Juan Williams Has His Say

Soros donates a million to NPR. One week later, Williams is fired. It took NRP 36 hours to contact him after his supposedly 'bigoted' remark. Sorry, lefties, I'm not buying the hype. This was a coordinated attack on a decent man because he dared to go off message from the progressive mantra.

CG.. Soros donated one million to media matters. He donated 1.8 million to NPR. Juan is fired and Media Matters is calling for Mara Liasson to be next. You are exactly correct. These attacks are because he works at Fox. They better have a good paper trail to verify their reasons and that "physicatrist" statement may cause some problems.

One minute the wingnuts are whining about government money going to NPR instead of private money,

the next minute they're whining about private money going to NPR.

You really need to learn what the word 'whine' means. Stating facts is not whining, idiot.
I love how the right seems to have decided now that a job is an entitlement, and your employer's opinion on how you're doing your job is irrelevant.

Will you be applying that principle to teachers now?


I love how you (as as individual) are unable to distinguish between the opinion of one and the opinion of many. That'll be that borg-mind of yours.
The irony of Williams' bitching about racial bias at NPR whilst having been fired for hate speech against Muslims is un-fucking-believable.

Are you capable of independent thought?
Or do you prefer to be a small annoying echo of others spinnery?

It is obvious you did not see or read about the conversation Juan had on the show. Or if you did, you prefer to spin the truth like the ilk that you follow.
Juan Williams got a bad case of Sorosis.

Progressives are intolerant because their ideology is flawed and the can never win the debate on the merits so they must silence the opposition.
The irony of Williams' bitching about racial bias at NPR whilst having been fired for hate speech against Muslims is un-fucking-believable.

Are you capable of independent thought?
Or do you prefer to be a small annoying echo of others spinnery?

It is obvious you did not see or read about the conversation Juan had on the show. Or if you did, you prefer to spin the truth like the ilk that you follow.

I know word for word what Williams had to say, iamwhatiseem. I judge it hateful to promote the idea that Muslim = terrorist.

In this country, at this time, what label could possibly be more repugnant?
The irony of Williams' bitching about racial bias at NPR whilst having been fired for hate speech against Muslims is un-fucking-believable.

Are you capable of independent thought?
Or do you prefer to be a small annoying echo of others spinnery?

It is obvious you did not see or read about the conversation Juan had on the show. Or if you did, you prefer to spin the truth like the ilk that you follow.

I know word for word what Williams had to say, iamwhatiseem. I judge it hateful to promote the idea that Muslim = terrorist.

In this country, at this time, what label could possibly be more repugnant?

Had he done that, I would criticize him for it. But he DID NOT.
Are you capable of independent thought?
Or do you prefer to be a small annoying echo of others spinnery?

It is obvious you did not see or read about the conversation Juan had on the show. Or if you did, you prefer to spin the truth like the ilk that you follow.

I know word for word what Williams had to say, iamwhatiseem. I judge it hateful to promote the idea that Muslim = terrorist.

In this country, at this time, what label could possibly be more repugnant?

Had he done that, I would criticize him for it. But he DID NOT.

That's a fail. Williams said he was made nervous by Muslims in traditional garb. If looking at a person and assigning blame based on appearance is not racist...if pre-judging someone based on their appearance is not racist....if suspecting every Muslim in traditional garb of being a terrorist is not hateful....

Then what would be?

BTW, remind us how many actual terrorists and attempted terrorists were wearing traditional Muslim garb at the time of the attack? None? Does irrationality count towards evaluating hate speech with you?

It does with me.
Juan Williams analogy:

You were mugged and threatened by a group of black teenagers while walking down the street. The next time you were walking down the street and saw a group of black teenagers walking towards you, you would feel gut-level apprehension and nervousness.

Slightly bigoted? Yes.

Logical? Not really.

Actionable (meaning, something needs to be done about black teenagers)? No.

Understandable? Absolutely.

Juan Williams did nothing more than to express this view. A view which is completely understandable and a view which most people would be lying if they did not say they shared for a small period of time.
Michael Moore to Juan Williams: Juan, you probably remember in 1986 when the Washington Post Magazine ran a Richard Cohen column defending jewelry store owners who wouldn’t buzz in young black men. It caused such a big controversy that the New Republic ran a bunch of responses to it, including one by you. You might find it interesting to go back and read what you wrote then — for instance, “Racism is a lazy man’s substitute for using good judgment … Common sense becomes racism when skin color becomes a formula for figuring out who is a danger to me.”

Juan Williams Is Right: Political Correctness About Terrorists Must End! | Islamophobia Today eNewspaper

Ironic, eh?
I love how the right seems to have decided now that a job is an entitlement, and your employer's opinion on how you're doing your job is irrelevant.

Will you be applying that principle to teachers now?


I love how you (as as individual) are unable to distinguish between the opinion of one and the opinion of many. That'll be that borg-mind of yours.

The rightwing consensus on this board is that Juan Williams was ENTITLED to keep his job, that his free speech RIGHTS were violated, and that he has a good case to sue to get his job back.

What percent of the right here disagrees with that, in general?
He was promoting nothing Madeline. Obviously you didn't get the context.

I disagree, chanel. IMO, Williams was promoting Williams by forcing NPR's hand and creating a faux controversy...or did you think Fox News negotiated a $2 Million contract in 20 minutes?

Firstly, they didn't 'negotiate' a contract in 20 minutes. They extended an existing one and that means he gets $2m. Good for him.

Secondly, Juan himself, when talking about Muslim 'garb' said that he was wrong to feel that way. He acknowledged it was wrong to feel that way but also acknowledged that sometimes concern outweighs common sense. That is not 'hate', that is admitting that you are a human being. And, thousands of Americans feel the exact same way. Interestingly enough, one of them is my cousin. He emailed me about Juan's comments and said he not only understands it, he feels the same way. Funny thing, my cousin is a Muslim.
The rightwing consensus on this board is that Juan Williams was ENTITLED to keep his job, that his free speech RIGHTS were violated, and that he has a good case to sue to get his job back.

Again, the only people I have seen saying that are kyzr (rightie) and CurveLight (loony).
Soros donates a million to NPR. One week later, Williams is fired. It took NRP 36 hours to contact him after his supposedly 'bigoted' remark. Sorry, lefties, I'm not buying the hype. This was a coordinated attack on a decent man because he dared to go off message from the progressive mantra.

CG.. Soros donated one million to media matters. He donated 1.8 million to NPR. Juan is fired and Media Matters is calling for Mara Liasson to be next. You are exactly correct. These attacks are because he works at Fox. They better have a good paper trail to verify their reasons and that "physicatrist" statement may cause some problems.

One minute the wingnuts are whining about government money going to NPR instead of private money,

the next minute they're whining about private money going to NPR.

Who is whining about Soros' money? The point is if NPR is going to pick sides against Fox at the same time Soros declares war and donates, they can and should do that without tax money.

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