Judge Approves Trump's 'Special Master' Request

Thanks for posting that. Winco!

I did a little math on that list:

Screenshot 2022-09-05 184406.png

Sorry for the horrible handwriting and for not boxing my answers. Miss Collins, from 5th grade, would not be surprised that Seymour never changed.

Anyway, as you can see, only 67 of the documents remotely fell under the subpoena for "documents with classified markings," that supposedly justified the raid. 196 of them had no classification markings at all, and almost a hundred were press clippings.

So literally more press clippings (99) than documents that could be mistaken even by an imbecile for something government-owned and/or classified (67).

Did they take the panties because they were marked "Victoria's Secret?" If so, that isn't really a classification, you know?
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You mean all the folders that said, "I shouldn't have what's in this folder" and the folder was empty?
And the folders that aren't empty probably have wedding and birthday pictures in them.
Did you even read the manifest from the Trump office?

Screen Shot 2022-09-05 at 4.19.46 PM.png
Actually, I'm not.
See post 398.
You're a LIAR.
I posted your lies.

post 394, a quote showing your lies.
Now you are claiming they found "meaningless documents"
When earlier you claim, "All the folders were empty."

What a LIAR.

post 331
Now you are claiming they found "meaningless documents"
When earlier you claim, "All the folders were empty."

Which is it? Which is the LIE?
I know they are BOTH lies.

You're sinking fast missy.
You're a LIAR.
I posted your lies.

post 394, a quote showing your lies.

Now you are claiming they found "meaningless documents"
When earlier you claim, "All the folders were empty."

Which is it? Which is the LIE?
I know they are BOTH lies.

You're sinking fast missy.
See post 405.
Thanks for posting that. Winco!

I did a little math on that list:

View attachment 692202
Sorry for the horrible handwriting and for not boxing my answers. Miss Collins, from 5th grade, would not be surprised that Seymour never changed.

Anyway, as you can see, only 67 of the documents remotely fell under the subpoena for "documents with classified markings," that supposedly justified the raid. 196 of them had no classification markings at all, and almost a hundred were press clippings.

So literally more press clippings (99) than documents that could be mistaken even by an imbecile for something government-owned and/or classified (69).

Did they take the panties because they were marked "Victoria's Secret?" If so, that isn't really a classification, you know?
The subpoena also called for taking items in close proximity to those items listed in the warrant. They were evidence, in they showed how the documents were stored.

Trump can't claim he knew nothing about the classified documents in his drawer, when they were in the same drawer as his passports.

Trump mixed classified documents with the press clippings we know Trump held onto dearly.
I did a little math on that list:
There's more Seymour.
I just took a screenshot from the link I clearly posted.
I posted a 'partial list screenshot' from the FULL list, that I clearly linked.

Miss Collins should be disappointed with your reading comprehension skills too.
Wait till we find out if any of this is true and how old and useless those documents are if true.
But I thought the FBI planted evidence.
So shouldn't there be some real juicy stuff that the FBI planted?

Dumbfuck Indeependent.
Keep dreaming missy.
You can't just make shit up w/out being called on it.

Oh, and they do have him.
Dude is going to be indicted.
Has to be done for good of the Country.

trump supporters can fuck off.

Didn’t you use this exact same post the last six times “ you got him this time”?
The subpoena also called for taking items in close proximity to those items listed in the warrant. They were evidence, in they showed how the documents were stored.
Yes, Trump may be the first ex-president in history to be impeached for sloppy filing.

If Mar-a-Lago were an Army base, some 71 Lima's head would roll!
Trump can't claim he knew nothing about the classified documents in his drawer, when they were in the same drawer as his passports.
He knew that he had declassified them, what else did he need?
Trump mixed classified documents with the press clippings we know Trump held onto dearly.
Trump mixed classified documents declassified documents in with press clippings we know Trump held onto dearly

Did they take Melania's panties because they said "Victoria's Secret?"

Or why exactly?
There's more Seymour.
I just took a screenshot from the link I clearly posted.
I posted a 'partial list screenshot' from the FULL list, that I clearly linked.

Miss Collins should be disappointed with your reading comprehension skills too.
If there was more in the link, you would have posted it.

What did it say about why they took "clothing items?"
He knew that he had declassified them, what else did he need?
He needed to follow up, that they were actually declassified.

No different than if Trump told somebody they were fired. And sees them at their desk two days later.

If Trump truly declassified something, he should have gotten on his people to do their job, and mark the documents declassified.
Well shit, why did you not tell me there was such concrete evidence.

“A person very close to Donald Trump tells me it’s indeed true what’s being bandied about Twitter

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Oh, because that is not evidence at all!

You are so much fun!
See? I knew that would be your next step. You are so plodding and predictable.

You’re not fun. You’re just another dishonest run of the mill libtard troll.
If there was more in the link, you would have posted it.

What did it say about why they took "clothing items?"
The Department of Justice revealed on Friday just how former President Donald
Trump guarded some of the nation’s sensitive spy material: casually mixing up seven “TOP SECRET” government documents and two dozen classified documents with news magazines, gifts, books, and his wife’s clothes.
He needed to follow up, that they were actually declassified.
What is the required "follow up" procedure that he had to follow or it "didn't count?" Did all presidents have to follow that procedure? Where is it written?
No different than if Trump told somebody they were fired. And sees them at their desk two days later.
He should have them dragged out by the secret service and arrested by whatever police force arrests people for trespassing at the white house. The president says you're fired, you're fired.
If Trump truly declassified something, he should have gotten on his people to do their job, and mark the documents declassified.
Shoulda, woulda, coulda. Things fall through the crack when you force a president to defend himself against one baseless accusation after another for four years straight.

I think he "shoulda" cut the classification markings off the declassified documents when he got a subpoena specifically seeking declassified documents with classification markings, and mailed the cut off markings directly to Merrick Garland.
Actually president leave the white house with hardly more than the clothes on their back. They have been sending their presidential records to the National Archives throughout their presidency, and in earnest during the presidential transition.

Tales of Obama taking 30 million documents to chicago, is nothing but spin, because Obama no longer lived in Chicago. He lived in Washington DC, so sending his records to Chicago was because that's where the National Archives was storing them.
That's total bullshit, Gene! When the Clintons left the White House they loaded up trucks full of the stuff they were taking out of there...some of which they were forced to return. Presidents have ALWAYS been allowed to take private papers with them! Bill Clinton had a sock drawer full of tapes that he'd taken from the White House. Nobody raided the Clinton home. They NEGOTIATED to get them back.
The Department of Justice revealed on Friday just how former President Donald
Trump guarded some of the nation’s sensitive spy material: casually mixing up seven “TOP SECRET” government documents and two dozen classified documents with news magazines, gifts, books, and his wife’s clothes.
He mixed documents in with his wife's clothes?

You're sticking with that story?

Was he using wadded up declassified documents to help her shoes keep their shape?


You guys must have no sense of embarrassment at all.

Could the FBI not have taken the declassified documents out from under Melania's panties and left the panties?

If I were leading that raid, then on the next one, the last thing I would tell the agents before we went in would be, "Come on, boys! Leave the underwear alone this time, huh? Grow up, for Christ sake!"

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