Journalist Shot By Israeli Sniper -- Did She Have It Coming??

my husband's grandfathers wife (a second wife
after the death of his first wife) was raped in
the islamic shariah adherent cesspit of hubby's
birth by muslims-----a common occurence in that
shariah shit hole. She was murdered too----along
with her two infants. Why do you not expect
answers? "as usual" ????
I don't believe you, but you were talking about millions and millions, so the many overly dramatic stories of the supposed relatives of your supposed husband don't count.
alexa said:
You believe an American citizen killed in her work abroad is an enemy. Interesting.

she may hold american citizenship...but she is no loyal american. and i'm going to double check on that claim because the left media is so full of lies.
An autopsy at An-Najah National University was unable to determine who shot Abu Akleh; the pathologist found no evidence that she had been shot at close range. The autopsy confirmed that Abu Akleh was killed by a bullet which struck her in the head, causing skull fractures and damage to the brain.[25] The bullet was recovered and sent for further examination.[26] Minister of Defence Benny Gantz said the IDF had requested the Palestinians to let the Israelis examine the bullet [27] but the Palestinians refused. Israel have also suggested a joint probe to the death .[28]

says to me somebody has something to hide and it isn't the israelis.
I don't believe you, but you were talking about millions and millions, so the many overly dramatic stories of the supposed relatives of your supposed husband don't count.

got it. Only leftist anecdotal stories count.
An autopsy at An-Najah National University was unable to determine who shot Abu Akleh; the pathologist found no evidence that she had been shot at close range. The autopsy confirmed that Abu Akleh was killed by a bullet which struck her in the head, causing skull fractures and damage to the brain.[25] The bullet was recovered and sent for further examination.[26] Minister of Defence Benny Gantz said the IDF had requested the Palestinians to let the Israelis examine the bullet [27] but the Palestinians refused. Israel have also suggested a joint probe to the death .[28]

says to me somebody has something to hide and it isn't the israelis.
Sorry. The Israelis are known to have lied in the information the gave out when they said it was the Palestinians killed her. It seems there are witnesses. They are wanting an Independent investigation.
You know no more than any of the rest of us. Stop talking like you're an expert on the investigation. You're an armchair detective like the rest of us...and we're more right than you are. scotland. you oughta know better.
she may hold american citizenship...but she is no loyal american.
She worked for Al Jazeera and I think but not sure that she was one of their chief reporters in Palestine/Israel. She was earning a living. That did not make her disloyal to America..

and i'm going to double check on that claim because the left media is so full of lies.
Always a good idea to check :)
You know no more than any of the rest of us. Stop talking like you're an expert on the investigation. You're an armchair detective like the rest of us...and we're more right than you are. scotland. you oughta know better.

I write on what I know. I haven't acted like an armchair detective just repeated things which have been said. I get the feeling you would rather this was not reported.
well you're wrong. I dislike antisemitism.. hatred of jews. I dislike that people would stand behind...well....if you're there they'd be putting you IN FRONT OF THEM, terrorist palis.
I don't believe you, but you were talking about millions and millions, so the many overly dramatic stories of the supposed relatives of your supposed husband don't count.
MILLIONS----in the 1970s muslims murdered more than 2 million Biafran christians----about a million children. <<< one example. you will not hear about
it during the weekly khutbah jumaad feces fling
You believe an American citizen killed in her work abroad is an enemy. Interesting.
you actually believe that YOU can determine what
another person BELIEVES? ----your post suggests
that you are PSYCHOTIC
The folks in Scotland do ??
Does this happen in Ireland and England ??
I suppose you are talking about Scotland flying Palestinian flags when you 'go to war' with the Palestinians. Very much so. Probably the biggest supporter of Palestine in Scotland is Celtic Football club. I think they may have had to take the Palestinian flag down now...may be wrong but they were flying it at matches for years. They have also collected and sent a lot of money to the Palestinians. Now, this will give you a hint as to your next country. Celtic is a Glasgow club set up to represent refugees from Ireland.

So Ireland is I think possibly the Palestinian's biggest supporter in the world. They support Palestine because they see the situation that they are in as very like what they had to put up with. England. Well English councils were going to do BDS - many Scottish councils had been doing it for some time. This resulted in the Government banning them doing it, them continuing, being taken to court and the court declaring that it is not antisemetic or wrong for people to do this because we are a democracy and people have the right to choose who they give their political affiliation to. They tried our courts many times and our courts would have none of it. Then the Tories determined that just about everyone in England had to take on the IHRA and their version makes just about any criticism on Israel antisemetic. They particularly homed in on our Universities threatening to cut their funding unless they agreed to it. So there is work which needs to be sorted in this regard as Universities and their students never mind everyone else is currently not allowed to come to their own opinion. Hence England's right to freedom of speech and political thought is currently suppressed. I am not sure if or how this affects Scotland. Anyway that is bound to come to a head and get sorted out just like it was when they tried to work with the EU working Definition on Antisemitism.

Edit: Oh I just have to add this. I am sure you know that in the North of Ireland, Ulster, there is some unease between Roman Catholics and Protestants. Well of course the Protestants had to get in on this and they now have claimed to come from the area and that this is true from the Declaration of Arbroath. ,,,,so of course they are strong Israeli supporters. They have taken an old flag and turned it into this. There is a symbolism to all this but I cannot remember it,



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"Shereen Abu Akleh, an al Jazeera reporter killed on Wednesday while covering an Israeli military raid in Jenin, was an American citizen, the U.S. Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides said. "Very sad to learn of the death of American and Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh," Nides tweeted. "I encourage a thorough investigation into the circumstances of her death and the injury of at least one other journalist today in Jenin." A U.S. embassy spokesperson in Jerusalem said Abu Akleh had covered issues in the Middle East and internationally for more than two decades and was "deeply respected by many Palestinians and others around the world".

Israeli forces were operating in the Jenin refugee camp and several other areas of the West Bank to apprehend "terror suspects," the military said. The Palestinian Health Ministry said Abu Akleh, 51, was hit in the head by live fire. A second reporter, Ali Samodi, sustained a gunshot wound to the back -- The Israeli military said in a statement that it was looking into "a possibility, now being looked into, that reporters were hit – possibly by shots fired by Palestinian gunmen."

From the footage, it is impossible to tell if she was killed by a sniper as witnesses have alleged...but it is safe to say that this woman got what she was she allowed to even become a US citizen if she is siding with Palestinians?? ..Lots of terrorist sympathizers try to help their terrorist friends by posing as a journalist....Apparently she has been doing this for 20 yrs and it has finally caught up with her.....Was she killed by her own terrorist friends or was she taken out by an Israeli sniper?? If she was taken out by Israelis, it is obviously justified...if she was killed by terrorists, that is just karma.

Got what she deserved? An American journalist murdered by an Israeli sniper, shot in the head wearing a bright blue vest that said journalist?

So the rules are now that any Israeli soldier is fair game any where in the world?

Rules understood.

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