasons....we already have been told the cause of death.....and apathetic assholes like you figure this is all normal shit.

So fuck you and keep being an ignorant asshole and swallow the Bullshit the media tells you hook line and sinker.
This whole thing stinks to high Heaven.
Sure thing there Billy......... :rofl:
Oh and thanks for confirming my assessment of you. :thup:
As if I give a flying-fuck what your assessment of me is.

Some of us have been warning you ignorant assholes this was coming for years....we just didn't know exactly how they were going to do it....and now you're going along with it like the sheeple they think you all are.

Oh my, I've gone and pissed off Mud because I'm not buying into his political rhetoric. Oh woe is me............ :lol:
If I was pissed off I wouldn't respond to'd already be on ignore.
I just figured you might be one of the more rational folks here....

What's really hilarious is the fact that every time this stuff happens you still don't believe the whole thing is part of a conspiracy.
Ask yourself why the left castigates anyone who dares to say anything about a possible cure or treatment?
The primary purpose of this is to remind us several times a day that some schmuck died from it....that way we won't think there's hope.
So..............somebody who was already a physical wreak dies from it...or complications from it (that's really not the point BTW)....and that person was so wonderful and loved by fans.
It's the same stupid shit they pulled with mass-shootings. Nobody gives a flying-fuck about mass-shootings now. What we care about is what the media wants us to care about.

So keep being gullible. Keep being an ignorant suck ass and do your job ridiculing anyone who dares think that something stinks to high-Heaven about all of this. That's what they want you to do, dip-shit.
Tell ya what Billy, put me on ignore considering I don't go for conspiratorial BS from either side and if you think I believe the media any more than I believe the right and left rhetoric you're fooling yourself. If the attending physicians said it was COVID-19 then I'm going to tend to believe them over you. In reality COVID-19 probably kills no one directly but causes complications that kill, complications that would most likely not have happened if COVID-19 wasn't present, that's a medical reality. Therefore death was a DIRECT cause due to the presence of COVID-19. Since you've probably never worked in the medical field you wouldn't know that. In other words you don't know what you're talking about yet think you do. Try again.
I'm not gonna claim to having medical training beyond being CPR certified. I've also done some cross-training with the team medic when I was active-duty. So I can give shots and put in IVs if I have to. But I also have training in journalism.....and the only reason they publish anything is because it's part of the script. This shit doesn't just happen by accident. It's part of planned coverage.

The nature of this disease it that it effects people with other health just pushes them over the edge....but apparently it rarely is fatal on it's own with proper medical treatment....and you know that. There probably has been 100 people die in this country since I started typing this post...but the only ones that matter right now, to the media, is the ones they can blame on COVID-19. Yesterday 3 people were stabbed to death in KY by a crazy truck driver.....but you didn't hear about it because politically it doesn't fit the media's agenda. And far as I am concerned...John Prine doesn't mean anything considering the fact that we have a national emergency going on and the media is still Hell-bent on destroying the president and the United States in the process.
The "planned" coverage is ratings related, i.e. follow the money........ Despite what they say the people want controversy, they want hype so the media gives it to them, the more the hype, the more controversial the more viewership ergo the higher ratings ergo more ad money revenue.........
It's not some conspiracy. The conspiracy or whatever you want to call it is when the media purposely misquotes, inserts or omits in an attempt to drive popular opinion their way. This pandemic is just another example of the media over-hyping, actually having for the first time in over a decade a sneeze and sniffle that's more serious than the ones in the past decade and running with it. Is COVID-19 serious? Yeah it is, more serious than your so called stats which are pretty much meaningless at this stage of the game. Is it over-hyped? Yeah but not to the degree you and others CHOOSE to believe.
Come back down to earth........... it over-hyped or isn't it?
What could possibly be the purpose of over-hyping the spread of a virus other than for political purposes........not just because the media likes controversy.
They've lost their credibility long ago......and their conduct, since this pandemic has been identified, has been horrendous. Even FOX NEWS is guilty of it. I refuse to watch them anymore. I don't see the point of their constant over speculation of what the death tolls are or how many new cases have been reported. It's pointless. The problem is serious and alot of old people are going to die because of it. What bothers me is what people who aren't infected are doing. That's what scares me the most. Not the disease. What are Democrats going to do....and just how far are they willing to go in their thirst for power and control over us. I think the media is losing a shitload of cash and viewership over it can't be for ratings.
Well you be scared, I'll continue to watch both sides exchange rhetoric and be entertained........
The only reason a sane person isn't a little scared is if they aren't living in America.
Europe and some of the other countries are already socialist. But they didn't get that way without alot of turmoil and hardship and we're next.
So if you don't mind looking for food in dumpsters.....then enjoy yourself.
There's one other reason, some of us sane people know that standing on the railroad tracks will not stop a speeding train, the result is going to be inevitable............
So you insist on staying on the tracks.....
Not at all, I fought the lost fight, now I'm just an observer, you all carry on. Maybe you'll get lucky and stop the onrushing train but I wouldn't put any faith that if you do succeed what you end up with is what you wanted. Overall history is against ya, the American Revolution was a historical fluke, the right people at the right place in the right time. Chances that will happen again any time soon are not good, historically speaking.
You sound French......maybe you should think about moving there....because it ain't gonna be that easy here in America.
Never heard of him.....and I'm sure the only reason he was mentioned was so the media could claim he died from COVID-19

You'd be wrong. John Prine was a legend among musicians and songwriters.
Who cares.

Millions of Prine fans. I have no problem with you wanting to politicize everything. But this man wrote some amazing songs and inspired musicians of every stripe.
This is not the political forum....shitwhistle is just trolling.
Mud's gone full blown tribalistic and sees everything as political hence my reference to Billy0000........
Sorry, but the media and the Democrats have gone full blown tribalistic long before me.
They don't give a flying-fuck what their actions do to the people of this country....and it's amazing there are still folks like you who never seem to take anything seriously.
Well....maybe you're going to be a dying the dinosaurs...apathetic no-it-alls that can't face the truth.
Unfortunately Mud you've become so full of shit your eyes are permanently stained brown...... There's one thing in this world we have any real control over and that's how we react. Don't blame others for what you've become..... Isn't that what you claim your opposition has done....... :eusa_whistle:
Oh and the Kung Flu is not why John Prine's death was reported, it would have been reported regardless of what killed him. Oops........
Maybe so.....then again....maybe not.

That doesn't remove that fact that they reported cause of death as COVID-19 before an autopsy had been performed. There is no way they could know it was COVID-19 till the test results come back. They wouldn't know it till tomorrow.

So put that in your bong and smoke it.
He was admitted to the hospital and tested positive for COVID-19 at the time, that's what he was being treated for. So take your conspiratorial crap, stuff it in your bong and smoke it.
How do you know that?
So do you know that or are you assuming that? Because I saw no report that he was admitted for COVID-19....just that they claimed he died from it. Shit anyone can say he died from this or that...but unless an autopsy is perform...which hasn't happened because it takes time do're only making an assumption.
I know it because I'm the one who originally posted when he was admitted in critical condition and it was determined it was COVID-19........., by the attending physicians.......
Not sure yet about COVID-19 but NO ONE dies from AIDs or the Flu, they die from complications brought on by those illnesses so it is said they died from AIDs or the Flu because they would not have died then otherwise.
So basically you're assuming.....nevermind the fact that he had serious health conditions before he started showing symptoms. That fact that he had cancer surgery and radiation treatment had zip to do with it....or the fact that his wife came down with symptoms but had recovered. All the folks on the left care about is that he died from an assumed of course this guy who most of us never heard of since the 70s is supposedly one of the greatest composers. Funny....I don't remember any of his work. Only who he worked with. I listened to a few of his songs on Youtube and they were just songs....nothing catchy.
Soooo, you're now "most of us"........ Omnipotent also?
Tell ya what, a famous person died, no one cares if you knew who he was or not. Making this political is simply you being an asshole. Try not to, ya don't have to eat, sleep and shit politics 24-7........
No....what makes it political, motherfucker, is the fact that the media is making this guy frontpage news. He died....who cares what the cause was. In the past they wouldn't release the cause of death...because they didn't want to make false assumptions before a proper autopsy was performed....but now....because the left wants to shut the God Damned country down for political reasons....we already have been told the cause of death.....and apathetic assholes like you figure this is all normal shit.

So fuck you and keep being an ignorant asshole and swallow the Bullshit the media tells you hook line and sinker.
This whole thing stinks to high Heaven.
Sure thing there Billy......... :rofl:
Oh and thanks for confirming my assessment of you. :thup:
As if I give a flying-fuck what your assessment of me is.

Some of us have been warning you ignorant assholes this was coming for years....we just didn't know exactly how they were going to do it....and now you're going along with it like the sheeple they think you all are.

Oh my, I've gone and pissed off Mud because I'm not buying into his political rhetoric. Oh woe is me............ :lol:
If I was pissed off I wouldn't respond to'd already be on ignore.
I just figured you might be one of the more rational folks here....

What's really hilarious is the fact that every time this stuff happens you still don't believe the whole thing is part of a conspiracy.
Ask yourself why the left castigates anyone who dares to say anything about a possible cure or treatment?
The primary purpose of this is to remind us several times a day that some schmuck died from it....that way we won't think there's hope.
So..............somebody who was already a physical wreak dies from it...or complications from it (that's really not the point BTW)....and that person was so wonderful and loved by fans.
It's the same stupid shit they pulled with mass-shootings. Nobody gives a flying-fuck about mass-shootings now. What we care about is what the media wants us to care about.

So keep being gullible. Keep being an ignorant suck ass and do your job ridiculing anyone who dares think that something stinks to high-Heaven about all of this. That's what they want you to do, dip-shit.
Tell ya what Billy, put me on ignore considering I don't go for conspiratorial BS from either side and if you think I believe the media any more than I believe the right and left rhetoric you're fooling yourself. If the attending physicians said it was COVID-19 then I'm going to tend to believe them over you. In reality COVID-19 probably kills no one directly but causes complications that kill, complications that would most likely not have happened if COVID-19 wasn't present, that's a medical reality. Therefore death was a DIRECT cause due to the presence of COVID-19. Since you've probably never worked in the medical field you wouldn't know that. In other words you don't know what you're talking about yet think you do. Try again.
I'm not gonna claim to having medical training beyond being CPR certified. I've also done some cross-training with the team medic when I was active-duty. So I can give shots and put in IVs if I have to. But I also have training in journalism.....and the only reason they publish anything is because it's part of the script. This shit doesn't just happen by accident. It's part of planned coverage.

The nature of this disease it that it effects people with other health just pushes them over the edge....but apparently it rarely is fatal on it's own with proper medical treatment....and you know that. There probably has been 100 people die in this country since I started typing this post...but the only ones that matter right now, to the media, is the ones they can blame on COVID-19. Yesterday 3 people were stabbed to death in KY by a crazy truck driver.....but you didn't hear about it because politically it doesn't fit the media's agenda. And far as I am concerned...John Prine doesn't mean anything considering the fact that we have a national emergency going on and the media is still Hell-bent on destroying the president and the United States in the process.
The "planned" coverage is ratings related, i.e. follow the money........ Despite what they say the people want controversy, they want hype so the media gives it to them, the more the hype, the more controversial the more viewership ergo the higher ratings ergo more ad money revenue.........
It's not some conspiracy. The conspiracy or whatever you want to call it is when the media purposely misquotes, inserts or omits in an attempt to drive popular opinion their way. This pandemic is just another example of the media over-hyping, actually having for the first time in over a decade a sneeze and sniffle that's more serious than the ones in the past decade and running with it. Is COVID-19 serious? Yeah it is, more serious than your so called stats which are pretty much meaningless at this stage of the game. Is it over-hyped? Yeah but not to the degree you and others CHOOSE to believe.
Come back down to earth........... it over-hyped or isn't it?
What could possibly be the purpose of over-hyping the spread of a virus other than for political purposes........not just because the media likes controversy.
They've lost their credibility long ago......and their conduct, since this pandemic has been identified, has been horrendous. Even FOX NEWS is guilty of it. I refuse to watch them anymore. I don't see the point of their constant over speculation of what the death tolls are or how many new cases have been reported. It's pointless. The problem is serious and alot of old people are going to die because of it. What bothers me is what people who aren't infected are doing. That's what scares me the most. Not the disease. What are Democrats going to do....and just how far are they willing to go in their thirst for power and control over us. I think the media is losing a shitload of cash and viewership over it can't be for ratings.
Well you be scared, I'll continue to watch both sides exchange rhetoric and be entertained........
The only reason a sane person isn't a little scared is if they aren't living in America.
Europe and some of the other countries are already socialist. But they didn't get that way without alot of turmoil and hardship and we're next.
So if you don't mind looking for food in dumpsters.....then enjoy yourself.
There's one other reason, some of us sane people know that standing on the railroad tracks will not stop a speeding train, the result is going to be inevitable............
So you insist on staying on the tracks.....
Not at all, I fought the lost fight, now I'm just an observer, you all carry on. Maybe you'll get lucky and stop the onrushing train but I wouldn't put any faith that if you do succeed what you end up with is what you wanted. Overall history is against ya, the American Revolution was a historical fluke, the right people at the right place in the right time. Chances that will happen again any time soon are not good, historically speaking.
You sound French......maybe you should think about moving there....because it ain't gonna be that easy here in America.
Nope, Heinz 57. Historian, sociologist, cultural anthropologist with a background in psychology and medicine.
Never heard of the guy, but I like the song I heard.

Why I never heard of him? Too insulated?

This livin' is a hard row to hoe. That's very true.

Prine fans all seem to have a lyric or two that is their favorite. He could sure write'em.
Seems like he put the truth of life in music.

That he did.

"There's a hole in daddy's arm where all the money goes, "

"But your flag decal won't get you into Heaven anymore
They're already overcrowded from your dirty little war
Now Jesus don't like killin', no matter what the reason's for
And your flag decal won't get you into Heaven anymore"

So many great songs
Hey man, thanks! :thup:

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