Judge Halts Wyoming Abortion Ban Days After It Took Effect

You see, your beliefs are based on a lie. Sad to be you.
So because the scumbags who kill them refuse to name them, you claim they’re not being killed.

You’re the piece of shit here whose continued existence is sad.

Feel free to remedy that tragedy.
So because the scumbags who kill them refuse to name them, you claim they’re not being killed.

You’re the piece of shit here whose continued existence is sad.

Feel free to remedy that tragedy.
If you people start naming your fetuses,that would be a step towards total insanity. No problem for you, you're already halfway there. Keep calling me names. That'll look good on your record. The only remedy for mental illness is treatment, please get some.
Genetics give a person a basic physical framework to start with. The important part of being human is everything else that's put into that physical structure otherwise it would just be a body with no purpose. The metaphysical is an equally important component.

Actually NOT wrong. Your characteristics are controlled by your genes and the ONLY genes you have are those contained in the sperm and ovum that united to become you.
While technically true your statement is still slightly innacurate and misleading.
Is this what you look like now?
Probably not.
Your characteristics have changed since you were an embryo right?

While technically true your statement is still slightly innacurate and misleading.
Is this what you look like now?
Probably not.
Your characteristics have changed since you were an embryo right?

View attachment 785337
That creature is a human embryo at approximately 6 weeks. It weighs less than an ounce and is about 1 inch long, a third of the length is it's tail. It has no brain and no heart. The 6 week heartbeat myth is a lie. It is simply electrical impulses from tissue and which would eventually become a heart if it remains viable.
That creature is a human embryo at approximately 6 weeks. It weighs less than an ounce and is about 1 inch long, a third of the length is it's tail. It has no brain and no heart. The 6 week heartbeat myth is a lie. It is simply electrical impulses from tissue and which would eventually become a heart if it remains viable.
Yes. and the BIOLOGICAL FACT that we all start off with tails and primitive gill-like structures seems to completely zip right over the heads off the (so called) "pro lifers."
Yes. and the BIOLOGICAL FACT that we all start off with tails and primitive gill-like structures seems to completely zip right over the heads off the (so called) "pro lifers."
The human embryo goes though every stage of the species evolution; from single celled-orgsnism to the present form of the species ( which is rapidly evolving ). After human colonies are established on other planets mankind will undoubtedly evolve into various subspecies ( still able to interbreed with each other ) but in even longer periods of isolation they will evolve into separate species unable to breed with each other anymore. If mankind learns to stop killing one another and make true progress, that is. We are already messing with our DNA, and the robot said, " Danger ! Will Robinson. Danger ! ".
The human embryo goes though every stage of the species evolution; from single celled-orgsnism to the present form of the species ( which is rapidly evolving ). After human colonies are established on other planets mankind will undoubtedly evolve into various subspecies ( still able to interbreed with each other ) but in even longer periods of isolation they will evolve into separate species unable to breed with each other anymore. If mankind learns to stop killing one another and make true progress, that is. We are already messing with our DNA, and the robot said, " Danger ! Will Robinson. Danger ! ".
You are sounding WAY too intelligent and like....sci-un-tificfied here!
You'll scare all the Trumptard MAGAts away!
This sounded pretty cut and dried..

If the Wyoming Constitution grants the right to choose aside from the law, then so be it.

If Wyoming does not like it, they should amend their constitution.
This sounded pretty cut and dried..

If the Wyoming Constitution grants the right to choose aside from the law, then so be it.

If Wyoming does not like it, they should amend their constitution.
That would require a two-thirds vote of the people to change the Constitution, no easy task. Women in Wyoming are very independent.
What I don't understand is why liberals are so hot to trot for Abortion-on-demand or Gay "Marriage" and are so anxious to force those who don't think these ideas are that tremendous to do them.

Nothing stops knocked-up broads in Wyoming from crossing the border into Far Left Colorado after all.

Or chicks in trouble in Texas from crossing on over into Juarez to get their babies aborted.

In a FREE SOCIETY, why should someone have to go to another state to get something like this that someone is willing to offer in their own state?
What I don't understand is why liberals are so hot to trot for Abortion-on-demand or Gay "Marriage" and are so anxious to force those who don't think these ideas are that tremendous to do them.

Nothing stops knocked-up broads in Wyoming from crossing the border into Far Left Colorado after all.

Or chicks in trouble in Texas from crossing on over into Juarez to get their babies aborted.
No one is forcing anyone to become gay or have an abortion. Liberals believe that everyone has autonomy over their own bodies and live the life that suits them best. That's what living in a Free Nation is all about.
I think the general response (right or wrong) is that there is someone in that uterus who might have a vested interest in the decision....but who has no voice.

Nonsense. There not "Someone" in the uterus. It is zygote. A jumble of cells. Life does not begin at conception, it begins at the first breath.
In a FREE SOCIETY, why should someone have to go to another state to get something like this that someone is willing to offer in their own state?

In A "Free Society" the government does not and should not decide for a Woman what medical procedures or what medications she can or cannot have or take. "Big Government" as the ReNaziKlans like to call it, well they are all for it, as as it is the kind of "Big Government" they want.
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In a FREE SOCIETY, why should someone have to go to another state to get something like this that someone is willing to offer in their own state?
Because “free societies” don’t practice slaver ideology like reducing human beings to property to be killed - that’s the description of a barbaric shithole that needs to be destroyed.

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