Juror speaks: Trayvon threw first punch


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2013
Cold Cold North Country
I am hoping that they don't hound the jurors to death, but its good that one spoke out.

One of the jurors who acquitted George Zimmerman said she had "no doubt" he feared for his life in the final moments of his struggle with Trayvon Martin, and that was the definitive factor in the verdict.

The juror spoke to CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360" on Monday night. Her identity was concealed.

She said she believed Zimmerman's "heart was in the right place" the night he killed Martin, but that he didn't use "good judgment" in confronting the Florida teen.

"I think George Zimmerman is a man whose heart was in the right place, but just got displaced by the vandalism in the neighborhoods and wanting to catch these people so badly that he went above and beyond what he really should have done. But I think his heart was in the right place. It just went terribly wrong," she said.

Juror: Zimmerman's heart in right place

Juror B37: 'It's very emotional' for me If anything, Zimmerman was guilty of not using "good judgment," the juror said.

"When he was in the car, and he had called 911, he shouldn't have gotten out of that car," she said.

She also said she believes Martin threw the first punch in their confrontation.

Zimmerman felt his life was in danger before shooting Martin, and it was his voice that was heard screaming for help in 911 calls, the juror said she believes.

She will be writing a book about her experiences, literary agent Sharlene Martin said before the interview aired.

"My hope is that people will read Juror B37's book, written with her attorney husband, and understand the commitment it takes to serve and be sequestered on a jury in a highly publicized murder trial and how important, despite one's personal viewpoints, it is to follow the letter of the law," the president of Martin Literary Agency, wrote in a statement.

"It could open a whole new dialogue about laws that may need to be revised and revamped to suit a 21st Century way of life," Martin said.

Juror: 'No doubt' that Zimmerman feared for his life - CNN.com
It's a shame that some have put forth the notion that Zimmerman
hunted down and killed Trevon because he was a black kid who did nothing
but walk home with a bag of candy and some drink.
I tend to mostly agree with Juror B37.

Zimmerman was trying to protect his community...help his neighbors.

If the blame for Trayvon Martin's death needs to be laid at someones feet...those feet belong to the criminals that caused the situation in the first place.

Without the criminals instilling a sense of fear, vulnerability and paranoia in the neighborhood by targeting the community for burglary and robbery, Zimmerman would never have been on heightened alert for suspicious people or activities.

He would have likely seen Trayvon Martin and thought nothing of it.

No misunderstanding would have occurred, and Martin would be home tonight with his family.

So let's put the blame solidly where it belongs...another unintended consequence of criminal activity.

What don't I agree with...that for sure Martin threw the first punch...there is no proof to support that inference.
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#1. Zimmerman never dialed 911. He called the Sanford PD non-emergency number.

#2. If Zimmerman wasn't carrying a gun he would have never followed Martin in his car and certainly not gotten out of his car to follow him on foot.
#1. Zimmerman never dialed 911. He called the Sanford PD non-emergency number.

#2. If Zimmerman wasn't carrying a gun he would have never followed Martin in his car and certainly not gotten out of his car to follow him on foot.

Zimmerman carried the gun because of a home invasion in the house next door to his.

Pretty good reason if you asked me.

Another reason to lay the blame for this tragedy squarely on the criminal element that was targeting the Twin Lakes Community.
#1. Zimmerman never dialed 911. He called the Sanford PD non-emergency number.

#2. If Zimmerman wasn't carrying a gun he would have never followed Martin in his car and certainly not gotten out of his car to follow him on foot.

When did you perfect the art of telepathy?
that was quick.

I agree with this woman. Good to know how the decision was made.

Then they went back to the hotel to collect their things and the parking lot was filled with media--'like Disneyworld'.

Not much more that I need to know.
someone is stunned that she felt sorry for both parties.

then I was stunned.

a more reasonable explanation could not have been given--

I would still love to hear explanations of all the 'lies' told by GZ--the prosecution thought the lies would be so obvious that not much more was needed. They said they would have been more aggressive in interrogating him immediately after the shooting. My inference--blame it on Sanford LE and I think there will be some repercussions for that.

Am I to think he ran through the night after Trayvon--I just don't know what they are talking about. Broken nose--'only a tiny cut', lacerations to head--so few--no way he suffered much. I forget all the things they said.

And O'Mara didn't offer condolences to the family of TM. He has on other occasions--and told 'not the time or place'--interviews after this trial might also not be considered the time or place.

It will be interesting what follows--suppression of evidence and a lengthy list of other unscrupulous procedures.
#1. Zimmerman never dialed 911. He called the Sanford PD non-emergency number.

#2. If Zimmerman wasn't carrying a gun he would have never followed Martin in his car and certainly not gotten out of his car to follow him on foot.

"IF" My Grandma had wheels, she's be a trolly car!
The jurors didn't come to the politically approved verdict so they should be executed right along with Zimmerman.
The only way she could know that is if she was there. She made it up.

I don't know how much more can be said.

If you live in a state -know the laws.

And still--ie Sandy Hook--something goes wrong.

I read Sunday that a car, new model, crashed into a house with the family upstairs. No one was injured. It might have been some sort of mechanical failure.

Hardly comparable but unexpected things happen.

I guess my focus has shifted to other things. Futile to continue to analyze all that is wrong politically.

-Hate religion--fine.

-Hate chemicals in food--fine

--Anything and everything--fine.

A tortuous way to live.
#1. Zimmerman never dialed 911. He called the Sanford PD non-emergency number.

#2. If Zimmerman wasn't carrying a gun he would have never followed Martin in his car and certainly not gotten out of his car to follow him on foot.

why was Martin skulking around in a gated community?

there can be only one answer

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