Juror #54.......knows some of the witnesses...likely a "Karen," pushing to convict despite the evidence of self defense...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Andrew Branca over at legal insurrection and his friends think Juror #54 is the reason the jury hasn't come back with "not guilty," yet....they believe she is a "Karen," who wants to convict because she is a likely left winger, and on top of that, if she is a left winger, her social group wouldn't accept a "not guilty" verdict.

They admit this is speculation...but they have been doing this a long time...


I have a growing suspicion that this jury has not yet arrived at a unanimous verdict of acquittal only because of the resistance of juror #54, a woman who also happens to be the foreperson, who seems to be the hold-out against acquittal.

The jury selection risk to Kyle was always going to be that a “mask Karen” type, usually of leftist political persuasion, bossy, entitled, and status-sensitive, would be seated on the jury. Such a person would be most unlikely to ever vote for acquittal—her social group would necessarily know she had done so, given the unanimous nature of an acquittal.

In addition, this type of person is likely to seize the leadership position of foreperson on a jury, to suit their bossy and entitled nature. Such a person also tends to be outspoken and forward in circumstances where other people would defer to apparently higher authority.

There has been one apparently female juror who on several occasions can be overheard being unusually familiar with Judge Schroeder—not in the sense of knowing him personally, but in the sense of engaging in a relaxed discussion that one does not usually find between a juror and a trial judge.

Then we have the jury note from yesterday asking for access to the Exhibit #5 drone video footage and related evidence. It was written by juror #54, the jury foreperson, and an apparent woman:

The tone of that note suggests to me that the person who wrote it is accustomed to giving orders to underlings—personal assistants, staff, household help—and here the note is being addressed in this tone to the trial judge as if the judge were a staffer to the jury foreperson.

Then this evening we had the very unusual request to be permitted to take the jury instructions home, made by a single juror—a female juror.

I suspect that all of this conduct is that of juror #54, the female foreperson of this jury—who I suspect is precisely the kind of “mask Karen,” left-leaning, bossy, entitled, and status-sensitive juror that would be most likely to hold out against acquittal.

Finally, my friend Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) was kind enough to remind me that during jury selection I’d made a particular note of juror #54 at the time, as I was live commenting right here at Legal Insurrection: “#54: Knows some of the witnesses named, but could set that aside.” I’ve also heard from sources in a position to know that when polling was done around jury selection, prospective jurors who knew any participants in the August 2020 riots–which would likely include some of the witnesses–tended to trend 75% against acquittal.

That’s all just a guess—but one informed by some experience with both juries and mask Karen types.

Here’s the video of Judge Schroeder dismissing the jury for the day, including the discussion around taking the jury instructions home:

I'd guess it's a hung jury taking this long. But it ticks me off that the media is claiming having sources on them when this is gonna be a shitstorm after the verdict. The left will DOX them in that jury and you know it.
Andrew Branca over at legal insurrection and his friends think Juror #54 is the reason the jury hasn't come back with "not guilty," yet....they believe she is a "Karen," who wants to convict because she is a likely left winger, and on top of that, if she is a left winger, her social group wouldn't accept a "not guilty" verdict.

They admit this is speculation...but they have been doing this a long time...


I have a growing suspicion that this jury has not yet arrived at a unanimous verdict of acquittal only because of the resistance of juror #54, a woman who also happens to be the foreperson, who seems to be the hold-out against acquittal.

The jury selection risk to Kyle was always going to be that a “mask Karen” type, usually of leftist political persuasion, bossy, entitled, and status-sensitive, would be seated on the jury. Such a person would be most unlikely to ever vote for acquittal—her social group would necessarily know she had done so, given the unanimous nature of an acquittal.

In addition, this type of person is likely to seize the leadership position of foreperson on a jury, to suit their bossy and entitled nature. Such a person also tends to be outspoken and forward in circumstances where other people would defer to apparently higher authority.

There has been one apparently female juror who on several occasions can be overheard being unusually familiar with Judge Schroeder—not in the sense of knowing him personally, but in the sense of engaging in a relaxed discussion that one does not usually find between a juror and a trial judge.

Then we have the jury note from yesterday asking for access to the Exhibit #5 drone video footage and related evidence. It was written by juror #54, the jury foreperson, and an apparent woman:

The tone of that note suggests to me that the person who wrote it is accustomed to giving orders to underlings—personal assistants, staff, household help—and here the note is being addressed in this tone to the trial judge as if the judge were a staffer to the jury foreperson.

Then this evening we had the very unusual request to be permitted to take the jury instructions home, made by a single juror—a female juror.

I suspect that all of this conduct is that of juror #54, the female foreperson of this jury—who I suspect is precisely the kind of “mask Karen,” left-leaning, bossy, entitled, and status-sensitive juror that would be most likely to hold out against acquittal.

Finally, my friend Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) was kind enough to remind me that during jury selection I’d made a particular note of juror #54 at the time, as I was live commenting right here at Legal Insurrection: “#54: Knows some of the witnesses named, but could set that aside.” I’ve also heard from sources in a position to know that when polling was done around jury selection, prospective jurors who knew any participants in the August 2020 riots–which would likely include some of the witnesses–tended to trend 75% against acquittal.

That’s all just a guess—but one informed by some experience with both juries and mask Karen types.

Here’s the video of Judge Schroeder dismissing the jury for the day, including the discussion around taking the jury instructions home:

Did the judge promise them a get out of jail free card if they vote to acquit Pop and Fresh?
Speculation? Why don't you come back when you've actually got something to post?

I'd guess it's a hung jury taking this long. But it ticks me off that the media is claiming having sources on them when this is gonna be a shitstorm after the verdict. The left will DOX them in that jury and you know it.
If it's a hung jury with a single holdout against acquittal, I suspect that the judge will dismiss the case with prejudice.
In my personal experience on jury duty, it is a liberal who holds up the works. And it goes both ways - if the defendant is black and caught red-handed, you can count on a liberal saying she doesn’t want to send a black man to prison. No. Matter. What.

The judge can allow this to go on another day or so, and then call them in, at which time they will call themselves “hung.” The judge can then declare a mistrial, or simply dismiss all charges with prejudice.

When it comes out that 11 normal people wanted to aquit, and there was one lone liberal who wanted to make whitey pay for interfering with the violent, leftist BLM riot, normal people will agree this was the correct ruling. The only people who will be enraged - and start another riot - are those who support BLM violence.
As I stated in another thread, the Defendant is supposed to have a jury made up of people WHO HAVE NEVER HEARD OF the defendant, nor has ever heard of the situation they were in that got them there.

THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE INSIDE THE UNITED STATES!!! Unless you go to the coma wards at the hospitals.

Having this news flashed all over the internet, TV, magazines, newspapers, podcasts, Youtube commenter shows, etc..... EVERYBODY knows of Kyle and what happened.

There is NO FREEKIN WAY they could have comprised a jury of adults that have NEVER heard of any of this!!!
This may piss off a few, but...in MY opinion, the kid should have never been there in the first place. Neither should have the "victims" who got their asses killed. Both sides were being idiots. Kid should be punished in some way just FOR being an idiot. The two killed..good riddance but too bad it had to be for such an idiotic decision on all their parts. And the ones threatening violence to the town/jurors..well...they need to sleep in a jail cell for awhile too because that's just more idiocy on their parts to demand anything regarding punishment..or no punishment.

Oh, and the DA not being honest in sharing info with the defense in what is supposed to be a fair trial....should I day it again? Sure, why not. Idiocy. Fuck it. This whole thing is stupid.
This may piss off a few, but...in MY opinion, the kid should have never been there in the first place. Neither should have the "victims" who got their asses killed. Both sides were being idiots. Kid should be punished in some way just FOR being an idiot. The two killed..good riddance but too bad it had to be for such an idiotic decision on all their parts. And the ones threatening violence to the town/jurors..well...they need to sleep in a jail cell for awhile too because that's just more idiocy on their parts to demand anything regarding punishment..or no punishment.

Oh, and the DA not being honest in sharing info with the defense in what is supposed to be a fair trial....should I day it again? Sure, why not. Idiocy. Fuck it. This whole thing is stupid.
He already is being punished. By a corrupt DA and DNC politicians wanting a pound of flesh. Even though they were gaslighting the country that helped cause this.

After this is over and when Kyle is let off because it was self defense, they will come after him. The Media will hunt him until they get their pound of flesh. Or the Antifa will kill him. They will also Dox the jury if they find them.
Andrew Branca over at legal insurrection and his friends think Juror #54 is the reason the jury hasn't come back with "not guilty," yet....they believe she is a "Karen," who wants to convict because she is a likely left winger, and on top of that, if she is a left winger, her social group wouldn't accept a "not guilty" verdict.

They admit this is speculation...but they have been doing this a long time...


I have a growing suspicion that this jury has not yet arrived at a unanimous verdict of acquittal only because of the resistance of juror #54, a woman who also happens to be the foreperson, who seems to be the hold-out against acquittal.

The jury selection risk to Kyle was always going to be that a “mask Karen” type, usually of leftist political persuasion, bossy, entitled, and status-sensitive, would be seated on the jury. Such a person would be most unlikely to ever vote for acquittal—her social group would necessarily know she had done so, given the unanimous nature of an acquittal.

In addition, this type of person is likely to seize the leadership position of foreperson on a jury, to suit their bossy and entitled nature. Such a person also tends to be outspoken and forward in circumstances where other people would defer to apparently higher authority.

There has been one apparently female juror who on several occasions can be overheard being unusually familiar with Judge Schroeder—not in the sense of knowing him personally, but in the sense of engaging in a relaxed discussion that one does not usually find between a juror and a trial judge.

Then we have the jury note from yesterday asking for access to the Exhibit #5 drone video footage and related evidence. It was written by juror #54, the jury foreperson, and an apparent woman:

The tone of that note suggests to me that the person who wrote it is accustomed to giving orders to underlings—personal assistants, staff, household help—and here the note is being addressed in this tone to the trial judge as if the judge were a staffer to the jury foreperson.

Then this evening we had the very unusual request to be permitted to take the jury instructions home, made by a single juror—a female juror.

I suspect that all of this conduct is that of juror #54, the female foreperson of this jury—who I suspect is precisely the kind of “mask Karen,” left-leaning, bossy, entitled, and status-sensitive juror that would be most likely to hold out against acquittal.

Finally, my friend Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) was kind enough to remind me that during jury selection I’d made a particular note of juror #54 at the time, as I was live commenting right here at Legal Insurrection: “#54: Knows some of the witnesses named, but could set that aside.” I’ve also heard from sources in a position to know that when polling was done around jury selection, prospective jurors who knew any participants in the August 2020 riots–which would likely include some of the witnesses–tended to trend 75% against acquittal.

That’s all just a guess—but one informed by some experience with both juries and mask Karen types.

Here’s the video of Judge Schroeder dismissing the jury for the day, including the discussion around taking the jury instructions home:

Democrats A.K.A. Karen's are the root of most problems in the USA.
This may piss off a few, but...in MY opinion, the kid should have never been there in the first place. Neither should have the "victims" who got their asses killed. Both sides were being idiots. Kid should be punished in some way just FOR being an idiot. The two killed..good riddance but too bad it had to be for such an idiotic decision on all their parts. And the ones threatening violence to the town/jurors..well...they need to sleep in a jail cell for awhile too because that's just more idiocy on their parts to demand anything regarding punishment..or no punishment.

Oh, and the DA not being honest in sharing info with the defense in what is supposed to be a fair trial....should I day it again? Sure, why not. Idiocy. Fuck it. This whole thing is stupid.
Sure , let them burn the country down . No consequences. Perfect idea .
Why in the world wasn’t this jury sequestered from the start? My only thought is that the judge figured it was such an obvious case of self-defense that it would be an open-and-shut case with an hour of deliberation.

In one of my jury cases, the plaintiff was so obviously correct (it was a civil matter), that when we all went into the jury room to deliberate, the foreman suggested that we take an anonymous poll to see where we all stood. We wrote our decision on a paper, dropped it in a bowl, and they were read off one by one - all the same.

On the case I mentioned upthread, we did the same thing, and the original count came out 11 to one - with the liberal being the lone holdout. We tried to convince her for days, but she announced at the start that she would NEVER send the black guy to jail.

This could be what happened here. They could have been 11-to-one for acquittal from the start, with the sole liberal refusing to budge.
He already is being punished. By a corrupt DA and DNC politicians wanting a pound of flesh. Even though they were gaslighting the country that helped cause this.

After this is over and when Kyle is let off because it was self defense, they will come after him. The Media will hunt him until they get their pound of flesh. Or the Antifa will kill him. They will also Dox the jury if they find them.
The violent left knows no bounds. Kyle will have to be placed in the Witness Protection Program. BLM supporters do not forgive a white teen who defended himself against their lowlife scum felons trying to kill him.
He already is being punished. By a corrupt DA and DNC politicians wanting a pound of flesh. Even though they were gaslighting the country that helped cause this.

After this is over and when Kyle is let off because it was self defense, they will come after him. The Media will hunt him until they get their pound of flesh. Or the Antifa will kill him. They will also Dox the jury if they find them.
MSNBC was caught yesterday trying to DOX the jury. Those fuckers need to be prosecuted. And another thing the left is doing is screaming and yelling at the bus and even using bullhorns to intimidate jurors. Sure the jury bus has covered up windows so they can't see the criminal element, but they can sure as hell hear them. And that's probably more intimidating because it leaves it up to their imagination to visualize who those hostile people are.
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I also think that kid is punishing himself. He was very upset on the stand...and now he has to live with the knowledge he killed two people. One was a perv and deserved to die, but it should have been someone else, not him, that did the killing. The guilt of taking a life is pretty much punishment enough.
I also think that kid is punishing himself. He was very upset on the stand...and now he has to live with the knowledge he killed two people. One was a perv and deserved to die, but it should have been someone else, not him, that did the killing. The guilt of taking a life is pretty much punishment enough.

Kill or be killed. He shouldn't feel any guilt for killing those animals no more than he would feel shooting a feral dog that was attacking him.
The judge is always the 13th juror in any trial.
And as such can vacate the verdict, change the verdict, or declare a mistrial.
They are loathe to do so but in a case of perfect self defense such as this...not outside the door of reality.

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