Jordan and Comer should let the Hunter Biden testimony be public

The fact that none of you guys can ever clarify your gibberish means even you don’t understand what your posting.

Shokin was protecting corrupt prosecutors. This was a problem for the DoJ and State Dept who were trying to reform the office and institute stronger anticorruption departments.

That effort was subverted by Shokin.

None of you morons want to talk about this because you know nothing about it.
LOL We have. But you refuse to acknowledge reality and stick with the Biden's talking points.
This is exactly what I was referring to.
LOL . You clearly know more about the law than 90% of your fellow looney tunes here. But when you are losing an argument to invariably lash out with the personal insults. A most obvious tell.
What i am… is not susceptible to idiot right wing garbage

Yes, you are a slave to Democrats, everyone already knows that, MAGA man. You believe what Democrats tell you to believe, it's simple and you are a simpleton
It isn't his choice anymore then it was any of the republican people called before Democratics to testify in closed door sessions.

surada is showing that Democrat dearth of standards for herself saying what she never said when it was Trump. She's a hypocrite, it's not hard to figure out
LOL . You clearly know more about the law than 90% of your fellow looney tunes here. But when you are losing an argument to invariably lash out with the personal insults. A most obvious tell.
When you lose an argument, you run away.
Nah. I disengage when posters start with the personal insults rather than reasoned debate. You being Exhibit A
The question is why you don’t engage in reasoned debate but demand everyone else do so?
The question is why you don’t engage in reasoned debate but demand everyone else do so?
I gave you the quote from Archers testimony. And today, ad hominum, you lash out and called me a liar over his testimony. QED
I gave you the quote from Archers testimony. And today, ad hominum, you lash out and called me a liar over his testimony. QED
You misrepresented what that quote says. Archer specifically says that he has no recollection that Shokin was mentioned.

So yeah. That makes you a liar.
You misrepresented what that quote says. Archer specifically says that he has no recollection that Shokin was mentioned.

So yeah. That makes you a liar.
Yet you cannot quote my "misrepresentation" LOL
That prosecutor was corrupt and everyone wanted him gone! All the NATO nations wanted him gone.

What Biden did was definitely not as bad as Trump trying to extort an investigation from Zelensky by threatening to withhold military aid!

Since that never happened, how could it be worse? We have tapes of the phone call proving that Trump did not withhold military aid, but we have video of Biden bragging about his extortion about the loan guarantees.
Yet you cannot quote my "misrepresentation" LOL
No mention of Shokin.

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