Just 5 days later: Man Applies for Marriage License to Have Two Wives

YOU are absurd, IMO. :)

What is the arguments then?

Interesting isn't it. Take procreation out of the picture and you can't deny a license to anyone.

Why not? The fact is, most incestual relations are the result of child abuse. FACT.

List those between straight brothers/sister.

List what? Are you okay?

The abuse between straight same sex siblings.

You seem confused.

Why don't you stick to the topic? You keep talking about incest and family members marrying. No one is advocating for that except apparently you.
It's arguing tradition, which is odd. Incest was illegal to keep bloodlines separate for inbreeding purposes.

How in the hell that applies to gay siblings is beyond me.

It can only be the icky factor I suppose.

The arguments that lead to gay marriage are equal to same sex sibling marriage. What am I missing?

Oh, btw, I oppose incest, but if the arguments for SSM are valid, I can't see how the arguments for allowing same sex siblings can't also be the same.

The only reasonable argument I've come across is that opposite sex siblings COULD procreate so all sibling marriage should be banned.

To do that you must argue someone else's ability to procreate is applicable to your relationship? That's absurd.

YOU are absurd, IMO. :)

What is the arguments then?

Interesting isn't it. Take procreation out of the picture and you can't deny a license to anyone.

Why not? The fact is, most incestual relations are the result of child abuse. FACT.
Ah but you're deflecting. Since we are discussing marriage we are not talking about children.

Educate yourself please.

Sibling Sexual Abuse Uncovering the Secret

Why are you posting a link to opposite sex siblings when the question was about same sex hetro siblings?
You dumb clit. Gay marriage wasn't legal either.
Well, I guess this nitwit STILL can't find a grown up to explain simple legal terms for him.....

BTW, "you dumb clit" is not the right bashing to be applied to an almost 70 year old MAN.
Yet another reason for you to find the guidance of a grown-up.
You aren't grown up and you damn sure aren't a man, so dumb clit works for me. Slavery was legal at one time too, didn't make it right. The gay argument pretends it's in a vacuum and nothing else can be considered. Wrong.

You're really too dumb to debate with.....you STILL can't tell the difference between illegal and not legal. I'll leave you to your bile spewing.
How can two brothers cause a deformed baby? Incest laws are in place to prevent such things and most people find it immoral. So you are saying you would be against it because it's illegal? Where's the consistency? Brothers work and pay taxes too. You simply wanted morality defined your way.

It's arguing tradition, which is odd. Incest was illegal to keep bloodlines separate for inbreeding purposes.

How in the hell that applies to gay siblings is beyond me.

It can only be the icky factor I suppose.

The arguments that lead to gay marriage are equal to same sex sibling marriage. What am I missing?

Oh, btw, I oppose incest, but if the arguments for SSM are valid, I can't see how the arguments for allowing same sex siblings can't also be the same.

The only reasonable argument I've come across is that opposite sex siblings COULD procreate so all sibling marriage should be banned.

To do that you must argue someone else's ability to procreate is applicable to your relationship? That's absurd.

What is absurd is to INSIST that if someone accepts gay marriage, that they accept incest between family members. That is the epitome of absurdity. So then, if you accept marriage as between a man and woman, then you must accept marriage between brother and sister?

Acceptance and legal reasoning are two completely different concepts.

I agree, I find incest repulsive. But apparently, icky isn't enough to ban it, legal reasoning would be, but now there is none.

Like I said, there is a very good reason, because most often it is a form of abuse.

Between straight same sex siblings?

Your deflecting

How do you know they are straight? So, if marriage is between a man and a woman, does that mean you accept a brother and sister marrying?
YOU are absurd, IMO. :)

What is the arguments then?

Interesting isn't it. Take procreation out of the picture and you can't deny a license to anyone.

Why not? The fact is, most incestual relations are the result of child abuse. FACT.
Ah but you're deflecting. Since we are discussing marriage we are not talking about children.

Educate yourself please.

Sibling Sexual Abuse Uncovering the Secret

Why are you posting a link to opposite sex siblings when the question was about same sex hetro siblings?

Since you want marriage to be between a man and a woman only, then I guess two opposite sex siblings marrying is okay? That is basically the same as what you are saying to me. Lol.
YOU are absurd, IMO. :)

What is the arguments then?

Interesting isn't it. Take procreation out of the picture and you can't deny a license to anyone.

Why not? The fact is, most incestual relations are the result of child abuse. FACT.

List those between straight brothers/sister.

List what? Are you okay?

The abuse between straight same sex siblings.

You seem confused.

It's funny how you keep having to fall back on family members marrying. That is not what homosexual marriage is.
What is the arguments then?

Interesting isn't it. Take procreation out of the picture and you can't deny a license to anyone.

Why not? The fact is, most incestual relations are the result of child abuse. FACT.

List those between straight brothers/sister.

List what? Are you okay?

The abuse between straight same sex siblings.

You seem confused.

Why don't you stick to the topic? You keep talking about incest and family members marrying. No one is advocating for that except apparently you.

No, you and ice weasel were.

What legal reasoning, now that marriage is not defined as one man and one woman, not too closely related, that polygamy or same sex hetro sibling marriage can remain banned?
What is the arguments then?

Interesting isn't it. Take procreation out of the picture and you can't deny a license to anyone.

Why not? The fact is, most incestual relations are the result of child abuse. FACT.

List those between straight brothers/sister.

List what? Are you okay?

The abuse between straight same sex siblings.

You seem confused.

It's funny how you keep having to fall back on family members marrying. That is not what homosexual marriage is.

Read the law, it is not a gay marriage law, it's a SAME SEX marriage law.
It's arguing tradition, which is odd. Incest was illegal to keep bloodlines separate for inbreeding purposes.

How in the hell that applies to gay siblings is beyond me.

It can only be the icky factor I suppose.

The arguments that lead to gay marriage are equal to same sex sibling marriage. What am I missing?

Oh, btw, I oppose incest, but if the arguments for SSM are valid, I can't see how the arguments for allowing same sex siblings can't also be the same.

The only reasonable argument I've come across is that opposite sex siblings COULD procreate so all sibling marriage should be banned.

To do that you must argue someone else's ability to procreate is applicable to your relationship? That's absurd.

YOU are absurd, IMO. :)

What is the arguments then?

Interesting isn't it. Take procreation out of the picture and you can't deny a license to anyone.

Why not? The fact is, most incestual relations are the result of child abuse. FACT.
Ah but you're deflecting. Since we are discussing marriage we are not talking about children.

Educate yourself please.

Sibling Sexual Abuse Uncovering the Secret
I'm talking about adults. How about reading the posts?
YOU are absurd, IMO. :)

What is the arguments then?

Interesting isn't it. Take procreation out of the picture and you can't deny a license to anyone.

Why not? The fact is, most incestual relations are the result of child abuse. FACT.
Ah but you're deflecting. Since we are discussing marriage we are not talking about children.

Educate yourself please.

Sibling Sexual Abuse Uncovering the Secret
I'm talking about adults. How about reading the posts?

READ the link and then you will understand.
You dumb clit. Gay marriage wasn't legal either.
Well, I guess this nitwit STILL can't find a grown up to explain simple legal terms for him.....

BTW, "you dumb clit" is not the right bashing to be applied to an almost 70 year old MAN.
Yet another reason for you to find the guidance of a grown-up.
You aren't grown up and you damn sure aren't a man, so dumb clit works for me. Slavery was legal at one time too, didn't make it right. The gay argument pretends it's in a vacuum and nothing else can be considered. Wrong.
You're really too dumb to debate with.....you STILL can't tell the difference between illegal and not legal. I'll leave you to your bile spewing.
"Slavery was legal at one time too, didn't make it right."

You can't answer because you're wrong.
Why not? The fact is, most incestual relations are the result of child abuse. FACT.

List those between straight brothers/sister.

List what? Are you okay?

The abuse between straight same sex siblings.

You seem confused.

It's funny how you keep having to fall back on family members marrying. That is not what homosexual marriage is.

Read the law, it is not a gay marriage law, it's a SAME SEX marriage law.

Semantics. Incestual marriage is STILL illegal between close family members. Fail on you.
Family members should not be able to marry one another, because in most instances incest is abuse. Getting it yet?
How is it abuse if they are both willing adults?

Because, most often, it starts during childhood. Did you not read my link to educate yourself? :)
Most often isn't a legal argument. You are operating on an assumption. Let's say the two brothers lived in separate countries and didn't meet until they were 27.
Family members should not be able to marry one another, because in most instances incest is abuse. Getting it yet?
How is it abuse if they are both willing adults?

Because, most often, it starts during childhood. Did you not read my link to educate yourself? :)
Most often isn't a legal argument. You are operating on an assumption. Let's say the two brothers lived in separate countries and didn't meet until they were 27.

Well, since it is illegal, you would be wrong. Now, what is your objection to gay marriage between nonrelated people?
It's funny how you keep having to fall back on family members marrying. That is not what homosexual marriage is.

It's funny how you keep not wanting to talk about family members marrying. It's funny how you keep trying to disenfranchise Incest-Americans from their newly created loophole in last Friday's Ruling.

You see, when the Court created a new class of people to add to the Constitution, based on "sexually deviant behaviors", they didn't get to pick favorites. Ironically, the same passages they incorrectly cited to justify their amending the Constitution also protect any other deviant sexual behaviors, including Polygamy-Americans.

Oh what a fucking mess King Kennedy brought on his own Court. The topic of incorrect premise "behaviors are the same as static race" is going to be explored this time around in a little more depth.

Like I said before, if one set of behaviors repugnant to the majority can escape the majority's regulation, where does the Court next draw the line? The answer is, IT CAN'T. Once you grant a set of behaviors the majority finds offensive "protection from the majority" you've just set into motion a set of legal conditions whereby the entire American legal system will begin to unravel.

I'm shocked Congressional republicans haven't jumped on this and found the Ruling unconstitutional based on the Court attempting to amend the Constitution without permission of the legislative branch. I mean, they're trying to win people's loyalties in this upcoming election. If they do nothing, they're going to look like part of the problem. I get what they're thinking "if we let this travesty go on, we'll rake in more votes". But their miscalculation is that if they let it go on, it will cost them votes. The people in the middle shift around and aren't fastly loyal. If they sense weakness and passivity in the GOP on this issue, it's not going to "make them mad enough to vote GOP".

The solution is to act aggressively now and then remind voters as October 2016 approaches that if they get another hard left crew in power, they're going to be right back in deviant sex-dictatorship land. Then middle voters will remember. Most of the time people forget easily. That's the old adage. But not on this issue. It's a powerful one and one that is branded into people's minds.
What is the arguments then?

Interesting isn't it. Take procreation out of the picture and you can't deny a license to anyone.

Why not? The fact is, most incestual relations are the result of child abuse. FACT.
Ah but you're deflecting. Since we are discussing marriage we are not talking about children.

Educate yourself please.

Sibling Sexual Abuse Uncovering the Secret

Why are you posting a link to opposite sex siblings when the question was about same sex hetro siblings?

Since you want marriage to be between a man and a woman only, then I guess two opposite sex siblings marrying is okay? That is basically the same as what you are saying to me. Lol.

I think we both agree that two siblings of opposing genders is a very, very bad idea. Their offspring would create defective bloodlines. Too much of that created inbreeding and that's definitely not good for society.

Yet that argument does not hold water for same sex siblings. They cannot procreate, so the legal reasoning to deny them is absurd.

If you cannot argue a legal reason to deny the same sex couple, which there is none, yet deny the opposite sex siblings, you discriminate based on gender.

If you deny the same sex couple based on the opposite sex coupled ability to procreate, you are making the ability to procreate by others the basis to deny access on those that can't, and by doing so, make procreation a factor in marriage.

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