Juneteenth: Sorry, no deal

We should always remember the lengths the democrat party went to to keep their black slaves
The Southern Democrats or Grant the Union general? Both of those had slaves.

Just remember this. Today it's 14 Republicans who voted against black people.

The House overwhelmingly passed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act on Wednesday by a vote of 415 to 14, sending the legislation to President Joe Biden’s desk and putting the nation on the cusp of establishing a federal holiday marking the end of slavery.

If signed by Biden, the day will be the first new national holiday since Martin Luther King Jr. Day was established in 1983.
This is all good but what will this actually do? I already celebrated Juneteenth without the approval of whites. Its not going to reverse the affects of centuries of slavery or the decades of systemic racism Black people have endured in this country. Is it just another "starting point"? If so a starting point for what?
Now this is your Black Independence Day, when whites informed some negroes they were free. You don’t have to celebrate July 4th Independence Day as that is a white holiday now.

Isn’t segregated holidays what you all wanted?
Lol! The gaslighting begins. Bitch, we've been celebrating Juneteenth for years. With whites. So just fsace the truth, in fact let me hep you with a few words from a black republican:

“What to the American slave is your Fourth of July? I answer, a day that reveals to him more than all other days of the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mock; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation of the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

Frederick Douglas
Tim Scott never would have had the courage to stand before a crowd of white republicans and say this.
Thanks for proving my point. Hate to break it to you, but you were never a slave, so stop pretending you ever were one.

We declared and fought for independence from Britain. We couldn’t free slaves because your friends, the Democrats, never would had joined the fight for independence. So that battle was fought just a generation later, fought by white men of course.

But the slaves loved it here in America, so they stayed. The embraced the superior culture of White America, as do their descendants who continue to choose to stay.
The Bunker Hill Monument marks the site of one of the first major battles of the American Revolution. A Battle in which inexperienced colonial forces fought against a highly trained army of British soldiers. Less well-known is the story of the significant role played by the more than 100 African American and Native American soldiers who took part in the battle. To examine the roles of these “patriots of color” in the Revolution is to discover the complexities of the revolutionary period as well as the diversity of its participants, their motivations, and their perspectives.
History has long been whitewashed by europeans desperately trying to convince the world they are great. The inferiority complex thing is bad with them.
its bad with the blacks . their the ones complaining. history is history can not be changed. even if more white;s did things in history then blacks. it is what it is.
White people have changed history many times so I have to disagree. How do you think the ancient Egyptians became white when the facts are that white people were still living in caves during those times?
egyptians were not white or black . they had olive skin eastern european skin. only time to you saw black skin is when and egyptian made s black woman one of his wives. and no one put in the history books they were white. its the blacks trying to insist they were black. which isnt true either.
What was the nation to the South of Ancient Egypt?
Yes, for some reason they were black Africans also...I wonder why?
The god Amen-Ra actually was shared by Kush and Egypt and was believed by the Egyptians to reside in Kush. Egypt also flatly stated their ancestors came from the interior of the African continent.
hypothises. not fact.
Sorry but its a fact. its written down. I know you have a hard time reading but thats no excuse.
egypt is in the africa contenant/ it never left., i never said it did. but not everyone on the content is black as hole either., and you said believe. thats why i said hypothises. so how much do you know about america. hmm?
You miss my point. My point was that whites lied about the Egyptians being white when they (ancient Egyptians) said themselves they were Black and the Greeks clearly said they were Black
the whites never said that. and not all were black.
I tell you what. Those filthy Democrats sure know how to kiss Negro ass, don't they? Nothing is to shitty for them to do to stick their tongue up a Negro's ass, is it?

Sorry sonofabitches.

LBJ was right. The Negroes will be voting Democrat for the next 150 years.
Your post is an attempt to con-vince black voters to vote Republican, isn't it? :heehee:

Just ridiculing the filthy Democrats for kissing Negro ass.

If they were really interested in abolishing slavery then they would be advocating doing away with Americans being forced to be slaves of the state. Like having to work to give the Negroes and Illegals welfare.
You are quite a piece of work....I would welcome any black family living next to me, any black person working with me, etc............................over you.
I tell you what. Those filthy Democrats sure know how to kiss Negro ass, don't they? Nothing is to shitty for them to do to stick their tongue up a Negro's ass, is it?

Sorry sonofabitches.

LBJ was right. The Negroes will be voting Democrat for the next 150 years.
Your post is an attempt to con-vince black voters to vote Republican, isn't it? :heehee:

Just ridiculing the filthy Democrats for kissing Negro ass.

If they were really interested in abolishing slavery then they would be advocating doing away with Americans being forced to be slaves of the state. Like having to work to give the Negroes and Illegals welfare.
You are quite a piece of work....I would welcome any black family living next to me, any black person working with me, etc............................over you.

Aww, you want an award?
We should always remember the lengths the democrat party went to to keep their black slaves
The Southern Democrats or Grant the Union general? Both of those had slaves.

Just remember this. Today it's 14 Republicans who voted against black people.

The House overwhelmingly passed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act on Wednesday by a vote of 415 to 14, sending the legislation to President Joe Biden’s desk and putting the nation on the cusp of establishing a federal holiday marking the end of slavery.

If signed by Biden, the day will be the first new national holiday since Martin Luther King Jr. Day was established in 1983.
This is all good but what will this actually do? I already celebrated Juneteenth without the approval of whites. Its not going to reverse the affects of centuries of slavery or the decades of systemic racism Black people have endured in this country. Is it just another "starting point"? If so a starting point for what?
Now this is your Black Independence Day, when whites informed some negroes they were free. You don’t have to celebrate July 4th Independence Day as that is a white holiday now.

Isn’t segregated holidays what you all wanted?
Lol! The gaslighting begins. Bitch, we've been celebrating Juneteenth for years. With whites. So just fsace the truth, in fact let me hep you with a few words from a black republican:

“What to the American slave is your Fourth of July? I answer, a day that reveals to him more than all other days of the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mock; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation of the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

Frederick Douglas
Tim Scott never would have had the courage to stand before a crowd of white republicans and say this.
Thanks for proving my point. Hate to break it to you, but you were never a slave, so stop pretending you ever were one.

We declared and fought for independence from Britain. We couldn’t free slaves because your friends, the Democrats, never would had joined the fight for independence. So that battle was fought just a generation later, fought by white men of course.

But the slaves loved it here in America, so they stayed. The embraced the superior culture of White America, as do their descendants who continue to choose to stay.
The Bunker Hill Monument marks the site of one of the first major battles of the American Revolution. A Battle in which inexperienced colonial forces fought against a highly trained army of British soldiers. Less well-known is the story of the significant role played by the more than 100 African American and Native American soldiers who took part in the battle. To examine the roles of these “patriots of color” in the Revolution is to discover the complexities of the revolutionary period as well as the diversity of its participants, their motivations, and their perspectives.
History has long been whitewashed by europeans desperately trying to convince the world they are great. The inferiority complex thing is bad with them.
its bad with the blacks . their the ones complaining. history is history can not be changed. even if more white;s did things in history then blacks. it is what it is.
White people have changed history many times so I have to disagree. How do you think the ancient Egyptians became white when the facts are that white people were still living in caves during those times?
egyptians were not white or black . they had olive skin eastern european skin. only time to you saw black skin is when and egyptian made s black woman one of his wives. and no one put in the history books they were white. its the blacks trying to insist they were black. which isnt true either.
What was the nation to the South of Ancient Egypt?
Yes, for some reason they were black Africans also...I wonder why?
The god Amen-Ra actually was shared by Kush and Egypt and was believed by the Egyptians to reside in Kush. Egypt also flatly stated their ancestors came from the interior of the African continent.
hypothises. not fact.
Sorry but its a fact. its written down. I know you have a hard time reading but thats no excuse.
egypt is in the africa contenant/ it never left., i never said it did. but not everyone on the content is black as hole either., and you said believe. thats why i said hypothises. so how much do you know about america. hmm?
You miss my point. My point was that whites lied about the Egyptians being white when they (ancient Egyptians) said themselves they were Black and the Greeks clearly said they were Black
They were neither black, nor white.

They DNA is much like the DNA of present day Egyptians, (only lacking in sub-Saharan DNA.)

". . . This time around, Schiffels, geneticist Johannes Krause, and their team, used next-generation sequencing, which is able to isolate older and newer sample sets. The group utilized samples from 151 mummies from settlement near Cairo called Abusir el-Meleq, all buried between 1380 B.C. and 425 A.D.

The team compared the samples from the mummies with DNA (both ancient and modern) from people living between Egypt and Ethiopia. The results: DNA sequences over the span of 1,300 years didn’t change much, despite the fact that Egypt’s population was influence by both Roman and Greek invasions, according to findings. However, when the same set was compared to the DNA of modern Egyptians, a stark difference was the absence of sub-Saharan ancestry, which is prevalent in today’s population. . . . "
thats what i said . it was like european olive complection/ thank for the back up.
We should always remember the lengths the democrat party went to to keep their black slaves
The Southern Democrats or Grant the Union general? Both of those had slaves.

Just remember this. Today it's 14 Republicans who voted against black people.

The House overwhelmingly passed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act on Wednesday by a vote of 415 to 14, sending the legislation to President Joe Biden’s desk and putting the nation on the cusp of establishing a federal holiday marking the end of slavery.

If signed by Biden, the day will be the first new national holiday since Martin Luther King Jr. Day was established in 1983.
This is all good but what will this actually do? I already celebrated Juneteenth without the approval of whites. Its not going to reverse the affects of centuries of slavery or the decades of systemic racism Black people have endured in this country. Is it just another "starting point"? If so a starting point for what?
Now this is your Black Independence Day, when whites informed some negroes they were free. You don’t have to celebrate July 4th Independence Day as that is a white holiday now.

Isn’t segregated holidays what you all wanted?
Lol! The gaslighting begins. Bitch, we've been celebrating Juneteenth for years. With whites. So just fsace the truth, in fact let me hep you with a few words from a black republican:

“What to the American slave is your Fourth of July? I answer, a day that reveals to him more than all other days of the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mock; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation of the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

Frederick Douglas
Tim Scott never would have had the courage to stand before a crowd of white republicans and say this.
Thanks for proving my point. Hate to break it to you, but you were never a slave, so stop pretending you ever were one.

We declared and fought for independence from Britain. We couldn’t free slaves because your friends, the Democrats, never would had joined the fight for independence. So that battle was fought just a generation later, fought by white men of course.

But the slaves loved it here in America, so they stayed. The embraced the superior culture of White America, as do their descendants who continue to choose to stay.
The Bunker Hill Monument marks the site of one of the first major battles of the American Revolution. A Battle in which inexperienced colonial forces fought against a highly trained army of British soldiers. Less well-known is the story of the significant role played by the more than 100 African American and Native American soldiers who took part in the battle. To examine the roles of these “patriots of color” in the Revolution is to discover the complexities of the revolutionary period as well as the diversity of its participants, their motivations, and their perspectives.
History has long been whitewashed by europeans desperately trying to convince the world they are great. The inferiority complex thing is bad with them.
its bad with the blacks . their the ones complaining. history is history can not be changed. even if more white;s did things in history then blacks. it is what it is.
White people have changed history many times so I have to disagree. How do you think the ancient Egyptians became white when the facts are that white people were still living in caves during those times?
The earliest mummies had red hair. White people had boats and controlled the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea. Negroids had no technology.
We should always remember the lengths the democrat party went to to keep their black slaves
The Southern Democrats or Grant the Union general? Both of those had slaves.

Just remember this. Today it's 14 Republicans who voted against black people.

The House overwhelmingly passed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act on Wednesday by a vote of 415 to 14, sending the legislation to President Joe Biden’s desk and putting the nation on the cusp of establishing a federal holiday marking the end of slavery.

If signed by Biden, the day will be the first new national holiday since Martin Luther King Jr. Day was established in 1983.
This is all good but what will this actually do? I already celebrated Juneteenth without the approval of whites. Its not going to reverse the affects of centuries of slavery or the decades of systemic racism Black people have endured in this country. Is it just another "starting point"? If so a starting point for what?
Now this is your Black Independence Day, when whites informed some negroes they were free. You don’t have to celebrate July 4th Independence Day as that is a white holiday now.

Isn’t segregated holidays what you all wanted?
Lol! The gaslighting begins. Bitch, we've been celebrating Juneteenth for years. With whites. So just fsace the truth, in fact let me hep you with a few words from a black republican:

“What to the American slave is your Fourth of July? I answer, a day that reveals to him more than all other days of the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mock; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation of the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

Frederick Douglas
Tim Scott never would have had the courage to stand before a crowd of white republicans and say this.
Thanks for proving my point. Hate to break it to you, but you were never a slave, so stop pretending you ever were one.

We declared and fought for independence from Britain. We couldn’t free slaves because your friends, the Democrats, never would had joined the fight for independence. So that battle was fought just a generation later, fought by white men of course.

But the slaves loved it here in America, so they stayed. The embraced the superior culture of White America, as do their descendants who continue to choose to stay.
The Bunker Hill Monument marks the site of one of the first major battles of the American Revolution. A Battle in which inexperienced colonial forces fought against a highly trained army of British soldiers. Less well-known is the story of the significant role played by the more than 100 African American and Native American soldiers who took part in the battle. To examine the roles of these “patriots of color” in the Revolution is to discover the complexities of the revolutionary period as well as the diversity of its participants, their motivations, and their perspectives.
History has long been whitewashed by europeans desperately trying to convince the world they are great. The inferiority complex thing is bad with them.
its bad with the blacks . their the ones complaining. history is history can not be changed. even if more white;s did things in history then blacks. it is what it is.
White people have changed history many times so I have to disagree. How do you think the ancient Egyptians became white when the facts are that white people were still living in caves during those times?
The earliest mummies had red hair. White people had boats and controlled the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea. Negroids had no technology.
Since black slaves were kidnapped and forcefully shipped here against their will under bondage, then why weren't they sent back to Africa after they were freed? Wouldn't that have been the compassionate thing to do? Why aren't modern day blacks clamoring to go back to Africa as soon as they can with all this talk of "systemic racism" and "white supremacy?" Why on earth would they want to stay here? They don't call themselves Americans, they call themselves African Americans, as though that's the country they love and identify with. So then, what's stopping them from going back?
I could explain that today's black people were born here, and have just as much right to be here as you do, but since you are such an idiot, I'll just point out the fact that a remark such as yours deserves nothing more than a curt FUCK YOU.
No matter how many Holidays you make it will not change a thing. It has to come from within. The worse part is Biden does not believe in this. There are to many morons with power in our diverse land. We see it. All the nice speeches. Sounds so good. People have bent over backwards and given up their own opportunities to promote others. Progs are not of God. Swampapalooza!
A Juneteenth celebration is not intended to change anything. It's intended to celebrate a change that happened. It didn't matter that the Emancipation Proclamation came years before because a slave who does not know he has been freed is not free. For many, Juneteenth is the first day they found out about their new freedom, so for them, it is the day they became emancipated.
a radio dude said it was just blacks way of blaming whites for slavery. actualy blacks share part of blame for selling their own tribal members off.
Since black slaves were kidnapped and forcefully shipped here against their will under bondage, then why weren't they sent back to Africa after they were freed? Wouldn't that have been the compassionate thing to do? Why aren't modern day blacks clamoring to go back to Africa as soon as they can with all this talk of "systemic racism" and "white supremacy?" Why on earth would they want to stay here? They don't call themselves Americans, they call themselves African Americans, as though that's the country they love and identify with. So then, what's stopping them from going back?
I could explain that today's black people were born here, and have just as much right to be here as you do, but since you are such an idiot, I'll just point out the fact that a remark such as yours deserves nothing more than a curt FUCK YOU.
No matter how many Holidays you make it will not change a thing. It has to come from within. The worse part is Biden does not believe in this. There are to many morons with power in our diverse land. We see it. All the nice speeches. Sounds so good. People have bent over backwards and given up their own opportunities to promote others. Progs are not of God. Swampapalooza!
A Juneteenth celebration is not intended to change anything. It's intended to celebrate a change that happened. It didn't matter that the Emancipation Proclamation came years before because a slave who does not know he has been freed is not free. For many, Juneteenth is the first day they found out about their new freedom, so for them, it is the day they became emancipated.
a radio dude said it was just blacks way of blaming whites for slavery. actualy blacks share part of blame for selling their own tribal members off.
I'm sure that radio dude said that, as well as much worse stuff. He probably told you that Biden stole the election too. Radio dudes tend to be full of shit.
Since black slaves were kidnapped and forcefully shipped here against their will under bondage, then why weren't they sent back to Africa after they were freed? Wouldn't that have been the compassionate thing to do? Why aren't modern day blacks clamoring to go back to Africa as soon as they can with all this talk of "systemic racism" and "white supremacy?" Why on earth would they want to stay here? They don't call themselves Americans, they call themselves African Americans, as though that's the country they love and identify with. So then, what's stopping them from going back?
I could explain that today's black people were born here, and have just as much right to be here as you do, but since you are such an idiot, I'll just point out the fact that a remark such as yours deserves nothing more than a curt FUCK YOU.
No matter how many Holidays you make it will not change a thing. It has to come from within. The worse part is Biden does not believe in this. There are to many morons with power in our diverse land. We see it. All the nice speeches. Sounds so good. People have bent over backwards and given up their own opportunities to promote others. Progs are not of God. Swampapalooza!
A Juneteenth celebration is not intended to change anything. It's intended to celebrate a change that happened. It didn't matter that the Emancipation Proclamation came years before because a slave who does not know he has been freed is not free. For many, Juneteenth is the first day they found out about their new freedom, so for them, it is the day they became emancipated.
a radio dude said it was just blacks way of blaming whites for slavery. actualy blacks share part of blame for selling their own tribal members off.
I'm sure that radio dude said that, as well as much worse stuff. He probably told you that Biden stole the election too. Radio dudes tend to be full of shit.
Republicans authored and proposed the Corwin Amendment which would have made slavery constitutional. It passed congress but never got ratified. So republicans need to stop that disingenuous democrat slavery shit.

Which party ended slavery, and which party started a war to keep slavery?

Take your time.

Oh.....and which one do you vote for?
The Confederacy started the Civil War. I don't know what political parties they had in that country. Republicans got a proposal passed to make slavery constitutional. Understand that and shut the hell up.

"The Confederacy started the Civil War. I don't know what political parties they had in that country."

You need my help????

A conservative is never so tall as when she stoops to teach a Liberal.....

Jefferson Davis​

Former President of the Confederate States of America
View attachment 502540
Political partyDemocratic

Which party ended slavery, and which party started a war to keep slavery?

Take your time.

Oh.....and which one do you vote for?
The confederacy was a different country, they did not have American political parties.

What party flies confederate flags and supports the memory of the confederacy today?

Your party.

Say hi to your governor for me, homie!

The governor of Kansas is Laura Kelly.
View attachment 502591

Right, you just made sure Northam kept his job. Well done!
You keep talking about a man I never voted for. You look stupid doing it.

Go find somebody black from Virgina you stupid bastage.

Being from the southwest we were taught about Juneteenth in high school.
Around 15 years ago I was working a contract job up in Boston.
I had several black guys on my crew and I knew that the next day was June 19, so I asked them if they were going to show up for work tomorrow?
They looked at me like I was crazy and asked why would I think that?
Come to find out, none of them have ever heard of Juneteenth, and they had no intention of missing work.

But now, a minor local event, has become this big deal national holiday and the taxpayer is on the hook to pay even more people to not work. ... :cuckoo:

....and we have witnessed one more successful effort to divide the American people.
Republicans authored and proposed the Corwin Amendment which would have made slavery constitutional. It passed congress but never got ratified. So republicans need to stop that disingenuous democrat slavery shit.

Which party ended slavery, and which party started a war to keep slavery?

Take your time.

Oh.....and which one do you vote for?
The Confederacy started the Civil War. I don't know what political parties they had in that country. Republicans got a proposal passed to make slavery constitutional. Understand that and shut the hell up.

"The Confederacy started the Civil War. I don't know what political parties they had in that country."

You need my help????

A conservative is never so tall as when she stoops to teach a Liberal.....

Jefferson Davis​

Former President of the Confederate States of America
View attachment 502540
Political partyDemocratic

Which party ended slavery, and which party started a war to keep slavery?

Take your time.

Oh.....and which one do you vote for?
The confederacy was a different country, they did not have American political parties.

What party flies confederate flags and supports the memory of the confederacy today?

Your party.

Say hi to your governor for me, homie!

The governor of Kansas is Laura Kelly.
View attachment 502591

Right, you just made sure Northam kept his job. Well done!
You keep talking about a man I never voted for. You look stupid doing it.

Go find somebody black from Virgina you stupid bastage.

Being from the southwest we were taught about Juneteenth in high school.
Around 15 years ago I was working a contract job up in Boston.
I had several black guys on my crew and I knew that the next day was June 19, so I asked them if they were going to show up for work tomorrow?
They looked at me like I was crazy and asked why would I think that?
Come to find out, none of them have ever heard of Juneteenth, and they had no intention of missing work.

But now, a minor local event, has become this big deal national holiday and the taxpayer is on the hook to pay even more people to not work. ... :cuckoo:

....and we have witnessed one more successful effort to divide the American people.
America has never been united and a holiday recognizing the end of slavery damn sure should not divide anybody.

But dumb ass brainwashed asians who wish they were white thinks it divides the country to celebrate the end of slavery.
Jeez people, is it really so hard to celebrate the end of slavery? Forget the convoluted way we got there, or the accuracy of the dates. Just take a moment to celebrate that we no longer allow humans to be owned like livestock.
Republicans authored and proposed the Corwin Amendment which would have made slavery constitutional. It passed congress but never got ratified. So republicans need to stop that disingenuous democrat slavery shit.

Which party ended slavery, and which party started a war to keep slavery?

Take your time.

Oh.....and which one do you vote for?
The Confederacy started the Civil War. I don't know what political parties they had in that country. Republicans got a proposal passed to make slavery constitutional. Understand that and shut the hell up.

"The Confederacy started the Civil War. I don't know what political parties they had in that country."

You need my help????

A conservative is never so tall as when she stoops to teach a Liberal.....

Jefferson Davis​

Former President of the Confederate States of America
View attachment 502540
Political partyDemocratic

Which party ended slavery, and which party started a war to keep slavery?

Take your time.

Oh.....and which one do you vote for?
The confederacy was a different country, they did not have American political parties.

What party flies confederate flags and supports the memory of the confederacy today?

Your party.

Say hi to your governor for me, homie!

The governor of Kansas is Laura Kelly.
View attachment 502591

Right, you just made sure Northam kept his job. Well done!
You keep talking about a man I never voted for. You look stupid doing it.

Go find somebody black from Virgina you stupid bastage.

Being from the southwest we were taught about Juneteenth in high school.
Around 15 years ago I was working a contract job up in Boston.
I had several black guys on my crew and I knew that the next day was June 19, so I asked them if they were going to show up for work tomorrow?
They looked at me like I was crazy and asked why would I think that?
Come to find out, none of them have ever heard of Juneteenth, and they had no intention of missing work.

But now, a minor local event, has become this big deal national holiday and the taxpayer is on the hook to pay even more people to not work. ... :cuckoo:

....and we have witnessed one more successful effort to divide the American people.
America has never been united and a holiday recognizing the end of slavery damn sure should not divide anybody.

But dumb ass brainwashed asians who wish they were white thinks it divides the country to celebrate the end of slavery.

There is only one Independence Day.

It occurs in July, not June.
Jeez people, is it really so hard to celebrate the end of slavery? Forget the convoluted way we got there, or the accuracy of the dates. Just take a moment to celebrate that we no longer allow humans to be owned like livestock.

Memo that to the Democrat Party, the one that began a war to maintain slavery....and wait for the apology.
Jeez people, is it really so hard to celebrate the end of slavery? Forget the convoluted way we got there, or the accuracy of the dates. Just take a moment to celebrate that we no longer allow humans to be owned like livestock.

Memo that to the Democrat Party, the one that began a war to maintain slavery....and wait for the apology.

Yes, the democrats were largely responsible for it.

But all this gnashing of teeth about a holiday to commemorate the end of slavery doesn't seem like democrats.

And, regardless of the political party, ending slavery was an event worth having a holiday for.


A federal holiday celebrating an event that tool place between June 13th and June 19th the exact date is unknown so we will just make up a word can call it "Juneteenth"
Sorry I don't speak "jive"


A federal holiday celebrating an event that tool place between June 13th and June 19th the exact date is unknown so we will just make up a word can call it "Juneteenth"
Sorry I don't speak "jive"

So the fact that the word is "made up" is why you oppose it? The legal ownership of other human beings was ended, and the fact that the word is "made up" is the problem.

Got news for you, all words are made up.
Let's get something straight here, republicans proposed and got passed an amendment that would have made slavery constitutional had it been ratified. Democrats did not start a war to maintain slavery, the confederacy did. The same confederacy republicans defend today.
We should always remember the lengths the democrat party went to to keep their black slaves
The Southern Democrats or Grant the Union general? Both of those had slaves.

Just remember this. Today it's 14 Republicans who voted against black people.

The House overwhelmingly passed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act on Wednesday by a vote of 415 to 14, sending the legislation to President Joe Biden’s desk and putting the nation on the cusp of establishing a federal holiday marking the end of slavery.

If signed by Biden, the day will be the first new national holiday since Martin Luther King Jr. Day was established in 1983.
This is all good but what will this actually do? I already celebrated Juneteenth without the approval of whites. Its not going to reverse the affects of centuries of slavery or the decades of systemic racism Black people have endured in this country. Is it just another "starting point"? If so a starting point for what?
Now this is your Black Independence Day, when whites informed some negroes they were free. You don’t have to celebrate July 4th Independence Day as that is a white holiday now.

Isn’t segregated holidays what you all wanted?
Lol! The gaslighting begins. Bitch, we've been celebrating Juneteenth for years. With whites. So just fsace the truth, in fact let me hep you with a few words from a black republican:

“What to the American slave is your Fourth of July? I answer, a day that reveals to him more than all other days of the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mock; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation of the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

Frederick Douglas
Tim Scott never would have had the courage to stand before a crowd of white republicans and say this.
Thanks for proving my point. Hate to break it to you, but you were never a slave, so stop pretending you ever were one.

We declared and fought for independence from Britain. We couldn’t free slaves because your friends, the Democrats, never would had joined the fight for independence. So that battle was fought just a generation later, fought by white men of course.

But the slaves loved it here in America, so they stayed. The embraced the superior culture of White America, as do their descendants who continue to choose to stay.
The Bunker Hill Monument marks the site of one of the first major battles of the American Revolution. A Battle in which inexperienced colonial forces fought against a highly trained army of British soldiers. Less well-known is the story of the significant role played by the more than 100 African American and Native American soldiers who took part in the battle. To examine the roles of these “patriots of color” in the Revolution is to discover the complexities of the revolutionary period as well as the diversity of its participants, their motivations, and their perspectives.
History has long been whitewashed by europeans desperately trying to convince the world they are great. The inferiority complex thing is bad with them.
its bad with the blacks . their the ones complaining. history is history can not be changed. even if more white;s did things in history then blacks. it is what it is.
Wrong. American history has excluded a lot of things so ignorant white trash like you can pretend that whites have done so much more than anyone else.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know any more about History than you know about Economics, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.

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