Joint Chiefs Chair Says No Change in Transgender Policy

It's not up to them, I'm afraid. It is up to 'Mad-dog Mattis'.

"The Department of Defense declared Thursday there will be “no modifications to the current policy” on transgender service members for now, a day after President Trump issued a surprise three-tweet directive banning those troops from the military.

In a memo to service chiefs and commanders, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford, Jr. declared no changes to the policy until "the President’s direction has been received by the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary has issued implementation guidance" -- which has not yet happened."

Defense Department to Trump on transgender ban: Not so fast
Sounds to me like Mattis was simply "getting in front of it"

perhaps this will clarify reality for you:

"There will be “no modifications” to the military’s transgender policy as a result of President Donald Trump’s declared ban on transgender men and women on Twitter, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs said in a message to top military officers on Thursday -- the latest sign of the disarray following the commander-in-chief's abrupt announcement.

Marine Gen. Joe Dunford also wrote in the message, which was sent to the chiefs of the military branches and senior enlisted leaders, that the military will continue to “treat all of our personnel with respect.”

Joint Chiefs: 'No modifications' to transgender policy from Trump tweet
" “There will be no modifications to the current policy until the President's direction has been received by the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary has issued implementation guidance.”
Has that happened yet?
I got a call into Trump. He's gonna let me know as soon as he formulates the directive and I'll leak it I'll post it on here.
Why is it liberals are so easy to dupe?
This was a smart move by the President to get the media talking about yet another non-issue instead of talking about the GOP's failure to repeal and replace...which is really not a failure, I think we should have learned by now what rushing through massive legislation can do.
At any rate - the media fell for it again.
And so did all of you.
And...who's talking about it more? The Russian investigation continues.....tick tock.
It's not up to them, I'm afraid. It is up to 'Mad-dog Mattis'.

"The Department of Defense declared Thursday there will be “no modifications to the current policy” on transgender service members for now, a day after President Trump issued a surprise three-tweet directive banning those troops from the military.

In a memo to service chiefs and commanders, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford, Jr. declared no changes to the policy until "the President’s direction has been received by the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary has issued implementation guidance" -- which has not yet happened."

Defense Department to Trump on transgender ban: Not so fast
Sounds to me like Mattis was simply "getting in front of it"

perhaps this will clarify reality for you:

"There will be “no modifications” to the military’s transgender policy as a result of President Donald Trump’s declared ban on transgender men and women on Twitter, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs said in a message to top military officers on Thursday -- the latest sign of the disarray following the commander-in-chief's abrupt announcement.

Marine Gen. Joe Dunford also wrote in the message, which was sent to the chiefs of the military branches and senior enlisted leaders, that the military will continue to “treat all of our personnel with respect.”

Joint Chiefs: 'No modifications' to transgender policy from Trump tweet
" “There will be no modifications to the current policy until the President's direction has been received by the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary has issued implementation guidance.”
Has that happened yet?
I got a call into Trump. He's gonna let me know as soon as he formulates the directive and I'll leak it I'll post it on here.
And...what does he "get" from you in return? ;)
Trump is CinC, he gets to decide military matters. Hew could make Obama wear a dress and serve if he wanted
The CinC gives orders thru tweets now?
The CinC gives orders thru tweets now?
has anyone but loony lefties and dim Democrats made the claim he does?
So...we are all in agreement that trump has NOT ordered any changes in the military trans policy. Good to know we all concur.
Why is it liberals are so easy to dupe?
This was a smart move by the President to get the media talking about yet another non-issue instead of talking about the GOP's failure to repeal and replace...which is really not a failure, I think we should have learned by now what rushing through massive legislation can do.
At any rate - the media fell for it again.
And so did all of you.
And...who's talking about it more? The Russian investigation continues.....tick tock.

Russia?...that's yesterday. Today it is Transgenders and Boy Scouts...wait...I hope this is coincidental.
Trump is CinC, he gets to decide military matters. Hew could make Obama wear a dress and serve if he wanted
The CinC gives orders thru tweets now?
The CinC gives orders thru tweets now?
has anyone but loony lefties and dim Democrats made the claim he does?

They all demonstrate that they're ignorant of reality or just doing a really bad job of trying to troll.
Trump is CinC, he gets to decide military matters. Hew could make Obama wear a dress and serve if he wanted
The CinC gives orders thru tweets now?
The CinC gives orders thru tweets now?
has anyone but loony lefties and dim Democrats made the claim he does?

They all demonstrate that they're ignorant of reality or just doing a really bad job of trying to troll.
So..we all agree that trump hasn't ordered trans out of the military yet.
So..we all agree that trump hasn't ordered trans out of the military yet.

Obviously not.
I absolutely believe this was just a tactic to distract the media who love shiny objects.
And what better shiny object to distract them than transgenders. He couldn't go wrong.
It worked well.
So..we all agree that trump hasn't ordered trans out of the military yet.

Obviously not.
I absolutely believe this was just a tactic to distract the media who love shiny objects.
And what better shiny object to distract them than transgenders. He couldn't go wrong.
It worked well.
Yeah...looking at all the threads started here by........con-servatives. Red meat to make them drool.
I'm no fan of Trump. I think it's asinine to make important policy announcements via twitter and catch everybody by surprise. That said, I agree with him that the military is not the place for this. The military is in place to defend our country, not for social experiments. It used to be "Join the Navy and see the world". Now it's becoming "Join the Navy and chop your dick off." If people really want to undergo this sort of thing, they can do it on their own time and their own dime.
Basically, the smart people in the room are now working around the tweeting twitterer:

"I know there are questions about yesterday's announcement on the transgender policy by the President," Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford said in a statement. "There will be no modifications to the current policy until the President's direction has been received by the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary has issued implementation guidance.

"In the meantime, we will continue to treat all of our personnel with respect," he added. "As importantly, given the current fight and the challenges we face, we will all remain focused on accomplishing our assigned missions."

The Department of Defense echoed that message, saying it was "awaiting formal guidance from the White House," according to a statement by Chief Pentagon Spokesperson Dana White. "We will provide detailed guidance to the Department in the near future for how this policy change will be implemented."

Joint Chiefs Chairman Says Transgender Policy Won't Change Yet

Sorry, I didn't see your thread before starting another.
I'm no fan of Trump. I think it's asinine to make important policy announcements via twitter and catch everybody by surprise. That said, I agree with him that the military is not the place for this. The military is in place to defend our country, not for social experiments. It used to be "Join the Navy and see the world". Now it's becoming "Join the Navy and chop your dick off." If people really want to undergo this sort of thing, they can do it on their own time and their own dime.
I was not aware that that was the new Navy motto.
I'm no fan of Trump. I think it's asinine to make important policy announcements via twitter and catch everybody by surprise. That said, I agree with him that the military is not the place for this. The military is in place to defend our country, not for social experiments. It used to be "Join the Navy and see the world". Now it's becoming "Join the Navy and chop your dick off." If people really want to undergo this sort of thing, they can do it on their own time and their own dime.
I was not aware that that was the new Navy motto.
The times they are a changing. People join for myriad reasons -patriotism, learn a trade, GI bill, travel, etc. But it never would have occurred to me to join to undergo a sex change operation. You really want an Army doc doing that? I might trust them to lance a boil or dispense Motrin, but not that.
I'm no fan of Trump. I think it's asinine to make important policy announcements via twitter and catch everybody by surprise. That said, I agree with him that the military is not the place for this. The military is in place to defend our country, not for social experiments. It used to be "Join the Navy and see the world". Now it's becoming "Join the Navy and chop your dick off." If people really want to undergo this sort of thing, they can do it on their own time and their own dime.
I was not aware that that was the new Navy motto.
The times they are a changing. People join for myriad reasons -patriotism, learn a trade, GI bill, travel, etc. But it never would have occurred to me to join to undergo a sex change operation. You really want an Army doc doing that? I might trust them to lance a boil or dispense Motrin, but not that.
You are asserting that people join the military FOR that?
Basically, the smart people in the room are now working around the tweeting twitterer:

"I know there are questions about yesterday's announcement on the transgender policy by the President," Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford said in a statement. "There will be no modifications to the current policy until the President's direction has been received by the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary has issued implementation guidance.

"In the meantime, we will continue to treat all of our personnel with respect," he added. "As importantly, given the current fight and the challenges we face, we will all remain focused on accomplishing our assigned missions."

The Department of Defense echoed that message, saying it was "awaiting formal guidance from the White House," according to a statement by Chief Pentagon Spokesperson Dana White. "We will provide detailed guidance to the Department in the near future for how this policy change will be implemented."

Joint Chiefs Chairman Says Transgender Policy Won't Change Yet
It sounds as if they're just waiting for their marching orders. This is the Pentagon. They say Yes Sir.

not with 15,000 active duty transgendered troops,.

so I disagree.... I think this is where they take the orange one to the woodshed and do what they need to.
Wait. We're up to 15,000 trannies in the military now? Why does this number keep getting larger and less believable?
I'm no fan of Trump. I think it's asinine to make important policy announcements via twitter and catch everybody by surprise. That said, I agree with him that the military is not the place for this. The military is in place to defend our country, not for social experiments. It used to be "Join the Navy and see the world". Now it's becoming "Join the Navy and chop your dick off." If people really want to undergo this sort of thing, they can do it on their own time and their own dime.
I was not aware that that was the new Navy motto.
The times they are a changing. People join for myriad reasons -patriotism, learn a trade, GI bill, travel, etc. But it never would have occurred to me to join to undergo a sex change operation. You really want an Army doc doing that? I might trust them to lance a boil or dispense Motrin, but not that.
You are asserting that people join the military FOR that?
I don't think servicemen suddenly wake up one day and think " Gee, I really want to be a woman." Reassignment surgery isn't cheap, nor are the hormone treatments. If they can't afford this as civilians, maybe they think the government will do it for them.

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