Just 96,000 jobs added in August as 368,000 people LEAVE the workforce in bleak empl


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
In keeping with the Un-success tour of Obama's, failure is hailed as success.

Are you better off? Just 96,000 jobs added in August as 368,000 people LEAVE the workforce in bleak employment report dealing blow to Obama re-election hopes
Lowest workforce participation rate since September 1981
Jobless rate drops to 8.1 per cent but only because workforce shrinks
President Barack Obama knew of figures before big speech

Read more: Obama's DNC 2012 speech: Bleak unemployment numbers morning after Obama tells DNC 'our problems can be solved' | Mail Online

Just 96,000 American jobs were added in August in a bleak monthly jobs report as 368,000 left the workforce, bringing labour market participation down to its lowest level for 31 years and dealing a blow to President Barack Obama’s re-election chances.
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Just proves that the Republican House's poorly disguised effort to undermine the economy has been fruitful.
Well, still, it's almost a million jobs better a number than what Obama faced when he took office.
I have come to the conclusion that the Democrat party is in fact the party of stupid.

More wars? That's fine...

Guantanamo still open? That's cool...

Economy still complete shit 4 full years later? Bah, Bush's or Republicans fault!

Deficit out of control? (More shit out the mouth)

Military spending grows past Bush era levels? Blah blah blah blah... Republicans blah blah blah...

Bush era tax cuts in place? Well yeah, because Dems didn't wana raise taxes on middle class and the poor!!!

Tax cuts in the Stimulus and had outs for the rich? Sweet!!! Obama is GoD!!!!!! YayayayyayyYAYAYAYYAY!!!! Maybe Obama will run on Mitt and Reps wanting to give more tax cuts as a bad thing even when Obama brags about doing it!!! Awweeeeeoooossssmmmmme~~~~ So smart, he's just sooOOoOoOo smart.

I have never voted Republican or Democrat, so I’m sure my post comes across as 100% bias despite it being absolutely factual.

If Obama wins, and I don't care if he does because Mitt is the same person... You can expect another 4 years of a dismal "recovery" that plays horrible numbers like Republicans play with "Support the Troops!" You can't attack horrible numbers if Dems pull crap out of a bucket of shit and call it GREAT NEWS!!!! Or you "hate the recover." See how that works... "Support the troops".... "You hate the Recovery....." Same tactic.... R-E-T-A-R-D-E-D

Like I said, the party of stupid.
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You guys can go play unemployment percent politician fun time. The only numbers that matter are how many are on the job rolls.
Well, still, it's almost a million jobs better a number than what Obama faced when he took office.

YES!!!! That's it!!! Because the US was going to shed 700k jobs until 100% UE UNLESS YOUR GOD OBAMA WAS ELECTED TO SAVE AMAERICA..

Holy fuck, do you moppets hear yourselves? You ARE the worst parts of the Republican party, everything you claim to hate and it's like you can't even see it. UE should be WELL over 10%, but we get to count that 380k that fell off the ASS END as jobs created!!!! YAYAYYAYAYAY!!!!

Now, I dare you to just imagine if you can if that was happening under a Republican President.

No one ever said there wasn't a global economic slowdown, no one. But the one said that if he spent your grandchildren's future that unemployment would be under 8 percent. He made the comment that the deficit would be cut in 1/2 by the end of his first term. And if not he should be a one term President. Well are you going to listen to Obama or just pull the D lever?
More people left the work force than found a job. The jobs that were found were service jobs. Food service and bar service. This is not good news. Not even the more intelligent of democrats say this is good news. Only the knuckle dragging kool aid drinkers find this good news.

No one ever said there wasn't a global economic slowdown, no one. But the one said that if he spent your grandchildren's future that unemployment would be under 8 percent. He made the comment that the deficit would be cut in 1/2 by the end of his first term. And if not he should be a one term President. Well are you going to listen to Obama or just pull the D lever?

Reagan promised to balance the budget. Should he have been thrown out after 4 years when the deficit went up instead of down?

Try holding yourself to the same standard you try to hold others. The reward is an ounce of credibility.
Can you see which way the chart was moving when Bush took over and how he turned it around? Can you also see that the crash corresponds almost exactly with the Democrat take over and the worldwide recession?


Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

The Democrats took over? Are you mentally retarded? Do you not realize that Bush was president until January of 2009?

Dems controlled Congress in 2006......down... down..... down..... down.
Adding jobs and seeing the unemployment rate drop from 8.3% to 8.1% looks great on the surface but when you dig beneath the surface and discover that the jobs added was not even close what was expected or needed to be added and that the unemployment rate dropped because some 300,000 people dropped out of the workforce and gave up all of the sudden this doesn't look as good in fact it looks dismal.

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