Judge believes man who sodomized 3 yr old didn't intend to harm her. Reduces sentence.

And people wonder why the LORD would call California Sodom and Gomorrah and declare His intention to destroy it. (see Dumitru Duduman story) Wonder no more. California is full of such vile abominations - it is only the mercy of God it hasn't already happened.

I would wonder when the LORD talked to you and told you that California is Sodom and Gomorrah.
When burning sulfur starts pelting major Californian cities you won't have to ask any longer. Heavens! I hope you don't live there.

LOL.....will that be right before the Rapture? Or right after?


Pay attention idiot.

This jerk is high up in the Repub machine in California.

You're an idiot.

Fact is, Kelly is a conservative, big fund raiser for R party, has said he does not believe rape is possible and has let pedos go before, including a pedo cop.

Google is your friend.

Reads as tho you approve of this judge.




What is it with you assholes?

Its RWs here who worship such scum as Ted Nugent, Warren Jeffs and the old fart on Duck Dynasty.

I dare you to post even one link were a liberal has defended any child predator. Including me.

You can't because you are lying. As usual.


Pay attention idiot.

This jerk is high up in the Repub machine in California.

You're an idiot.

Fact is, Kelly is a conservative, big fund raiser for R party, has said he does not believe rape is possible and has let pedos go before, including a pedo cop.

Google is your friend.

Reads as tho you approve of this judge.




What is it with you assholes?

Its RWs here who worship such scum as Ted Nugent, Warren Jeffs and the old fart on Duck Dynasty.

I dare you to post even one link were a liberal has defended any child predator. Including me.

You can't because you are lying. As usual.
A Republican in California is a liberal.

Remember Reagan and his liberal policies?

Why do you think I despised the bastard and his phony ass wife?


Pay attention idiot.

This jerk is high up in the Repub machine in California.

You're an idiot.

Fact is, Kelly is a conservative, big fund raiser for R party, has said he does not believe rape is possible and has let pedos go before, including a pedo cop.

Google is your friend.

Reads as tho you approve of this judge.




What is it with you assholes?

Its RWs here who worship such scum as Ted Nugent, Warren Jeffs and the old fart on Duck Dynasty.

I dare you to post even one link were a liberal has defended any child predator. Including me.

You can't because you are lying. As usual.
A Republican in California is a liberal.

Remember Reagan and his liberal policies?

Why do you think I despised the bastard and his phony ass wife?


Oh now THAT is funny.

You numbnuts really come up with some creative excuses for the actions of REPUBLICANS.
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I could care less political affiliation and would think those of character wouldn't either. All is important is that he not be re-elected if he isn't first removed from the bench.
Unfreaking believable. This pervert should be shot
chistians need to be more tolerant of child rape all the worlds elite
are into it, after we are forced to embrace homosexuals lowering age the age of consent will be next
It won't be 10 years before the demonic Left is saying this with a straight face.

LOL.....will that be before or after the Rapture?
Glad you have a sense of humor.

So does God.
The judge said that he was sure that although Rojano-Nieto sodomized the girl and covered her mouth so she couldn't scream out, 'there was no violence or callous disregard for the victim's well-being'.

The rapist should join the judge in having his fucking bollocks chopped off.
The rapist for his nasty, low life, evil crime - the judge for being a bloody idiot.

And people wonder why the LORD would call California Sodom and Gomorrah and declare His intention to destroy it. (see Dumitru Duduman story) Wonder no more. California is full of such vile abominations - it is only the mercy of God it hasn't already happened.

I would wonder when the LORD talked to you and told you that California is Sodom and Gomorrah.
When burning sulfur starts pelting major Californian cities you won't have to ask any longer. Heavens! I hope you don't live there.

LOL.....will that be right before the Rapture? Or right after?

Perhaps you were not here, Syriusly. The story of Dumitru Duduman, the Romanian Pastor who was tortured in a Romanian jail for months for his faith. He was accused of hiding Bibles. Dumitru had been helping to smuggle bibles into Russia. I believe he smuggled over 1 million bibles into Russia before the Romanian police showed up at his home one day. This happened because he had been reported to the police at Dorohoi (when communism takes over a country as in the case of Romania the false Christians turn in the true Christians).

This led to a long and arduous process of beatings, imprisonment, torture all designed to force him to give up the names and locations of the Christians involved. To trap him they left a truckload of bibles in his front yard. Not realizing who left them there and that it was a set up he distributed them throughout the area in any way he could going house to house.

Later, when questioned they asked what happened to those bibles we left (police had plenty of bibles as they confiscated them from bible smugglers who were captured) and Dumitru said God knows. I don't.. (which was truthful - he didn't know what became of those bibles) they questioned him about how he could afford to feed so many Christians and have almost a church in his house. He said, I feed my brothers with God's help.

Finally, they asked how many missionaries he was working with. When Dumitru would not respond they took him down to the police headquarters and put him in a cellar. Then they opened a trap door down there releasing many rats all over the room. They began to crawl on Dumitrus legs in the dark and Dumitru cried out to God, Are you going to let me die like this? Before he could finish his sentence a bright light came into the room, a light so bright it flooded all the room. He saw an angel standing before him with a huge flaming sword in his hand and the angel said to Dumitru, Look at me! I am Gabriel, the Commander of God's army. God has heard your prayers. He went on to say, I will put fear in the hearts of those who hate you. I will also cause them to set you free. Now close your eyes. Then he told him open your eyes and look down.
When Dumitru looked down, all the rats were dead. Gradually the light dimmed and the angel was gone. After a long time of silence the guards became curious so they opened the door. When the colonel looked in he began to scream, You have killed all of my children! Get out of here! Go home! You have killed my children! He struck Dumitru with his baton and had him beaten and then sent him home.

This went on again and again -as Dumitru was later to be arrested and hauled in for more questioning and torture - but in the end - the death sentence that the colonel had put upon Dumitru - did not kill Dumitru - instead it killed the colonel who died overnight from internal hemorraging. (this was much later on - there were months of torture Dumitru endured - but God was with him and the angel of the LORD told him he would not die)

When Dumitru was finally released for the final time the angel of the LORD told him he would be sent to America (he had told him this earlier but now he was going!) He was sent to America to warn the American people that America was going to be destroyed. It would be a nuclear attack by the Russians which would destroy New York, Florida, California and Las Vegas in one hour by fire. These states, the LORD said, were as Sodom and Gomorrah. The LORD also said that if there were any Christians left in any of these places that they would be kept as Shadrach, Meshach and Abednigo were kept safe in the fiery furnace. (not even the smell of smoke was on their clothes - see book of Daniel) and so that you can hear the entire prophecy I will go get the video for you and post it here for you, Syriusly.

Anyone who is interested in reading the entire story can order the book from Hand of help Ministries - the title of the book is called Through the Fire Without Burning- The true story of a Romanian Pastor Facing Communist Persecution - By Dumitru Duduman.

He is in heaven now receiving his reward and those who came against him and died are in hell receiving theirs. One final warning to you, Syriusly. While you believe you are in control of your life you are not in control. Those demons are in control of you. You just do not realize it because sin has a death grip on you. Satan is a defeated foe and has no authority over the followers of Jesus Christ. He can do nothing to the sold out believer / servant of God. Although his followers have been told by him that he will win once this One World Government / Order is established and the laws changed to permit the wicked more freedom to do wicked acts such as this story of the sodomizing of a 3 yr old - the truth is he will not win - the great Tribulation is in part about the destruction of the wicked and those who served him will find out in that day that there isn't going to be any victory for Satan because he was in reality - defeated at the cross 2,000 yrs ago.

So if you want to escape destruction there is only one answer for you. Come to the LORD Jesus and repent of your sins and call upon Him to save you. Romans 10:9,10. It's your only hope. You're living in Serious darkness, Syriusly, and there is no hope for you outside of Jesus Christ. Today is the Day of Salvation. TODAY.
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I could care less political affiliation and would think those of character wouldn't either. All is important is that he not be re-elected if he isn't first removed from the bench.

He should be removed from the bench immediately.
many might be concerned with why your god allows sickness like this.....mercy i dont see it...
My God has given all mankind a freewill but this is an act of evil which - we know comes from Satan - not God. God does not tempt any man to do evil - rather it is the demons of hell who are assigned by Satan to tempt mankind to do such perverse and vile acts. So this falls squarely on the shoulders of Satan - who is a defeated foe and will be cast into the lake of fire at the appointed time - along with all those who do his works (occult, divinations, liars, cowards, sexually immoral including paedophiles, sorcerers, homosexuals, thieves, idolaters, murderers, etc, see Rev. 21 )

It is a blessed knowledge that Jesus Christ yoke is light and He is not a hard taskmaster like Satan.

Jesus says:
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. - Jesus

Those who are the slaves of Satan are kept on a short leash - they are under heavy burdens - can't sleep because of the demons controlling them and ordering them around - they live in fear and torment - doing what they are told - like puppets on a string....no joy, no peace, just fear and torment.....what a life, eh?

* NOTE * So first Satan tempts you to do such vile acts and then you end up in prison for ten years where he'll have his other servants waiting to sodomize you because you gave him the legal ground for it when you first succumbed to his temptations! Anyone who considers Satan a nice guy is seriously deceived. Amazing how God gets the blame for Satans work, isn't it? I think it is time to set that record straight. How about you, folks?
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Probably indulges himself.

I thought that as well.
The only people who could think this wasn't one of the worst of crimes, are people who fancy a go at it.
Bingo. The permissive state of California is passing on to new generations a whole new concept of what is and isn't acceptable to do to children.

Coming soon "by legal force" to a theater near you..

You know how this progresses:

1. Softer punishment at trials.

2. Decriminalization (after all, an adult has rights superior to children's wellbeing in today's legal climate)

3. Supreme Court for mandate to all 50 states.
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What is it with you assholes?

Its RWs here who worship such scum as Ted Nugent, Warren Jeffs and the old fart on Duck Dynasty.

I dare you to post even one link were a liberal has defended any child predator. Including me.

You can't because you are lying. As usual.

Methinks the wee one doth protest too much.

Hey, why would anyone be liberal if he can't get a free pass for sodomizing infants?

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