judge rules delegates cannot be forced to vote for trump

The "more voted against him than for him" is straight out of the liberal playbook. Trump fought and won over 16 other candidates. And he won with more votes than President Bush when Bush ran unopposed for crying out loud. Never Trumpers just come straight out and say you want the pro abortion/ anti Second Amendment candidate to win. Go vote for Hillary.
We don't want the fascist Trump.
It's beginning. Trump loses a law suit today unbinding the Virginia delegates. The state of Virginia cannot compel the delegates to vote against their conscience. An Arizona delegate has also stated she will not support trump.

It's going to be an interesting couple weeks
If the delegates don't vote in Trump as the nominee, that will be the end of the Republican party. Why would anyone continue to be a member of a party that is determined to obstruct the will of its members? These establishment fucks behave as if they are entitled to decide who the nominee is.

They are entitled to. It's their party, and they legally can make or change any rules they want.
Yet they were forced for Cruz? OP doesn't even validly explain such claims and with an easy landslide of supporters, why would Trump need to force anyone? Such stupid people desperately scrambling to try and make their filthy liberal garbage the issue.
Leftists stoop so low to inspire rage that they also inspire what is known as hate crime, yet when you reveal leftist lies and deceptions they call you the hater, the bigot etc. the bunch of low life scum bags.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
It's beginning. Trump loses a law suit today unbinding the Virginia delegates. The state of Virginia cannot compel the delegates to vote against their conscience. An Arizona delegate has also stated she will not support trump.

It's going to be an interesting couple weeks
If the delegates don't vote in Trump as the nominee, that will be the end of the Republican party. Why would anyone continue to be a member of a party that is determined to obstruct the will of its members? These establishment fucks behave as if they are entitled to decide who the nominee is.

They are entitled to. It's their party, and they legally can make or change any rules they want.
It's my party, asshole, and the small group of establish RINOs don't own the party.
It's beginning. Trump loses a law suit today unbinding the Virginia delegates. The state of Virginia cannot compel the delegates to vote against their conscience. An Arizona delegate has also stated she will not support trump.

It's going to be an interesting couple weeks
If the delegates don't vote in Trump as the nominee, that will be the end of the Republican party. Why would anyone continue to be a member of a party that is determined to obstruct the will of its members? These establishment fucks behave as if they are entitled to decide who the nominee is.

They are entitled to. It's their party, and they legally can make or change any rules they want.
It's my party, asshole, and the small group of establish RINOs don't own the party.

You probably need to read the charter.
I think trump received something like 35% of the total Republican vote? This represents the entire party? I don't think so.

I think there is going to be a revolt to get rid of him. Republican leadership already thinks trump is the end of their party, they may as well make it official. Which reminds me I have to stock up on popcorn and drinks before the convention. It's going to be a loooong night. For some.
I think trump received something like 35% of the total Republican vote? This represents the entire party? I don't think so.

I think there is going to be a revolt to get rid of him. Republican leadership already thinks trump is the end of their party, they may as well make it official. Which reminds me I have to stock up on popcorn and drinks before the convention. It's going to be a loooong night. For some.
Link that Trump didn't get 14 million votes and is not the presumptive nominee since no other candidate got more than 14 million votes?
Link that Trump didn't get 14 million votes and is not the presumptive nominee since no other candidate got more than 14 million votes?

Actually, he got about 13 million. 17 million voted for other candidates.

Now, legally, if a lot of the "Trump" delegates decide that this is a really bad idea, then they will pick someone else.

It's unlikely. More likely, you'll just nominate Trump, the rich will close their checkbooks, Trump will rip off the suckers who do send money, and Hillary will win 40 states.

If you are lucky, you'll retain the House.
It would be something if enough delegates voted against trump to not nominate him! Have someone like Romney walk through the door for the next vote. hahah

If the Republican Party convention votes to not nominate Trump to represent their party, I'm sure you will find a lot of republican voters choosing to stay home this election cycle. The people obviously voted Trump in as the candidate to represent them, this will be a test to see if the party is going to listen to their constituents who chose to stand against the establishment.
A lot of folks will stay home if he is the nominee; he can't win.
Then hillary can stop campaigning because no other republican can win either.
Tipsycat, that's the big question, isn't it? I'm about as anti-Trump as you can get, but I can't think of a single person who his party replace him as the acceptable nominee. I actually voted for Kasich in our primary. Even he is a little too conservative for me, but I can live with leadership like the ideas he expresses. Now I am Hillary by default.
It's beginning. Trump loses a law suit today unbinding the Virginia delegates. The state of Virginia cannot compel the delegates to vote against their conscience. An Arizona delegate has also stated she will not support trump.

It's going to be an interesting couple weeks

Wow you republicans are very bent on destroying your party.

The thing is our democratic republic can't survive with only 1 major party. At least two major parties are required for our democratic republic to continue.

I don't know about you but I want it to continue.

Your party is so badly divided now and it's going to get worse because of this.

trump ran and followed the rules. He won fair and square. The people spoke in the primary. They chose trump. It's not right to change the vote now.
It's beginning. Trump loses a law suit today unbinding the Virginia delegates. The state of Virginia cannot compel the delegates to vote against their conscience. An Arizona delegate has also stated she will not support trump.

It's going to be an interesting couple weeks

Wow you republicans are very bent on destroying your party.

The thing is our democratic republic can't survive with only 1 major party. At least two major parties are required for our democratic republic to continue.

I don't know about you but I want it to continue.

Your party is so badly divided now and it's going to get worse because of this.

trump ran and followed the rules. He won fair and square. The people spoke in the primary. They chose trump. It's not right to change the vote now.
Huh? Bernie Sanders had a very strong showing and many leftists feel cheated and aren't happy with the lying crook the party backed from the beginning.

And I don't know where you got the idea the US needs two parties, that's not what the term representative republic means.
Your party is so badly divided now and it's going to get worse because of this.

This could actually be a good thing. We need to expel the idiots who are causing the divisive fracturing. Get rid of Trump, and let his moronic fanboys follow him.
"judge rules delegates cannot be forced to vote for trump"

Yes, 'FU@K THE PEOPLE!' Who cares how the American people voted - it's not like this is a govt 'OF the people, FOR the people, BY the people' anymore.

"judge rules delegates cannot be forced to vote for trump"

Yes, 'FU@K THE PEOPLE!' Who cares how the American people voted - it's not like this is a govt 'OF the people, FOR the people, BY the people' anymore.


I agree with you. Let's make sure that the delegates are voting exactly as the people did. The judge should have ruled that 44% of delegates are required to vote for Trump.
The judge cannot force voters to vote for whoever the establishment wants to shove in either.

The Republicans cannot win without Trump voters.
"judge rules delegates cannot be forced to vote for trump"

Yes, 'FU@K THE PEOPLE!' Who cares how the American people voted - it's not like this is a govt 'OF the people, FOR the people, BY the people' anymore.

Easy65, a poster called 'granny' made the effort to look beyond the headlines and posted a clearer picture of the judgement. Go back to post #91 and read up. The headline, as usual, is misleading.
"judge rules delegates cannot be forced to vote for trump"

Yes, 'FU@K THE PEOPLE!' Who cares how the American people voted - it's not like this is a govt 'OF the people, FOR the people, BY the people' anymore.

Trump had the most votes cast him compared to any candidate in history.

He is a loser.
I just pray that the Mrs. Tuzla delegates do what is being threaten to do to Trump. I am all for clearing the slate on both sides. But unless that happens then let the people have their say.

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