Just a clump of cells

God could come down and tell abortionists that abortion is wrong and those for abortion would still be for abortion.

They don't care about facts. They want to believe the lies about abortion because abortion is part of the liberal religion.

It's as simple as that.

No, women will still have abortions because an unplanned pregnancy can really fuck up your life.

You see, you nuts want to blame the abortionists, but they aren't driving around the vans kidnapping women off the street.

Women are looking them up, making appointments, going to their offices (passing up the assholes with pictures of medical waste on them) getting naked, spreading their legs and letting the "Problem" get sucked out of their bodies. then they go home and get on with their lives.

And there's nothing YOU or your Imaginary Sky Pixie can do about it.

See what I mean?

They don't care if it is proven they are killing a human life (which they are).

It's about the convenience and the religion of liberalism.

Then take the stand of someone who believes abortion is murder.

State for the record that women who have abortions should be imprisoned or put to death for 1st degree murder.
No you idiot. It's about poverty and the needs of their already living families.

I keep telling you what needs to happen in order to reduce the number of abortions and not one of you has responded to those ideas.

You say you don't want babies to die, well then raise the minimum wage. Institute mandated maternity leave. Eliminate copays on pre and post natal medical care. Guarantee a woman won't lose her job when she gets pregnant.

Make it possible for a woman to have a baby.

Stop screaming baby killers. Your conservative labour policies are the reason so many women have abortions.

Yeah we should always feel sorry for the people WHO MADE CHOICES to get pregnant out of wedlock.

The baby who has no choice and is the silent victim. Not so much.

That is typical liberalism.
God could come down and tell abortionists that abortion is wrong and those for abortion would still be for abortion.

They don't care about facts. They want to believe the lies about abortion because abortion is part of the liberal religion.

It's as simple as that.

No, women will still have abortions because an unplanned pregnancy can really fuck up your life.

You see, you nuts want to blame the abortionists, but they aren't driving around the vans kidnapping women off the street.

Women are looking them up, making appointments, going to their offices (passing up the assholes with pictures of medical waste on them) getting naked, spreading their legs and letting the "Problem" get sucked out of their bodies. then they go home and get on with their lives.

And there's nothing YOU or your Imaginary Sky Pixie can do about it.

See what I mean?

They don't care if it is proven they are killing a human life (which they are).

It's about the convenience and the religion of liberalism.

Then take the stand of someone who believes abortion is murder.

State for the record that women who have abortions should be imprisoned or put to death for 1st degree murder.

Then take the stand and admit it is killing a human life.
So, you justify deliberately killing human beings because disease kills other human beings?

That's like a serial killer justifying his rampage because the swine flue claimed people, too!

Sorry, that just not going to work.

And give me a break. Sex education? Who doesn't know screwing makes babies???

And the same people claiming we need better jobs for people vote for Democrats who are behind the bad job numbers we have now.

Give me a break!

I don't consider fetuses to be human beings, but as a method of population control, abortion is preferable to famine and pestilence and war.

No one is going to fuck up her life because your imaginary Sky Fairy said so.

God could come down and tell abortionists that abortion is wrong and those for abortion would still be for abortion.

They don't care about facts. They want to believe the lies about abortion because abortion is part of the liberal religion.

It's as simple as that.

No, women will still have abortions because an unplanned pregnancy can really fuck up your life.

You see, you nuts want to blame the abortionists, but they aren't driving around the vans kidnapping women off the street.

Women are looking them up, making appointments, going to their offices (passing up the assholes with pictures of medical waste on them) getting naked, spreading their legs and letting the "Problem" get sucked out of their bodies. then they go home and get on with their lives.

And there's nothing YOU or your Imaginary Sky Pixie can do about it.

See what I mean?

They don't care if it is proven they are killing a human life (which they are).

It's about the convenience and the religion of liberalism.

Then take the stand of someone who believes abortion is murder.

State for the record that women who have abortions should be imprisoned or put to death for 1st degree murder.

Then take the stand and admit it is killing a human life.

I'm sorry. I didn't hear you state your position for the record.

I don't want women going to prison forever, or being executed, for having an abortion. For taking an abortion pill.

You do, but don't have the character to admit it, OR, you don't either, which makes your 'abortion is murder' rhetoric just one more meaningless rant from one more phoney anti-abortionist.
No you idiot. It's about poverty and the needs of their already living families.

I keep telling you what needs to happen in order to reduce the number of abortions and not one of you has responded to those ideas.

You say you don't want babies to die, well then raise the minimum wage. Institute mandated maternity leave. Eliminate copays on pre and post natal medical care. Guarantee a woman won't lose her job when she gets pregnant.

Make it possible for a woman to have a baby.

Stop screaming baby killers. Your conservative labour policies are the reason so many women have abortions.

Yeah we should always feel sorry for the people WHO MADE CHOICES to get pregnant out of wedlock.

The baby who has no choice and is the silent victim. Not so much.

That is typical liberalism.

Then stop abortion by making it a capital crime. We convict women of murder when they kill their children. Why not convict women of murder when they kill fetuses?
I think that God has already given his opinion on abortion. If God is opposed to abortion, why do women miscarry?

If you believe that God created us, then God created women to have miscarriages. If every fetus was sacred, they would all be born. 1/3 of all pregnancies wouldn't spontaneously abort.

God gave women the option. Conservatives would thwart that right and take away free will.

I always love this argument. "People die, so how can God possibly object to killing them?"
I would be ashamed to say something that ridiculous in public, but clearly I've set my bar higher than yours.

Apparently that high bar you set for yourself includes lying and judging others.

1) I don't lie. "Lie" is not defined as "things I don't like and don't agree with", so please do not waste my time making ludicrous accusations that I lied simply because you didn't like hearing what I said.

2) Judging others is nothing I ever mentioned, and is therefore not a standard that you get to bring in and impose on me, apropos of nothing. YOU don't like it. That's your personal red wagon and means nothing to me.

I made no such argument. I have said that In creating humans, He made pregnancy optional. In human history, there are periods of time when having a child would make a precarious situation, extremely dangerous - war, famine, plague, human migration. There is no creature more fragile than a human infant, or in need of more attention.

Speaking of lying . . . It's okay, I don't mind if you lie to yourself. Just don't fool yourself into thinking that the rest of us will believe it just because you choose to.

The truth is, you made the argument I said you did, and your reiteration only restated that you made the argument I said you did. The problem is that you don't like the way I characterized it, and you think if you keep repeating it in your happymouth terms and euphemisms will somehow blot out the ugly truth.

Women chose abortion for financial reasons. Higher minimum wages would save many women from having to make the choice you decry. Maternity and family leave too. Subsidized day care would enable poor women to get off healthcare.

And how about sex education that isn't focussed on abstinence cause that shit is giving the U.S. the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the first world.

You want to make abortion unnecessary? You could cut you national abortion rate by more than 1/3 if you lived your "family values" platform.

Conservatives think that women should stay home with their infants, unless the woman is poor. In which case, she'll should leave her baby in the care of others, and go back to work as soon as possible.

Induced Abortion in the United States

42% of women getting abortions are living below the U.S. poverty line. 62% cite responsibilities to others. 50% of the women who have abortions were using birth control when they got pregnant. 52% are married or in a committed relationship

Only 18% of those who obtain abortions are teenagers but 11% are 18 or 19, only 7% are 17 or younger.

So the image of the young party girl, casually disposing of the evidence of her promiscuity is just another of your right wing myths.

Women are disposing of the evidence of living in poverty in the US. I

*snore* Oh, I'm sorry. Were you talking? Hey, when you get done trying to force the conversation to be the one you want to have - apparently with yourself, if at all possible - and get around to joining the conversation that's actually happening, would you mind giving me a holler so I can start paying attention to your idle and really boring maunderings? Thanks.
A law passed by a Conservative Congress isn't even valid outside the U.S. It is NOT the Word of God.
Why bring GOD into this, abortion is unethical, immoral, unprincipled, and murder...PERIOD!

Because some people are incapable of discussing a subject without shoehorning their own personal issues into it.

Yes, atheists scum seem to be unable to separate issues...and that from an agnostic!
A law passed by a Conservative Congress isn't even valid outside the U.S. It is NOT the Word of God.
Why bring GOD into this, abortion is unethical, immoral, unprincipled, and murder...PERIOD!

Because some people are incapable of discussing a subject without shoehorning their own personal issues into it.

Yes, atheists scum seem to be unable to separate issues...and that from an agnostic!

Well, see, if they stick to the topic instead of making a desperate leap to the topic they WISH they were discussing, then they're forced to face unanswerable questions and unpalatable truths. They only like inconvenient truth when it's the title of an ignorant book by Al Gore.
No you idiot. It's about poverty and the needs of their already living families.

You say you don't want babies to die, well then raise the minimum wage.

Stop screaming baby killers.
So... Is a fetus a living human or not? :S
No you idiot. It's about poverty and the needs of their already living families.

You say you don't want babies to die, well then raise the minimum wage.

Stop screaming baby killers.
So... Is a fetus a living human or not? :S
An embryo/fetus is not a 'person' in the legal sense of the term, and consequently not entitled to Constitutional protections.

One is at liberty to believe an embryo/fetus is whatever he wishes it to be in the context of his personal, subjective opinion – provided he understands that his personal, subjective opinion is devoid of legal merit, and in no way justifies denying a woman her right to privacy and protected liberty to make personal, private decisions absent unwarranted interference from the state.
No you idiot. It's about poverty and the needs of their already living families.

You say you don't want babies to die, well then raise the minimum wage.

Stop screaming baby killers.
So... Is a fetus a living human or not? :S
An embryo/fetus is not a 'person' in the legal sense of the term, and consequently not entitled to Constitutional protections.

One is at liberty to believe an embryo/fetus is whatever he wishes it to be in the context of his personal, subjective opinion – provided he understands that his personal, subjective opinion is devoid of legal merit, and in no way justifies denying a woman her right to privacy and protected liberty to make personal, private decisions absent unwarranted interference from the state.
You totally missed the point of my question to her there. I wasn't asking about personhood. I was asking her if she considers fetal humans to be alive since her first sentence implies that they are not, her second implies that they are, and her third is a plea not to call it killing a baby.
No you idiot. It's about poverty and the needs of their already living families.

You say you don't want babies to die, well then raise the minimum wage.

Stop screaming baby killers.
So... Is a fetus a living human or not? :S
An embryo/fetus is not a 'person' in the legal sense of the term, and consequently not entitled to Constitutional protections.

One is at liberty to believe an embryo/fetus is whatever he wishes it to be in the context of his personal, subjective opinion – provided he understands that his personal, subjective opinion is devoid of legal merit, and in no way justifies denying a woman her right to privacy and protected liberty to make personal, private decisions absent unwarranted interference from the state.

Who would ever hire you as a shyster, needs their head examined!

The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law which recognizes a child in utero as a legal victim, if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb".
I'm the only one here who is interesting in reducing the number of abortions. You just want to punish poor women who have sex.

I want to stop murder of our unborn children...they deserve MORE than you!

The way to stop abortion, is to end the need for it. That includes improving the economic situation for working poor families. Poor people have fewer children, on average, than those who are better off.

62% of women having abortions are living below the poverty line. 28% have income between 100 - 199% of the poverty level income. Poor and low income families account for 90% of all abortions.

Unless and until the issues of minimum wage and maternity leave are addressed, these numbers aren't going to change.

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