Judge Hellerstein should be shot in public. What an absolute

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NATO AIR said:
Again, they blame it on the underlings, instead of the people who caused this in the first place, the idiots in charge.

Please don't even get me started on the light sentence she got, 3 years?
C'mon, I could steal a PS2 from a shipmate (and continue to steal) and get more years than that at a court-martial.

sanction to the acts commited? Because if that's your argument then I have seen no evidence to support that presumption. If people in the Pentagon are covering up they've done a damn good job for a couple of years. If you're implying that somehow the Bush Administration gave the green light or turned a blind eye to actions it considered acceptable, once again, where's the evidence? My hope is that appeal will be made forthwith to stop release of these photographs.
ACLU asshole. Now more of our soldiers will come into harm's way. This kind of absolute stupidity should be met with extreme measures. Hellerstein should be before a firing squad and shot for aiding and abetting the enemy during wartime. Make an example of this manner of anti-Americanism NOW!!![/QUOTE]

Paine in the Ass, if you are such a tough guy, why don't you fetch your mother's gun and just go ahead and do it? Why are you calling for OTHERS to assasinate? Be a man and do it yourself. That's the problem with neo-Nazis, unlike real Nazis they are afraid to put their money where their loud mouths are.
Hagbard Celine said:
I totally agree with you guys! It isn't the media's job to show us what our troops are doing to those darned sand negroes! I say screw the first amendment and the Geneva convention and keep it all secret so that we don't have to see what our troops have to do to bring blessed freedom to these people! Go America!

Hey you probably are in DIRE need of some physical disciplining yourself. Say with a boot in your ass!!! Jeeeeez but it's ok for a lib to refer to Arabs as "sand negroes". Wha Wha Whaaattttt happened to your ethnic understanding..
Sorry buddy, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances!" In yo face!
ThomasPaine said:
Hey you probably are in DIRE need of some physical disciplining yourself. Say with a boot in your ass!!! Jeeeeez but it's ok for a lib to refer to Arabs as "sand negroes". Wha Wha Whaaattttt happened to your ethnic understanding..

Who are YOU going to physically discipline? It's obvious from your impotent rage that you couldn't kill a goldfish. Now run along Paine and ask mommy for some milk and cookies. You are an invertebrate.
Kathianne said:
:thup: Agree to disagree. You may be a tad too close to this issue, I know how I feel about teacher abuse stories. :blowup:

True. Though yours is probably even more personal, because of the trust in the bond between teacher and student.
Paine in the Ass, if you are such a tough guy, why don't you fetch your mother's gun and just go ahead and do it? Why are you calling for OTHERS to assasinate? Be a man and do it yourself. That's the problem with neo-Nazis, unlike real Nazis they are afraid to put their money where their loud mouths are.[/QUOTE]

brought before a tribunal found guilty and executed. Although I own my own weapons and am certainly no "neo-nazi" I will make an exception for you should you wish to meet your maker, oops probably don't believe in that do you, and off you at such a time and place of your descretion..
Nuc said:
Who are YOU going to physically discipline? It's obvious from your impotent rage that you couldn't kill a goldfish. Now run along Paine and ask mommy for some milk and cookies. You are an invertebrate.

Time and place. Just name it. I say your a coward leftie pantywaste.
Ugh, me ThomasPaine! Me do what me want! Me drag knuckles! Me communicate through violence! Me fight things me can't comprehend with my underdeveloped frontal lobe and non opposable thumbs! Ugh!!! Ooh ooh aah aaah! :piss2::banana:
Hagbard Celine said:
I guess it's not okay to know what our troops are doing in our name. I say let 'em torture and kill as much human life as possible. I'll keep paying my taxes, but I don't want to know anything about it.

If that means you'll finally shut up, good.
How about all the tough males cool it? Enough thread jacking, take it to chat or outside.
Hagbard Celine said:
Ugh, me ThomasPaine! Me do what me want! Me drag knuckles! Me communicate through violence! Me fight things me can't comprehend with my underdeveloped frontal lobe and non opposable thumbs! Ugh!!! Ooh ooh aah aaah! :piss2::banana:

Can someone ban this troll yet?

Onto the Main Point:

Why the hell more photos need to be released is beyond me. At this point it serves no other purpose than to galvanize the enemy. I realize the Celine and the ACLU are all for this, but still. It's a bad thing. There is nothing, I guarantee you, nothing in those photos that will tell us anymore relevent info about what went on than we could've gotten from the other photos.

As for the other abuse stories, 3 months, tops. Americans have a short attention span. And I am becoming fairly good at predicting these things, if I do say so myself.

Keep in mind: Terri Schiavo was supposed to be a "watershed moment" too. How long has it been since we've heard about that?
theim said:
Can someone ban this troll yet?

This cracks me up! You guys tolerate, indeed encourage, neo-Nazis, but want to ban somebody for making a joke? Grow up!
Hey, gimme a break of yo KitKat bar! I've watched Nuc and TP (pun intended) argue about meeting up after school to fight for the last ten posts! Somebody needed to end it.
Nuc said:
This cracks me up! You guys tolerate, indeed encourage, neo-Nazis, but want to ban somebody for making a joke? Grow up!
Not funny anymore, actually stopped awhile ago. Cool it.
Hagbard Celine said:
Hey, gimme a break of yo KitKat bar! I've watched Nuc and TP (pun intended) argue about meeting up after school to fight for the last ten posts! Somebody needed to end it.
I just did, 1st warning.
ThomasPaine said:
Can't win the argument. Can't put up and shut up.Classic liberal. Attempt to insult the intelligence of others. Violence never solved anything, except totalitarianism, slavery, communism, monarchism, and now islamo-facism, but hey you're good no violence for you...
Closing thread.
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