Judicial watch suing FBI/DOJ

They are Fucking Guilty As Fuck!

They just threatened Nunez over #ReleaseTheMemo

And now it’s being reported that The DOJ is recovering the 50,000 messages

But no worries Mueller already granted All Trump’s team and family Immunity from Prosecution and Exonerated them two months ago.

That’s how you do investigations and prosecutions these days by giving the people you want to investigate and prosecute immunity from prosecution.

Those messages just don't disappear, they gotta be somewhere! We ought to hire the Federal Bureau of INVESTIGATION to look for them! They can find anything. :D
To me the MOST telling thing about the FBI is the fact that they would make the completely stupid statement that 5 months of texts were 'lost'. Are we to believe our premier intelligence agency is ignorant of how server backups work? Hillary can get away with it, but the FBI?

He doesn't care about prosecution, he cares about setting the stage for impeachment if the Democrats would miraculously get leadership of Congress next election. And if they don't, give them ammunition for the next Presidential election.
And now it’s being reported that The DOJ is recovering the 50,000 messages

The NUMBER #1 purpose of the FBI is to collect information. If they cannot even retain information on themselves then how can they be trusted to do it with anyone else?

If you lose your parking ticket, you pay the maximum fee. If you lose your tax records, the IRS charges you the highest tax. Likewise, it cannot be an option to say that you simply lost these records, shrug your shoulders and walk away------ someone's job was to preserve them. Get the records back whole or we must assume the worst and those involved must do some very hard time. Go get 'em, Jeff!

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