judge rules delegates cannot be forced to vote for trump

It's beginning. Trump loses a law suit today unbinding the Virginia delegates. The state of Virginia cannot compel the delegates to vote against their conscience. An Arizona delegate has also stated she will not support trump.

It's going to be an interesting couple weeks

Another rogue criminal judge who thinks they can write legislation because they don't like how it works. The Republican party isn't an election, it's a private group picking their candidate. The judge should be impeached

I made a post earlier about the VA ruling. Payne is not a rouge criminal judge by any stretch of the imagination. Try reading it.

So in post # 163, you're expecting me to find your post and read the link?

judge rules delegates cannot be forced to vote for trump

Let me get this straight.

State primary elections elect delegates, not candidates, of course.

Somebody who signed up to be a Trump delegate, doesn't want to vote for Trump at the convention??? Then why did he sign up as one?
It's beginning. Trump loses a law suit today unbinding the Virginia delegates. The state of Virginia cannot compel the delegates to vote against their conscience. An Arizona delegate has also stated she will not support trump.

It's going to be an interesting couple weeks

Another rogue criminal judge who thinks they can write legislation because they don't like how it works. The Republican party isn't an election, it's a private group picking their candidate. The judge should be impeached

I made a post earlier about the VA ruling. Payne is not a rouge criminal judge by any stretch of the imagination. Try reading it.

So in post # 163, you're expecting me to find your post and read the link?

Try #91
I seriously doubt Paul Ryan will let the delegates give the nomination to someone other than Trump.


Ooo! ME! ME-ME-ME-ME-ME-ME-ME! Pick me!

RNC rules apply. Even Ryan has no power to change the rules. The OP is now null and void because it was just a symbolic victory.

I put up a thread on it.

Judge gives symbolic legal cover to anti-Trump delegates who want to vote their 'conscience' – but Republican rules say it won't matter
  • Federal judge invalidated a Virginia law requiring Republican convention delegates to cast their ballots as ordinary voters directed
  • But he also ruled that the Republican National Committee's rules, not state laws, govern how votes are counted on the convention floor
  • Slim hope for anti-Trump forces rests with convention Rules Committee, where a minority of members could force a vote to scrap existing rules
  • As things stand, the court decision is symbolic
In other words this ruling means diddly squat.

Judge gives symbolic legal cover to anti-Trump convention delegates
It's beginning. Trump loses a law suit today unbinding the Virginia delegates. The state of Virginia cannot compel the delegates to vote against their conscience. An Arizona delegate has also stated she will not support trump.

It's going to be an interesting couple weeks

Another rogue criminal judge who thinks they can write legislation because they don't like how it works. The Republican party isn't an election, it's a private group picking their candidate. The judge should be impeached

I made a post earlier about the VA ruling. Payne is not a rouge criminal judge by any stretch of the imagination. Try reading it.
Granny, I applaud your effort to bring clarification to the issue. I know the headline was misleading, and I am sorry those whose interest is misinformation more than actual facts did not read your earlier post #91. Just want you to know your valuable clarification was not in vain.

Yes, I obviously avoided post #91 because I am more interested in misinformation than facts. Rule #1 if you don't want facts, avoid post #91 in any thread.


BTW, I just read post #91 and I didn't see any "facts," just granny saying she knows the judge and can't believe he didn't do it for a good reason. What is that supposed to clear up exactly?
It's beginning. Trump loses a law suit today unbinding the Virginia delegates. The state of Virginia cannot compel the delegates to vote against their conscience. An Arizona delegate has also stated she will not support trump.

It's going to be an interesting couple weeks

Another rogue criminal judge who thinks they can write legislation because they don't like how it works. The Republican party isn't an election, it's a private group picking their candidate. The judge should be impeached
Obviously you didn't bother to read the article, instead to you decided to exhibit your ignorance.

What article?
It's beginning. Trump loses a law suit today unbinding the Virginia delegates. The state of Virginia cannot compel the delegates to vote against their conscience. An Arizona delegate has also stated she will not support trump.

It's going to be an interesting couple weeks

Another rogue criminal judge who thinks they can write legislation because they don't like how it works. The Republican party isn't an election, it's a private group picking their candidate. The judge should be impeached

I made a post earlier about the VA ruling. Payne is not a rouge criminal judge by any stretch of the imagination. Try reading it.

So in post # 163, you're expecting me to find your post and read the link?

Try #91

I did when the other poster told me the post number. All that says is you know the guy and think he's reasonable. I don't know you, why is that persuasive to me?
The delegates can vote as they wish. The RNC cannot force them to vote other than as they wish.
It's beginning. Trump loses a law suit today unbinding the Virginia delegates. The state of Virginia cannot compel the delegates to vote against their conscience. An Arizona delegate has also stated she will not support trump.

It's going to be an interesting couple weeks
If the delegates don't vote in Trump as the nominee, that will be the end of the Republican party. Why would anyone continue to be a member of a party that is determined to obstruct the will of its members? These establishment fucks behave as if they are entitled to decide who the nominee is.

And the fallout will eventually be violent...........very, very violent.
You must be a BLM negro.

It goes without saying, no way.

Besides, BLM 'negroes', as you put it, would never turn to violence over something as important as 'the will of the people'.
OK - found out about the ruling on electoral voters. It's basically a non-issue. Some rich young guy from up in NoVA with nothing but time on his hands but looking to start himself out on a political career (he may right now be fairly new to the VA House of Representatives) brought the suit. I know ... I know ... there are those who say the only people with money are the Republicans but this guy is a Democrat. Anyway, it's basically a non-issue. What Payne basically ruled is that the election process cannon be legislated from the bench and that federal election laws trump state election laws.

And I'll say it again ... you can't believe always believe all the hype you hear from "journalists." Used to be an old saying: Don't believe anything you read/hear and only half of what you see. It's still good advice, particularly today.

Here's the post I should have referred to you, Kaz. The ruling is a non-issue.
Hey Avatar4321 ,

I haven't seen you comment on the fact that Ted Cruz has answered Trump's call to speak at the convention.

How did that strike you?


You're laughing alone, aren't you, oh clueless one? What about Cruz is a Republican speaking at the Republican convention don't you grasp? Given your affinity for laughing long after everyone else, wait 20 minutes and then answer. Then answer, but only if you've gotten it by then ...
Hey Avatar4321 ,

I haven't seen you comment on the fact that Ted Cruz has answered Trump's call to speak at the convention.

How did that strike you?


You're laughing alone, aren't you, oh clueless one? What about Cruz is a Republican speaking at the Republican convention don't you grasp? Given your affinity for laughing long after everyone else, wait 20 minutes and then answer. Then answer, but only if you've gotten it by then ...

Who asked ya?
Hey Avatar4321 ,

I haven't seen you comment on the fact that Ted Cruz has answered Trump's call to speak at the convention.

How did that strike you?


You're laughing alone, aren't you, oh clueless one? What about Cruz is a Republican speaking at the Republican convention don't you grasp? Given your affinity for laughing long after everyone else, wait 20 minutes and then answer. Then answer, but only if you've gotten it by then ...

Who asked ya?

You did. You posted your worthless opinion on a message board. I'll let you do some research on your own and figure out what that means. Maybe a while after everyone else laughs at you, you will ...
Last edited:
The delegates can vote as they wish. The RNC cannot force them to vote other than as they wish.

It doesn't matter. RNC rules rule.

Judge gives symbolic legal cover to anti-Trump delegates who want to vote their 'conscience' – but Republican rules say it won't matter
  • Federal judge invalidated a Virginia law requiring Republican convention delegates to cast their ballots as ordinary voters directed
  • But he also ruled that the Republican National Committee's rules, not state laws, govern how votes are counted on the convention floor
  • Slim hope for anti-Trump forces rests with convention Rules Committee, where a minority of members could force a vote to scrap existing rules
  • As things stand, the court decision is symbolic
In other words this ruling means diddly squat.

Judge gives symbolic legal cover to anti-Trump convention delegates
It's beginning. Trump loses a law suit today unbinding the Virginia delegates. The state of Virginia cannot compel the delegates to vote against their conscience. An Arizona delegate has also stated she will not support trump.

It's going to be an interesting couple weeks

I have been discussing this with Republicans in the know. They state that there are 20 states that are unbound. Meaning those delegates can vote their conscience. Others state that the rules never stated that any delegate is bound--so it's a confusing can of worms.

I believe the rules committee was supposed to meet today or tomorrow so it's going to get very interesting.
The delegates can vote as they wish. The RNC cannot force them to vote other than as they wish.

It won't matter how they vote.

Agreed. For better or worse, and my vote is worse, Trump won and is going to go up against the heart of darkness herself

Whoops that was sort of a duplicate. I put the actual ruling up in the other post. I think what is really ticking me off about the never trumpers like Senator Lee or Flakes is that they are mega open border people.

It hasn't been publicized much but I wish it would be. They are part of what is called the Utah Compact. Along with the Mormon community as a whole. No wonder they are seriously against Trump.

The Principles of the Utah Compact are

  1. Federal Solutions. Immigration, including border policy is a federal issue.
  2. Law Enforcement. Law Enforcement should have discretion. Local law enforcement should focus on criminal activity rather than violations of federal civil code.
  3. Families. Stating opposition to policies that unnecessarily separate families.
  4. Economy. Recognition of the economic role of immigrants. Advocates support for free market policies to maximize individual freedom and opportunity.
  5. A Free Society. Recognition that immigrants are part of society. States the need for a "humane approach to this reality, reflecting our unique culture, history and spirit of inclusion

    Utah Compact - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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