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Judge orders trump to pay $2,000,000 to settle foundation suit

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Just throwing it out there..very few posts here are on topic..why is that? Trump has been known to abuse charities..this is not news really...and it is part of what his supporters accepted when they decided to vote for him. It speaks to who he is as a person...but it reveals nothing we already don't know.

Yet..the deflections come fast and furious--makes no real sense. I like the ones that say, 'so what?" At least these people are being honest.

I think it basically comes down to Trumpsteers being convinced that Trump only rips off other people- not them.

Its not true of course- but they convince themselves that all of Trump's scams, and cheats, and lies only harm other people so they don't care.
Mere pocket change. What is a rich man to do when he's being extorted and harassed by a bunch of liberal NY lawyers who have a hard-on for him?

So is this story the one that will finally get him impeached? I don't think so.
No. It's not Da Bomb. Merely another nail in the political coffin; one in which a court found him to be corrupt, and he agreed. :21:

You have to accept that proven and admitted corruption doesn’t matter to trump supporters. You wonder if there is any thing that the blob could do to disappoint his minions.

I don't put a single ounce of credibility into anything you leftards say, because having once been one of you, I know exactly how you roll.

If you claim "corruption" in President Trump's dealings, it's only to draw attention away from the true corruption of your party and your candidate, Joe Biden..

Your Orange Messiah has settled now two important cases of his and his family's fraud

First of all is his 'Trump Foundation'- which he used as a piggy bank to pay off other lawsuit settlements(ironic eh- he is paying $2,000,000 in this lawsuit, because he used Foundation money to pay off other lawsuits?).

Then of course was Trump University- which Trump settled for $25,000,000.

After telling you rubes that he never settles.

Indeed, Trump claimed as a candidate that he "never" settled lawsuits, and would not do so in the case of Trump University. "That's why I won't settle," Trump told MSNBC in 2016. "Because it's an easy case to win in court ... How do you settle a case like that?"

Let see:

$2,000,000 for their fraud in the Trump Foundation
$25,000,000 for the their fraud with Trump University
$130,000 to pay for the silence of the porn star he committed adultery with.

After awhile it starts to add up to real money.....

And if Trump treats his own 'charitable foundation' as a piggy bank- why would he treat the U.S. government as anything differently?
1. There is no "crime" i.e. no criminality for the Ukraine bullshit, just ask Alan Dershowitz

This is the same Alan Dershowitz who claimed OJ was innocent and was reported to be at Epstein's Island.

3. The Mueller investigation was another deep state hoax. Look at Hillary's claim that Tulsi is a Russian asset and you see the sick game the democrats are playing.

Tulsi is kind of a weirdo... probably the kind of person the Russians would recruit.

4. Speaking of re-election, how will the democrats look after Barr, Huber, Durham and Horowitz start with the perp walks?

You'd need to get a grand jury to indict first... good luck with that in DC. These are the same people who booed Trump when he showed up at a ball game.
1. Dershowitz was a Harvard Law Professor, he knows the law no matter what uncorroborated shit you bring up.
2. Tulsi is a major in the Guard and a combat veteran, Hillary is a POS. Tulsi Gabbard - Wikipedia
3. The grand jury is empaneled and are issuing indictments, the perp walks are coming. Evidence talks and bullshit walks.

trump will be Impeached. He has committed crimes using YOUR tax dollars as he extorted Ukraine in an effort to get them publicly announce an investigation into Biden. The man named trump is HUMAN SCUM....who stole from veterans to buy a portrait of himself....that is who you WORSHIP....

If Trump is impeached by slimy democrats he will never be removed by the Senate because the impeachment was a partisan kangaroo trial with zero crimes committed.
The Bidens committed the crimes of extortion and bribery that you speak of. If you don't believe me watch the Biden confession video.
We don't worship Trump, but we like the way he is running the Federal government.
Good luck in 2020, the clown car keeps getting more passengers. Now Bloomburg and soon Holder, here's hoping Hillary throws her broom into the ring....

Sure you worship your Orange Messiah. He can do no wrong in your mind.

Which is why you applaud his fraud of his own charitable foundation.
1. There is no "crime" i.e. no criminality for the Ukraine bullshit, just ask Alan Dershowitz

This is the same Alan Dershowitz who claimed OJ was innocent and was reported to be at Epstein's Island.

3. The Mueller investigation was another deep state hoax. Look at Hillary's claim that Tulsi is a Russian asset and you see the sick game the democrats are playing.

Tulsi is kind of a weirdo... probably the kind of person the Russians would recruit.

4. Speaking of re-election, how will the democrats look after Barr, Huber, Durham and Horowitz start with the perp walks?

You'd need to get a grand jury to indict first... good luck with that in DC. These are the same people who booed Trump when he showed up at a ball game.
1. Dershowitz was a Harvard Law Professor, he knows the law no matter what uncorroborated shit you bring up.
2. Tulsi is a major in the Guard and a combat veteran, Hillary is a POS. Tulsi Gabbard - Wikipedia
3. The grand jury is empaneled and are issuing indictments, the perp walks are coming. Evidence talks and bullshit walks.

trump will be Impeached. He has committed crimes using YOUR tax dollars as he extorted Ukraine in an effort to get them publicly announce an investigation into Biden. The man named trump is HUMAN SCUM....who stole from veterans to buy a portrait of himself....that is who you WORSHIP....

If Trump is impeached by slimy democrats he will never be removed by the Senate because the impeachment was a partisan kangaroo trial with zero crimes committed.
The Bidens committed the crimes of extortion and bribery that you speak of. If you don't believe me watch the Biden confession video.
We don't worship Trump, but we like the way he is running the Federal government.
Good luck in 2020, the clown car keeps getting more passengers. Now Bloomburg and soon Holder, here's hoping Hillary throws her broom into the ring....

The "Biden Confession" video is Joe Biden accepting the accolades from the entire Western Security system for removing a corrupt prosecutor, AS HE WAS ORDER TO DO BY THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND, NATO, AND EUROPEAN UNION.

There was no corruption involved, except the corruption of Donald Trump who successful extorted the previous Ukrainian President into ending the corruption investigation of Paul Manafort, and then tried to exort Zelensky into investigating his political rivals.

Even a Republican Senate will not these crimes pass. And if they do, just look at what happened in Virginia and Kentucky.
Why did HIllary Clinton accept $145 Million from Putin's Company Rosatom for approving the sale of 20% of US Uranium to Uranium One, which Putin then purchased? And why did Hillary Clinton only return less than 1% of that $145 Million to charity?

Shouldn't the New York District that helped Whitey Bulger Assassinate 100s of people investigate The Clinton Foundation? Where did all that money go?
She didn't. The majority of the money you morons lie about was donated by a man who had sold his interests in Uranium years previous.

Uranium One got the US Uranium years before Clinton took office.

You p-ople are dumber that shit.

The Russians got control of that US Uranium when the Russians bought controlling interest in Uranium One..

Jesus Fuck, Stumpy. Get a grip.
Why was Hillary Clinton allowed to Bleach Bit 33,000 Emails that were under two Federal Preservation Orders? And why was she and The Podesta Group given Blanket Immunity from Prosecution? Why did James Comey violate FBI Policy, take no notes or recordings of any of the subjects he interviewed whom he granted blanket immunity to?

Aren't you getting WAY off topic here Tree? Is that because your lying orange faced clown has been flat out caught again pulling illegal shit and had his wrist slapped for it.

When you deflect to your conspiracy theory lies, I know you're shitting your pants again. What fools you Russians are!!!

You're not even an American. Keep your Leftist opinions to yourself.

16,000 post since August of 2018. You're not an American either.

That doesn't make any sense. I travel frequently and post to pass the time. You have admitted you're not an American.
While Trump won't be impeached for this, it is yet another example of the criminal and corrupt behaviour of this President. Trump had to be shamed into giving the money he raised (illegally), to the veterans groups he was said the money was for.

Trump's charter barred him from soliciting donations from the public, but that didn't stop him from publically soliciting donations from others. It wasn't until the Washington Post started calling the veterans groups that Trump claimed the money was for and discovered that none of them had received a dime from Trump, months after fundraiser, and suddenly Trump paid out the money.

Trump has, in the past, used donations received from others to settle business law suits, and to make personal purchases. He paid a $5,000 fine to the IRS for making illegal "campaign contributions" using Foundations monies. These were, in fact, bribes, to keep Texas and Florida from joining in the Trump University law suit.

Trump has always played fast and loose with the law. It was inevitiable that this asshole would be a one term President, and that he would be impeached, because he's always been a corrupt and lawless individual. That's an asset when you're doing business as a construction magnet because there is no more corrupt line of work you can be in, but as a President, you can't pull this shit.
Why did HIllary Clinton accept $145 Million from Putin's Company Rosatom for approving the sale of 20% of US Uranium to Uranium One, which Putin then purchased? And why did Hillary Clinton only return less than 1% of that $145 Million to charity?

Shouldn't the New York District that helped Whitey Bulger Assassinate 100s of people investigate The Clinton Foundation? Where did all that money go?
She didn't. The majority of the money you morons lie about was donated by a man who had sold his interests in Uranium years previous.

Uranium One got the US Uranium years before Clinton took office.

You people are dumber that shit.

The Russians got control of that US Uranium when the Russians bought controlling interest in Uranium One..

Jesus Fuck, Stumpy. Get a grip.

How do you defend this clip? Please. I ll wait patiently. Even CNN was speechless. You're a fraud, FakeStupidDave.

Even After Comey gave her blanket immunity, and allowed her to Bleach Bit 33,000 Emails in violation of two Federal Preservation Orders, they still found crap on that Illegal Secret Server.

Stumpy is wrong yet again. Hillary ordered the 33,000 personal emails deleted before the subpoenas.

The server was not illegal.

So you didn't watch the 2minute clip I posted? LOL. Idiot.
If I prove you wrong do you promise to never post on this board again? FakeStupidDave
So, show me where Hillary Clinton smashed a cell phone & I will leave. If you can't, you leave.

Play on words. Her minions smashed several blackberries and other devices. Here you go. Adios, be seeing you FakeStupidDave. It is a 2 minute clip and on the Clinton News Network. Watch how incredulous the host is. LMAO. You wanted me to vote for her?

I will miss you. NOT!

Sorry assfguck. I said Hillary.

You just admitted it wasn't Hillary. So bye bye.

Nice try. Her minions are the extension of her. The FBI got her red handed. I'll be seeing you. Loser.

But you won't leave. And you won't admit the video is damning. Did you see how shocked the CNN host was? LMAO!! BANG!! Caught Red Handed.

FakeStupidDave, proven wrong again. If HRC could lift a hammer then she would have smashed them herself. LMAO!

I said Hillary did not smash her cell phone & you agreed with me.

Why would she do her own dirty work? What did you think of the CNN clip? Honest question.
Is that like Slick Willy settling a sexual harassment case for almost a million dollars?

In addition later he found guilty of lying to a judge about another sexual matter and he lost his law license.

That didn't stop any of the stupid Moon Bats from voting for him or his corrupt wife.
1. There is no "crime" i.e. no criminality for the Ukraine bullshit, just ask Alan Dershowitz

This is the same Alan Dershowitz who claimed OJ was innocent and was reported to be at Epstein's Island.

3. The Mueller investigation was another deep state hoax. Look at Hillary's claim that Tulsi is a Russian asset and you see the sick game the democrats are playing.

Tulsi is kind of a weirdo... probably the kind of person the Russians would recruit.

4. Speaking of re-election, how will the democrats look after Barr, Huber, Durham and Horowitz start with the perp walks?

You'd need to get a grand jury to indict first... good luck with that in DC. These are the same people who booed Trump when he showed up at a ball game.
1. Dershowitz was a Harvard Law Professor, he knows the law no matter what uncorroborated shit you bring up.
2. Tulsi is a major in the Guard and a combat veteran, Hillary is a POS. Tulsi Gabbard - Wikipedia
3. The grand jury is empaneled and are issuing indictments, the perp walks are coming. Evidence talks and bullshit walks.

trump will be Impeached. He has committed crimes using YOUR tax dollars as he extorted Ukraine in an effort to get them publicly announce an investigation into Biden. The man named trump is HUMAN SCUM....who stole from veterans to buy a portrait of himself....that is who you WORSHIP....

If Trump is impeached by slimy democrats he will never be removed by the Senate because the impeachment was a partisan kangaroo trial with zero crimes committed.
The Bidens committed the crimes of extortion and bribery that you speak of. If you don't believe me watch the Biden confession video.
We don't worship Trump, but we like the way he is running the Federal government.
Good luck in 2020, the clown car keeps getting more passengers. Now Bloomburg and soon Holder, here's hoping Hillary throws her broom into the ring....

The "Biden Confession" video is Joe Biden accepting the accolades from the entire Western Security system for removing a corrupt prosecutor, AS HE WAS ORDER TO DO BY THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND, NATO, AND EUROPEAN UNION.

There was no corruption involved, except the corruption of Donald Trump who successful extorted the previous Ukrainian President into ending the corruption investigation of Paul Manafort, and then tried to exort Zelensky into investigating his political rivals.

Even a Republican Senate will not these crimes pass. And if they do, just look at what happened in Virginia and Kentucky.

Most of these people have their heads so far up trumps ass....that they have a hard enough time breathing....much less responding to questions.

I mean....the man and his family cheated a VETERANS CHARITY.....It is hard to believe that a Human Being can be so low...but in trumps case....the Human part is questionable.
Is that like Slick Willy settling a sexual harassment case for almost a million dollars?

In addition later he found guilty of lying to a judge about another sexual matter and he lost his law license.

That didn't stop any of the stupid Moon Bats from voting for him or his corrupt wife.

Clinton never took money from veterans.....TRUMP DID!
More fake embellished news. CNN, Really.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

LOL- because of course news of Trump admitting to scamming Americans with his 'charitable foundation' must be 'fake news'

Every REAL news outlet is reporting this. FOX may be the exception....wait....I said REAL news outlet. Nothing to explain....

And Don commented on it also. The other stations just announce news with no explanation or conversation, so short attention spanners can claim they are well educated. You can listen for 36 seconds, and become an expert. Typical dim, nothing to explain....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Is that like Slick Willy settling a sexual harassment case for almost a million dollars?

In addition later he found guilty of lying to a judge about another sexual matter and he lost his law license.

That didn't stop any of the stupid Moon Bats from voting for him or his corrupt wife.

Clinton never took money from veterans.....TRUMP DID!

Clinton Foundation. Look how they assisted Haiti [emoji1122].

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Mere pocket change. What is a rich man to do when he's being extorted and harassed by a bunch of liberal NY lawyers who have a hard-on for him?

So is this story the one that will finally get him impeached? I don't think so.
Hows this Galt?
it ain't fair. Trumpf has skeletons in every direction: dodged the draft, married several times cheated on all of his wives, bankrupted several companies, cheated contractors, lost billions of dollars, says he molests women when he feels like it, calls everyone names he doesn't like, talks stupid, generally behaves like a childish teenager. He's the antithesis of presidential. And he gets a pass on all that shit.

Don't care. None of those things interfere with the great job he's doing as President, compared to the last piece of dog crap we had in the White House.
Your attempt at humor failed. Poor little Joey voted for a candidate who smashed blackberries and iPads. Has yet to get over the loss. If he is still in office when Nov 2020 rolls around do you promise to never post here again?

Nope. I didn't say the Republicans were smart enough to do what they did in 1974, and excise a corrupt cancer.

But by November 2020, they'll wish they had.
1. Dershowitz was a Harvard Law Professor, he knows the law no matter what uncorroborated shit you bring up.
2. Tulsi is a major in the Guard and a combat veteran, Hillary is a POS. Tulsi Gabbard - Wikipedia
3. The grand jury is empaneled and are issuing indictments, the perp walks are coming. Evidence talks and bullshit walks.

Dershashitz is a sleazy lawyer.
Tulsi is a complete nutjob.
A DC Jury will look at this bullshit and say, "N****r, Please"
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