Just a clump of cells

So now you want to force me to a life of raising a retard and youre not going to help pay for it? Do you know how many people live at or below the poverty line?
Sombody with such atrocious grammar as that has no room to discern who has a cognitive disability in myy opinion.

Just too close to the trees to see the forest.

Humanity hasn't seen a defense of eugenics since dr. joseph mengele of the german medical corp back in the 30s and 40s.

And imagine an irony SO SWEET that the first to do so since Eugenics was THOROUGHLY discredited... is a member of THE obama CULT!

Guy, we practice Eugenics now. Parents get genetic screenings and fetuses are screened for such disorders as Tay-Saches and Down Syndrome and guess what, when they come up with a positive, into a sink they go.
Actually, you know what I did? I lied on purpose. It lures the eugenic tendencies of pro-Abortionists like a fish to a worm. But the fact you posted those links directly contradicts Boo's argument about viability. At 21 weeks, by boo's argument, the baby still isn't a viable human being. Surprise!

The truth is I was born 3 months premature and weighed 4 and a half pounds at 25 weeks plus 4 days.

The record you speak of was set in 2006, which tied a record set on May 20, 1987 (my birth year) by a woman in Ottowa, Canada, 21 weeks 5 days.

Most abortions are performed at 8-12 weeks, where there is no viability 99% of abortions are performed by week 20. the few abortions performed after 21 weeks are usually for good medical reasons.
I'm going to be flatly blunt. The pro-Abortion crowd is dead wrong about human biology. A human is a human inside the womb and out. This video is proof of such. This is the unborn child of a French couple who watch in amazement at the vigorous movement of the baby in the womb. To say the child isn't viable while in the womb is wrong, simply put. To say the child is not a real person until after birth is also wrong, this one seems real enough to me.

It's unfortunate that so many in the pro-choice crowd choose to be intellectually dishonest on this topic, trying to equate a non-viable fetus to the level a toaster oven or a small brick in order to reduce it in significance.

Some folks just lie as a first option, not sure why.

And I'm pro choice.


I think that is one of the most honest things I've seen someone say on this board.

Hey, I may be nuts, but I'm honest!



Humanity hasn't seen a defense of eugenics since dr. joseph mengele of the german medical corp back in the 30s and 40s.

And imagine an irony SO SWEET that the first to do so since Eugenics was THOROUGHLY discredited... is a member of THE obama CULT!

Guy, we practice Eugenics now. Parents get genetic screenings and fetuses are screened for such disorders as Tay-Saches and Down Syndrome and guess what, when they come up with a positive, into a sink they go.


So Eugenics is, from your perspective, just science, medicine; biology, chemistry and the psychological 'arts'?




(The Reader should know that Eugenics was the "Global Warming" of the late 19th and early 20th century... it was racism run riot, it was the hubris of the Academic Left and it was PURE, UNADULTERATED EVIL.

Eugenics brought the world Dr. Joseph Mengele, the "Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male.", the Sexuality Studies of Dr. Alfred Kinsey... wherein pedophiles were paid to sexually molest children so as to determine the infant, toddler and adolescent's means to achieve orgasm... which culminated eventually into the modern Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality where men now demand a "RIGHT" to marry other men. Eugenics was foundation of the Gas Chambers of the Nazi era. Eugenics produced Planned Parenthood, which developed as a means toward eradicating blacks and hispanics. And it presented the basis for the Welfare State, wherein it was determined that minorities were easier to control when you owned 'em.

Eugenics had little to do with Science... and everything to do with "SCIENCE!". Which is to say the politicization of science... perpetuating deceit, through fraudulence, as a means to influence the ignorant.)
Somehow, I hear a lot of men, (including myself) speaking about issues that we will never encounter. So, to the liberal guys: just how can you ever know the feelings of a woman who has to or wants to have an abortion? Come now, don't be shy.

I never made any representation about knowing their "Feelings', nor caring about them.

I just know as a PRACTICAL MATTER, women are going to have abortions no matter what the law is. Countries that have tried to ban abortion, from the Catholic Philippines to Communist Romania, have failed miserably in the attempt.

Now, I did know a woman who had two abortions. She was Catholic, Asian, College educated and had really bad taste in men. So she got it into her head that if she "forgot" to take her birth control, she'd get knocked up and the guy would finally make good on his promise to marry her.

He didn't. So she went off and had an abortion because she didn't want her parents to know she wasn't still a virgin at 21.

A year later, she got back with the same guy and the same thing happened. I pretty much stopped talking to her after that.

Point being, women are going to make bad decisions and they aren't going to live with them if they don't have to. If you outlaw abortions, people will just find other ways to do it.

A law you can't enforce is not a law. Even before Roe v. Wade, women were never arrested for having them and people who provided them were only arrested if they screwed up and injured the woman. I can't imagine an abortion ban in 2015 being any more effective.
Eugenics brought the world Dr. Joseph Mengele, the "Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male.", the Sexuality Studies wherein pedophiles were paid to sexually molest children so as to determine the infant, toddler, adolescent's means to achieve orgasm...

None of those things had anything to do with "Eugenics". Eugenics is not a grab bag that you can toss any half-ass study you don't like into.
So, I'm simply going to throw this out here:

There are those of you who fervently defend the choice of a woman to have an abortion as she sees fit. Okay, but what if your mother felt the same way about you? What if she aborted you for the sake of her convenience only? Not a very viable (no pun intended) position, is it?

If my mom made that decision, I wouldn't exist. Therefore, i wouldn't have an opinion on it.
Eugenics brought the world Dr. Joseph Mengele, the "Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male.", the Sexuality Studies wherein pedophiles were paid to sexually molest children so as to determine the infant, toddler, adolescent's means to achieve orgasm...

None of those things had anything to do with "Eugenics". Eugenics is not a grab bag that you can toss any half-ass study you don't like into.

False... your ignorance, notwithstanding, of course.

Eugenics is, perhaps, the most thoroughly discredited notion in human history... unless one needs to cull socialism from it (which would be nearly impossible, as the two are synonymous, with Eugenics simply being socialism applied as "SCIENCE!") at which time Eugenics would be second to socialism in terms of discredited 'ideas'.
If you are fully capable of giving birth with no detriment to your health, with the exception of being raped, the victim of incest, or in dire health, you should be made to have the child. I've held that position for a long time. That woman decided the moment she mounted the horse not to use a condom, so the consequence should be brought to bear.

Aren't you the guy who said that opposition to abortion was not about controlling women's sexuality? And yet here you are trying to control women's sexuality.

It's a baby. A human being which will require food, shelter, clothing, education, time, attention and love for the next 20 years.

You reveal how little you care about the children when you refer to them as "consequences". Women who have sex should have to bear the consequences.

That statement (and a few others you've made in this thread) shows that you're just another misogynist creep who wants to punish women who have sex.

Forcing them to have babies as a form of punishment is a greater punishment on the children who suffer from being unwanted for all of their lives.

Templar personifies George Carlin's observation that people who are against abortion are ones you wouldn't want to fuck to start with.
False... your ignorance, notwithstanding, of course.

Eugenics is, perhaps, the most thoroughly discredited notion in human history... unless one needs to cull socialism from it (which would be nearly impossible, as the two are synonymous, with Eugenics simply being socialism applied as "SCIENCE!") at which time Eugenics would be second to socialism in terms of discredited 'ideas'.

Actually, the science behind Eugenics is perfectly sound. You identify undesirable genetic traits and you don't perpetuate them. Which is EXACTLY what we do with domesticated animals.
"For the greater good" was a slogan which was used by megalomaniacs and tyrants in the past to justify murdering millions of people. It was used by eugenicists to justify the improvement of the human species. I got Boo to admit to the same, and so have you.

There is nothing more to say.

So by that logic, religion is a bad thing, because that's been used to justify the murder of millions of people.
Actually, Pedro de San Patricio, don't get me wrong, but what good is light if it stops shining? Where is the warmth when there is no fire? I'm not trying to gain any position of power, I really hope this gets to people on the fence about this issue.

so you think you are going to get people off the fence by demonstrating your serious misogyny?

Well, yeah, maybe. Just not the way you think.
I just know as a PRACTICAL MATTER, women are going to have abortions no matter what the law is.

Golly? No Kiddin'?

Naturally, then... given that murder, theft and deceit can never be 'stopped'... all criminal sanctions relevant to such, should also be lifted?

(Insert insipid rationalization: HERE!)
False... your ignorance, notwithstanding, of course.

Eugenics is, perhaps, the most thoroughly discredited notion in human history... unless one needs to cull socialism from it (which would be nearly impossible, as the two are synonymous, with Eugenics simply being socialism applied as "SCIENCE!") at which time Eugenics would be second to socialism in terms of discredited 'ideas'.

Actually, the science behind Eugenics is perfectly sound. You identify undesirable genetic traits and you don't perpetuate them. Which is EXACTLY what we do with domesticated animals.

Again... How wonderful it is to see SOMEONE openly defend the indefensible. No doubt that in the early decades of the next century, some clown will be touting the 'soundness' of Global Warming... as spring turns to summer.

But how odd is it that from Eugenics came the destruction of the US black culture and Sexual Abnormality run amok.

Those are two fairly undesirable traits, yet they were both perpetuated, ad nauseum.

Explain that... .
Golly? No Kiddin'?

Naturally, then... given that murder, theft and deceit can never be 'stopped'... all criminal sanctions relevant to such, should also be lifted?

(Insert insipid rationalization: HERE!)

You ignored the other part of my discussion- that unlike murder laws, no one ever enforced the abortion laws.

Women were NEVER arrested for having abortions, and the guys who performed them were only arrested if they were incompetent and injured the woman they worked on.

In short, there WERE no Criminal Sanctions relevant to abortion.

A case study in point. Dr. Ruth Barnett was a Portland Oregon area abortionist who performed 40,000 abortions between 1918 and 1968. The law didn't even go after her until the 1950's and she spent a few years in jail off and on.

But how odd is it that from Eugenics came the destruction of the US black culture and Sexual Abnormality run amok.

BUt it didn't "Come" from that. It did come from some science that was not well understood. for instance, the results of poverty and poor nutrition being mistaken for genetic shortcomings.

Now we've mapped the human genome. We can identify diseases like Tay-Sachs and Downs.
Eugenics brought the world Dr. Joseph Mengele, the "Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male.", the Sexuality Studies wherein pedophiles were paid to sexually molest children so as to determine the infant, toddler, adolescent's means to achieve orgasm...

None of those things had anything to do with "Eugenics". Eugenics is not a grab bag that you can toss any half-ass study you don't like into.

False... your ignorance, notwithstanding, of course.

Eugenics is, perhaps, the most thoroughly discredited notion in human history... unless one needs to cull socialism from it (which would be nearly impossible, as the two are synonymous, with Eugenics simply being socialism applied as "SCIENCE!") at which time Eugenics would be second to socialism in terms of discredited 'ideas'.

I just know as a PRACTICAL MATTER, women are going to have abortions no matter what the law is.

Golly? No Kiddin'?

Naturally, then... given that murder, theft and deceit can never be 'stopped'... all criminal sanctions relevant to such, should also be lifted?

(Insert insipid rationalization: HERE!)
False... your ignorance, notwithstanding, of course.

Eugenics is, perhaps, the most thoroughly discredited notion in human history... unless one needs to cull socialism from it (which would be nearly impossible, as the two are synonymous, with Eugenics simply being socialism applied as "SCIENCE!") at which time Eugenics would be second to socialism in terms of discredited 'ideas'.

Actually, the science behind Eugenics is perfectly sound. You identify undesirable genetic traits and you don't perpetuate them. Which is EXACTLY what we do with domesticated animals.

Again... How wonderful it is to see SOMEONE openly defend the indefensible. No doubt that in the early decades of the next century, some clown will be touting the 'soundness' of Global Warming... as spring turns to summer.

But how odd is it that from Eugenics came the destruction of the US black culture and Sexual Abnormality run amok.

Those are two fairly undesirable traits, yet they were both perpetuated, ad nauseum.

Explain that... .

I think slavery destroyed black culture.
Golly? No Kiddin'?

Naturally, then... given that murder, theft and deceit can never be 'stopped'... all criminal sanctions relevant to such, should also be lifted?

(Insert insipid rationalization: HERE!)

You ignored the other part of my discussion- that unlike murder laws, no one ever enforced the abortion laws.

Women were NEVER arrested for having abortions, and the guys who performed them were only arrested if they were incompetent and injured the woman they worked on.

In short, there WERE no Criminal Sanctions relevant to abortion.

A case study in point. Dr. Ruth Barnett was a Portland Oregon area abortionist who performed 40,000 abortions between 1918 and 1968. The law didn't even go after her until the 1950's and she spent a few years in jail off and on.

But how odd is it that from Eugenics came the destruction of the US black culture and Sexual Abnormality run amok.

BUt it didn't "Come" from that. It did come from some science that was not well understood. for instance, the results of poverty and poor nutrition being mistaken for genetic shortcomings.

Now we've mapped the human genome. We can identify diseases like Tay-Sachs and Downs.

The biggest contingent for the support of eugenics in the early 20th century was the anti-immigration crowd.

The neo-eugenicists are the ones who advocate cutting off aid to certain classes/groups of people lest it encourage that class to have too many children.
This planets already overpopulated. Its for the greater good.
Aaand... There it is. The real reasoning. TK, this is what I keep trying to tell you. You can't reason with these people. You can only hope they continue to see it as a game and don't try to gain the position of absolute power needed to act on these ideas again.
Abortion is already legal so we do have the power. And I know how much anti abortion you've spread all over america. And anti birth control.

You can't handle the truth. When you know the real world vs the world you live in you realize abortion is a necessary right for free woman and should remain. You think we're rambling because its so obvious and we don't know where to begin. Plus you have your mind made up. Only thing we can do is stop you from getting your way.

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