Just a clump of cells

If abortion is murder then what's the penalty for induced abortion, the same as killing a person right? It would have to be or the fetus is only partly a person? Stop trying to have it both ways and tells us what should be the penalty for killing a fetus?

Unless the mothers life has been deemed critical by at least 2 doctors, it's unacceptable to kill, IF she will die, and requests to have that baby aborted in order to save her life, that, to everyone, is acceptable, even the moral and ethical people!
I'm going to be flatly blunt. The pro-Abortion crowd is dead wrong about human biology. A human is a human inside the womb and out. This video is proof of such. This is the unborn child of a French couple who watch in amazement at the vigorous movement of the baby in the womb. To say the child isn't viable while in the womb is wrong, simply put. To say the child is not a real person until after birth is also wrong, this one seems real enough to me.

Timing is everything in this case. A pan of batter isn't a cake. It needs time and heat. Same with a human.

And that neonate is ready to pop. Find out why I called it that.
Wow, that's one of the more disgusting terms that I've heard from idiots who try to justify the slaughter of infant human beings by verbally dehumanizing them.

A pancake?


What ever happened to "parasite"? So now the living human being isn't even a "parasite", it's just a pancake? You weirdos will go to any leaps of logic to dehumanize humans in your own deluded minds.

I think it's a good bet that the vast majority of abortion advocates have had an abortion and/or pressured a woman to kill their baby. And their guilt causes them major psychological problems.

I'll take that bet. No one is "pro-abortion". I don't know of anyone who thinks having an abortion is a good thing, or who encourages a woman to have one just for the sake of having an abortion. It's something you hope you never need. A decision you never want to make.

Conservatives continue to promote the idea that women who have abortions are unfeeling, child hating, wantons casually discarding the results of casual sex when in fact the opposite is true. Most are over 21, married or in a committed relationship, and already have one or more children. 75% get abortions because they can't afford to have another baby.

Of course conservatives don't want to believe this because it's an indictment of their refusal to provide healthcare or maternity leave to low income families. So they promote this idea that women get abortions because they hate children.

Too many get abortions because they are irresponsible and don't want to burdened. Be responsible to begin with and you'll probably not have to murder an innocent

So should women who have abortions go to prison for murder?
If they murdered the baby then of course they should go to prison on their way to the electric chair.
I'll take that bet. No one is "pro-abortion". I don't know of anyone who thinks having an abortion is a good thing, or who encourages a woman to have one just for the sake of having an abortion. It's something you hope you never need. A decision you never want to make.

Conservatives continue to promote the idea that women who have abortions are unfeeling, child hating, wantons casually discarding the results of casual sex when in fact the opposite is true. Most are over 21, married or in a committed relationship, and already have one or more children. 75% get abortions because they can't afford to have another baby.

Of course conservatives don't want to believe this because it's an indictment of their refusal to provide healthcare or maternity leave to low income families. So they promote this idea that women get abortions because they hate children.

Too many get abortions because they are irresponsible and don't want to burdened. Be responsible to begin with and you'll probably not have to murder an innocent

So should women who have abortions go to prison for murder?

You had a gazzlion comments on that yesterday, you're building a straw man and I'm not playing

How is it a strawman to ask someone if something they call murder should be treated as murder?

Are you admitting you don't really think an abortion is murder? Then why use the terminology?

Sigh...currently US law allows abortion so nobody can be charged with murder. Do I think it is murder? Yes I do
Then you only exhibit your ignorance of the law.
The high cost of health care, coupled with the lack of mandated maternity leave in the US leaves poor families with children few options. Western Europe and Canada have some of the lowest abortion rates in the world because lower income families can afford to have children, and in most of those liberal countries, abortion is free.

American conservatives, who claim to cherish the unborn, oppose policies which would help families and prevent many of these abortions. Like reducing spending, cutting the size of government and so many other ideas, conservatives talk the talk, but their actions are opposite to their talking points.

The means to substantially reduce abortion exist, but conservatives oppose each and every one of them.

Campaign life your name's a lie. You don't care if women die. (A chant from my demonstration days). Nothing has changed.
I'm going to be flatly blunt. The pro-Abortion crowd is dead wrong about human biology. A human is a human inside the womb and out. This video is proof of such. This is the unborn child of a French couple who watch in amazement at the vigorous movement of the baby in the womb. To say the child isn't viable while in the womb is wrong, simply put. To say the child is not a real person until after birth is also wrong, this one seems real enough to me.

Timing is everything in this case. A pan of batter isn't a cake. It needs time and heat. Same with a human.

And that neonate is ready to pop. Find out why I called it that.
Wow, that's one of the more disgusting terms that I've heard from idiots who try to justify the slaughter of infant human beings by verbally dehumanizing them.

A pancake?


What ever happened to "parasite"? So now the living human being isn't even a "parasite", it's just a pancake? You weirdos will go to any leaps of logic to dehumanize humans in your own deluded minds.

I think it's a good bet that the vast majority of abortion advocates have had an abortion and/or pressured a woman to kill their baby. And their guilt causes them major psychological problems.

I'll take that bet. No one is "pro-abortion". I don't know of anyone who thinks having an abortion is a good thing, or who encourages a woman to have one just for the sake of having an abortion. It's something you hope you never need. A decision you never want to make.

Conservatives continue to promote the idea that women who have abortions are unfeeling, child hating, wantons casually discarding the results of casual sex when in fact the opposite is true. Most are over 21, married or in a committed relationship, and already have one or more children. 75% get abortions because they can't afford to have another baby.

Of course conservatives don't want to believe this because it's an indictment of their refusal to provide healthcare or maternity leave to low income families. So they promote this idea that women get abortions because they hate children.

Too many get abortions because they are irresponsible and don't want to burdened. Be responsible to begin with and you'll probably not have to murder an innocent

Are you one of those no abortions, let the women die instead people? It wouldn't surprise me if you were, they did that in Ireland until recently.
Oh, lookie there, a classic strawman fallacy. Many people like you have no logical argument to support their opinions, so they resort to spewing endless logical fallacies.
Too many get abortions because they are irresponsible and don't want to burdened. Be responsible to begin with and you'll probably not have to murder an innocent

So should women who have abortions go to prison for murder?

You had a gazzlion comments on that yesterday, you're building a straw man and I'm not playing

How is it a strawman to ask someone if something they call murder should be treated as murder?

Are you admitting you don't really think an abortion is murder? Then why use the terminology?

Sigh...currently US law allows abortion so nobody can be charged with murder. Do I think it is murder? Yes I do
Then you only exhibit your ignorance of the law.

The high cost of health care, coupled with the lack of mandated maternity leave in the US leaves poor families with children few options. Western Europe and Canada have some of the lowest abortion rates in the world because lower income families can afford to have children, and in most of those liberal countries, abortion is free.

American conservatives, who claim to cherish the unborn, oppose policies which would help families and prevent many of these abortions. Like reducing spending, cutting the size of government and so many other ideas, conservatives talk the talk, but their actions are opposite to their talking points.

The means to substantially reduce abortion exist, but conservatives oppose each and every one of them.

Campaign life your name's a lie. You don't care if women die. (A chant from my demonstration days). Nothing has changed.

Now, in part I agree with you, the Republicans are feckless with abortion, but because some are, and, it seems ALL CommiecRATS want the dead babies, simply to BUY stupid women's votes, they are for it! We have mandatory healthcare now, perhaps it should be mandatory that if you don't want the baby, it will be taken by a government, religious, or secular agency that will care for the new born, and the woman is STERILIZED so it can't happen again.... I'll wait for the sterilization rant from some idiot, but it is logical, saves a new born, and prevents an IRRESPONSIBLE woman from continually mating with whatever guy has the biggest dick!
How do you rationally or ethically enforce laws the subjugate a woman's right to control her body?

How do you rationally or ethically enforce laws that end the life of unborn children?
Very easy. We say that life isnt so precious that a woman can't terminate it in its first stage.

Many religious women who find themselves pregnant at the wrong time deal with the rational and ethics of it. I guess unless you're in the situation they are in you'll never know. All you need to know is abortion is a necessary evil we need in our not perfect world.
We live that very situation you speak of ,we chose life over death,35 years ago,it was the right choice,was it easy eating mac and cheese all the time at first,ya real hard,but our daughter is more than worth any amount of sacrifice.
Don't be selfish,choose life its the right thing to do.
I would choose life but I'm no longer an 18 year old kid in college. Back then I would have wanted the girl to abort. And many women have would and will choose abortion. They aren't all you. You want to take abortion off the table for people who don't think like you. Our secular society has spoken. Abortion is not murder. You say it is. The society you live in says you're wrong.
Think like me,your mean being human,with some humanity,not selfish and willing to kill for that selfishness,which you show in almost every post.
Bottom line its a human baby,not a cat,or goldfish,human every single time.
Good god you people are heartless bastards.
Once again, the right wing ideology rears its ugly head and posts nothing but innuendo and ridicule yet have no facts or anything to base their statement.
Facts and real science eludes you.

The right wingers quoting science and scientists is quite laughable.
Let me sum it up in one statement for those who are now using science.

Dude. You can't go the science route with these people. They don't give a shit about science. They give a shit about what their ideology and peers say is ethical and taking the position most likely to earn them praise from their peers. You have to appeal to their own values if you want to reach them at all. Anything else is going to provoke a sneering contest at best.

What are you trying to accomplish by shouting out the name of yet another topic on which leftists have their heads up their collective asses?
Now, in part I agree with you, the Republicans are feckless with abortion, but because some are, and, it seems ALL CommiecRATS want the dead babies, simply to BUY stupid women's votes, they are for it! We have mandatory healthcare now, perhaps it should be mandatory that if you don't want the baby, it will be taken by a government, religious, or secular agency that will care for the new born, and the woman is STERILIZED so it can't happen again.... I'll wait for the sterilization rant from some idiot, but it is logical, saves a new born, and prevents an IRRESPONSIBLE woman from continually mating with whatever guy has the biggest dick!

Again you're saying that women who have abortions are unfeeling sluts who just want sex without responsibility, despite the studies links posted which strongly demonstrate this is just another right wing myth.

And the notion that a woman who has an abortion should be sterilized is another misogynist notion based on your hatred of women.

The more conservative posters post in this thread, the more they reveal that their anti abortion stance has nothing to do with saving babies and everything to do with controlling women's sexuality.

As for taking babies away from women who would have abortions, what would you do with them? There are already thousands of children languishing in foster care that no one wants. And child services is an expensive way of parenting, as well as being a poor way to grow up.

Conservatives don't have the common sense God gave a goose.
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Now, in part I agree with you, the Republicans are feckless with abortion, but because some are, and, it seems ALL CommiecRATS want the dead babies, simply to BUY stupid women's votes, they are for it! We have mandatory healthcare now, perhaps it should be mandatory that if you don't want the baby, it will be taken by a government, religious, or secular agency that will care for the new born, and the woman is STERILIZED so it can't happen again.... I'll wait for the sterilization rant from some idiot, but it is logical, saves a new born, and prevents an IRRESPONSIBLE woman from continually mating with whatever guy has the biggest dick!

Again you're saying that women who have abortions are unfeeling sluts who just want sex without responsibility, despite the studies links posted which strongly demonstrate this is just another right wing myth.

And the notion that a woman who has an abortion should be sterilized is another misogynist notion based on your hatred of women.

The more conservative posters post in this thread, the more they reveal that their anti abortion stance has nothing to do with saving babies and everything to do with controlling women's sexuality.

As for taking babies away from women who would have abortions, what would you do with them? There are already thousands of children languishing in foster care that no one wants. And child services is an expensive way of parenting, as well as being a poor way to grow up.

Conservatives don't have the common sense God gave a goose.

Actually geese are highly intelligent.
It is their narrow-minded thinking that gives them their inability to come to some logical conclusion.

Now, in part I agree with you, the Republicans are feckless with abortion, but because some are, and, it seems ALL CommiecRATS want the dead babies, simply to BUY stupid women's votes, they are for it! We have mandatory healthcare now, perhaps it should be mandatory that if you don't want the baby, it will be taken by a government, religious, or secular agency that will care for the new born, and the woman is STERILIZED so it can't happen again.... I'll wait for the sterilization rant from some idiot, but it is logical, saves a new born, and prevents an IRRESPONSIBLE woman from continually mating with whatever guy has the biggest dick!

Again you're saying that women who have abortions are unfeeling sluts who just want sex without responsibility, despite the studies links posted which strongly demonstrate this is just another right wing myth.

And the notion that a woman who has an abortion should be sterilized is another misogynist notion based on your hatred of women.

The more conservative posters post in this thread, the more they reveal that their anti abortion stance has nothing to do with saving babies and everything to do with controlling women's sexuality.

As for taking babies away from women who would have abortions, what would you do with them? There are already thousands of children languishing in foster care that no one wants. And child services is an expensive way of parenting, as well as being a poor way to grow up.

Conservatives don't have the common sense God gave a goose.
If abortion is murder then what's the penalty for induced abortion, the same as killing a person right? It would have to be or the fetus is only partly a person? Stop trying to have it both ways and tells us what should be the penalty for killing a fetus?

Unless the mothers life has been deemed critical by at least 2 doctors, it's unacceptable to kill, IF she will die, and requests to have that baby aborted in order to save her life, that, to everyone, is acceptable, even the moral and ethical people!
You didn't answer the questions.

If abortion is murder then what's the penalty for induced abortion, the same as killing a person right? It would have to be or the fetus is only partly a person? Stop trying to have it both ways and tells us what should be the penalty for killing a fetus?

Is that because a fetus isn't a real person? You just said we could kill it to save the mother right?
Now, in part I agree with you, the Republicans are feckless with abortion, but because some are, and, it seems ALL CommiecRATS want the dead babies, simply to BUY stupid women's votes, they are for it! We have mandatory healthcare now, perhaps it should be mandatory that if you don't want the baby, it will be taken by a government, religious, or secular agency that will care for the new born, and the woman is STERILIZED so it can't happen again.... I'll wait for the sterilization rant from some idiot, but it is logical, saves a new born, and prevents an IRRESPONSIBLE woman from continually mating with whatever guy has the biggest dick!

Again you're saying that women who have abortions are unfeeling sluts who just want sex without responsibility, despite the studies links posted which strongly demonstrate this is just another right wing myth.

And the notion that a woman who has an abortion should be sterilized is another misogynist notion based on your hatred of women.

The more conservative posters post in this thread, the more they reveal that their anti abortion stance has nothing to do with saving babies and everything to do with controlling women's sexuality.

As for taking babies away from women who would have abortions, what would you do with them? There are already thousands of children languishing in foster care that no one wants. And child services is an expensive way of parenting, as well as being a poor way to grow up.

Conservatives don't have the common sense God gave a goose.

You are a disgusting, vile BITCH, I can't, in common sensibility call you human!

LIfe, even a HARD LIFE is preferable to death, that's why the human spirit clings to life instead of giving into death, you dumbass!

Every abortion kills an innocent human being.
Every human being is a person.
Beginning at conception, every pregnancy involves two or more bodies.
It is just, reasonable, and necessary for society to outlaw certain choices.
The right to not be killed supersedes the right to not be pregnant.
Poverty, rape, disability, or “unwantedness” do not morally justify abortion.
The differences between embryos and adults are differences of degree not of kind.
LESS than 1% of all abortions are performed to save the life of the mother.
To be only "personally pro-life" is to not be pro-life at all.
If there is uncertainty about when human life begins, the benefit of the doubt should go to preserving life.
Abortion is more dangerous than childbirth.\
Prior to abortion's legalization, 90% of abortions were done by doctors, not by "coat hangers in back alleys."
The 8 week+ unborn baby feels real physical pain during an abortion.
Abortion is condemnable for the same reasons that slavery and genocide are.
Abortion is not a “women's only” issue.
Every legal surgical abortion stops a beating heart and terminates measurable brain waves.
The right to not be killed supersedes the right to privacy.
Abortion disproportionally targets minority babies. Thank you Ms. Sanger!
Abortion has become a form of gendercide, shrinking the global female population at an alarming rate.
Laws concerning abortion have significantly influenced whether women choose to have abortions.

Just some reasons abortions are immoral and unethical, and THIS comes from an agnostic that doesn't put a religious view on any of these points!
If abortion is murder then what's the penalty for induced abortion, the same as killing a person right? It would have to be or the fetus is only partly a person? Stop trying to have it both ways and tells us what should be the penalty for killing a fetus?

Unless the mothers life has been deemed critical by at least 2 doctors, it's unacceptable to kill, IF she will die, and requests to have that baby aborted in order to save her life, that, to everyone, is acceptable, even the moral and ethical people!
You didn't answer the questions.

If abortion is murder then what's the penalty for induced abortion, the same as killing a person right? It would have to be or the fetus is only partly a person? Stop trying to have it both ways and tells us what should be the penalty for killing a fetus?

Is that because a fetus isn't a real person? You just said we could kill it to save the mother right?

Of course, it depends on why the abortion was induced, a fetus is a STAGE in human development, or are you stupid enough to NOT REALIZE a ZYGOTE is a human. It all has to do with MANS interfering with natures course. But if you have more to say, get it out! AND when 2 lives hang in the balance, and only one can survive, THEN, and only THEN does a mothers RIGHT come into play to make that decision.
Once again, the right wing ideology rears its ugly head and posts nothing but innuendo and ridicule yet have no facts or anything to base their statement.
Facts and real science eludes you.

The right wingers quoting science and scientists is quite laughable.
Let me sum it up in one statement for those who are now using science.

Dude. You can't go the science route with these people. They don't give a shit about science. They give a shit about what their ideology and peers say is ethical and taking the position most likely to earn them praise from their peers. You have to appeal to their own values if you want to reach them at all. Anything else is going to provoke a sneering contest at best.

What are you trying to accomplish by shouting out the name of yet another topic on which leftists have their heads up their collective asses?
So where are your facts,its is a fact its always a human,do you dispute that?
If abortion is murder then what's the penalty for induced abortion, the same as killing a person right? It would have to be or the fetus is only partly a person? Stop trying to have it both ways and tells us what should be the penalty for killing a fetus?

Unless the mothers life has been deemed critical by at least 2 doctors, it's unacceptable to kill, IF she will die, and requests to have that baby aborted in order to save her life, that, to everyone, is acceptable, even the moral and ethical people!
You didn't answer the questions.

If abortion is murder then what's the penalty for induced abortion, the same as killing a person right? It would have to be or the fetus is only partly a person? Stop trying to have it both ways and tells us what should be the penalty for killing a fetus?

Is that because a fetus isn't a real person? You just said we could kill it to save the mother right?

Of course, it depends on why the abortion was induced, a fetus is a STAGE in human development, or are you stupid enough to NOT REALIZE a ZYGOTE is a human. It all has to do with MANS interfering with natures course. But if you have more to say, get it out! AND when 2 lives hang in the balance, and only one can survive, THEN, and only THEN does a mothers RIGHT come into play to make that decision.
So if the only way to save the mother is to kill the child, that's what you call it right, at what stage of life can I kill a child? Only in the womb, out of the womb? Doesn't the child in the womb have the same rights as the child outside the womb? Seems like the one in the womb matter less than the mother eh?

Tell us, if the mother needs the liver of her one-year-old to save her life, and she can make another one-year-old, should we kill the child to save her life? That's the same logic as killing a "child" in the womb right, or is the "child" in the womb is actually quite different than the one-year-old?
If abortion is murder then what's the penalty for induced abortion, the same as killing a person right? It would have to be or the fetus is only partly a person? Stop trying to have it both ways and tells us what should be the penalty for killing a fetus?

Unless the mothers life has been deemed critical by at least 2 doctors, it's unacceptable to kill, IF she will die, and requests to have that baby aborted in order to save her life, that, to everyone, is acceptable, even the moral and ethical people!
You didn't answer the questions.

If abortion is murder then what's the penalty for induced abortion, the same as killing a person right? It would have to be or the fetus is only partly a person? Stop trying to have it both ways and tells us what should be the penalty for killing a fetus?

Is that because a fetus isn't a real person? You just said we could kill it to save the mother right?

Of course, it depends on why the abortion was induced, a fetus is a STAGE in human development, or are you stupid enough to NOT REALIZE a ZYGOTE is a human. It all has to do with MANS interfering with natures course. But if you have more to say, get it out! AND when 2 lives hang in the balance, and only one can survive, THEN, and only THEN does a mothers RIGHT come into play to make that decision.
So if the only way to save the mother is to kill the child, that's what you call it right, at what stage of life can I kill a child? Only in the womb, out of the womb? Doesn't the child in the womb have the same rights as the child outside the womb? Seems like the one in the womb matter less than the mother eh?

What do you NOT UNDERSTAND here, besides you immorality?

The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law which recognizes a child in utero as a legal victim, if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb".

Of course, we can let them BOTH DIE, if that's your ethics!
If abortion is murder then what's the penalty for induced abortion, the same as killing a person right? It would have to be or the fetus is only partly a person? Stop trying to have it both ways and tells us what should be the penalty for killing a fetus?

Unless the mothers life has been deemed critical by at least 2 doctors, it's unacceptable to kill, IF she will die, and requests to have that baby aborted in order to save her life, that, to everyone, is acceptable, even the moral and ethical people!
You didn't answer the questions.

If abortion is murder then what's the penalty for induced abortion, the same as killing a person right? It would have to be or the fetus is only partly a person? Stop trying to have it both ways and tells us what should be the penalty for killing a fetus?

Is that because a fetus isn't a real person? You just said we could kill it to save the mother right?

Of course, it depends on why the abortion was induced, a fetus is a STAGE in human development, or are you stupid enough to NOT REALIZE a ZYGOTE is a human. It all has to do with MANS interfering with natures course. But if you have more to say, get it out! AND when 2 lives hang in the balance, and only one can survive, THEN, and only THEN does a mothers RIGHT come into play to make that decision.
So if the only way to save the mother is to kill the child, that's what you call it right, at what stage of life can I kill a child? Only in the womb, out of the womb? Doesn't the child in the womb have the same rights as the child outside the womb? Seems like the one in the womb matter less than the mother eh?

What do you NOT UNDERSTAND here, besides you immorality?

The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law which recognizes a child in utero as a legal victim, if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb".

Of course, we can let them BOTH DIE, if that's your ethics!
Answer the questions, or admit that your position is irrational and you cannot answer.
Unless the mothers life has been deemed critical by at least 2 doctors, it's unacceptable to kill, IF she will die, and requests to have that baby aborted in order to save her life, that, to everyone, is acceptable, even the moral and ethical people!
You didn't answer the questions.

If abortion is murder then what's the penalty for induced abortion, the same as killing a person right? It would have to be or the fetus is only partly a person? Stop trying to have it both ways and tells us what should be the penalty for killing a fetus?

Is that because a fetus isn't a real person? You just said we could kill it to save the mother right?

Of course, it depends on why the abortion was induced, a fetus is a STAGE in human development, or are you stupid enough to NOT REALIZE a ZYGOTE is a human. It all has to do with MANS interfering with natures course. But if you have more to say, get it out! AND when 2 lives hang in the balance, and only one can survive, THEN, and only THEN does a mothers RIGHT come into play to make that decision.
So if the only way to save the mother is to kill the child, that's what you call it right, at what stage of life can I kill a child? Only in the womb, out of the womb? Doesn't the child in the womb have the same rights as the child outside the womb? Seems like the one in the womb matter less than the mother eh?

What do you NOT UNDERSTAND here, besides you immorality?

The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law which recognizes a child in utero as a legal victim, if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb".

Of course, we can let them BOTH DIE, if that's your ethics!
Answer the questions, or admit that your position is irrational and you cannot answer.

What questions do you think I didn't answer?

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