Judge Blocks Oklahoma’s Ban on Using Shariah Law in Court

So you support burning the American flag?

I personally support the 'right' to burn the Canadian flag. Even though I find the act distasteful.

Of course you support burnlng the Canadian flag.

You still have Israeli citizen and don't give a rat's ass about Canada.

Just typical behavior of zionist jews the world over. :evil:

I support the right of anyone (arabians included) to burn the Israeli flag as well. I also would find that distasteful, but it is the proof of Free Speech.

I know you have issues with Free Speech as you have posted in this thread.

I have no problems with Free Speech.
That is a definite position against free speech.....and against U.S. law...and our Constitution...
(why did your folks come here anyhow....?)
I was born and raised here.

So you support burning the American flag?

I was almost arrested taking a flag away from Iranian protestors in front of the Federal courthouse in Atlanta in the early 80s.
I tried to stop the turds from burning the flag but support their right to do it.
My large fist on the head of the Iranian student felt very good. As a student at GSU I had many Iranian friends. Most Iranians hate the mullahs now as I still have many Iranian friends.
Pity that many of my Iranian friends that correctly did not support the Shah ended up worse off. They died in the Iraq/Iran war thrown into battle by the mullahs.

I applaud you for doing that.:clap2:
In my opinion, yes; whether it's Jesus, Muhammad, Gandhi, or the American flag. :cool:

That is a definite position against free speech.....and against U.S. law...and our Constitution...
(why did your folks come here anyhow....?)
I was born and raised here.

So you support burning the American flag?

Were your parents and grandparents born and raised here too...? somehow i doubt it...

No i do not support the despicable act of burning the U.S. flag...but i support the RIGHT of others to do so....based on U.S. law....

Why is it you do not support U.S. laws...such as freedom of speech....?
Were your parents and grandparents born and raised here too...? somehow i doubt it...
I am 3rd generation American Irish on my fathers side.

Traced my ancestry on my mothers side back to the War of Northern Aggression.

(known as the Civil War to those from up north) :doubt:
It appears that you do not believe in free speech.
I believe in Free Speech as the Founding Fathers intended.

Not the idiotic interpretation foisted on the American people by the judiciary.

They believed in the right of each to have his own interpretation of religion.....yet you would send out a fatwa against Rushdie for writing his own interpretations....

....not something the Founding Fathers had in mind....
They believed in the right of each to have his own interpretation of religion.....yet you would send out a fatwa against Rushdie for writing his own interpretations....

....not something the Founding Fathers had in mind....
Please show me any post where I talk about about fatwa's or taking out a fatwa on anyone.?? :doubt:
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They believed in the right of each to have his own interpretation of religion.....yet you would send out a fatwa against Rushdie for writing his own interpretations....

....not something the Founding Fathers had in mind....
Please show me any post where I talk about about fatwa's or taking out a fatwa on anyone.?? :doubt:

I brought it up before.....and you did not deny support of fatwahs.....
We should do the same thing here. :evil:

I can't stand people who burn the flag.:doubt:
American's have been brain washed into thinking that burning the flag is Free Speech and normal.

It is UnAmerican and retarded.

There is No way that this is what the Founding Fathers had in mind when drawing up the Constitution. :cool:

You have a point there, I don't see people in any other countries burning the flag of their own countries when they get angry.:doubt:

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