Judge strikes down North Carolina ultrasound abortion law

if you dont like it move to another state you tard... Still small government. Even though you will never understand that since your a fascist who supports more dead babies. Hitler has nothing on you progressives when it comes to mass killings.

This also doesn’t make any sense.

‘Small’ government is perfectly capable of enacting measures offensive to the Constitution, this invalidated North Carolina law is proof of that.
I am sorry where in the constitution does it say doctors cant show women ultrasounds before committing infanticide again? Just because some liberal judge loves dead babies doesn't mean it it was unconstitutional.

The law required abortion providers to perform an ultrasound and place the image in the woman's line of sight. The fetus would then be described in detail, even if the woman asked the provider not to.

Where does the Constitution give the state the authority to force medical providers to perform a medical procedure, thus forcing that procedure on a patient.

It doesn’t.

This law is heinous, barbaric, reprehensible, and un-Constitutional, and it was struck down accordingly and appropriately.
This also doesn’t make any sense.

‘Small’ government is perfectly capable of enacting measures offensive to the Constitution, this invalidated North Carolina law is proof of that.
I am sorry where in the constitution does it say doctors cant show women ultrasounds before committing infanticide again? Just because some liberal judge loves dead babies doesn't mean it it was unconstitutional.

The law required abortion providers to perform an ultrasound and place the image in the woman's line of sight. The fetus would then be described in detail, even if the woman asked the provider not to.

Where does the Constitution give the state the authority to force medical providers to perform a medical procedure, thus forcing that procedure on a patient.

It doesn’t.

This law is heinous, barbaric, reprehensible, and un-Constitutional, and it was struck down accordingly and appropriately.

The constitution doesn't give rights it keeps government from from infringing on them like this liberal judge did

tapatalk post
a ultrasound is propaganda???? Where do you think babies come for you evil bitch?

That isn't an ultrasound. Its an abortion, speeded up, and its made to make you believe that the fetus is aware it is being killed. It isn't.
Always need to lie to yourself about the evil you support ?

It is a FACT, a proven FACT that the video was speeded up to give the impression that the fetus is trying to flee. Suck eggs.
It would promote childbirth, at the expense of the Bill of Rights.

Not worth it IMO.

Because that child doesn't deserve protection right?

It is not a ‘child,’ nor is it a ‘baby’ or a ‘person,’ as one’s rights manifest only after he is born:

After analyzing the usage of "person" in the Constitution, the Court concluded that that word "has application only postnatally." Id., at 157. Commenting on the contingent property interests of the unborn that are generally represented by guardians ad litem, the Court noted: "Perfection of the interests involved, again, has generally been contingent upon live birth. In short, the unborn have never been recognized in the law as persons in the whole sense." Id., at 162. Accordingly, an abortion is not "the termination of life entitled to Fourteenth Amendment protection." Id., at 159. From this holding, there was no dissent, see id., at 173; indeed, no member of the Court has ever questioned this fundamental proposition. Thus, as a matter of federal constitutional law, a developing organism that is not yet a "person" does not have what is sometimes described as a "right to life."

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)

yes they have try again,the are many people convicted of killing an unborn child,the law has given the unborn rights,it just that simple.
As usual, the right is in favor of bigger, more intrusive government, fewer rights for Americans and trashing the Constitution.

As usual, they ignore that men are equally responsible for pregnancy.

And, as usual, the bottom line is very simple - MYOB.

This thread will go for pages and pages. The knee jerker right will lie and show their incredible ignorance, not unlike Limbaugh's ignorance of very basic birth control. Ten or thirty pages from now, the SSDD rw's will still be wanting bigger, more intrusive government, fewer rights for Americans and they will still be trashing the Constitution. They will still be ignoring the FACT that men are equally responsible for pregnancy.

And, what women choose will still be none of their business.
Hypoocrite, thy name is knee jerk right wingers.

Hypoocrite, thy name is knee jerk right wingers.


And not one Dem fall under your broad brush strokes do they?nor does every Conservative believe what you believe they do.

Its kinda a hoot,but pathetic at the same time,people like this one,blubber about death penalty,for convicted killers,blubber about having an army for protection,yet reveal in their ability to kill the most innocent,and vulnerable. I'd say that way fucked up!!
The constitution doesn't give rights it keeps government from from infringing on them like this liberal judge did

:lol: Whose rights did the judge infringe on, dipshit? The "rights" of male Republican legislators to force their will on women?
:lol: Whose rights did the judge infringe on, dipshit? The "rights" of male Republican legislators to force their will on women?

The child's right to life

tapatalk post

Its not a child.

We know how you democrats think it hasn't changed in since you were confederates. First it is ******* are not human now it is the unborn are not a human child. Your guys evil knows no bounds.

tapatalk post
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I see the baby killers are in full hysterical swing.

The party of health and science objects strongly to improving the care of women they want to abort. They believe hose women don't count, and their babies need to die. So what if a few minority whores are killed along the way because of substanard care and primitive clinic conditions? There are already too many poor black babies, and they sure as shit don't plan to adopt them.

Cuz white people shouldn't adopt black babies. We learned that via the Romney photo outrage.
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