Julie Swetnick, the new accuser

I think youre missing my point. Why would they declare in public first if they are part of some scheme? Thats like murdering someone and not discussing your alibi with the person that helps commit the murder with you.

If they were independent of each other, than why not declare up front. That's just one of the holes big enough to drive a mack truck through
So you cant answer why they dont already have their timeline synced?

I did, can't read?
No you didnt. You just said one was waiting on the other to provide a clue about the timeline. I said if they were part of some setup then wouldnt they already have their timeline straight?

They cannot reveal the timeline up front because then Kav could find alibis. They are vague on purpose. If they say it was Feb 12th, 1982 and Kav's mom has proof that they were away in Cali or something then he has an alibi.
Ford has to reveal the timeline first. Youre not making any sense.
It's sad really.

Much like Trump, first they start in on Russian collusion, but when they see that this is going nowhere they start in on using campaign finances to pay off a whore, etc.

These allegations from the Left are never ending. It's simply the new status quo.

absolutely. any one with at least half a brain can see it
Can't. Until Ford testifies, the third accuser would send Ford's case into a tailspin should they find something that made her statement impossible to have happened. Ford must declare in public first.
I think youre missing my point. Why would they declare in public first if they are part of some scheme? Thats like murdering someone and not discussing your alibi with the person that helps commit the murder with you.

If they were independent of each other, than why not declare up front. That's just one of the holes big enough to drive a mack truck through
So you cant answer why they dont already have their timeline synced?

I did, can't read?
No you didnt. You just said one was waiting on the other to provide a clue about the timeline. I said if they were part of some setup then wouldnt they already have their timeline straight?

AND I SAID, if for some reason the third one came up with a time, and that didn't work with either what Ford would finally state (given the fluidity of her statements), or in a way that Kav could prove would have been impossible, then the entire case goes down the toilet. Three MUST wait until after ONE swears to tell the truth.
He was in training

I remember a party my sophomore year in high school where a bunch of boys pulled a train on a drunk girl in the back bedroom.
We would have been 15 or 16.
Was pretty much disgusted with the bunch of 'em who bragged about it at school the following week.

So you are guilty of not reporting a rape?

Yeah, and we are supposed to believe you? It's just as easy to conclude that you participated in it. See how that works creep?

Had I believed it was a rape, I'd certainly have reported it. But this girl had a history of doing the same thing at one other party at least.

She liked to fuck. You didn't know girls like that in high school?

So it was consensual? Why are we discussing this? No. I didn't know girls like this in HS.

In Boston? Get real. There were/are girls like that in EVERY high school. Maybe you just didn't know them.
Oh - Will be out there at the latest next spring. Will take you up on the beer.

No, I truly did not. I must have been a generation too late. Definitely. Ping me.
So, she saw that other girls were being drugged and raped and thought it was a good idea to keep attending these parties?

She too somehow thought Kavanaugh was fit to be a federal judge at lower levels but SCOTUS is a line that can’t be crossed?

This all smells like bullshit. At least they found a liar willing to lie in an affidavit.

This is the part I don't get.
If you've read her affidavit, she would have been a lot more believable if she had stopped with the general overall demeanor of Kavanaugh being aggressive toward the girls, etc., and left the line of boys waiting to gang rape a drugged girl out of it. That's the part I'm having trouble with, not the rest, which fits with what the others have reported.
If they were independent of each other, than why not declare up front. That's just one of the holes big enough to drive a mack truck through
So you cant answer why they dont already have their timeline synced?

I did, can't read?
No you didnt. You just said one was waiting on the other to provide a clue about the timeline. I said if they were part of some setup then wouldnt they already have their timeline straight?

They cannot reveal the timeline up front because then Kav could find alibis. They are vague on purpose. If they say it was Feb 12th, 1982 and Kav's mom has proof that they were away in Cali or something then he has an alibi.
Ford has to reveal the timeline first. Youre not making any sense.

And she has not. They are being vague on purpose or they just cannot recall as it was so long ago.
It appears in Maryland there is not a statute of limitations for rape. Would be pretty interesting if we had a sitting Supreme Court Justice get indicted for rape.

This new accuser has given her statement under oath... it would be a felony if she was proven to have lied.
He was in training

I remember a party my sophomore year in high school where a bunch of boys pulled a train on a drunk girl in the back bedroom.
We would have been 15 or 16.
Was pretty much disgusted with the bunch of 'em who bragged about it at school the following week.

So you are guilty of not reporting a rape?

Yeah, and we are supposed to believe you? It's just as easy to conclude that you participated in it. See how that works creep?

Had I believed it was a rape, I'd certainly have reported it. But this girl had a history of doing the same thing at one other party at least.

She liked to fuck. You didn't know girls like that in high school?

So it was consensual? Why are we discussing this? No. I didn't know girls like this in HS.

In Boston? Get real. There were/are girls like that in EVERY high school. Maybe you just didn't know them.
Oh - Will be out there at the latest next spring. Will take you up on the beer.
I hope you've gone and voted in my poll?
Hmm? More info.

Getting? This jumped the shark on day one.
It certainly hasn't smelled right since the beginning.

Nothing that touches politics can be believed at this point.

The only consistent thing about all the accusations is that they have no verifiable documentation.

There is documentation of Ford telling the story before Kavenaugh was nominated

That isn't worth much as far as documentation goes.

Shows she did not fabricate the story at the last moment

Now, if there were only other women who came forward with similar tales about Kavanaugh........
.Wait a minute

The tales are not similar at all.

It shows what she was thinking at the time, also assuming the people she told to are not lying to help her.
So, she saw that other girls were being drugged and raped and thought it was a good idea to keep attending these parties?

She too somehow thought Kavanaugh was fit to be a federal judge at lower levels but SCOTUS is a line that can’t be crossed?

This all smells like bullshit. At least they found a liar willing to lie in an affidavit.

This is the part I don't get.
If you've read her affidavit, she would have been a lot more believable if she had stopped with the general overall demeanor of Kavanaugh being aggressive toward the girls, etc., and left the line of boys waiting to gang rape a drugged girl out of it. That's the part I'm having trouble with, not the rest, which fits with what the others have reported.
That gang rape line thing happens alot. I've seen it personally.
It appears in Maryland there is not a statute of limitations for rape. Would be pretty interesting if we had a sitting Supreme Court Justice get indicted for rape.

This new accuser has given her statement under oath... it would be a felony if she was proven to have lied.

She does not have direct proof. She just said Kav and Judge were at these parties. Never saw them be the "rapists".
He was in training

I remember a party my sophomore year in high school where a bunch of boys pulled a train on a drunk girl in the back bedroom.
We would have been 15 or 16.
Was pretty much disgusted with the bunch of 'em who bragged about it at school the following week.

So you are guilty of not reporting a rape?

Yeah, and we are supposed to believe you? It's just as easy to conclude that you participated in it. See how that works creep?

Had I believed it was a rape, I'd certainly have reported it. But this girl had a history of doing the same thing at one other party at least.

She liked to fuck. You didn't know girls like that in high school?

SURE SHE DID. Isn't that what all rapist say!

Here's you original statement:

"I remember a party my sophomore year in high school where a bunch of boys pulled a train on a drunk girl in the back bedroom."

See the bolded words. It MEANS she could NOT CONSENT.


I'm assuming she had a few beers.
There was a keg - but I don't know for certain that she was drunk.
I do know she wasn't passed out -
Saw her leaving with another girl not long after and she wasn't "stumbling drunk" like Brett and his buddy.
One can be buzzed and still offer consent.
Now go bite somebody else's ankle


once again, your statement:

"I remember a party my sophomore year in high school where a bunch of boys pulled a train on a drunk girl in the back bedroom."

I never added that dipshit, it's your statement.

So, women who can't legally consent can be raped?

Do go on.
He was a wild frat boy at 15?

He was in training

I remember a party my sophomore year in high school where a bunch of boys pulled a train on a drunk girl in the back bedroom.
We would have been 15 or 16.
Was pretty much disgusted with the bunch of 'em who bragged about it at school the following week.

So you are guilty of not reporting a rape?

Yeah, and we are supposed to believe you? It's just as easy to conclude that you participated in it. See how that works creep?

Had I believed it was a rape, I'd certainly have reported it. But this girl had a history of doing the same thing at one other party at least.

She liked to fuck. You didn't know girls like that in high school?
So a "train" isn't a "rape," then, in that case. If she was doing it voluntarily, that's a different kettle of fish.

Agreed - So to be fair, it probably isn't comparable to giving a girl suspicious punch or a Quaalude, then escorting her to a bedroom.
What Kav and his buddies did was obviously a different kettle and not directly comparable.
I never witnessed anything like that.
So, she saw that other girls were being drugged and raped and thought it was a good idea to keep attending these parties?

She too somehow thought Kavanaugh was fit to be a federal judge at lower levels but SCOTUS is a line that can’t be crossed?

This all smells like bullshit. At least they found a liar willing to lie in an affidavit.

This is the part I don't get.
If you've read her affidavit, she would have been a lot more believable if she had stopped with the general overall demeanor of Kavanaugh being aggressive toward the girls, etc., and left the line of boys waiting to gang rape a drugged girl out of it. That's the part I'm having trouble with, not the rest, which fits with what the others have reported.
That gang rape line thing happens alot. I've seen it personally.

Why didn't you stop it?
He had a NICS background check (like with gun background checks) and fingerprints. They interviewed some unspecified people.
It was HIGH SCHOOL, not college. In high school, we did go to great lengths to make sure our parents didn't know what we were up to, but I'll tell you what I would have done if anything like that ever happened at a party I was at:
I would have gotten every non-involved girl and hopefully some boys with brains to rush the gang rape room and give them 5 seconds to clear out or someone downstairs posted by the phone was going to call the cops.
And I would have meant it.

AS IS THE CASE DAMN NEAR EVERYWHERE. That is why this is such a friggin hoax. This is such an urban legend that these things even existed. BOYFRIENDS, BROTHERS, UNCLES and COUSINS would have KILLED the participants.
I keep hoping you're right because these allegations are really troubling me. For something like this to happen once, maybe. For it to be a regular activity at high school parties? My head is shaking no, all by itself, as I type this.
But that might be because I don't want to believe in stuff like that.
I started a poll in the FZ--I'll check it again, but last time, 9 of 10 posters had never personally been to a party where anything like that happened. One had heard of it from others but never attended himself.
Old Lady! Ask yourself this! Why do democrats keep doing this shit to male conservative judges? Bork, Thomas and now Kavanaugh! Have you ever investigated that or been troubled by that? You should be ashamed of the shitbird Democrats!
He was a wild frat boy at 15?

He was in training

I remember a party my sophomore year in high school where a bunch of boys pulled a train on a drunk girl in the back bedroom.
We would have been 15 or 16.
Was pretty much disgusted with the bunch of 'em who bragged about it at school the following week.

WTF kinds of parties were these? I guess I was just raised better.
I thought I was a real wild child in high school, but as of today, I take that back.

Making quilts does not make you wild.
I wasn't making quilts. But I'm gonna leave it there, because it's no one's business.
Can't. Until Ford testifies, the third accuser would send Ford's case into a tailspin should they find something that made her statement impossible to have happened. Ford must declare in public first.
I think youre missing my point. Why would they declare in public first if they are part of some scheme? Thats like murdering someone and not discussing your alibi with the person that helps commit the murder with you.

If they were independent of each other, than why not declare up front. That's just one of the holes big enough to drive a mack truck through
So you cant answer why they dont already have their timeline synced?

LOL! Because they don't know when Kavanaugh can prove where he was, so they have to be flexible. Otherwise, they run the risk of learning Kavanaugh can prove he was out of town when one of the allegation was claimed to have happened, so then all allegations would be discredited. With timelines that aren't synced, the possibility is that if one is discredited, the rest would stand.
That doesnt make any sense. Ford has to testify before Kav. The minute Kav can prove he wasnt where Ford says he is then the gig would be up.

The goal is to taint Kavanaugh so he can't be confirmed. that means here still have to be allegations at the end of the process that were not proven false.

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