July 4th: Trump hijacking Independence Day

President Obama blew the chance to be one of the greatest ever. He becvame what many politicians are/is. He was totally partisan and the most extremist in our history. Our ride into the abyss has continued because we lose sanity a llittle bit at a time. Obama legalized gay marriages, men wearing dresses in little girls public bathrooms and schools and public places, transgender operations including children, social justice run amok and destructive to many institutions and more. This is not typed out of hate. A young heterosexual male who even considers to get married is a fool. A white one is suicidal. For you are the slaves.

Wrong he will go down as one of the greatest presidents of the US, tramp will go down as the worst.

Since most modern day historians are liberals and they rewrite history to fit their agenda, I can’t argue with you there. Case in point: Margaret Sangar’s goal was pretty clear: reduce the Black population yet historians scramble to rewrite her history.

I agree. Sanger started PP to get rid of what she considered inferior people. Blacks mostly.

She was a true racist. Something a lefty loon wouldn't recognize if one kicked em in the balls.

That is a lie, Sanger did now want to get rid of blacks, just they should be able to get contraception as well.
You would of had a fit it Obama had a political military parade on the 4th.
all of you gop-hers would of .

I can shift the Sangar debate with you to another thread. In advance, just because you say my statement is a lie does not mean it is not. You need to back it up. As for Obama and a Military parade, he would have never had one. But, if it makes you feel better, I did have a fit when he and his Marie Antoinette wife felt compelled to take an egregious entourage on their vacations or when Obama mandated that the Crucifix be covered up when he spoke at Georgetown. I can list more.

She is one ignorant POS.
Politics has nothing to do with military honor of winning our war over British tyrannical rule over the colonists.

Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Martin Van Buren and James Polk all reviewed military parades on America's independence day.

They reviewed parades in other cities. They didn't have their own because they were jealous of France and North fucking Korea.


Obama could not have effectively ordered a military parade. Half of the soldiers would have called in sick.

Why is it that Leftists are so out of joint with this parade, when they (along with the rest of us) enjoy military airshows, which are basically the same thing - showing off our Killing Machines.
Soldiers are going out for cadet bone spurs?
Trump’s idiotic ‘parade’ illustrates what’s fundamentally wrong with conservatives, who confuse militarism with patriotism – one having nothing to do with the other.
Everything's so dramatic with you partisan types, isn't it? Trump has a military parade to celebrate America's independence, won via military campaign, and BAM. That makes him a militarist, despite being more war averse than any other administration in my lifetime.

Trump says mean things to the press, BAM. He's attacking free speech. Hasn't actually made any policy moves in that direction. No matter. He said a thing that I associate with fascism, therefore he's trying to end freedom of the press. Can't help but notice, tho, that when Hillary was campaigning on ending fake news by shutting down Breitbart, you same "anti-fascists" were cheering.

If you haven't figured it out yet, Trump runs off at the mouth a lot. Treating every remark he makes as though it's directly preceding a draconian policy implementation makes me think that you haven't actually registered anything that's happened in the last few years.
If President Obama did what President Trump was going to do, he would be excoriated for it.

Thanks to partisan caterwauling, too many people are more concerned with who is doing the wrong thing vs why it’s objectionable first and foremost.
I'm not usually a boycotter, but the Republicans, Independents, and Democrats should ALL boycott President Trump's speech, so that he does not turn this Holiday, that is suppose to celebrate our Independence from England and the creation of our Country, when there was no Republican Party, when there was no Democratic Party, it was NOT a partisan Holiday, or about a President, as Trump is making it.

We already have two holidays for the Military, Memorial Day, and Veterans Day.... we already have a holiday for celebrating our Presidents.... this was for celebrating our Independence.

Instead, he has the military working and spit shining tanks with our tax dollars because he liked the military parade in France....

He has already SPOILED the Fourth of July, with this Trump event.... and is dividing the country further... pitting us, and pitting relatives on the fourth of July who agree or disagree with this ostentatious, Trump event.... it's suppose to be a day we actually all get along.



Is it that time of month? So much hyperbole and histrionics.
Barry divided this nation more than any man/woman in history. Rump's a cog in the wheel.
You divided the Nation under Obama, he didn't do it.

He didn't get up every morning and tweet about how awful you and more than half the country were, he didn't campaign in every speech he gave, cutting you down, telling you, that you are the enemy of the people or the enemy, as this moron in the Oval office does, like the energizer bunny....

Trump can only rule, thru his Division that HE CAUSES, with his big, fat, blabbering mouth and twitter fingers.

He can kiss my grits, as far as I am concerned. :p
The problem I have about it is Trump is going to make the parade about him. If there was a parade that strictly celebrated and acknowledged the military, I’d be all for it.
Don't you get it yet ?? It's ALWAYS about him the POS
Nah... It’s just in your head. Any time Trump is present, or even associated with anything; he has your singular focus. Trump haters think about this guy more than those who voted for him. Weird...
the republicans would of blew their testis and the females would of squirted milk from their breasts, that is how explosive they would of been.

They would of never got over it, they probably would of put on their whites, and strung Obama up after they tarred and feathered him.

Yet they applaud tramp. Wonders never cease.
But he didn’t. Did he? So... The world will never really know...
I'm not usually a boycotter, but the Republicans, Independents, and Democrats should ALL boycott President Trump's speech, so that he does not turn this Holiday, that is suppose to celebrate our Independence from England and the creation of our Country, when there was no Republican Party, when there was no Democratic Party, it was NOT a partisan Holiday, or about a President, as Trump is making it.

We already have two holidays for the Military, Memorial Day, and Veterans Day.... we already have a holiday for celebrating our Presidents.... this was for celebrating our Independence.

Instead, he has the military working and spit shining tanks with our tax dollars because he liked the military parade in France....

He has already SPOILED the Fourth of July, with this Trump event.... and is dividing the country further... pitting us, and pitting relatives on the fourth of July who agree or disagree with this ostentatious, Trump event.... it's suppose to be a day we actually all get along.


With the Betsy Ross flag under attack as being racist we won't get along even without Trump or the parade.

I have not watched a parade for years. This one I'm looking forward to.
the republicans would of blew their testis and the females would of squirted milk from their breasts, that is how explosive they would of been.

They would of never got over it, they probably would of put on their whites, and strung Obama up after they tarred and feathered him.

Yet they applaud tramp. Wonders never cease.
If Obama had a military parade on the 4th, Republicans would have thought that Michelle had given Obama his balls back.

the republicans would of blew their testis and the females would of squirted milk from their breasts, that is how explosive they would of been.

They would of never got over it, they probably would of put on their whites, and strung Obama up after they tarred and feathered him.

Yet they applaud tramp. Wonders never cease.
If Obama had a military parade on the 4th, Republicans would have thought that Michelle had given Obama his balls back.
he would have been hung by the highest tree
the republicans would of blew their testis and the females would of squirted milk from their breasts, that is how explosive they would of been.

They would of never got over it, they probably would of put on their whites, and strung Obama up after they tarred and feathered him.

Yet they applaud tramp. Wonders never cease.
You might be right on that.

I'm not usually a boycotter, but the Republicans, Independents, and Democrats should ALL boycott President Trump's speech, so that he does not turn this Holiday, that is suppose to celebrate our Independence from England and the creation of our Country, when there was no Republican Party, when there was no Democratic Party, it was NOT a partisan Holiday, or about a President, as Trump is making it.

We already have two holidays for the Military, Memorial Day, and Veterans Day.... we already have a holiday for celebrating our Presidents.... this was for celebrating our Independence.

Instead, he has the military working and spit shining tanks with our tax dollars because he liked the military parade in France....

He has already SPOILED the Fourth of July, with this Trump event.... and is dividing the country further... pitting us, and pitting relatives on the fourth of July who agree or disagree with this ostentatious, Trump event.... it's suppose to be a day we actually all get along.



Is it that time of month? So much hyperbole and histrionics.
Barry divided this nation more than any man/woman in history. Rump's a cog in the wheel.
You divided the Nation under Obama, he didn't do it.

He didn't get up every morning and tweet about how awful you and more than half the country were, he didn't campaign in every speech he gave, cutting you down, telling you, that you are the enemy of the people or the enemy, as this moron in the Oval office does, like the energizer bunny....

Trump can only rule, thru his Division that HE CAUSES, with his big, fat, blabbering mouth and twitter fingers.

He can kiss my grits, as far as I am concerned. :p

Nope sorry Barry is racial to his core, as is his wife . Rumpy* works for the same bankers Barry did
I'm not usually a boycotter, but the Republicans, Independents, and Democrats should ALL boycott President Trump's speech, so that he does not turn this Holiday, that is suppose to celebrate our Independence from England and the creation of our Country, when there was no Republican Party, when there was no Democratic Party, it was NOT a partisan Holiday, or about a President, as Trump is making it.

We already have two holidays for the Military, Memorial Day, and Veterans Day.... we already have a holiday for celebrating our Presidents.... this was for celebrating our Independence.

Instead, he has the military working and spit shining tanks with our tax dollars because he liked the military parade in France....

He has already SPOILED the Fourth of July, with this Trump event.... and is dividing the country further... pitting us, and pitting relatives on the fourth of July who agree or disagree with this ostentatious, Trump event.... it's suppose to be a day we actually all get along.



Is it that time of month? So much hyperbole and histrionics.
Barry divided this nation more than any man/woman in history. Rump's a cog in the wheel.
You divided the Nation under Obama, he didn't do it.

He didn't get up every morning and tweet about how awful you and more than half the country were, he didn't campaign in every speech he gave, cutting you down, telling you, that you are the enemy of the people or the enemy, as this moron in the Oval office does, like the energizer bunny....

Trump can only rule, thru his Division that HE CAUSES, with his big, fat, blabbering mouth and twitter fingers.

He can kiss my grits, as far as I am concerned. :p

Nope sorry Barry is racial to his core, as is his wife . Rumpy* works for the same bankers Barry did
No he was not.... that was a right wing CREATION even before he took office

But Trump IS, to his very core.... especially if it helps him get votes....
the republicans would of blew their testis and the females would of squirted milk from their breasts, that is how explosive they would of been.

They would of never got over it, they probably would of put on their whites, and strung Obama up after they tarred and feathered him.

Yet they applaud tramp. Wonders never cease.

Note to the truly weak minded, static displays and a few fly overs do not a parade make. Perhaps you should renew your supply of butt hurt cream.

the republicans would of blew their testis and the females would of squirted milk from their breasts, that is how explosive they would of been.

They would of never got over it, they probably would of put on their whites, and strung Obama up after they tarred and feathered him.

Yet they applaud tramp. Wonders never cease.
If Obama had a military parade on the 4th, Republicans would have thought that Michelle had given Obama his balls back.

If shitstain obama had a military parade the entire military would be wearing assless chaps.

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