Judge Blocks Oklahoma’s Ban on Using Shariah Law in Court

Anybody notice the parallels here? Sunni man and the ground zero imam both play as if they are some kind of tolerate moderate muslims,
I never claimed to be tolerant.

But yes, I am very moderate and work towards peace and understanding within American society. :cool:

How can you do that when you support Sharia....?
Sharia Law is based on logic and rationality.

Because it takes human nature into account.

There is no reason that it couldn't function just fine within American society. :cool:
I never claimed to be tolerant.

But yes, I am very moderate and work towards peace and understanding within American society. :cool:

How can you do that when you support Sharia....?
Sharia Law is based on logic and rationality.

Because it takes human nature into account.

There is no reason that it couldn't function just fine within American society. :cool:

Wouldn't it contradict many U.S. laws......?
How can you do that when you support Sharia....?
Sharia Law is based on logic and rationality.

Because it takes human nature into account.

There is no reason that it couldn't function just fine within American society. :cool:

Wouldn't it contradict many U.S. laws......?
Not in my opinion.

Many are completely compatible with American jurisprudence.
The main difference would be in punishments for criminals and the status of witnesses :cool:
I never claimed to be tolerant.

But yes, I am very moderate and work towards peace and understanding within American society. :cool:

How can you do that when you support Sharia....?
Sharia Law is based on logic and rationality.

Because it takes human nature into account.

There is no reason that it couldn't function just fine within American society. :cool:

Sharia law does not consider all citizens "equal". The law is not applied equally. How is that compatable with the Constitution?
Sharia Law is based on logic and rationality.

Because it takes human nature into account.

There is no reason that it couldn't function just fine within American society. :cool:

Wouldn't it contradict many U.S. laws......?
Not in my opinion.

Many are completely compatible with American jurisprudence.
The main difference would be in punishments for criminals and the status of witnesses :cool:

That opinion is only so much hot air....let's take a look at what some of your actions would be...
There are so many examples....but let's start with one of the more basic laws of the United States.....found in the Constitution.....freedom of speech....

Do you support the LEGAL RIGHT to criticize, denounce, or draw cartoons of Islam and/or Mohammed....?
Would you support laws against religious "hate speech"?

Would you support fatwas against people who lethally criticized Islam....? Salmon Rushdie comes to mind.....
You must know that Islam orders apostates to be killed...
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Freedom of speech has gone too far.

And is Not what the Founding Father intended.

It was for protecting people who wanted to publicly criticise the government.

Not to protect such things as pornography.
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Freedom of speech has gone too far.

And is Not what the Founding Father intended.

It was for protecting people who wanted to publicly criticise the government.

Not to protect such things as pornography.

Whats wrong with pornography?
It has a destructive influence on our culture and society.

Some people get addicted to it and it can break up families.

It warps the mind; especially if young children get view it. :doubt:
Freedom of speech has gone too far.

And is Not what the Founding Father intended.

It was for protecting people who wanted to publicly criticise the government.

Not to protect such things as pornography.

Whats wrong with pornography?
It has a destructive influence on our culture and society.

Some people get addicted to it and it can break up families.

It warps the mind; especially if young children get view it. :doubt:

I agree some people go to far with porn, but I see no reason to remove porn completely. Hundreds of thousands of people die in aumotbile accidents every year, should we remove cars because they are too dangerous? If an adult wants to watch an occasional porno in his house thats not our business.
Freedom of speech has gone too far.

And is Not what the Founding Father intended.

It was for protecting people who wanted to publicly criticise the government.

Not to protect such things as pornography.

So, you are saying that YOU do not believe in free speech?
Freedom of speech has gone too far.

And is Not what the Founding Father intended.

It was for protecting people who wanted to publicly criticise the government.

Not to protect such things as pornography.

Would the intellectual criticism or interpretation of Islam be considered pornography....?

Or would it be blasphemy that would require a fatwa or punishment of some kind....?
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Would you consider the irreverant criticism of Mohammed or Islam to be blasphemy and thus subject to punishment...?

In my opinion, yes; whether it's Jesus, Muhammad, Gandhi, or the American flag. :cool:

That is a definite position against free speech.....and against U.S. law...and our Constitution...
(why did your folks come here anyhow....?)

You probably also support the fatwa issued by Iran's Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini against Salmon Rushdie who wrote a publication called "The Satanic Verses" which was considered an irreverent story of Mohammed....the fatwa was issued TO KILL Mr. Rushdie...a British citizen...and muslims around the world lusted for his blood....and burned books everywhere in their anger...this is an example of Sharia....in today's world...unbelievable but true...

This is only ONE example why Sharia must be totally excluded from the United States...
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Would you consider the irreverant criticism of Mohammed or Islam to be blasphemy and thus subject to punishment...?

In my opinion, yes; whether it's Jesus, Muhammad, Gandhi, or the American flag. :cool:

That is a definite position against free speech.....and against U.S. law...and our Constitution...
(why did your folks come here anyhow....?)
I was born and raised here.

So you support burning the American flag?
So you support burning the American flag?

I personally support the 'right' to burn the Canadian flag. Even though I find the act distasteful.

It's not about me...
In my opinion, yes; whether it's Jesus, Muhammad, Gandhi, or the American flag. :cool:

That is a definite position against free speech.....and against U.S. law...and our Constitution...
(why did your folks come here anyhow....?)
I was born and raised here.

So you support burning the American flag?

I was almost arrested taking a flag away from Iranian protestors in front of the Federal courthouse in Atlanta in the early 80s.
I tried to stop the turds from burning the flag but support their right to do it.
My large fist on the head of the Iranian student felt very good. As a student at GSU I had many Iranian friends. Most Iranians hate the mullahs now as I still have many Iranian friends.
Pity that many of my Iranian friends that correctly did not support the Shah ended up worse off. They died in the Iraq/Iran war thrown into battle by the mullahs.

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