Judge Overseeing Case To Remove Trump From Ballot Agrees To Banning Threats and Intimidation.

So many hissy fits, MAGA snowflakes crying about nothing.
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Yeah, because it'd be a damned shame and an attack on muhh Democracy!, if the people could vote for him. The part that's going to make you and your ilk lose your minds will be if he gets a stack of convictions a mile high and STILL wins ;)
Because the people KNOW this is a political persecution.
It may be a legally valid case, but I think this is going to be a disaster

There would be no disaster, except in the event that P01135809 wins, which will NOT happen. He condoned/encourage/incited an Insurrection against the Democratically Elected Government of the United States.

Under the 14th. Amendment P01135809 is NOT eligible to hold office. It is NOT up MAGA to decide, it up the individual states. Enough state strike his name for ballot, he cannot elected.

IF his name is written in, he is still not eligble to hold office.
President Trump.,...sshhhh.....they are going to take you in, like the prison death camps that gassed everyone in the 1940's.
A few more states, including California setting wheels in motion to strike P01135809 from the ballot. Enough States strike that lying Unamerican Russian Loving Orange shit stain from the ballot, he will never win.
This could set a bad precedent. Judges in states could start striking names off a ballot for numerous reasons. I get not wanting the name on the ballot, I would like Democrats and Republicans struck off all ballots for their lie to Americans, but that could in the future be a terrible precedent.

If he is convicted of a federal crime, then you may have a basis but just to strike him out because of fear is a poor reason.
Oh really?

She also did not say it was human beings making threats.

Could be elephants!

Which is why they have a million charges against him. They are rigging the election any way they can.
The charges are crimes. He is a citizen and he needs to answer for his crimes. No one made him take national secrets to his play house in Florida. No one made him try to overturn a fair election. No one made him pay off a porn star and then fix the books. The man is a walking crimes wave.
The charges are crimes. He is a citizen and he needs to answer for his crimes. No one made him take national secrets to his play house in Florida. No one made him try to overturn a fair election. No one made him pay off a porn star and then fix the books. The man is a walking crimes wave.
Accepting millions from foreign countries and hiding it in off shore accounts and phony LLCs is also a crime. No charges are forthcoming. If Trump wasn't running, none of these charges would have been brought. Dems want him out of sight out of mind, not front and center...
For instance, the raid at Trumps home. Did they raid Biden's?
This could set a bad precedent. Judges in states could start striking names off a ballot for numerous reasons. I get not wanting the name on the ballot, I would like Democrats and Republicans struck off all ballots for their lie to Americans, but that could in the future be a terrible precedent.

If he is convicted of a federal crime, then you may have a basis but just to strike him out because of fear is a poor reason.

He participated in, he encouraged, he condoned and he supported an Insurrection against the United States of America. P01135808 can legally struck from ballot of any state that wants to do so.

He committed an act of treason and under 14th. Amendment is NOT eligible to be president.
He participated in, he encouraged, he condoned and he supported an Insurrection against the United States of America. P01135808 can legally struck from ballot of any state that wants to do so.

He committed an act of treason and under 14th. Amendment is NOT eligible to be president.
Until he is convicted, he is innocent, at least that is the way it used to be in our country, when did it change?
But, they're doing it to "protect democracy"...lol
I got one - In response to criminals getting shot dead by officers whose live's were being threatened with deadly force, and this by these criminals that Biden has so much sympathy for, and Biden's response was "Can't you just shoot them in the leg" ?? 😂

This is the same man that is sending billions of dollars to Ukraine with cluster bombs along with every other weapon known or made to kill human beings, and over there he expects human beings to be killed with extreme prejudice by those weapons..........

Over here he expects our law enforcement to just shoot a deadly criminal in his leg if he attacks, but it still doesn't change the fact that criminality no matter where it is (if deadly in the attack made by the criminal), should be treated the same way as he thinks the alleged criminals in Ukraine should be treated.

Here's the deal or the difference with Biden - No one in Ukraine is going to vote for Biden in America, and so he could care less about peace in Ukraine, but here in America he thinks that he has to play politics even if it sides with the lighter treatment in regards to a deadly killer.

You just can't make the shite up I tell ya.
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