June was the hottest June on record in the world

You and Ichigo need to RUN over to China and go before the Communist government and DEMAND they stop polluting because China is the worlds biggest CO2 emmitter.....not the USA.
Not necessary. China is already taking much more dramatic steps than is the US to try to reduce pollutuon and subsidize sustainable energy research. If anything, we should be taking our cues from China on this.
Yeah, sure they are you worthless idiot. Pull your head out of your ass, stop drinking the Communist Kool Aid and wake the fuck up, dumbass.

China keeps building coal plants despite new overcapacity policy
Despite declining coal use, loopholes in government policy mean new coal projects continue to spring up across China

Just like every other Communist/Socialist country, they dont give a shit about the environment, which is why they walk with mask over their faces when in the cities.
And yet, despite having to build coal plants to meet their energy needs, still china is taking more dramatic steps to reduce pollution and fund sustainable energy research and development than we are. Nothing in your hamhanded, dumb post refutes that.

You and Ichigo need to RUN over to China and go before the Communist government and DEMAND they stop polluting because China is the worlds biggest CO2 emmitter.....not the USA.
Not necessary. China is already taking much more dramatic steps than is the US to try to reduce pollutuon and subsidize sustainable energy research. If anything, we should be taking our cues from China on this.
Yeah, sure they are you worthless idiot. Pull your head out of your ass, stop drinking the Communist Kool Aid and wake the fuck up, dumbass.

China keeps building coal plants despite new overcapacity policy
Despite declining coal use, loopholes in government policy mean new coal projects continue to spring up across China

Just like every other Communist/Socialist country, they dont give a shit about the environment, which is why they walk with mask over their faces when in the cities.
And yet, despite having to build coal plants to meet their energy needs, still china is taking more dramatic steps to reduce pollution and fund sustainable energy research and development than we are. Nothing in your hamhanded, dumb post refutes that.
Ah, the liberal response, we must build more CO2 producing power plants to reduce the CO2 from power plants. Sounds familiar.

Doug Ross @ Journal: Joe Biden: ‘We Have to Go Spend Money to Keep From Going Bankrupt’
How can it be the 4th hottest when each year the globe is supposed to be getting hotter due to increase CO2.
Because global warming doesn't mean every single year will always be hotter than the last, or that one, arbitrary stretch of 31 days will always be hotter than the same stretch of days from the previous year. What a stupid fucking question. If you are honestly asking stupid fucking questions like that, you need to shut up immediately and go read up on the most basic of information about this topic.

You and Ichigo need to RUN over to China and go before the Communist government and DEMAND they stop polluting because China is the worlds biggest CO2 emmitter.....not the USA.
Not necessary. China is already taking much more dramatic steps than is the US to try to reduce pollutuon and subsidize sustainable energy research. If anything, we should be taking our cues from China on this.
Yeah, sure they are you worthless idiot. Pull your head out of your ass, stop drinking the Communist Kool Aid and wake the fuck up, dumbass.

China keeps building coal plants despite new overcapacity policy
Despite declining coal use, loopholes in government policy mean new coal projects continue to spring up across China

Just like every other Communist/Socialist country, they dont give a shit about the environment, which is why they walk with mask over their faces when in the cities.
And yet, despite having to build coal plants to meet their energy needs, still china is taking more dramatic steps to reduce pollution and fund sustainable energy research and development than we are. Nothing in your hamhanded, dumb post refutes that.
Ah, the liberal response, we must build more CO2 producing power plants to reduce the CO2 from power plants. Sounds familiar.

Doug Ross @ Journal: Joe Biden: ‘We Have to Go Spend Money to Keep From Going Bankrupt’
You are wise to stick to your political vomiting and memes. When you try to address the science, you embarrass yourself.
AhhhhHahhh another daily global warming fear mongering news story.
We must keep the voters frightened and obedient.
Maybe we should elect totally corrupt socialist to save us from the eeevilllll Global Warming Monster.

C3S admitted it is difficult to directly link the heatwave to climate change but noted that such extreme weather events are expected to become more common due to global warming

Still since they have been recording data to an acceptable degree of accuracy in the past 137 years they are just saying temperature are rising based on data

It is data that has to be interpreted

Believe want you want to from this data because in the end we will all be long dead if it continues to heat up. It is just a warning that even know we should consider the need to dispose of technology that contributes to heating up the earth and come up with better technology that does not contributed towards warming

But hey we can say when the earth was created it probably was a lot hotter

CO 2 levels are rising and its documented.

If you ignore the signs that your car is overheating then it is inevitable what will happen when it ceases to function because u ignored it and the cost will be higher
just the other day here in vegas the weather guy was saying it was the mildest june in quite a while...
Well, the continental US comprises less than 2% of the Earths surface, while Clark County, Nevada comprises about 0.26% of the surface area of the continental US, so...
Alaska hit a record of 90 degrees last week. I don't think it ever hit 90 anywhere in Alaska.
Actually, if you look at the hand written records of the 1930's it has many times... Highest temp ever recorded was 92 Deg F. on July 29th 1932 at the anchorage weather station.
Is that your proof that it wasn`t the hottest June on record?
Empirically Observed Evidence vs a computer model? Hmmmmmmm

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