Just a clump of cells

The potential for greatness is not solely dependent upon how one is raised.
Nope. but it matters greatly.
I would argue what matters more is the moral compass of society. What children are taught by society. If society reinforces positive values, the absence of positive parental figures is less significant.
Nature is stronger than nurture but nurture matters.
Parents aren't the only one's who nurture our children. Role models aren't always immediate family members.
Ideology, not science or reality. What kind of victim do you have when they both go in the same body-bag, coffin, and grave? If you didn't hold the baby, it wasn't one.

If you don't breath, you won't use oxygen! When does science say that clump of cells is a human being?
When it's no longer just a clump of cells.
As the 2004 law states ...The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb".
Which is total bullshit. Nature flushes them like toilet paper. Most will never make it.
Has nothing to do with what comes naturally, has everything to do what MAN does to them...people die everyday, then people are murdered everyday, you, with no ethics, morals or principles can't understand that!
Calling what gets flushed down the toilet in most cases the murder of a human being goes far beyond irrational, it's nuts, and utterly stupid and childish. Typical GOP bullshit.
No. He simply admitted that his underlying motivation for supporting this is population control, ie killing the inferior folks so the superior ones like him can exist more comfortably.

I stand corrected.

I have little doubt he's going to execute an about face and deny ever saying that in seriousness. Sometimes you can get them to admit that a fetus is alive until they do that exact thing. It's the same thing: a mark of the indefensibility of their position.

I completely agree. Dude, you are breath of fresh air.
If you don't breath, you won't use oxygen! When does science say that clump of cells is a human being?
When it's no longer just a clump of cells.
As the 2004 law states ...The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb".
Which is total bullshit. Nature flushes them like toilet paper. Most will never make it.
Has nothing to do with what comes naturally, has everything to do what MAN does to them...people die everyday, then people are murdered everyday, you, with no ethics, morals or principles can't understand that!
Calling what gets flushed down the toilet in most cases the murder of a human being goes far beyond irrational, it's nuts, and utterly stupid and childish. Typical GOP bullshit.

Killing another human that is completely an innocent being is what's morally, and ethically wrong, you, as a leftist, subversive, have no morals or ethics. I can back that up with your posts about Palin's downs syndrome child, you would have murdered after birth.... In other words, you're POND SCUM, as I have been pointing out to forum members going on a year now!
When it's no longer just a clump of cells.
As the 2004 law states ...The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb".
Which is total bullshit. Nature flushes them like toilet paper. Most will never make it.
Has nothing to do with what comes naturally, has everything to do what MAN does to them...people die everyday, then people are murdered everyday, you, with no ethics, morals or principles can't understand that!
Calling what gets flushed down the toilet in most cases the murder of a human being goes far beyond irrational, it's nuts, and utterly stupid and childish. Typical GOP bullshit.

Killing another human that is completely an innocent being is what's morally, and ethically wrong, you, as a leftist, subversive, have no morals or ethics. I can back that up with your posts about Palin's downs syndrome child, you would have murdered after birth.... In other words, you're POND SCUM, as I have been pointing out to forum members going on a year now!
Yep, you've lost it, as usual. All semi-rational thought down the toilet, like most conceptions.
As the 2004 law states ...The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb".
Which is total bullshit. Nature flushes them like toilet paper. Most will never make it.
Has nothing to do with what comes naturally, has everything to do what MAN does to them...people die everyday, then people are murdered everyday, you, with no ethics, morals or principles can't understand that!
Calling what gets flushed down the toilet in most cases the murder of a human being goes far beyond irrational, it's nuts, and utterly stupid and childish. Typical GOP bullshit.

Killing another human that is completely an innocent being is what's morally, and ethically wrong, you, as a leftist, subversive, have no morals or ethics. I can back that up with your posts about Palin's downs syndrome child, you would have murdered after birth.... In other words, you're POND SCUM, as I have been pointing out to forum members going on a year now!
Yep, you've lost it, as usual. All semi-rational thought down the toilet, like most conceptions.

You have no idea about rational though either! As a person, you are devoid of what makes a human, human.
I'm going to be flatly blunt. The pro-Abortion crowd is dead wrong about human biology. A human is a human inside the womb and out. This video is proof of such. This is the unborn child of a French couple who watch in amazement at the vigorous movement of the baby in the womb. To say the child isn't viable while in the womb is wrong, simply put. To say the child is not a real person until after birth is also wrong, this one seems real enough to me.

Watching a discussion of science while thinking;

What would have happened if we took sex seriously instead of ignoring our sexual selves. Perhaps we would Ignore the child rapists that say birth control is BAD.

Perhaps we can use Science and Sociology to end unwanted pregnancy.

Abortion is just another topic where both parties are correct. Science can end the necessity for it yet the other end doesn't absorb Science.

I'll end with this. God had a LOT to do with Science. LOL. Or did he create it?

Great point. Instead of promoting IUD s and birth control that would lower the number of abortions and welfare and crime they are anti birth control.

And this is where the thread should have ended. This was the admission and I read right past it. Agh!
Which is total bullshit. Nature flushes them like toilet paper. Most will never make it.
Has nothing to do with what comes naturally, has everything to do what MAN does to them...people die everyday, then people are murdered everyday, you, with no ethics, morals or principles can't understand that!
Calling what gets flushed down the toilet in most cases the murder of a human being goes far beyond irrational, it's nuts, and utterly stupid and childish. Typical GOP bullshit.

Killing another human that is completely an innocent being is what's morally, and ethically wrong, you, as a leftist, subversive, have no morals or ethics. I can back that up with your posts about Palin's downs syndrome child, you would have murdered after birth.... In other words, you're POND SCUM, as I have been pointing out to forum members going on a year now!
Yep, you've lost it, as usual. All semi-rational thought down the toilet, like most conceptions.

You have no idea about rational though either! As a person, you are devoid of what makes a human, human.
Humans are a disease. I want very little to do with them, which is what allows me to be highly rational while you piss and moan like a child, and therefore can't finish an argument.
Has nothing to do with what comes naturally, has everything to do what MAN does to them...people die everyday, then people are murdered everyday, you, with no ethics, morals or principles can't understand that!
Calling what gets flushed down the toilet in most cases the murder of a human being goes far beyond irrational, it's nuts, and utterly stupid and childish. Typical GOP bullshit.

Killing another human that is completely an innocent being is what's morally, and ethically wrong, you, as a leftist, subversive, have no morals or ethics. I can back that up with your posts about Palin's downs syndrome child, you would have murdered after birth.... In other words, you're POND SCUM, as I have been pointing out to forum members going on a year now!
Yep, you've lost it, as usual. All semi-rational thought down the toilet, like most conceptions.

You have no idea about rational though either! As a person, you are devoid of what makes a human, human.
Humans are a disease. I want very little to do with them, which is what allows me to be highly rational while you piss and moan like a child, and therefore can't finish an argument.

I suggest you OFF yourself, and then NO ONE would annoy you, and you'll not have to worry about the disease showing you for what you are... fecal matter, instead of fetal matter!
Calling what gets flushed down the toilet in most cases the murder of a human being goes far beyond irrational, it's nuts, and utterly stupid and childish. Typical GOP bullshit.

Killing another human that is completely an innocent being is what's morally, and ethically wrong, you, as a leftist, subversive, have no morals or ethics. I can back that up with your posts about Palin's downs syndrome child, you would have murdered after birth.... In other words, you're POND SCUM, as I have been pointing out to forum members going on a year now!
Yep, you've lost it, as usual. All semi-rational thought down the toilet, like most conceptions.

You have no idea about rational though either! As a person, you are devoid of what makes a human, human.
Humans are a disease. I want very little to do with them, which is what allows me to be highly rational while you piss and moan like a child, and therefore can't finish an argument.

I suggest you OFF yourself, and then NO ONE would annoy you, and you'll not have to worry about the disease showing you for what you are... fecal matter, instead of fetal matter!
What an infant you are...
Killing another human that is completely an innocent being is what's morally, and ethically wrong, you, as a leftist, subversive, have no morals or ethics. I can back that up with your posts about Palin's downs syndrome child, you would have murdered after birth.... In other words, you're POND SCUM, as I have been pointing out to forum members going on a year now!
Yep, you've lost it, as usual. All semi-rational thought down the toilet, like most conceptions.

You have no idea about rational though either! As a person, you are devoid of what makes a human, human.
Humans are a disease. I want very little to do with them, which is what allows me to be highly rational while you piss and moan like a child, and therefore can't finish an argument.

I suggest you OFF yourself, and then NO ONE would annoy you, and you'll not have to worry about the disease showing you for what you are... fecal matter, instead of fetal matter!
What an infant you are...

It seems you subversives, when faced with someone that can out debate you, makes sense, when you make an ass of yourself, and can furnish information to back himself up, all you fools can do is answer as you did above, or you lie, or some other lame excuse that people laugh at when they know you don't have the intellect to continue. You are always fun to play with, that empty space above your neck, is the next place I'll live in, RENT FREE!
Yep, you've lost it, as usual. All semi-rational thought down the toilet, like most conceptions.

You have no idea about rational though either! As a person, you are devoid of what makes a human, human.
Humans are a disease. I want very little to do with them, which is what allows me to be highly rational while you piss and moan like a child, and therefore can't finish an argument.

I suggest you OFF yourself, and then NO ONE would annoy you, and you'll not have to worry about the disease showing you for what you are... fecal matter, instead of fetal matter!
What an infant you are...

It seems you subversives, when faced with someone that can out debate you, makes sense, when you make an ass of yourself, and can furnish information to back himself up, all you fools can do is answer as you did above, or you lie, or some other lame excuse that people laugh at when they know you don't have the intellect to continue. You are always fun to play with, that empty space above your neck, is the next place I'll live in, RENT FREE!
You're the one who lost it and told me to kill myself my little infant. I was still having a rational debate.
The so-called "right to life" crowd is not promoting quality of life. They're promoting existence.

I believe a child has more than a right to exist. I believe a child has a right to be loved, to be cared for, to be educated, and that society, as a whole, has an obligation to its children to provide the infrastructure and social constructs to help their parents achieve these objectives.

Countries with mandated parental and family leave, government funded health care, and where children must receive sex education in their schools, have a much lower rate of abortion than the US. American conservative economic policies are contributors to the high rate of abortion in the US, and yet conservatives are the people who supposedly oppose abortion. Not only are conservative policies the reason for the high rate of abortion in the US, but they have the unmitigated gall to blame liberals for high abortion rates.

I live in Canada, where abortion is not only legal and available, it's also free. And yet Canada's abortion rate is roughly half that of the US. And Canadian teenagers are also able to obtain an abortion without getting parental consent. The difference between our countries is in our social safety net which supports parents having children.
You do spout some drivel, I am happy you are pro choice but dont post unsubstantiated rubbish like the pro life loon's do.How many of the bottom 20 countries fit your description?
The Mind-Body Politic Per Capita Abortion The Top and Bottom Five Countries The Mind-Body Politic
That ignores the fact that Roe allows for controls to limit abortion in later stages.

Clearly it is not always the mothers choice even if the child has not been born yet. The short answer to your question about the things we can do is yes.

Abortion law is actually rather good these days - late term abortions are largely illegal (and that should be made universal IMHO) yet the woman has the option early in her term.
That's not at issue.

No one contests the authority of the state to limit access at later stages; the issue concerns prohibiting the practice altogether.
Then you have not been paying attention because several people in this very thread have done exactly that as well as all over this board.

There are many out there that want to completely open abortion to any point before the child is breathing as there are people that want to make all elective abortion illegal.
If I found out in 8 months I was having a severely retarded baby I'd want a late term abortion. Unless you want to pay for the child the rest of its life be quiet. I'm Greek. Spartan. Back in the day we would have killed the baby at birth.
Case in point.

So now you want to force me to a life of raising a retard and youre not going to help pay for it? Do you know how many people live at or below the poverty line?
Always funny.

'Force' you? No one is forcing you to do anything - you are simply dealing with the decisions that you have made. That seems to be a tough concept for people to understand here. You seem to think that killing someone is a proper response to being inconvenienced. That is rather asinine.

Anyway, I actually support the right to abort if the right circumstances have been met, aka. early enough in the pregnancy or anytime when a significant threat to health exists. Essentially, pretty close to what the law is now in most places.
You have no idea about rational though either! As a person, you are devoid of what makes a human, human.
Humans are a disease. I want very little to do with them, which is what allows me to be highly rational while you piss and moan like a child, and therefore can't finish an argument.

I suggest you OFF yourself, and then NO ONE would annoy you, and you'll not have to worry about the disease showing you for what you are... fecal matter, instead of fetal matter!
What an infant you are...

It seems you subversives, when faced with someone that can out debate you, makes sense, when you make an ass of yourself, and can furnish information to back himself up, all you fools can do is answer as you did above, or you lie, or some other lame excuse that people laugh at when they know you don't have the intellect to continue. You are always fun to play with, that empty space above your neck, is the next place I'll live in, RENT FREE!
You're the one who lost it and told me to kill myself my little infant. I was still having a rational debate.

Only trying to help you as you seem deranged enough with your I hate human plea for help... end it, do yourself the favor!. You call that HATRED rational?... you are in serious mental trouble.
When it's no longer just a clump of cells.
As the 2004 law states ...The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb".
Which is total bullshit. Nature flushes them like toilet paper. Most will never make it.
Has nothing to do with what comes naturally, has everything to do what MAN does to them...people die everyday, then people are murdered everyday, you, with no ethics, morals or principles can't understand that!
Calling what gets flushed down the toilet in most cases the murder of a human being goes far beyond irrational, it's nuts, and utterly stupid and childish. Typical GOP bullshit.

Killing another human that is completely an innocent being is what's morally, and ethically wrong, you, as a leftist, subversive, have no morals or ethics. I can back that up with your posts about Palin's downs syndrome child, you would have murdered after birth.... In other words, you're POND SCUM, as I have been pointing out to forum members going on a year now!
not according to Judaism.

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