Judge Napolitano: Manafort's plea deal is literally "pardon proof". Trump is screwed

Here's the "little problem" with Trump's pardons.......(Manafort is charged with STATE crimes in at least FOUR states.)

Under the Constitution, only federal criminal convictions, such as those adjudicated in the United States District Courts, may be pardoned by the President. ... However, the President cannot pardon a state criminal offense
So which states has Manafort actually been charged in????
one thing being a conservative like me....has to be careful with FOX News...now the Murdoch liberal scum sons have taken over Fox....sad

one has to be careful what you watch and believe in Fox

Lou Dobs yes....Tucker yes.....and those who are clearly for our President...we ONLY believe those who support President Trump and all Patriots!:thup:

Otherwise...we DO NOT SUPPORT FOX
Manafort is screwed and Donald Trump is caught in an impeachment trap if he attempts to pardon Manafort.

Then there is the case of Donald Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner who are both likely to be indicted.

This case will build to a crescendo around the 2020 elections sinking the GOP in Trump slime.

Goodbye Donald Trump and Trumplings. I hope you enjoy jail.

Melania is not immune either. There is still the case of the $30 million missing from the inauguration celebration donations.

Manafort pardon would be impeachable, indictable and convictable

Judge Napolitano: Manafort's plea deal is literally "pardon proof"
Christian Dem in NC

Remember all the fears that Trump could simply pardon Paul Manafort for any federal crimes? Well, rest easy. In what appears to be a stroke of legal genius, Robert Mueller apparently structured the plea deal in a way to take that prospect into account. According to Fox News’ Judge Andrew Napolitano, any attempt to pardon Manafort would not only be political suicide, but would be a waste of effort legally.

Ed Krassenstein mentioned this on Twitter, and I thought it was snark.

Ed Krassenstein
BOOM! Judge Napolitano reports that in Paul Manafort's guilty plea, Robert Mueller also required Manafort to plead guilty to uncharged state crimes in New Jersey, Virginia and California to "make it pardon proof".
Robert Mueller is a genius, and Manafort appears to be screwed!
4:12 AM - Nov 28, 2018

But per Raw Story, it isn’t. Napolitano told Shep Smith about a legal quarter-stick of dynamite contained in the lengthy plea agreement Manafort signed—175 pages worth. Manafort not only pleaded guilty to federal charges of bank fraud, money laundering and bribery, but also the aforementioned state charges.

The beauty of it, per Napolitano?
“Why did they do that? To make it pardon proof so if President Trump, which he can do, does pardon him for the federal crimes the state prosecutors in those states already have his guilty plea.” (emphasis mine)
Well, this is an interesting development. We already knew that if Trump were stupid enough to pardon Manafort, New York state prosecutors would file state-level charges before the ink even had time to dry. But guilty pleas to state charges in New Jersey, Virginia and California? Obviously some other prosecutors are taking a long look at the Trump crime family.

Now Mueller’s team has put Manafort on notice that Manafort’s lies have cost him a chance at a reduced sentence—thus exposing him to enough prison time to make him a decrepit old man if he ever gets out of federal prison alive. And apparently the plea agreement is structured so that there is literally nothing Trump can do to save him.
Simply put, Manafort is screwed eighty ways to Sunday. ...
Yeah, this is quite possible and sounds more like an act of a petulant child who didn't get his way and has a bad case of PAB.
Mueller is quite the prize.
The charges against Manafort were for things he did before Trump was even running for President years before in fact so how anyone thinks that impacts Trump only goes to show they do not think at all. Napolitano may very well be correct about the pardon having been a judge he knows the law far better than anyone posting here but that is the only thing here close to reality.
Judge Napolitano is not be believed anymore.....he has been compromised...he lies from now on...he has become a Globlalist loudspeaker

so sad that FOX News has come this....with the Murdoch sons Globalists idiots at the helm now

Fox news is against President Trump now!

No more Fox for me.
Looks like you backed the wrong horse, after all...
There is one yoog problem, there is no Russian Collusion

Are you privy to 100% of the evidence Mueller has - yes or no, please?
yes, there is no collusion

Than where is your link(s) that shows ALL the evidence that Mueller has?

I guarantee that you have no such link.
That's because Special Counsel Robert Mueller has not yet released his findings.

Whatever he has... we will all see it soon enough, now... seems like the end-game is now in sight.

Buckle-up, and brace for impact...
Judge Napolitano is not be believed anymore.....he has been compromised...he lies from now on...he has become a Globlalist loudspeaker

so sad that FOX News has come this....with the Murdoch sons Globalists idiots at the helm now

Fox news is against President Trump now!

No more Fox for me.
Looks like you backed the wrong horse, after all...

you are the only horse here.

and loser Napolitano...

bye! gezzz
Manafort is screwed and Donald Trump is caught in an impeachment trap if he attempts to pardon Manafort.

Then there is the case of Donald Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner who are both likely to be indicted.

This case will build to a crescendo around the 2020 elections sinking the GOP in Trump slime.

Goodbye Donald Trump and Trumplings. I hope you enjoy jail.

Melania is not immune either. There is still the case of the $30 million missing from the inauguration celebration donations.

Manafort pardon would be impeachable, indictable and convictable

Judge Napolitano: Manafort's plea deal is literally "pardon proof"
Christian Dem in NC

Remember all the fears that Trump could simply pardon Paul Manafort for any federal crimes? Well, rest easy. In what appears to be a stroke of legal genius, Robert Mueller apparently structured the plea deal in a way to take that prospect into account. According to Fox News’ Judge Andrew Napolitano, any attempt to pardon Manafort would not only be political suicide, but would be a waste of effort legally.

Ed Krassenstein mentioned this on Twitter, and I thought it was snark.

Ed Krassenstein
BOOM! Judge Napolitano reports that in Paul Manafort's guilty plea, Robert Mueller also required Manafort to plead guilty to uncharged state crimes in New Jersey, Virginia and California to "make it pardon proof".
Robert Mueller is a genius, and Manafort appears to be screwed!
4:12 AM - Nov 28, 2018

But per Raw Story, it isn’t. Napolitano told Shep Smith about a legal quarter-stick of dynamite contained in the lengthy plea agreement Manafort signed—175 pages worth. Manafort not only pleaded guilty to federal charges of bank fraud, money laundering and bribery, but also the aforementioned state charges.

The beauty of it, per Napolitano?
“Why did they do that? To make it pardon proof so if President Trump, which he can do, does pardon him for the federal crimes the state prosecutors in those states already have his guilty plea.” (emphasis mine)
Well, this is an interesting development. We already knew that if Trump were stupid enough to pardon Manafort, New York state prosecutors would file state-level charges before the ink even had time to dry. But guilty pleas to state charges in New Jersey, Virginia and California? Obviously some other prosecutors are taking a long look at the Trump crime family.

Now Mueller’s team has put Manafort on notice that Manafort’s lies have cost him a chance at a reduced sentence—thus exposing him to enough prison time to make him a decrepit old man if he ever gets out of federal prison alive. And apparently the plea agreement is structured so that there is literally nothing Trump can do to save him.
Simply put, Manafort is screwed eighty ways to Sunday. ...

You know, none of this has actually happened yet, right?!? Hellooo!??! :spinner:Winter must be coming. The flakes are increasing. Bananas.
Manafort is screwed and Donald Trump is caught in an impeachment trap if he attempts to pardon Manafort.

Then there is the case of Donald Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner who are both likely to be indicted.

This case will build to a crescendo around the 2020 elections sinking the GOP in Trump slime.

Goodbye Donald Trump and Trumplings. I hope you enjoy jail.

Melania is not immune either. There is still the case of the $30 million missing from the inauguration celebration donations.

Manafort pardon would be impeachable, indictable and convictable

Judge Napolitano: Manafort's plea deal is literally "pardon proof"
Christian Dem in NC

Remember all the fears that Trump could simply pardon Paul Manafort for any federal crimes? Well, rest easy. In what appears to be a stroke of legal genius, Robert Mueller apparently structured the plea deal in a way to take that prospect into account. According to Fox News’ Judge Andrew Napolitano, any attempt to pardon Manafort would not only be political suicide, but would be a waste of effort legally.

Ed Krassenstein mentioned this on Twitter, and I thought it was snark.

Ed Krassenstein
BOOM! Judge Napolitano reports that in Paul Manafort's guilty plea, Robert Mueller also required Manafort to plead guilty to uncharged state crimes in New Jersey, Virginia and California to "make it pardon proof".
Robert Mueller is a genius, and Manafort appears to be screwed!
4:12 AM - Nov 28, 2018

But per Raw Story, it isn’t. Napolitano told Shep Smith about a legal quarter-stick of dynamite contained in the lengthy plea agreement Manafort signed—175 pages worth. Manafort not only pleaded guilty to federal charges of bank fraud, money laundering and bribery, but also the aforementioned state charges.

The beauty of it, per Napolitano?
“Why did they do that? To make it pardon proof so if President Trump, which he can do, does pardon him for the federal crimes the state prosecutors in those states already have his guilty plea.” (emphasis mine)
Well, this is an interesting development. We already knew that if Trump were stupid enough to pardon Manafort, New York state prosecutors would file state-level charges before the ink even had time to dry. But guilty pleas to state charges in New Jersey, Virginia and California? Obviously some other prosecutors are taking a long look at the Trump crime family.

Now Mueller’s team has put Manafort on notice that Manafort’s lies have cost him a chance at a reduced sentence—thus exposing him to enough prison time to make him a decrepit old man if he ever gets out of federal prison alive. And apparently the plea agreement is structured so that there is literally nothing Trump can do to save him.
Simply put, Manafort is screwed eighty ways to Sunday. ...

You know, none of this has actually happened yet, right?!? Hellooo!??! :spinner:Winter must be coming. The flakes are increasing. Bananas.

Mar a Lago is submerged in bananas.

you are bananas.....

only you clown!

Are your medications handy? You are about to go over the edge. Please medicate yourself.

You are a sad human being.

You project your problems.....

why am I wasting my time with you here?

I guess I won't anymore.
I only posted that because I couldn't find one state that has brought any charges on Manafort.
That may change, but, who knows?

I believe that Mueller plea agreement with Manafort required him to ALSO plead guilty to state crimes in VA and NJ; of course, these states will only pursue the charges IF Manafort is pardoned of federal crimes.
I only posted that because I couldn't find one state that has brought any charges on Manafort.
That may change, but, who knows?

I believe that Mueller plea agreement with Manafort required him to ALSO plead guilty to state crimes in VA and NJ; of course, these states will only pursue the charges IF Manafort is pardoned of federal crimes.

Good news! Do you have the supporting evidence for the belief?
Here's the "little problem" with Trump's pardons.......(Manafort is charged with STATE crimes in at least FOUR states.)

Under the Constitution, only federal criminal convictions, such as those adjudicated in the United States District Courts, may be pardoned by the President. ... However, the President cannot pardon a state criminal offense
However a state governor can.
Here's the "little problem" with Trump's pardons.......(Manafort is charged with STATE crimes in at least FOUR states.)

Under the Constitution, only federal criminal convictions, such as those adjudicated in the United States District Courts, may be pardoned by the President. ... However, the President cannot pardon a state criminal offense
However a state governor can.

Why would innocent people need pardons?
You can't be impeached for executing your constitutional right to pardon.

But that being said, Trump can only pardon federal convictions. State convictions, I believe, can only be pardoned by the governor.

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