Judge orders Trump to pay nearly $355 million in civil fraud trial

Yeah. I wonder what Habba was thinking all those times she was standing behind him and he was bitching to the press during the trial, just making things worse.

A normal, intelligent attorney would have been absolutely mortified, but who knows. She sure acts like a True Believer, a Manson Girl.
Did you see her performance, after they lost? What she was doing was watching her master for tips on how to behave.
That's bull shit. There's no set number of loans.
Are you saying that some poor black person is trying to qualify for a construction loan and Trump took his place?
God Damn you're stupid.

The purpose of the loan was to finance a construction project.
Trump was putting his properties up as collateral for the loans.
No bank is going to approve a loan without doing their own appraisal.
Banks have set amounts of money to loan at various interest rates. Applicants who are deemed to be the lowest risk get the most favorable rates. Trump submitted fraudulent application(s) in order to get the lowest rates. Other applicates that file honest applications are put at a disadvantage by Trump's illegal actions. This is why the People of New York are the plaintiffs in the case, not the bank.

The Decision and order of the court contains testimony indicating that the infractions in this case are not isolated events. The fact that Trump took no responsibility and showed no remorse for his actions, were justifications for the court to order that the court monitor the Trump Organization business in New York from the inside for a 3 year period. This may prove to be the harshest penalty for the Trump Origination as it operates in a veil of secrecy. In the future, Trump is going to have to make sure his action are legal before he does them.

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No you havent. The injunction explains itself. You don't know what is in it. You're trying to go in circles and derail discussion.
His businesses in New York can continue to operate but he can not run them. He is going to have to appoint someone to do that for 3 years. He also can not take out any loans from any NY bank for 3 years. The court also ordered independent monitoring within the Trump Organization for a period of 3 years. This is in addition to the financial penalties.
Ok, so why can’t he move his corporations to another state? I’d be curious to hear the reason they are making it difficult for him to do so. The only reason I can’t think of is for spite.

They ruled that he must pay the money and they ruled that he can’t be in control of his New York businesses, so, why did they also add provision that he needs to inform the AG if he wants to change or move his business? To me that appears like they are wanting to force him into staying in New York, or, they are trying to further harm him by preventing him from making financial decisions about his business.

It seems they want his money but they also want to punish him. Hell, should he decide to move his corporations out of nee York, as much as they hate him, you’d think they would be happy to see him leave.
I didn't see in the court order anything about moving his businesses. The court did order internal monitoring of the Trump Organization businesses in New York. Since most of his business are construction, management, and collection of fees from his properties, moving properties might be a bit difficult and moving his corporates office would not accomplish anything.
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He just needs to pay his judgements due in the State of New York which would be Hmmmm in the area of $500,000,000 (including his fraud and what is owed to Carroll), and then he's free to shut down his business in New York, sell off any remaining assets, and setup business somewhere else.

He's free to just pay his debts and move.

Although the Trump name is on a lot building in New York, he doesn't own most of them. He has varying amounts of interest in some of them and he collects a sizable fee for his name on the building. However, the name Trump on buildings may be costing residents at lot more than it's worth.
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Ok, so why can’t he move his corporations to another state? I’d be curious to hear the reason they are making it difficult for him to do so. The only reason I can’t think of is for spite.

They ruled that he must pay the money and they ruled that he can’t be in control of his New York businesses, so, why did they also add provision that he needs to inform the AG if he wants to change or move his business? To me that appears like they are wanting to force him into staying in New York, or, they are trying to further harm him by preventing him from making financial decisions about his business.

It seems they want his money but they also want to punish him. Hell, should he decide to move his corporations out of nee York, as much as they hate him, you’d think they would be happy to see him leave.
The Judge's order and decision in the case requires the court to internally monitor Trump business operations in New York. So it is only reasonable that the judge require that Trump inform the court if they movie their business office.
Yeah. I wonder what Habba was thinking all those times she was standing behind him and he was bitching to the press during the trial, just making things worse.

A normal, intelligent attorney would have been absolutely mortified, but who knows. She sure acts like a True Believer, a Manson Girl.
I think Trump pays a hell of a lot of money for legal advice and does whatever he pleases. He can not resist defending himself and that means attacking those that he perceives are attacking him. Now he has added another reason to act, the campaign. His supports expect him to speak up, attack, attack, attack. In other words do exactly what a defendant in trial should never do.

It will be interesting to see how he behaves in his criminals trials. Criminal court judges, particularly federal judges don't put up with the kind shit he pulled in his civil trial. He answers questions, speaks when spoken to and anything else could land him in jail with a contempt citation. If found guilty, then he gets a chance to address the court and anything other than asking the court leniency and showing remorse and could be casting his vote for president from a prison cell.
The Judge's order and decision in the case requires the court to internally monitor Trump business operations in New York. So it is only reasonable that the judge require that Trump inform the court if they movie their business office.
Corrupt lawless government is monitoring? :auiqs.jpg:
Has Trump told this hack judge to go F himself yet?

Well, Legend, not in so many words, but.......but what he said in court came very close to that, some may think.

In fact, there is an argument to be made that without those implied 'f-you's to the judge's face, in his own court...well, Engoran may have been intending to fine Trump and his companies only $3.5 million, total. Including interest.

But alas, DonT., as we know, is often impulsive, undisciplined, and reckless.

NOT....$3.5 million.

Yeah, my avatar perhaps, may have been persuaded that could be true.
I think Trump pays a hell of a lot of money for legal advice and does whatever he pleases. He can not resist defending himself and that means attacking those that he perceives are attacking him. Now he has added another reason to act, the campaign. His supports expect him to speak up, attack, attack, attack. In other words do exactly what a defendant in trial should never do.

It will be interesting to see how he behaves in his criminals trials. Criminal court judges, particularly federal judges don't put up with the kind shit he pulled in his civil trial. He answers questions, speaks when spoken to and anything else could land him in jail with a contempt citation. If found guilty, then he gets a chance to address the court and anything other than asking the court leniency and showing remorse and could be casting his vote for president from a prison cell.
For all his complaining about being treated unfairly, he was given the longest rope by judge that I've ever seen. A person just can't do what he did. I don't know if this uncontrolled, manic behavior was just what he is, or whether it was showbiz for the campaign. Both, I guess?

Showing remorse requires some degree of inner strength, and most people AT LEAST have enough inner strength to do THAT. He does not. His mental/emotional issues are totally in control of everything he does. Not good when you have to act like a responsible adult in a courtroom.
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Did you see her performance, after they lost? What she was doing was watching her master for tips on how to behave.
I'm always looking for motivations, WHY people do what they do. She's intelligent enough to have made the calculation that there is net benefit in this for her.

My best guess (who knows!) is that she knows this will make her a superstar celebrity lawyer within the orange universe, even if her reputation is trashed in the rest of the planet. There's enough business within that world to make a great living for a lawyer. She is now a Kraken Lady/Rudy G/Mr. Pillow-level clown for the rest of us, but I suspect she'll be able to feed off the Alt Right for a long time.
"The cult considers the judgement unfair" is simply not a valid legal argument nor is it grounds for a legitimate appeal.
While I personally think the judgement was fair in the big picture, and while I personally think Trump deserves this and much more for what he has done, I think Engoron has run the risk of going too far on the dollar amount.

I'm assuming that these numbers are defensible, i.e., that they are the result of specific calculations based on hard facts. That's a lot of money to hold up under scrutiny in an appeal. I guess we'll find out. The way the Orange Universe™ works, they'll play any reduction in the fine as a Great Victory And Validation of the Dear Leader.
Obviously it isnt.

Yes, it actually is, but this is a political stunt. These charges would have never been filed if Trump would not have run or become President.

Why didn’t they pursue these charges the many years prior to Trump becoming President? Things that make you go hmmm.

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