Judge Approves Trump's 'Special Master' Request

I show nothing to a lazy ass, piece of shit who claims to be a math teacher.
Not that I know too many LibTard educators who actually read the news.
By the way, your fellow LibTard Berg80 just inadvertently, via a Link, confirmed what I posted.
You said.......
All that matters is the fact that the FBI showed up without warning.
The FBI threw box covers and a few empty folders on the floor and took a picture.
The FBI then took all the boxes and discovered that all the folders were empty.

This is your brain on BULLSHIT.
"All the folders were empty"
Screen Shot 2022-09-05 at 4.19.46 PM.png

Some 'empty'
some 'Not empty'

You claimed "All the folders were empty". post 331

You LIED again.
You can't spin this lie of yours.
I'll quote you again from post 331.

From above ^^^^^. The FBI then took all the boxes and discovered that all the folders were empty.
The issue of EP is settled law. It is within the purview of the sitting prez to established what is permitted to be protected under executive privilege.
Settled law, yes. But they will keep stalling by asking for more and more specifics of the exact quote from the supreme court decision saying it.
You said.......

"All the folders were empty"
View attachment 692185

Some 'empty'
some 'Not empty'

You claimed "All the folders were empty". post 331

You LIED again.
You can't spin this lie of yours.
I'll quote you again from post 331.

From above ^^^^^. The FBI then took all the boxes and discovered that all the folders were empty.
Look at those contents!
You got him this time!

And the best part is you didn't even know about this until I pissed you off.
You said.......

"All the folders were empty"

You LIED again.
You can't spin this lie of yours.
I'll quote you again from post 331.

I posted from the same PDF file, but I did it as text that was a little jumbled. But it shows both all the "documents marked classified" and "empty folders"

Apparently the first reactions was to all the classified documents Trump stole. And they later realized the empty folders were like finding a bunch of book jackets.
It's so sad that we've forgotten, as a nation, that Trump is a Russian asset tied to Putin.
How is it that "paperwork" is now a GRAVE threat our dEmOcRaCy????

Kidding aside it is obvious that the Get Trump Cult have no inclining of self-awareness.
Over a half a decade of this temper tantrum over one man, President Trump.

MAGA is not about this one man, it is about the adherence to the Constitution.

We have the alphabet soup of corruption running wild, and the Kangaroo Congressional Commitee of partisan contaminated pigs at the trough in CONSTANT ATTACK against this one man.
They raided his home, and now it is a HISTORICAL blunder, as the check of the Judiciary is applied today, and the RAID will be worth NOTHING to these subverted bureaucRATS!

Biden's Nuremberg Reichstag speech last week was the ultimate projection/gaslighting from a US president in our history...to this point, who knows what's next from these lunatics.

Stolen election, tax funded GoF Viral Warfare including mandated experimental "vaccinees", and actually changed the very definition of what vaccinees are, EVERYTHIG in the media is political....

And to top it all off, a bunch of hypnotized zombies vote for this madness.

One way or another, this darkness got to give
He did. But of course he has been haphazardly throwing out statements, so you missed it by not putting them all together.
He did admit that he didn't not know what he was declassifying?
1) Trump said he declassified documents the moment he removed them from the oval office to the residence.
2) Trump and others said that Trump would take documents back to the residence, a form of "homework" in preparation for the following day.
3) Trump said he has the best memory, that he doesn't have to be given a PDB that rehashes information from a previous PDB.

From this, the "homework" Trump took to the residence, were documents he hadn't already committed to his excellent memory.

That is a crime, because . . .

Oh wait, I see what your saying. You mean that if he hadn't memorized them, he didn't know what they were. So he "admitted that he didn't know what they were."


I know what the bible is, but if I were getting daily lessons, I would want to refresh my memory about yesterday's lesson rather listen to a recap by my Sunday School teacher.

Torturing that analogy further, suppose I'm a superintendent and I wanted to teach my students (in public school) about the bible. But my district forbids teaching religious books. Can I declare that the bible is not a religious book and teach it anyway? Normally no. It would make no sense.

But if my district school board has, for some reason, declared me to be the sole authority on what is and is not a religious book, I'm covered by saying "this is not a religious book."

It sucks if you are my successor as superintendent and you want to make sure I never get the job again by proving that I broke the rules. But in that case I did not, so on to the next fruitless accusation!

The DNC/DOJ/FBI seem to be trying to prove that old adage about the stop clock is actually false. They haven't been right once in seven years.

Maybe it is a stopped clock hanging over a broken mirror?
Look at those contents!
You got him this time!

And the best part is you didn't even know about this until I pissed you off.
Keep dreaming missy.
You can't just make shit up w/out being called on it.

Oh, and they do have him.
Dude is going to be indicted.
Has to be done for good of the Country.

trump supporters can fuck off.
Keep dreaming missy.
You can't just make shit up w/out being called on it.

Oh, and they do have him.
Dude is going to be indicted.
Has to be done for good of the Country.

trump supporters can fuck off.
They found nothing, shit head.
You're a joke.
Keep dreaming missy.
You can't just make shit up w/out being called on it.

Oh, and they do have him.
Dude is going to be indicted.
Has to be done for good of the Country.

trump supporters can fuck off.
I agree; Trump will be indicted and have to spend lots of money defending the accusers into their deserved shitholes.
He will then be our next President.
They found meaningless documents and that pisses you off.
The news media was lying for at least 2 weeks that they found nuclear codes and other sensitive information.
Now you are claiming they found "meaningless documents"
When earlier you claim, "All the folders were empty."

What a LIAR.

All that matters is the fact that the FBI showed up without warning.
The FBI threw box covers and a few empty folders on the floor and took a picture.
The FBI then took all the boxes and discovered that all the folders were empty.

This is your brain on BULLSHIT.
post 331
Oh wait, I see what your saying. You mean that if he hadn't memorized them, he didn't know what they were. So he "admitted that he didn't know what they were."

If Trump read them, committed them to his excellent memory. Why would he take them to the residence so he could read them again?

We know Trump hates reading. Especially reading the same thing over and over again. Yet that's what he would be doing with the documents in question.
Now you are claiming they found "meaningless documents"
When earlier you claim, "All the folders were empty."

What a LIAR.

post 331
You mean all the folders that said, "I shouldn't have what's in this folder" and the folder was empty?
And the folders that aren't empty probably have wedding and birthday pictures in them.
Now you are claiming they found "meaningless documents"
When earlier you claim, "All the folders were empty."
Apparently it's what he does. He's like Trump.
Throw everything against the wall, and hope something sticks.

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