Judge rules Seattle's tax on the wealthy is illegal; city vows to appeal

I go up to Seattle for work a few times a year. I despise that place

Why, the rain or the traffic? .. those are the only two things I can think of not to like about Seattle.


I hate the people. They are aloof and think they are better than everyone else
Gray skies. But all that rain makes it very green, and I love that.

Agreed .. we left Portland in 2001 after two straight years of double normal rainfall. It rained literally for 9 months straight and it got depressing.

But whenever I need a green fix .. I find an excuse to get over to either P-Town or Seattle (especially June-September ;-)
Lib 101:
...the rich (not us) can pay more because they have more...


Gray skies. But all that rain makes it very green, and I love that.

Agreed .. we left Portland in 2001 after two straight years of double normal rainfall. It rained literally for 9 months straight and it got depressing.

But whenever I need a green fix .. I find an excuse to get over to either P-Town or Seattle (especially June-September ;-)

Portland, on the other hand, I love. Awesome people
Gray skies. But all that rain makes it very green, and I love that.

Agreed .. we left Portland in 2001 after two straight years of double normal rainfall. It rained literally for 9 months straight and it got depressing.

But whenever I need a green fix .. I find an excuse to get over to either P-Town or Seattle (especially June-September ;-)
I like Seattle better than Portland because I like being on the water. I love taking ferry trips and walking along Alki Beach. Going down to the Pike Street Market and walking along the waterfront. I love all the big green parks along the water too, like Discovery Park and Lincoln Park. Yeah, it's a dump! The Oregon Coast is great though. Very beautiful.
Portland, on the other hand, I love. Awesome people

Can't disagree as to the people in P-town .. they consistently rank high in friendliest (and geekiest ;-) cities in the US.

Portland Ranks High For Friendliest, Geekiest and America's Favorite Cities in Travel + Leisure's 2016 Rankings

The other awesome thing about Portland is The Max light rail system. Between that and super-frequent buses, you can go literally anywhere right out of the airport for cheap and not hassle with renting a car or traffic.

Oh - and it's one of the CLEANEST larger cities in America - hands down.
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^^^ ridiculous. First off Seattle is not a progressive city, its INFESTED with liberal filthy scum from California. Its a haven for drug abusing losers. They have 40 mile long traffic jams daily. Property crimes are through the roof due to their drug problems with people strung out on meth and heroine. Native born Washingtonians like myself watched as the filth from California invaded and turned our cities into shit holes.
You must live in a bad neighborhood as well as having a very gruesome attitude toward life. It's a wonderful city. Beautiful and wonderful. People travel there from all over the world. Every large city has problems. You are the type that would think Rome, Paris & London are dumps because they have problems. The population of Seattle is highly educated and liberal. It isn't 'infested' with people from California: that's the thinking of your very ugly, dark mind.

Lib please I was born here and watch California invade stop lying.
I suspect you don't even live in the city. You probably live in one of the suburbs and never go into the city because you are afraid of drugs and crime, liberals and Californians. And traffic. You should move to Iowa. It's cheaper and probably no Californians. :badgrin: Seattle is wasted on you.

I grew up in Seattle idiot, where are you from my guess is California shocker.
LOL I already said, I'm from Seattle. You live in a suburb don't you? If you are so unhappy there, why stay? Just because you were born there doesn't mean you have to stay there your whole life. It's really ridiculous to live some place you obviously detest.
That is damn good advice, you libtards should leave America.
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Judge rules Seattle's tax on the wealthy is illegal; city vows to appeal

The tax measure requires residents to pay a 2.25-percent tax if they are a single filer and make more than $250,000 annually or file jointly and make more than $500,000.

The Greedy Democrat Politicians destroy their own tax base by driving the middle class taxpayers and the wealthy taxpayers out of their cities and states. Left Wingers are dumb.

I am from Seattle. It is a fantastic city and very expensive to live in. There are many wealthy people there and many very well to do or 'comfortable' people. It is a very progressive city. I'm sure, in the end, people there do not want to turn it in to a place like France before the revolution, with a great distance between the haves and have nots. No one is going to drive people out of Seattle: it is a very desirable place to live. The wealthy people there will stay there. The wealthy people there are most likely liberals anyway, the people you call 'dumb.' You're a fool.

So that is what is wrong with you! I should have known!

Seattle has the worst traffic than just about anyplace I have driven. Traffic was horrible at midnight!

Why? The highways are almost all two lane only, and clogged with every type of vehicle that rolls. Going anywhere usually involves at least 2 hours travel time. They simply do not tax the libs enough to pay for the improvements they need.
I hate the people. They are aloof and think they are better than everyone else

I've had similar experiences working with a few of the Guccier folks on business deals downtown. Some of the executives in places like Columbia Center I've found to be rather full of themselves. As a whole once you get outside of the high rises .. it's a lot like a larger version of Portland.
^^^ ridiculous. First off Seattle is not a progressive city, its INFESTED with liberal filthy scum from California. Its a haven for drug abusing losers. They have 40 mile long traffic jams daily. Property crimes are through the roof due to their drug problems with people strung out on meth and heroine. Native born Washingtonians like myself watched as the filth from California invaded and turned our cities into shit holes.
You must live in a bad neighborhood as well as having a very gruesome attitude toward life. It's a wonderful city. Beautiful and wonderful. People travel there from all over the world. Every large city has problems. You are the type that would think Rome, Paris & London are dumps because they have problems. The population of Seattle is highly educated and liberal. It isn't 'infested' with people from California: that's the thinking of your very ugly, dark mind.

Lib please I was born here and watch California invade stop lying.
I suspect you don't even live in the city. You probably live in one of the suburbs and never go into the city because you are afraid of drugs and crime, liberals and Californians. And traffic. You should move to Iowa. It's cheaper and probably no Californians. :badgrin: Seattle is wasted on you.

I grew up in Seattle idiot, where are you from my guess is California shocker.
LOL I already said, I'm from Seattle. You live in a suburb don't you? If you are so unhappy there, why stay? Just because you were born there doesn't mean you have to stay there your whole life. It's really ridiculous to live some place you obviously detest.

Your attitude is what's wrong with the Democratic party. So I should pack up all my money and wealth and leave the state? Isn't that absurdly stupid of you?
So that is what is wrong with you! I should have known!

Seattle has the worst traffic than just about anyplace I have driven. Traffic was horrible at midnight!

Why? The highways are almost all two lane only, and clogged with every type of vehicle that rolls. Going anywhere usually involves at least 2 hours travel time. They simply do not tax the libs enough to pay for the improvements they need.

So use the light rail. That's what I do whether there for business or pleasure. I usually just pick it up at SeaTac and head downtown. But gotta agree on the traffic. That South Center on over to Bellevue trek is a grind just about any time of day.
You must live in a bad neighborhood as well as having a very gruesome attitude toward life. It's a wonderful city. Beautiful and wonderful. People travel there from all over the world. Every large city has problems. You are the type that would think Rome, Paris & London are dumps because they have problems. The population of Seattle is highly educated and liberal. It isn't 'infested' with people from California: that's the thinking of your very ugly, dark mind.

Lib please I was born here and watch California invade stop lying.
I suspect you don't even live in the city. You probably live in one of the suburbs and never go into the city because you are afraid of drugs and crime, liberals and Californians. And traffic. You should move to Iowa. It's cheaper and probably no Californians. :badgrin: Seattle is wasted on you.

I grew up in Seattle idiot, where are you from my guess is California shocker.
LOL I already said, I'm from Seattle. You live in a suburb don't you? If you are so unhappy there, why stay? Just because you were born there doesn't mean you have to stay there your whole life. It's really ridiculous to live some place you obviously detest.

Your attitude is what's wrong with the Democratic party. So I should pack up all my money and wealth and leave the state? Isn't that absurdly stupid of you?

My son lives in the suburbs outside Seattle. His home costs twice as much as mine, has the same square footage, and he can cut his yard with a weedeater. I have almost an acre.

Trying to get a decent job up there is ridiculous because you always wind up working for a shithead or a pothead.
Portland, on the other hand, I love. Awesome people

Can't disagree as to the people in P-town .. they consistently rank high in friendliest (and geekiest ;-) cities in the US.

Portland Ranks High For Friendliest, Geekiest and America's Favorite Cities in Travel + Leisure's 2016 Rankings

The other awesome thing about Portland is The Max light rail system. Between that and super-frequent buses, you can go literally anywhere right out of the airport for cheap and not hassle with renting a car or traffic.

Oh - and it's one of the CLEANEST larger cities in America - hands down.

Riiiiight that's why Portland businesses are leaving downtown out of fear for their employees and patrons. Homeless camped on neighborhood sidewalks in front of peoples homes. Human feces all over the place. Rampant drug crimes. Riiiiight Portland is a paradise.

As for Portlands half empty light rail fiasco that cost untold billions of dollars while no major new highways have been built in decades is why Portland's traffic is quickly becoming as clogged as Seattle's. Thank God liberals are trying to turn these west coast cities into Europe :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
So that is what is wrong with you! I should have known!

Seattle has the worst traffic than just about anyplace I have driven. Traffic was horrible at midnight!

Why? The highways are almost all two lane only, and clogged with every type of vehicle that rolls. Going anywhere usually involves at least 2 hours travel time. They simply do not tax the libs enough to pay for the improvements they need.

So use the light rail. That's what I do whether there for business or pleasure. I usually just pick it up at SeaTac and head downtown. But gotta agree on the traffic. That South Center on over to Bellevue trek is a grind just about any time of day.

The problem is that the rail systems doesn't run where people live. It would be a half hour drive in the wrong direction to get to the train station.
Lib please I was born here and watch California invade stop lying.
I suspect you don't even live in the city. You probably live in one of the suburbs and never go into the city because you are afraid of drugs and crime, liberals and Californians. And traffic. You should move to Iowa. It's cheaper and probably no Californians. :badgrin: Seattle is wasted on you.

I grew up in Seattle idiot, where are you from my guess is California shocker.
LOL I already said, I'm from Seattle. You live in a suburb don't you? If you are so unhappy there, why stay? Just because you were born there doesn't mean you have to stay there your whole life. It's really ridiculous to live some place you obviously detest.

Your attitude is what's wrong with the Democratic party. So I should pack up all my money and wealth and leave the state? Isn't that absurdly stupid of you?

My son lives in the suburbs outside Seattle. His home costs twice as much as mine, has the same square footage, and he can cut his yard with a weedeater. I have almost an acre.

Trying to get a decent job up there is ridiculous because you always wind up working for a shithead or a pothead.

My brother had to move his business out of the area due to rampant theft from drug abusers, they will steal anything. I moved to a county with one of the lowest tax rates in the state, on acreage, had the house built at the rock bottom of the market, the value has shot up huge in just the last few years. I'm thinking about cashing out and putting some distance between us and these filthy west coast liberal moochers.

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