June was the hottest June on record in the world

Was freezing in Boston in June.


Just saying something doesn't make it true.

The reality is that the temperature in Boston in June was in the 70s. Toward the end of the month it got into the 80s.

Do you know that the temperature must be down to around 32 degrees for it to be freezing?


Were you here? I had to run my heat in June!!! Did you see the night time temps? I didnt Mean literally freezing but it was damn cold and look at May!!! 40s. My daughter plays Lax and every game was freezing cold.

I just posted the whole month's temperatures by each day in that link.

The facts don't lie.

The temperature was in the 70s and 80s in June.

That's not cold or anywhere near freezing.[/QUOTE]

At night? It was in the 50s per your own link.
just the other day here in vegas the weather guy was saying it was the mildest june in quite a while...


I guess you must be living in an alternate universe from everyone else in Vegas.

There was a red flag alert for all of the month of June in Vegas.


Then there's the following article:

13 First Alert Action Day: Weather for June 11, 2019

June 11 has been declared a 13 First Alert Action Day because of extreme heat. An Excessive Heat Warning is in effect for the Las Vegas valley and surrounding areas. The heat warning is in effect from 10 a.m. Tuesday until to 8 p.m. Wednesday. READ ALERT. The National Weather Service is predicting that high temps will range from 104 to 107 on Tuesday and Wednesday for the Las Vegas area. Pahrump can expect highs between 103 and 107 for the same time period and it will be a very toasty 115 to 120 in Death Valley.

That alert must have continued the next several days because it got hotter. June 11th had a day's high of 102. Wednesday and Thursday of that week saw highs of 105. With the exception of one day that being Friday, the temperature was well over 100 all week long and didn't get below 100 until the next week.
I lived in Las Vegas about 30 years ago.

We had warnings all summer long then... You know why?

Because it's a desert in the summer... That's why.

Well, shit, where can I send my check?

How much will the temperature decrease for each extra dollar I pay?

Be as precise as you can.

Show all your work.
Wait for someone to post the Carbon Tax rate chart. Inventor-Bernie Madoff.

So money is more important to you than air and water and food?

For your information everything you eat is dependent on water to grow. YOU depend on water to live.

When there's not enough water how much is it going to cost? Do you have the money to buy it?

Isn't it much more smart to pay less now to address the problem than pay a lot more later when the problem is much worse?

View attachment 269624

That is what's left of the Nisqualy River. It's source is Mt. Rainier glacier. All the area that's in gray and rocks is supposed to be under water. Now I can step over the trickle that's left. It was once a huge raging river that delivered water to farmers all over my state. Now, it's not delivering water to any farmer.

Climate change has caused not enough snow and rainfall. Clear cutting of the forest allowed what little snow fall there is to evaporate in the sun. Old growth trees canopy the forest floor protecting the snow pack from the sun and evaporation thus the snow can melt properly into rivers and streams and we can use that water to do things like grow food.

Why did you believe money is more important than water and food?
Chicken Little calm down. I'm fine and so are you.
Let's see, the earth is about 4.5 billion years old, and we've kept records for what, about 125 years ?

The British Admiralty has water temperature readings going back over 250 years.
We have things like tree rings going back 3 times that.
And then we can go ice cores that go back millions of years.
The Arctic polar region has been incredibly warm.

During the Arctic winter, when the sun hides from October to March, the average temperature in the frozen north typically hovers around a bone-chilling minus 4 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 20 degrees Celsius). But this year, the Arctic is experiencing a highly unusual heat wave.

On Feb. 20, the temperature in Greenland not only climbed above freezing — 32 degrees F (0 degrees C) — it stayed there for over 24 hours, according to data from the Danish Meteorological Institute. And on Saturday (Feb. 24) the temperature on Greenland's northern tip reached 43 degrees F (6 degrees C), leading climate scientists to describe the phenomenon on Twitter as "crazy," "weird," "scary stuff" and "simply shocking."

Weather conditions that drive this bizarre temperature surge have visited the Arctic before, typically appearing about once in a decade, experts told Live Science. However, the last such spike in Arctic winter warmth took place in February 2016 — much more recently than a decade ago, according to the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). And climbing Arctic temperatures combined with rapid sea-ice loss are creating a new type of climate feedback loop that could accelerate Arctic warming, melting all summer Arctic sea ice decades earlier than scientists once thought. [Images of Melt: Earth's Vanishing Ice]

Freakishly Warm Weather in the Arctic Has Climate Scientists 'Stunned'
Let's see, the earth is about 4.5 billion years old, and we've kept records for what, about 125 years ?

The British Admiralty has water temperature readings going back over 250 years.
We have things like tree rings going back 3 times that.
And then we can go ice cores that go back millions of years.
You forgot tea leaves and crystal balls.

Some numbnuts looks at a polar popsicle, scratches his chin and says "Hmmmmm.. American SUVs caused Glob Warming." And you wag your tail like a puppy and start begging for tax increases.

MMGW zealots claim Christians have Blind Faith. We have nothing on you people.
Another awkward headline for global warming deniers.

We're not going to let liberal Democrats with phony global warming stats eliminate anymore jobs in America.

Chinese leaders get it, they don't pass any job killing environmental laws.
The Arctic polar region has been incredibly warm.

During the Arctic winter, when the sun hides from October to March, the average temperature in the frozen north typically hovers around a bone-chilling minus 4 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 20 degrees Celsius). But this year, the Arctic is experiencing a highly unusual heat wave.

On Feb. 20, the temperature in Greenland not only climbed above freezing — 32 degrees F (0 degrees C) — it stayed there for over 24 hours, according to data from the Danish Meteorological Institute. And on Saturday (Feb. 24) the temperature on Greenland's northern tip reached 43 degrees F (6 degrees C), leading climate scientists to describe the phenomenon on Twitter as "crazy," "weird," "scary stuff" and "simply shocking."

Weather conditions that drive this bizarre temperature surge have visited the Arctic before, typically appearing about once in a decade, experts told Live Science. However, the last such spike in Arctic winter warmth took place in February 2016 — much more recently than a decade ago, according to the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). And climbing Arctic temperatures combined with rapid sea-ice loss are creating a new type of climate feedback loop that could accelerate Arctic warming, melting all summer Arctic sea ice decades earlier than scientists once thought. [Images of Melt: Earth's Vanishing Ice]

Freakishly Warm Weather in the Arctic Has Climate Scientists 'Stunned'
Stunned? It was supposed to be melted away years ago.

the-north-pole-will-be-ice-free-in-the-summer-by-36933017 (1).png
C3S admitted it is difficult to directly link the heatwave to climate change but noted that such extreme weather events are expected to become more common due to global warming

Still since they have been recording data to an acceptable degree of accuracy in the past 137 years they are just saying temperature are rising based on data

It is data that has to be interpreted

Believe want you want to from this data because in the end we will all be long dead if it continues to heat up. It is just a warning that even know we should consider the need to dispose of technology that contributes to heating up the earth and come up with better technology that does not contributed towards warming

But hey we can say when the earth was created it probably was a lot hotter

CO 2 levels are rising and its documented.

If you ignore the signs that your car is overheating then it is inevitable what will happen when it ceases to function because u ignored it and the cost will be higher
Still since they have been recording data to an acceptable degree of accuracy in the past 137
Accurate my ass...…It has always been a scam of the left to steal money from the rest of US because there are too many stupid people willing to believe the malarkey.

American Liberty: Thermometers Create “Global Warming”
In Watts' words, “We found stations located next to the exhaust fans of air conditioning units, surrounded by asphalt parking lots and roads, on blistering rooftops, and near sidewalks and buildings that absorb and radiate heat. We found 68 stations located at wastewater treatment plants, where the process of waste digestion causes temperatures to be higher than in surrounding areas.” Ninety percent of the stations fail to meet the National Weather Service's own requirement of being at least 30 meters (about 100 feet) from any artificial heating or reflecting/radiating heat source. Thus 9 out of every 10 stations were likely reporting higher temperatures because of their poor location.

Then why tune into the weather channel, accuracy is acceptable but it is not a crystal ball

They may not be accurate but that is not the point. They are just tool used to make measurements. You can turn on the weather and they will predict rain but it may not be raining where you live but somewhere down the road it may be raining.

The point is CO emissions and controlling them. If you can find anyone who denies CO emission and that they contribute to global warming then that should be your focus

Example in the 1940 smog was hitting in LA and people were scratching their buts to figure out what is happening. In the mid 60 a scientist figure out that it was cause by automotive. I am sure the automotive industry was going to fight this to the end. Eventually things got a little better.

LA still has a smog problem but is better than it was before.

Just because they can't accurately measure is now does not mean that they will not get better at it.

The first rocket that went in to space would never have made it to the moon

The real thing to look at is ocean levels rising because that is the end result of the discussion.
Why do we have to control CO2 emission when Nature does it all by itself, yet in the GW models, they never put trees and other green plants into them, thus making it look like we are going to burn up, but wont, but our world would be a lot greener. Because dumbass liberals want to steal your money by taxing carbon, knowing full well, it doesnt do shit, but make those liberals very rich. I really do hate stupid people, I am just glad many of them go to planned parenthood.

Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree*: Climate-warming trends over the past century are extremely likely due to human activities.

So let me see NASA and multiple scientific organization believe in global warming

Repubs do not

Who to believe ????

NASA put a man on the moon and supports climate warming

You don't

Who to believe

Well it is your prerogative to believe anything you want

I am going with the majority of scientists

So are scientist dumbasses

or repub who are interested in making a buck

If all you got is calling people stupid then I would re evaluate who is stupid, but then again it may be above your pay grade
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Let's see, the earth is about 4.5 billion years old, and we've kept records for what, about 125 years ?

The British Admiralty has water temperature readings going back over 250 years.
We have things like tree rings going back 3 times that.
And then we can go ice cores that go back millions of years.
You forgot tea leaves and crystal balls.

Some numbnuts looks at a polar popsicle, scratches his chin and says "Hmmmmm.. American SUVs caused Glob Warming." And you wag your tail like a puppy and start begging for tax increases.

MMGW zealots claim Christians have Blind Faith. We have nothing on you people.

That is silly.
Tree rings, ice cores, etc. are all well established science.
But the fact we have increased CO2 in the atmosphere by 40%, and that CO2 causes heat retention, is all just pure fact.
That is silly.
Tree rings, ice cores, etc. are all well established science.
But the fact we have increased CO2 in the atmosphere by 40%, and that CO2 causes heat retention, is all just pure fact.
They were all established science when:

1.They were predicting Global Cooling.
2. They predicted we would have Katrina-like Hurricanes in the Gulf every year after Katrina.
3. They predicted the polar Ice Caps would melt by 2013.
The Arctic polar region has been incredibly warm.

During the Arctic winter, when the sun hides from October to March, the average temperature in the frozen north typically hovers around a bone-chilling minus 4 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 20 degrees Celsius). But this year, the Arctic is experiencing a highly unusual heat wave.

On Feb. 20, the temperature in Greenland not only climbed above freezing — 32 degrees F (0 degrees C) — it stayed there for over 24 hours, according to data from the Danish Meteorological Institute. And on Saturday (Feb. 24) the temperature on Greenland's northern tip reached 43 degrees F (6 degrees C), leading climate scientists to describe the phenomenon on Twitter as "crazy," "weird," "scary stuff" and "simply shocking."

Weather conditions that drive this bizarre temperature surge have visited the Arctic before, typically appearing about once in a decade, experts told Live Science. However, the last such spike in Arctic winter warmth took place in February 2016 — much more recently than a decade ago, according to the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). And climbing Arctic temperatures combined with rapid sea-ice loss are creating a new type of climate feedback loop that could accelerate Arctic warming, melting all summer Arctic sea ice decades earlier than scientists once thought. [Images of Melt: Earth's Vanishing Ice]

Freakishly Warm Weather in the Arctic Has Climate Scientists 'Stunned'
Stunned? It was supposed to be melted away years ago.

View attachment 269659

That is just totally wrong.
The North Pole have been totally iced in for over 10,000 years until 2007, and it has melted enough every summer sine them to have an ice free Northwest Passage ever since then.
The ice over the North Pole is half now what it was in 1957 when the USS Nautilus traveled under the ice.
That is silly.
Tree rings, ice cores, etc. are all well established science.
But the fact we have increased CO2 in the atmosphere by 40%, and that CO2 causes heat retention, is all just pure fact.
They were all established science when:

1.They were predicting Global Cooling.
2. They predicted we would have Katrina-like Hurricanes in the Gulf every year after Katrina.
3. They predicted the polar Ice Caps would melt by 2013.

1. Of course it should be into global cooling now.
The ice age cycle is about 100,000 years, and it should be into the cooling cycle now according to tree rings and ice cores.
It likely WOULD be cooling if we have not increased CO2 by over 40%.
That is the reason why the rising temperatures are so scary, it is not supposed to be rising but cooling.
So then the rise in temperature is even greater than what we are measuring.

2. No one predicted Katrina like hurricanes. What they said is that global warming mean more energy, which should mean more frequent and stronger storms. There have been more frequent and stronger storms. But much of the storms have lately been up near the Arctic circle, and not the Caribbean. The greater energy had caused more mixing of hot and cold, so we are not experiencing it as dramatically, but it is still much more extreme in that the Arctic is 13 degrees warmer than normal.

3. The Arctic ice cap did melt in 2007 and every year after that.
Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree*: Climate-warming trends over the past century are extremely likely due to human activities.

So let me see NASA and multiple scientific organization believe in global warming

Repubs do not

Who to believe ????

NASA put a man on the moon and supports climate warming

You don't

Who to believe

Well it is your prerogative to believe anything you want

I am going with the majority of scientists

So are scientist dumbasses

or repub who are interested in making a buck

If all you got is calling people stupid then I would re evaluate who is stupid, but then again it may be above your pay grade
How many of these Eggheads that said it's "likely" all countries caused GW also said that the Socialist plan to destroy America's economy would save the planet?

It's not about the climate, it's about Totalitarianism.
That is silly.
Tree rings, ice cores, etc. are all well established science.
But the fact we have increased CO2 in the atmosphere by 40%, and that CO2 causes heat retention, is all just pure fact.
They were all established science when:

1.They were predicting Global Cooling.
2. They predicted we would have Katrina-like Hurricanes in the Gulf every year after Katrina.
3. They predicted the polar Ice Caps would melt by 2013.
1. Of course it should be into global cooling now.
The ice age cycle is about 100,000 years, and it should be into the cooling cycle now according to tree rings and ice cores.
It likely WOULD be cooling if we have not increased CO2 by over 40%.
That is the reason why the rising temperatures are so scary, it is not supposed to be rising but cooling.
So then the rise in temperature is even greater than what we are measuring.

2. No one predicted Katrina like hurricanes. What they said is that global warming mean more energy, which should mean more frequent and stronger storms. There have been more frequent and stronger storms. But much of the storms have lately been up near the Arctic circle, and not the Caribbean. The greater energy had caused more mixing of hot and cold, so we are not experiencing it as dramatically, but it is still much more extreme in that the Arctic is 13 degrees warmer than normal.

3. The Arctic ice cap did melt in 2007 and every year after that.
1. No, the scientific consensus was Man Made Global Cooling.

2. The GW alarmist specifically fear mongered by saying more high catagory Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico and more Tornadoes in the years following Katrina. Both of which actually reduced.

3. No, the GW fear mongering was that the polar Caps would be gone 5 years ago.

Your gods have been wrong for decades, but it doesn't matter if you have Blind Faith in them.
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That is silly.
Tree rings, ice cores, etc. are all well established science.
But the fact we have increased CO2 in the atmosphere by 40%, and that CO2 causes heat retention, is all just pure fact.
They were all established science when:

1.They were predicting Global Cooling.
2. They predicted we would have Katrina-like Hurricanes in the Gulf every year after Katrina.
3. They predicted the polar Ice Caps would melt by 2013.
1. Of course it should be into global cooling now.
The ice age cycle is about 100,000 years, and it should be into the cooling cycle now according to tree rings and ice cores.
It likely WOULD be cooling if we have not increased CO2 by over 40%.
That is the reason why the rising temperatures are so scary, it is not supposed to be rising but cooling.
So then the rise in temperature is even greater than what we are measuring.

2. No one predicted Katrina like hurricanes. What they said is that global warming mean more energy, which should mean more frequent and stronger storms. There have been more frequent and stronger storms. But much of the storms have lately been up near the Arctic circle, and not the Caribbean. The greater energy had caused more mixing of hot and cold, so we are not experiencing it as dramatically, but it is still much more extreme in that the Arctic is 13 degrees warmer than normal.

3. The Arctic ice cap did melt in 2007 and every year after that.
1. No, the scientific consensus was Man Made Global Cooling.

2. The GW alarmist specifically fear mongered by saying more high catagory Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico and more Tornadoes in the years following Katrina. Both of which actually reduced.

3. No, the GW fear mongering was that the polar Caps would be gone 5 years ago.

Your gods have been wrong for decades, but it doesn't matter if you have Blind Faith I them.

An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore has largely been debunked.

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