judge rules delegates cannot be forced to vote for trump

Any delegate that goes rogue will have to answer to his or her people of their State that voted for Trump. And the buzz out there is it won't be pretty. People that voted for Trump will make payback very painful. For example if a delegate owns a business, it will be toast.
Not to mention the fact that that will be the last Republican convention ever held.
You make that sound like a bad thing.
It's beginning. Trump loses a law suit today unbinding the Virginia delegates. The state of Virginia cannot compel the delegates to vote against their conscience. An Arizona delegate has also stated she will not support trump.

It's going to be an interesting couple weeks
If the delegates don't vote in Trump as the nominee, that will be the end of the Republican party. Why would anyone continue to be a member of a party that is determined to obstruct the will of its members? These establishment fucks behave as if they are entitled to decide who the nominee is.

And the fallout will eventually be violent...........very, very violent.
Ooooo...I thought the RW wasn't the violent ones.
It's beginning. Trump loses a law suit today unbinding the Virginia delegates. The state of Virginia cannot compel the delegates to vote against their conscience. An Arizona delegate has also stated she will not support trump.

It's going to be an interesting couple weeks

Another rogue criminal judge who thinks they can write legislation because they don't like how it works. The Republican party isn't an election, it's a private group picking their candidate. The judge should be impeached

I made a post earlier about the VA ruling. Payne is not a rouge criminal judge by any stretch of the imagination. Try reading it.
Any delegate that goes rogue will have to answer to his or her people of their State that voted for Trump. And the buzz out there is it won't be pretty. People that voted for Trump will make payback very painful. For example if a delegate owns a business, it will be toast.
Not to mention the fact that that will be the last Republican convention ever held.

I'm reading comments from even ex pats at the Daily Mail swearing complete and utter vengeance against the RNC as a whole if these delegates are allowed to overturn how their state voted.

And I wonder if Bernie people will be looking at this judgement and pressing forward for their convention.
What kind of vengeance?

And here y'all were just sayin' it's negroes who are violent.
It's beginning. Trump loses a law suit today unbinding the Virginia delegates. The state of Virginia cannot compel the delegates to vote against their conscience. An Arizona delegate has also stated she will not support trump.

It's going to be an interesting couple weeks
If the delegates don't vote in Trump as the nominee, that will be the end of the Republican party. Why would anyone continue to be a member of a party that is determined to obstruct the will of its members? These establishment fucks behave as if they are entitled to decide who the nominee is.

And the fallout will eventually be violent...........very, very violent.
You must be a BLM negro.
The "more voted against him than for him" is straight out of the liberal playbook. Trump fought and won over 16 other candidates. And he won with more votes than President Bush when Bush ran unopposed for crying out loud. Never Trumpers just come straight out and say you want the pro abortion/ anti Second Amendment candidate to win. Go vote for Hillary.
We don't want the fascist Trump.
Trump's not a fascist, but most don't want him to be president.
Trump has fellated Putin, Kim, and Hussein. And since Dallas he has been going around calling himself zee Law und Order candidate.

But he doesn't have any totalitarian tendencies. Nuh uh.
I seriously doubt Paul Ryan will let the delegates give the nomination to someone other than Trump.


Ooo! ME! ME-ME-ME-ME-ME-ME-ME! Pick me!
It would be something if enough delegates voted against trump to not nominate him! Have someone like Romney walk through the door for the next vote. hahah

If the Republican Party convention votes to not nominate Trump to represent their party, I'm sure you will find a lot of republican voters choosing to stay home this election cycle. The people obviously voted Trump in as the candidate to represent them, this will be a test to see if the party is going to listen to their constituents who chose to stand against the establishment.
A lot of folks will stay home if he is the nominee; he can't win.
Trump will win in a landslide, thus your and the GOP's fear....
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
It's beginning. Trump loses a law suit today unbinding the Virginia delegates. The state of Virginia cannot compel the delegates to vote against their conscience. An Arizona delegate has also stated she will not support trump.

It's going to be an interesting couple weeks

Another rogue criminal judge who thinks they can write legislation because they don't like how it works. The Republican party isn't an election, it's a private group picking their candidate. The judge should be impeached

I made a post earlier about the VA ruling. Payne is not a rouge criminal judge by any stretch of the imagination. Try reading it.
Granny, I applaud your effort to bring clarification to the issue. I know the headline was misleading, and I am sorry those whose interest is misinformation more than actual facts did not read your earlier post #91. Just want you to know your valuable clarification was not in vain.
It's beginning. Trump loses a law suit today unbinding the Virginia delegates. The state of Virginia cannot compel the delegates to vote against their conscience. An Arizona delegate has also stated she will not support trump.

It's going to be an interesting couple weeks

Another rogue criminal judge who thinks they can write legislation because they don't like how it works. The Republican party isn't an election, it's a private group picking their candidate. The judge should be impeached
Obviously you didn't bother to read the article, instead to you decided to exhibit your ignorance.
Any delegate that goes rogue will have to answer to his or her people of their State that voted for Trump. And the buzz out there is it won't be pretty. People that voted for Trump will make payback very painful. For example if a delegate owns a business, it will be toast.
Not to mention the fact that that will be the last Republican convention ever held.

I'm reading comments from even ex pats at the Daily Mail swearing complete and utter vengeance against the RNC as a whole if these delegates are allowed to overturn how their state voted.

And I wonder if Bernie people will be looking at this judgement and pressing forward for their convention.
No, unlike you and most others on the right, Sanders supporters understand the ruling.
It's beginning. Trump loses a law suit today unbinding the Virginia delegates. The state of Virginia cannot compel the delegates to vote against their conscience. An Arizona delegate has also stated she will not support trump.

It's going to be an interesting couple weeks
If the delegates don't vote in Trump as the nominee, that will be the end of the Republican party. Why would anyone continue to be a member of a party that is determined to obstruct the will of its members? These establishment fucks behave as if they are entitled to decide who the nominee is.

The GOP establishment can't stand their own party.
The GOP establishment have not been able to live up to their commitment to their constituents, the voters have grown tired of issues like immigration enforcement becoming nothing more than repeated campaign promises that end up ignored.
So you hand the Democrats a massive sweep in the.

By heavens, that will show them!

We already know the democrats only take advantage of problems, they haven't shown themselves to they really care about solving them. Have they? Illegal immigration is just one of the issues they kick down the road, while supporting issues like sanctuary cities only gives Hispanics an excuse to sneak into the United States. Yeah, Democrats are real problem solvers :lol:
The "more voted against him than for him" is straight out of the liberal playbook. Trump fought and won over 16 other candidates. And he won with more votes than President Bush when Bush ran unopposed for crying out loud. Never Trumpers just come straight out and say you want the pro abortion/ anti Second Amendment candidate to win. Go vote for Hillary.
We don't want the fascist Trump.
Trump's not a fascist, but most don't want him to be president.
Of course he is. He believes in government and private economic opportunities at the expense of the working class. He believes in an authoritarian approach to governing. He divides the electorate by sex, by age, by race, by disability, etc. He is a classic fascist mentality.

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