June was the hottest June on record in the world

The climate has been changing for hundreds of thousands of years.
And who taught you that?

Climate scientists taught you that. Do you understand how stupid you sound, when you cite the knowledge they provided to you,as some sort of argument for why they are all incompetent liars?

I mean, come on, idiots....

Only idiots are denying the massive geological changes that are occurring on the Earth at an exponential rate now. Man isn't causing them.
How can it be the 4th hottest when each year the globe is supposed to be getting hotter due to increase CO2.
Because global warming doesn't mean every single year will always be hotter than the last, or that one, arbitrary stretch of 31 days will always be hotter than the same stretch of days from the previous year. What a stupid fucking question. If you are honestly asking stupid fucking questions like that, you need to shut up immediately and go read up on the most basic of information about this topic.
Because global warming doesn't mean every single year will always be hotter than the last.
So what you are saying is that AOC is lying that the Earth isnt going to burn up in 11 and 1/2 years because not every single year will always be hotter than the last?

I have seen some pretty dumb people in my life but a Global Warming Zelot takes the cake. A fool and his money are soon parted, is the Democrat Party.

Climate myths: It's been far warmer in the past, what's the big deal?
Sorry, bur i am not going to read a link you never read, don't understand, and could not summarize if your life depended on it, then spoonfeed it back to you. I am not your mommy.
Last time I answer one of your dumbass posts, as my intelligence is way higher than yours, and I am tired of lowering it to that of a gnat, to try to communicate with you.

Last time I answer one of your dumbass posts, as my intelligence is way higher than yours, and I am tired of lowering it to that of a gnat, to try to communicate with you.

If you have to tell people how high your intelligence is, it is a sure sign you are lying.
Not necessary. China is already taking much more dramatic steps than is the US to try to reduce pollution and subsidize sustainable energy research. If anything, we should be taking our cues from China on this.
The BULLSHIT is getting deep.


China launches subsidy-free solar, wind power after project costs fall - Reuters

China to give priority to subsidy-free renewable projects in new plan - Reuters

8 Ways China Is Encouraging Zero-Subsidy Renewables

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
I don't believe China...EVER.


They are far better at looking to the future than we are, we let politics get in the way of bettering the country. China does not have this problem, thus they are making plans for 20 or 50 years into the future while we bicker about tweets and other meaningless shit.

They just got Russia's permission build the road from Europe to China through Russia.

They are helping to build railroads in Brazil to connect all the grain producing regions to one port.
China has made moves to expand power and influence.

I just don't believe them when they say they have done things to reduce emissions. China is known to tell blatant, obvious whoppers.

The NYT has ZERO credibility on this subject.

Fudged data is not science.
Parroting is not science.
Fraud is not science.

There is no warming in the ATMOSPHERE where the Co2 actually is, because Co2 doesn't do jack.

Key claim against global warming evaporates

"satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling."

"cooling" means a flat line that goes up and down and the end was down. Atmospheric temps are UNCHANGED despite a sharp rise in Co2....

"Scientists were left with two choices: either the atmosphere wasn't warming up, or something was wrong with the data"


So, do "Scientists" admit they were 100% WRONG according to THE DATA, or do they FUDGE and continue to bilk the US taxpayer???
C3S admitted it is difficult to directly link the heatwave to climate change but noted that such extreme weather events are expected to become more common due to global warming

Still since they have been recording data to an acceptable degree of accuracy in the past 137 years they are just saying temperature are rising based on data

It is data that has to be interpreted

Believe want you want to from this data because in the end we will all be long dead if it continues to heat up. It is just a warning that even know we should consider the need to dispose of technology that contributes to heating up the earth and come up with better technology that does not contributed towards warming

But hey we can say when the earth was created it probably was a lot hotter

CO 2 levels are rising and its documented.

If you ignore the signs that your car is overheating then it is inevitable what will happen when it ceases to function because u ignored it and the cost will be higher
Still since they have been recording data to an acceptable degree of accuracy in the past 137
Accurate my ass...…It has always been a scam of the left to steal money from the rest of US because there are too many stupid people willing to believe the malarkey.

American Liberty: Thermometers Create “Global Warming”
In Watts' words, “We found stations located next to the exhaust fans of air conditioning units, surrounded by asphalt parking lots and roads, on blistering rooftops, and near sidewalks and buildings that absorb and radiate heat. We found 68 stations located at wastewater treatment plants, where the process of waste digestion causes temperatures to be higher than in surrounding areas.” Ninety percent of the stations fail to meet the National Weather Service's own requirement of being at least 30 meters (about 100 feet) from any artificial heating or reflecting/radiating heat source. Thus 9 out of every 10 stations were likely reporting higher temperatures because of their poor location.

Then why tune into the weather channel, accuracy is acceptable but it is not a crystal ball

They may not be accurate but that is not the point. They are just tool used to make measurements. You can turn on the weather and they will predict rain but it may not be raining where you live but somewhere down the road it may be raining.

The point is CO emissions and controlling them. If you can find anyone who denies CO emission and that they contribute to global warming then that should be your focus

Example in the 1940 smog was hitting in LA and people were scratching their buts to figure out what is happening. In the mid 60 a scientist figure out that it was cause by automotive. I am sure the automotive industry was going to fight this to the end. Eventually things got a little better.

LA still has a smog problem but is better than it was before.

Just because they can't accurately measure is now does not mean that they will not get better at it.

The first rocket that went in to space would never have made it to the moon

The real thing to look at is ocean levels rising because that is the end result of the discussion.
Only idiots are denying the massive geological changes that are occurring on the Earth at an exponential rate now.
Geological? What in the world are you babbling about?

By the way, the US Geological Society fully endorses the scientific consensus. You know...the people who taught you anything you think you know about geology.
There is no warming in the ATMOSPHERE where the Co2 actually is, because Co2 doesn't do jack.
Oh shut up moron...now you are denying the greenhouse effect... The year 1820 called, said you just failed a high school science quiz....
C3S admitted it is difficult to directly link the heatwave to climate change but noted that such extreme weather events are expected to become more common due to global warming

Still since they have been recording data to an acceptable degree of accuracy in the past 137 years they are just saying temperature are rising based on data

It is data that has to be interpreted

Believe want you want to from this data because in the end we will all be long dead if it continues to heat up. It is just a warning that even know we should consider the need to dispose of technology that contributes to heating up the earth and come up with better technology that does not contributed towards warming

But hey we can say when the earth was created it probably was a lot hotter

CO 2 levels are rising and its documented.

If you ignore the signs that your car is overheating then it is inevitable what will happen when it ceases to function because u ignored it and the cost will be higher
Still since they have been recording data to an acceptable degree of accuracy in the past 137
Accurate my ass...…It has always been a scam of the left to steal money from the rest of US because there are too many stupid people willing to believe the malarkey.

American Liberty: Thermometers Create “Global Warming”
In Watts' words, “We found stations located next to the exhaust fans of air conditioning units, surrounded by asphalt parking lots and roads, on blistering rooftops, and near sidewalks and buildings that absorb and radiate heat. We found 68 stations located at wastewater treatment plants, where the process of waste digestion causes temperatures to be higher than in surrounding areas.” Ninety percent of the stations fail to meet the National Weather Service's own requirement of being at least 30 meters (about 100 feet) from any artificial heating or reflecting/radiating heat source. Thus 9 out of every 10 stations were likely reporting higher temperatures because of their poor location.

Then why tune into the weather channel, accuracy is acceptable but it is not a crystal ball

They may not be accurate but that is not the point. They are just tool used to make measurements. You can turn on the weather and they will predict rain but it may not be raining where you live but somewhere down the road it may be raining.

The point is CO emissions and controlling them. If you can find anyone who denies CO emission and that they contribute to global warming then that should be your focus

Example in the 1940 smog was hitting in LA and people were scratching their buts to figure out what is happening. In the mid 60 a scientist figure out that it was cause by automotive. I am sure the automotive industry was going to fight this to the end. Eventually things got a little better.

LA still has a smog problem but is better than it was before.

Just because they can't accurately measure is now does not mean that they will not get better at it.

The first rocket that went in to space would never have made it to the moon

The real thing to look at is ocean levels rising because that is the end result of the discussion.
Why do we have to control CO2 emission when Nature does it all by itself, yet in the GW models, they never put trees and other green plants into them, thus making it look like we are going to burn up, but wont, but our world would be a lot greener. Because dumbass liberals want to steal your money by taxing carbon, knowing full well, it doesnt do shit, but make those liberals very rich. I really do hate stupid people, I am just glad many of them go to planned parenthood.
Why do we have to control CO2 emission when Nature does it all by itself,
Because it can't keep up with our rates of emissions and the rates of emissioms of other greenhouse gases being accelerated bythe warming climate. . Do you or do you not understand that biologists who taught you anything you will ever know about plants thought of this before you did? I mean, come on. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Lets say you founded , own, and runa cardboard box business. I stroll into your office one day and inform you that, despite my having no experience in business, in making anything, and despite having no knowledge or education of cardboard boxes whatsoever, that you are an incompetent moron, everything you are doing is wrong, and you should go home.

Being the thin skinned, excitable little fellow you are, you would immediately shit your pants and throw a Grade A tantrum. Or laugh at me. Or both.

That's what an ignorant know nothing like you is doing with the global scoentific community. Right now. In this thread. And you are embarrassing yourself.
C3S admitted it is difficult to directly link the heatwave to climate change but noted that such extreme weather events are expected to become more common due to global warming

Still since they have been recording data to an acceptable degree of accuracy in the past 137 years they are just saying temperature are rising based on data

It is data that has to be interpreted

Believe want you want to from this data because in the end we will all be long dead if it continues to heat up. It is just a warning that even know we should consider the need to dispose of technology that contributes to heating up the earth and come up with better technology that does not contributed towards warming

But hey we can say when the earth was created it probably was a lot hotter

CO 2 levels are rising and its documented.

If you ignore the signs that your car is overheating then it is inevitable what will happen when it ceases to function because u ignored it and the cost will be higher
Still since they have been recording data to an acceptable degree of accuracy in the past 137
Accurate my ass...…It has always been a scam of the left to steal money from the rest of US because there are too many stupid people willing to believe the malarkey.

American Liberty: Thermometers Create “Global Warming”
In Watts' words, “We found stations located next to the exhaust fans of air conditioning units, surrounded by asphalt parking lots and roads, on blistering rooftops, and near sidewalks and buildings that absorb and radiate heat. We found 68 stations located at wastewater treatment plants, where the process of waste digestion causes temperatures to be higher than in surrounding areas.” Ninety percent of the stations fail to meet the National Weather Service's own requirement of being at least 30 meters (about 100 feet) from any artificial heating or reflecting/radiating heat source. Thus 9 out of every 10 stations were likely reporting higher temperatures because of their poor location.

Then why tune into the weather channel, accuracy is acceptable but it is not a crystal ball

They may not be accurate but that is not the point. They are just tool used to make measurements. You can turn on the weather and they will predict rain but it may not be raining where you live but somewhere down the road it may be raining.

The point is CO emissions and controlling them. If you can find anyone who denies CO emission and that they contribute to global warming then that should be your focus

Example in the 1940 smog was hitting in LA and people were scratching their buts to figure out what is happening. In the mid 60 a scientist figure out that it was cause by automotive. I am sure the automotive industry was going to fight this to the end. Eventually things got a little better.

LA still has a smog problem but is better than it was before.

Just because they can't accurately measure is now does not mean that they will not get better at it.

The first rocket that went in to space would never have made it to the moon

The real thing to look at is ocean levels rising because that is the end result of the discussion.
Oh, yeah, the oceans are rising thing. How much water was on this planet when it first came into being? Zilch, Nada, Zero, why? Because it was just a volcanic mess hot like the sun. But over time like billons of years, "ICE" meteorites have been hitting this planet, slowing putting water particles into the "atmosphere" you know where the air is. Over more billions of years, our oceans, seas, lakes and rivers started filling up. Do you think that this planet doesnt have "ICE" meteorites hitting it this day? Oceans levels are rising not because of CO2 but by foreign objects striking our atmosphere. Now that you know this, your IQ just went up a notch, that if you are listening.

How Did Water Come to Earth? | Science | Smithsonian
Both comets and asteroids can contain ice. And if, by colliding with Earth, they added the amount of material some scientists suspect, such bodies could easily have delivered oceans’ worth of water. Accordingly, each has been fingered as a suspect in the mystery.

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