Just a logical question... Was there any difference between an" in person ballot" and a "mail-in ballot"?

The “Junk mail” ballots as you call them still need to be verified by a signature. If one was mailed to an address of somebody who moved then the ballot is useless. If the new tenant of that mailbox decided to commit a felony by sending in a ballot that didn’t belong to them then it would get flagged when the signatures didn’t match.

They think all democrats are master forgers. Capable of matching a signature on file without having access to the persons signature.
I’ve questioned many who claim mail ins are cause frauds and I have yet to find one person who actually knows the verification process used to process these votes. They are all just a bunch of ignorant puppets repeating headlines and talking points
We know what it says the process is supposed to be whiner.
You really don’t. It’s obvious. Or else you wouldn’t be making these ignorant claims of fraud and stealing an election. It’s all falling apart in court. Check the latest news from Arizona
Failing how, being thrown out by liberal judges? Good, on appeals it will get where it needs to.
Which liberal judges are you talking about?

I bet you don’t know one. You’re just calling them liberal because they ruled against trump. What a joke. You need to do much better with your arguments
Well lets watch and see where the lawsuits end up then after appeals
Oh God the wait and see argument... how’s Durham doing by the way?! All are the worst. Ok you wait and see as these lawsuits flop. Joe will keep chugging away -“at prepping for the job. I’ll keep laughing at how idiotic y’all are
Why is it idiotic to pursue something you think is right to pursue?
boy isn’t it fun when you get just make stuff up to use as arguments? Mine totally beat yours BTW
They had a transcript from one of the republican lawsuits, where the judge asked the lawyer if he could provide the court with evidence of his claim, and the lawyer told the judge he could not.
Yeah it’s all crumbling once it’s time for evidence. The lawsuits are a show of power that Trump has used his whole life. Problem is he can’t force his opposition to bend to his will in this case. But he will definitely keep spinning this and play victim. It just blows my mind how many imbeciles actually believe his crap
Electorals arent certified for a while yet, the President should do what he thinks needs to be done its not slowing anything up. And Sleepy can take more naps.
Trump is free to fail as much as he wants I’m court. He shouldn’t be out there spreading lies about an election being stolen from him and Biden should be green lighted on preparing for his up coming presidency
I don't see any problem with Biden getting access to what he will supposedly need, whatever the outcome of any recounts or appeals. As for Trump he has been complaining about a stolen election for a year so he isn't going to stop now.
We agree, Biden should get to transition. Trump is holding that up because he is a poor sport and bad loser. And I also agree that Trump set up the rigged narrative a year ago and is now falling back on it as an excuse. A bigger man would do the respectable thing but Trump lacks that kind of character. He will keep pushing. We as intelligent humans should recognize the fallacy and lies and start ignoring him. Yet people like you feed into it. What’s up with that?
This web site shows the marketing brochure for Dominion's ballot counting software.
Notice the below Instructions to voters:
"Use only the marking pen provided to mark your ballot"
Question: If this ballot was used for Mail-in voting, and the voter didn't USE a marking pen like the one provided for in person voting,
what would happen to that ballot?

View attachment 415587

One response, authentic verification.
boy isn’t it fun when you get just make stuff up to use as arguments? Mine totally beat yours BTW
They had a transcript from one of the republican lawsuits, where the judge asked the lawyer if he could provide the court with evidence of his claim, and the lawyer told the judge he could not.
Yeah it’s all crumbling once it’s time for evidence. The lawsuits are a show of power that Trump has used his whole life. Problem is he can’t force his opposition to bend to his will in this case. But he will definitely keep spinning this and play victim. It just blows my mind how many imbeciles actually believe his crap
Electorals arent certified for a while yet, the President should do what he thinks needs to be done its not slowing anything up. And Sleepy can take more naps.
Trump is free to fail as much as he wants I’m court. He shouldn’t be out there spreading lies about an election being stolen from him and Biden should be green lighted on preparing for his up coming presidency
I don't see any problem with Biden getting access to what he will supposedly need, whatever the outcome of any recounts or appeals. As for Trump he has been complaining about a stolen election for a year so he isn't going to stop now.
We agree, Biden should get to transition. Trump is holding that up because he is a poor sport and bad loser. And I also agree that Trump set up the rigged narrative a year ago and is now falling back on it as an excuse. A bigger man would do the respectable thing but Trump lacks that kind of character. He will keep pushing. We as intelligent humans should recognize the fallacy and lies and start ignoring him. Yet people like you feed into it. What’s up with that?
The President is what he is....and if things move along and Biden is declared the winner officially, it will all be over soon enough. I think Biden is a big mistake, he has been running for president since 1988 and never did well, now he is elected because of Trump hatred and will be bad for the country. Not because I think Trump is a great guy or anything, I just appreciate the things he has done.
Both are legal votes.

Word to the wise. Many, many people voted by mail for the first time. Most found it convenient and less cumbersome.

Future elections will have many more people voting by mail
I've voted Absentee for several years.
BUT this year it was JUNK MAIL voting that was causing problems.
The distinction was clear.
I requested with my signature on a absentee form. I received my ballot and signed the outside envelope so polling
officials would verify my signature with what was on file.
BUT JUNK MAIL voting didn't require that.
JUNK MAIL voting mailed millions of ballots to registered people on the voting rolls.
Are you aware that 10% of Americans move to a different address every year?
So over the last 4 years at least 20% or more have moved and hence these addresses are wrong.
Millions of ballots were sent to addressees not there... but thousands were signed for and since there was
no signature comparison... fraud is prevalent.

My point is though that the "marking pen" done for in person voting was available and apparently poll workers would advise the voter of such a requirement.
BUT what would happen if the ballot was an absentee ballot. What "marking pen" would be used? This is why the
issue was anecdotal in AZ with the "Sharpie" pens.
Election officials: Despite some voter concerns, Sharpie pens will not harm an election ballot

The “Junk mail” ballots as you call them still need to be verified by a signature. If one was mailed to an address of somebody who moved then the ballot is useless. If the new tenant of that mailbox decided to commit a felony by sending in a ballot that didn’t belong to them then it would get flagged when the signatures didn’t match.

you all are spreading so much fake news around this. Mail in has been used for years! It’s not all of a sudden a hoax because big spoiled billionaire calls it that.
Its a hoax because of the leftyflu allowing so many million more faked mail ins.
According to the aliens who came to earth yesterday accompanied by Jesus, what you say is not true. These beings plus Jesus have a sixth sense enabling them to know the truth of all situations and they flat out called you and Trump liars.

boy isn’t it fun when you get just make stuff up to use as arguments? Mine totally beat yours BTW
The leftyflu had a special code for anyone to use and do their "mail in" ballot. Tons and tons more mail ins because of it whiner.
Yes tons more mailed in their vote during a pandemic. So what?

Did you know a higher number of mail ins get rejected than in personal. Mine included because my signature didn’t match. Think of how many votes Joe missed out in because of that. Just like mine. I bet he would have beat trump by millions more!
Mail ins allow the opportunity for fraud....some states are above board I am sure, others not. As I said, we know what the process is supposed to be as you correctly state, but whether or not everyone abides by it is being determined now.
Haha. Voting in general allows the opportunity for fraud. What a lame argument. There can be fraud with in person voting.

the problem woth yoir arguments is you can’t explain how significant fraud works to swing the election. Go ahead and try. How do enough votes get through the cracks to steal this election from Trump. Paint the picture
Right...makes perfect sense that in person voting with observers would be more subject to fraud than mail in ballots.
I don’t say more subject to. Why are you changing the script?! I just showed that your weak argument also applies to in person. Fact is neither in person or mail in is subject to a significant amount of fraud. The cases are few and far between. Y’all are lying about the severity and magnitude to try and discredit an election that Trump lost
I am not trying to discredit anything, but there are logical questions that should be asked about certain states and they are being pursued.
I’m fine with questions and recounts and efforts to make our elections more secure. Go for it. It’s all the other lies and bullshit swarming around this.

Clinton pursued recounts and lawsuits but she also conceded the day after election night which y’all skewered her for... remember? Obama also supported trumps transition immediately after the media called it. That’s what adults do.
Both are legal votes.

Word to the wise. Many, many people voted by mail for the first time. Most found it convenient and less cumbersome.

Future elections will have many more people voting by mail
I've voted Absentee for several years.
BUT this year it was JUNK MAIL voting that was causing problems.
The distinction was clear.
I requested with my signature on a absentee form. I received my ballot and signed the outside envelope so polling
officials would verify my signature with what was on file.
BUT JUNK MAIL voting didn't require that.
JUNK MAIL voting mailed millions of ballots to registered people on the voting rolls.
Are you aware that 10% of Americans move to a different address every year?
So over the last 4 years at least 20% or more have moved and hence these addresses are wrong.
Millions of ballots were sent to addressees not there... but thousands were signed for and since there was
no signature comparison... fraud is prevalent.

My point is though that the "marking pen" done for in person voting was available and apparently poll workers would advise the voter of such a requirement.
BUT what would happen if the ballot was an absentee ballot. What "marking pen" would be used? This is why the
issue was anecdotal in AZ with the "Sharpie" pens.
Election officials: Despite some voter concerns, Sharpie pens will not harm an election ballot

The “Junk mail” ballots as you call them still need to be verified by a signature. If one was mailed to an address of somebody who moved then the ballot is useless. If the new tenant of that mailbox decided to commit a felony by sending in a ballot that didn’t belong to them then it would get flagged when the signatures didn’t match.

you all are spreading so much fake news around this. Mail in has been used for years! It’s not all of a sudden a hoax because big spoiled billionaire calls it that.
Its a hoax because of the leftyflu allowing so many million more faked mail ins.
According to the aliens who came to earth yesterday accompanied by Jesus, what you say is not true. These beings plus Jesus have a sixth sense enabling them to know the truth of all situations and they flat out called you and Trump liars.

boy isn’t it fun when you get just make stuff up to use as arguments? Mine totally beat yours BTW
The leftyflu had a special code for anyone to use and do their "mail in" ballot. Tons and tons more mail ins because of it whiner.
Yes tons more mailed in their vote during a pandemic. So what?

Did you know a higher number of mail ins get rejected than in personal. Mine included because my signature didn’t match. Think of how many votes Joe missed out in because of that. Just like mine. I bet he would have beat trump by millions more!
Mail ins allow the opportunity for fraud....some states are above board I am sure, others not. As I said, we know what the process is supposed to be as you correctly state, but whether or not everyone abides by it is being determined now.
Haha. Voting in general allows the opportunity for fraud. What a lame argument. There can be fraud with in person voting.

the problem woth yoir arguments is you can’t explain how significant fraud works to swing the election. Go ahead and try. How do enough votes get through the cracks to steal this election from Trump. Paint the picture
Right...makes perfect sense that in person voting with observers would be more subject to fraud than mail in ballots.
I don’t say more subject to. Why are you changing the script?! I just showed that your weak argument also applies to in person. Fact is neither in person or mail in is subject to a significant amount of fraud. The cases are few and far between. Y’all are lying about the severity and magnitude to try and discredit an election that Trump lost
I am not trying to discredit anything, but there are logical questions that should be asked about certain states and they are being pursued.
I’m fine with questions and recounts and efforts to make our elections more secure. Go for it. It’s all the other lies and bullshit swarming around this.

Clinton pursued recounts and lawsuits but she also conceded the day after election night which y’all skewered her for... remember? Obama also supported trumps transition immediately after the media called it. That’s what adults do.
Trump is Trump and pretty consistently so, that's all I can say.
Both are legal votes.

Word to the wise. Many, many people voted by mail for the first time. Most found it convenient and less cumbersome.

Future elections will have many more people voting by mail
I've voted Absentee for several years.
BUT this year it was JUNK MAIL voting that was causing problems.
The distinction was clear.
I requested with my signature on a absentee form. I received my ballot and signed the outside envelope so polling
officials would verify my signature with what was on file.
BUT JUNK MAIL voting didn't require that.
JUNK MAIL voting mailed millions of ballots to registered people on the voting rolls.
Are you aware that 10% of Americans move to a different address every year?
So over the last 4 years at least 20% or more have moved and hence these addresses are wrong.
Millions of ballots were sent to addressees not there... but thousands were signed for and since there was
no signature comparison... fraud is prevalent.

My point is though that the "marking pen" done for in person voting was available and apparently poll workers would advise the voter of such a requirement.
BUT what would happen if the ballot was an absentee ballot. What "marking pen" would be used? This is why the
issue was anecdotal in AZ with the "Sharpie" pens.
Election officials: Despite some voter concerns, Sharpie pens will not harm an election ballot

The “Junk mail” ballots as you call them still need to be verified by a signature. If one was mailed to an address of somebody who moved then the ballot is useless. If the new tenant of that mailbox decided to commit a felony by sending in a ballot that didn’t belong to them then it would get flagged when the signatures didn’t match.

you all are spreading so much fake news around this. Mail in has been used for years! It’s not all of a sudden a hoax because big spoiled billionaire calls it that.
Its a hoax because of the leftyflu allowing so many million more faked mail ins.
According to the aliens who came to earth yesterday accompanied by Jesus, what you say is not true. These beings plus Jesus have a sixth sense enabling them to know the truth of all situations and they flat out called you and Trump liars.

boy isn’t it fun when you get just make stuff up to use as arguments? Mine totally beat yours BTW
The leftyflu had a special code for anyone to use and do their "mail in" ballot. Tons and tons more mail ins because of it whiner.
Yes tons more mailed in their vote during a pandemic. So what?

Did you know a higher number of mail ins get rejected than in personal. Mine included because my signature didn’t match. Think of how many votes Joe missed out in because of that. Just like mine. I bet he would have beat trump by millions more!
Mail ins allow the opportunity for fraud....some states are above board I am sure, others not. As I said, we know what the process is supposed to be as you correctly state, but whether or not everyone abides by it is being determined now.
Haha. Voting in general allows the opportunity for fraud. What a lame argument. There can be fraud with in person voting.

the problem woth yoir arguments is you can’t explain how significant fraud works to swing the election. Go ahead and try. How do enough votes get through the cracks to steal this election from Trump. Paint the picture
I don't know anything about fraud I am not a Democrat. One instance that comes to mind is a 700,000 vote lead being lost in a single state...or 130,000 overnight "votes" arriving in vans to overtake a lead.
Millions of votes had to be counted. Joe promoted mail in Trump didn’t. They counted in person first, Trump was up, they counted mail in later, Biden caught up and won. It’s not rocket science and it’s not fraud. This was forecasted to happen months ago. It shouldn’t have been a surprise.
The sheer volumes raise questions as do the percentage of mail in votes by democrats imo.
Ask whatever questions you want. It all makes perfect sense to me given the fact we are in a pandemic. But ask away. Just don’t make or support unsubstantiated claims like Trump is doing
The “Junk mail” ballots as you call them still need to be verified by a signature. If one was mailed to an address of somebody who moved then the ballot is useless. If the new tenant of that mailbox decided to commit a felony by sending in a ballot that didn’t belong to them then it would get flagged when the signatures didn’t match.

They think all democrats are master forgers. Capable of matching a signature on file without having access to the persons signature.
I’ve questioned many who claim mail ins are cause frauds and I have yet to find one person who actually knows the verification process used to process these votes. They are all just a bunch of ignorant puppets repeating headlines and talking points
We know what it says the process is supposed to be whiner.
You really don’t. It’s obvious. Or else you wouldn’t be making these ignorant claims of fraud and stealing an election. It’s all falling apart in court. Check the latest news from Arizona
Failing how, being thrown out by liberal judges? Good, on appeals it will get where it needs to.
Which liberal judges are you talking about?

I bet you don’t know one. You’re just calling them liberal because they ruled against trump. What a joke. You need to do much better with your arguments
Well lets watch and see where the lawsuits end up then after appeals
Oh God the wait and see argument... how’s Durham doing by the way?! All are the worst. Ok you wait and see as these lawsuits flop. Joe will keep chugging away -“at prepping for the job. I’ll keep laughing at how idiotic y’all are
Why is it idiotic to pursue something you think is right to pursue?
pursuing questions is not idiotic. Supporting Trumps lies is
boy isn’t it fun when you get just make stuff up to use as arguments? Mine totally beat yours BTW
They had a transcript from one of the republican lawsuits, where the judge asked the lawyer if he could provide the court with evidence of his claim, and the lawyer told the judge he could not.
Yeah it’s all crumbling once it’s time for evidence. The lawsuits are a show of power that Trump has used his whole life. Problem is he can’t force his opposition to bend to his will in this case. But he will definitely keep spinning this and play victim. It just blows my mind how many imbeciles actually believe his crap
Electorals arent certified for a while yet, the President should do what he thinks needs to be done its not slowing anything up. And Sleepy can take more naps.
Trump is free to fail as much as he wants I’m court. He shouldn’t be out there spreading lies about an election being stolen from him and Biden should be green lighted on preparing for his up coming presidency
I don't see any problem with Biden getting access to what he will supposedly need, whatever the outcome of any recounts or appeals. As for Trump he has been complaining about a stolen election for a year so he isn't going to stop now.
We agree, Biden should get to transition. Trump is holding that up because he is a poor sport and bad loser. And I also agree that Trump set up the rigged narrative a year ago and is now falling back on it as an excuse. A bigger man would do the respectable thing but Trump lacks that kind of character. He will keep pushing. We as intelligent humans should recognize the fallacy and lies and start ignoring him. Yet people like you feed into it. What’s up with that?
The President is what he is....and if things move along and Biden is declared the winner officially, it will all be over soon enough. I think Biden is a big mistake, he has been running for president since 1988 and never did well, now he is elected because of Trump hatred and will be bad for the country. Not because I think Trump is a great guy or anything, I just appreciate the things he has done.
If he had an honest bone in his body he would be president again. Thankfully enough Americans won’t stand for a lying troll as our leader. I don’t agree with much of Bidens politics. But this election was about character for me. I respect Joe and spores I ate his moderate approach. I have zero respect left for Trump. He is toxic. And I used to be a fan.
Both are legal votes.

Word to the wise. Many, many people voted by mail for the first time. Most found it convenient and less cumbersome.

Future elections will have many more people voting by mail
I've voted Absentee for several years.
BUT this year it was JUNK MAIL voting that was causing problems.
The distinction was clear.
I requested with my signature on a absentee form. I received my ballot and signed the outside envelope so polling
officials would verify my signature with what was on file.
BUT JUNK MAIL voting didn't require that.
JUNK MAIL voting mailed millions of ballots to registered people on the voting rolls.
Are you aware that 10% of Americans move to a different address every year?
So over the last 4 years at least 20% or more have moved and hence these addresses are wrong.
Millions of ballots were sent to addressees not there... but thousands were signed for and since there was
no signature comparison... fraud is prevalent.

My point is though that the "marking pen" done for in person voting was available and apparently poll workers would advise the voter of such a requirement.
BUT what would happen if the ballot was an absentee ballot. What "marking pen" would be used? This is why the
issue was anecdotal in AZ with the "Sharpie" pens.
Election officials: Despite some voter concerns, Sharpie pens will not harm an election ballot

The “Junk mail” ballots as you call them still need to be verified by a signature. If one was mailed to an address of somebody who moved then the ballot is useless. If the new tenant of that mailbox decided to commit a felony by sending in a ballot that didn’t belong to them then it would get flagged when the signatures didn’t match.

you all are spreading so much fake news around this. Mail in has been used for years! It’s not all of a sudden a hoax because big spoiled billionaire calls it that.
Its a hoax because of the leftyflu allowing so many million more faked mail ins.
According to the aliens who came to earth yesterday accompanied by Jesus, what you say is not true. These beings plus Jesus have a sixth sense enabling them to know the truth of all situations and they flat out called you and Trump liars.

boy isn’t it fun when you get just make stuff up to use as arguments? Mine totally beat yours BTW
The leftyflu had a special code for anyone to use and do their "mail in" ballot. Tons and tons more mail ins because of it whiner.
Yes tons more mailed in their vote during a pandemic. So what?

Did you know a higher number of mail ins get rejected than in personal. Mine included because my signature didn’t match. Think of how many votes Joe missed out in because of that. Just like mine. I bet he would have beat trump by millions more!
Mail ins allow the opportunity for fraud....some states are above board I am sure, others not. As I said, we know what the process is supposed to be as you correctly state, but whether or not everyone abides by it is being determined now.
Haha. Voting in general allows the opportunity for fraud. What a lame argument. There can be fraud with in person voting.

the problem woth yoir arguments is you can’t explain how significant fraud works to swing the election. Go ahead and try. How do enough votes get through the cracks to steal this election from Trump. Paint the picture
Right...makes perfect sense that in person voting with observers would be more subject to fraud than mail in ballots.
I don’t say more subject to. Why are you changing the script?! I just showed that your weak argument also applies to in person. Fact is neither in person or mail in is subject to a significant amount of fraud. The cases are few and far between. Y’all are lying about the severity and magnitude to try and discredit an election that Trump lost
I am not trying to discredit anything, but there are logical questions that should be asked about certain states and they are being pursued.
I’m fine with questions and recounts and efforts to make our elections more secure. Go for it. It’s all the other lies and bullshit swarming around this.

Clinton pursued recounts and lawsuits but she also conceded the day after election night which y’all skewered her for... remember? Obama also supported trumps transition immediately after the media called it. That’s what adults do.
Trump is Trump and pretty consistently so, that's all I can say.
I agree. Trump is Trump. And that’s why he is out and Biden is in
Yeah it’s all crumbling once it’s time for evidence. The lawsuits are a show of power that Trump has used his whole life. Problem is he can’t force his opposition to bend to his will in this case. But he will definitely keep spinning this and play victim. It just blows my mind how many imbeciles actually believe his crap
One lawsuit was based on affidavits that came from an online website where people filed statements of fraud.

“How is that a reliable process of gathering evidence?” the judge asked, later blocking admission of the so-called evidence.

Put on the spot by the judge was the Trump campaign’s lawyer Kory Langhofer, who explained the automated process that reflected their post-election evidence hunt. It included an online form whose reliability Langhofer claimed was boosted by the fact that it included a CAPTCHA, which weeded out the bots.
boy isn’t it fun when you get just make stuff up to use as arguments? Mine totally beat yours BTW
They had a transcript from one of the republican lawsuits, where the judge asked the lawyer if he could provide the court with evidence of his claim, and the lawyer told the judge he could not.
Yeah it’s all crumbling once it’s time for evidence. The lawsuits are a show of power that Trump has used his whole life. Problem is he can’t force his opposition to bend to his will in this case. But he will definitely keep spinning this and play victim. It just blows my mind how many imbeciles actually believe his crap
Electorals arent certified for a while yet, the President should do what he thinks needs to be done its not slowing anything up. And Sleepy can take more naps.
Trump is free to fail as much as he wants I’m court. He shouldn’t be out there spreading lies about an election being stolen from him and Biden should be green lighted on preparing for his up coming presidency
I don't see any problem with Biden getting access to what he will supposedly need, whatever the outcome of any recounts or appeals. As for Trump he has been complaining about a stolen election for a year so he isn't going to stop now.
We agree, Biden should get to transition. Trump is holding that up because he is a poor sport and bad loser. And I also agree that Trump set up the rigged narrative a year ago and is now falling back on it as an excuse. A bigger man would do the respectable thing but Trump lacks that kind of character. He will keep pushing. We as intelligent humans should recognize the fallacy and lies and start ignoring him. Yet people like you feed into it. What’s up with that?

So you voted for Biden because you didn't like Trump. It wasn't because of the policies and actions that Trump took...just that you didn't like him.
So you voted for a person whose mental and physical capacity is in question and the VP is a giggler.
You voted against letting regions, states, and local people make decisions in favor of D.C. i.e. Masks for example. Everyone wears.
You voted against a person that the Chinese/Russians didn't want but for a person that has accepted money from China.
You voted against a person who believes in Law enforcement and for a person who wants to defund the police.
You voted against a person who has made the USA more secure, i.e. 450 miles of wall, for a person who wants open borders.
You voted against a person who donates his salary for a person who has been on the govt. payroll for 47 years.
You voted against a person who loves his family and for a person who loves little girls.
Yup... you surely had to vote against a person you don't like BUT for a person who (and his successors) will destroy America.
All because you don't like Trump's personal behavior. Wow how truly unsophisticated and unintelligent.
I've voted Absentee for several years.
BUT this year it was JUNK MAIL voting that was causing problems.
The distinction was clear.
I requested with my signature on a absentee form. I received my ballot and signed the outside envelope so polling
officials would verify my signature with what was on file.
BUT JUNK MAIL voting didn't require that.
Axtually it's got the same voter signature match requirement as absentee ballots.

Georgia Requires Signature Matching On Mail-In Ballots, But ...
www.forbes.com › sites › katiejennings › 2020/11/06

7 days ago — Thirty-one states, including Georgia, have signature matching requirements to verify absentee ballots, but it's hard to find an objective way to do ...

The MAJOR difference though is I requested an absentee ballot to my address. I received a card that asked me to verify it was me that requested the ballot. I then received a form which I filled out and SIGNED before the election and officials had chance and time to verify. Then I got the ballot. Then I signed the envelope and put the ballot in the signed envelope which the election office opened and verified signature.
YOU tell me then the day after election millions of signed ballots are being scrutinized for matching signatures?

Absentee signature comparisons are either conducted by bipartisan teams, (THIS WAS NOT DONE in PA!) or overseen by bipartisan teams, depending on the county.
Signature comparisons for in-person voting are done by poll workers, who are managed by a bipartisan team. bipartisan teams, (THIS WAS NOT DONE in PA!)
Directors were quick to acknowledge that workers are not forensically-trained handwriting experts. And generally, boards are looking to accept signatures rather than find a reason to reject them, the directors and Ockerman said.
“Ninety-nine percent of these are pretty obvious and easy to determine,” Ockerman said.

Enough said and with MOST Biden/Dems prone to illegal efforts, to lying and IN FAVOR of defunding police,
I'm confident they would be happy to accept a higher percentage of signatures!!!
The MAJOR difference though is I requested an absentee ballot to my address.
Voters in PA were required to send in a ballot request in order to receive a ballot by mail. The same process you described.
Which states who did not have mail in voting previously sent ballots to all registered voters? Are any of those states in dispute?
So you voted for Biden because you didn't like Trump. It wasn't because of the policies and actions that Trump took...just that you didn't like him.
Nope it was Trumps policies, like taking away protections for pre-existing conditions. Separating children as young as infants from their parents, and trying to get dirt on his opponent by strongarming foreign governments.
Voters in PA were required to send in a ballot request in order to receive a ballot by mail. The same process you described.
Which states who did not have mail in voting previously sent ballots to all registered voters? Are any of those states in dispute?
Five states – Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Utah, and Washington – conduct what are commonly referred to as all-mail elections.

So the answer is all mail in only states are not in dispute.
boy isn’t it fun when you get just make stuff up to use as arguments? Mine totally beat yours BTW
They had a transcript from one of the republican lawsuits, where the judge asked the lawyer if he could provide the court with evidence of his claim, and the lawyer told the judge he could not.
Yeah it’s all crumbling once it’s time for evidence. The lawsuits are a show of power that Trump has used his whole life. Problem is he can’t force his opposition to bend to his will in this case. But he will definitely keep spinning this and play victim. It just blows my mind how many imbeciles actually believe his crap
Electorals arent certified for a while yet, the President should do what he thinks needs to be done its not slowing anything up. And Sleepy can take more naps.
Trump is free to fail as much as he wants I’m court. He shouldn’t be out there spreading lies about an election being stolen from him and Biden should be green lighted on preparing for his up coming presidency
I don't see any problem with Biden getting access to what he will supposedly need, whatever the outcome of any recounts or appeals. As for Trump he has been complaining about a stolen election for a year so he isn't going to stop now.
We agree, Biden should get to transition. Trump is holding that up because he is a poor sport and bad loser. And I also agree that Trump set up the rigged narrative a year ago and is now falling back on it as an excuse. A bigger man would do the respectable thing but Trump lacks that kind of character. He will keep pushing. We as intelligent humans should recognize the fallacy and lies and start ignoring him. Yet people like you feed into it. What’s up with that?
The President is what he is....and if things move along and Biden is declared the winner officially, it will all be over soon enough. I think Biden is a big mistake, he has been running for president since 1988 and never did well, now he is elected because of Trump hatred and will be bad for the country. Not because I think Trump is a great guy or anything, I just appreciate the things he has done.
If he had an honest bone in his body he would be president again. Thankfully enough Americans won’t stand for a lying troll as our leader. I don’t agree with much of Bidens politics. But this election was about character for me. I respect Joe and spores I ate his moderate approach. I have zero respect left for Trump. He is toxic. And I used to be a fan.
Yeah I really don't think much about lies or claims of lies, I look for actual results...I have a job, I kept working through Covid, I don't want to be shut down and lose that in a Biden controlled government.
I've voted Absentee for several years.
BUT this year it was JUNK MAIL voting that was causing problems.
The distinction was clear.
I requested with my signature on a absentee form. I received my ballot and signed the outside envelope so polling
officials would verify my signature with what was on file.
BUT JUNK MAIL voting didn't require that.
Axtually it's got the same voter signature match requirement as absentee ballots.

Georgia Requires Signature Matching On Mail-In Ballots, But ...
www.forbes.com › sites › katiejennings › 2020/11/06

7 days ago — Thirty-one states, including Georgia, have signature matching requirements to verify absentee ballots, but it's hard to find an objective way to do ...

The MAJOR difference though is I requested an absentee ballot to my address. I received a card that asked me to verify it was me that requested the ballot. I then received a form which I filled out and SIGNED before the election and officials had chance and time to verify. Then I got the ballot. Then I signed the envelope and put the ballot in the signed envelope which the election office opened and verified signature.
YOU tell me then the day after election millions of signed ballots are being scrutinized for matching signatures?

Absentee signature comparisons are either conducted by bipartisan teams, (THIS WAS NOT DONE in PA!) or overseen by bipartisan teams, depending on the county.
Signature comparisons for in-person voting are done by poll workers, who are managed by a bipartisan team. bipartisan teams, (THIS WAS NOT DONE in PA!)
Directors were quick to acknowledge that workers are not forensically-trained handwriting experts. And generally, boards are looking to accept signatures rather than find a reason to reject them, the directors and Ockerman said.
“Ninety-nine percent of these are pretty obvious and easy to determine,” Ockerman said.

Enough said and with MOST Biden/Dems prone to illegal efforts, to lying and IN FAVOR of defunding police,
I'm confident they would be happy to accept a higher percentage of signatures!!!
The MAJOR difference though is I requested an absentee ballot to my address.
Voters in PA were required to send in a ballot request in order to receive a ballot by mail. The same process you described.
Which states who did not have mail in voting previously sent ballots to all registered voters? Are any of those states in dispute?
I was solicited multiple times to vote by mail with e-mails explaining how easy it is to get a ballot and what code to use.
Both are legal votes.

Word to the wise. Many, many people voted by mail for the first time. Most found it convenient and less cumbersome.

Future elections will have many more people voting by mail
I've voted Absentee for several years.
BUT this year it was JUNK MAIL voting that was causing problems.
The distinction was clear.
I requested with my signature on a absentee form. I received my ballot and signed the outside envelope so polling
officials would verify my signature with what was on file.
BUT JUNK MAIL voting didn't require that.
JUNK MAIL voting mailed millions of ballots to registered people on the voting rolls.
Are you aware that 10% of Americans move to a different address every year?
So over the last 4 years at least 20% or more have moved and hence these addresses are wrong.
Millions of ballots were sent to addressees not there... but thousands were signed for and since there was
no signature comparison... fraud is prevalent.

My point is though that the "marking pen" done for in person voting was available and apparently poll workers would advise the voter of such a requirement.
BUT what would happen if the ballot was an absentee ballot. What "marking pen" would be used? This is why the
issue was anecdotal in AZ with the "Sharpie" pens.
Election officials: Despite some voter concerns, Sharpie pens will not harm an election ballot

The “Junk mail” ballots as you call them still need to be verified by a signature. If one was mailed to an address of somebody who moved then the ballot is useless. If the new tenant of that mailbox decided to commit a felony by sending in a ballot that didn’t belong to them then it would get flagged when the signatures didn’t match.

you all are spreading so much fake news around this. Mail in has been used for years! It’s not all of a sudden a hoax because big spoiled billionaire calls it that.
Its a hoax because of the leftyflu allowing so many million more faked mail ins.
According to the aliens who came to earth yesterday accompanied by Jesus, what you say is not true. These beings plus Jesus have a sixth sense enabling them to know the truth of all situations and they flat out called you and Trump liars.

boy isn’t it fun when you get just make stuff up to use as arguments? Mine totally beat yours BTW
The leftyflu had a special code for anyone to use and do their "mail in" ballot. Tons and tons more mail ins because of it whiner.
Yes tons more mailed in their vote during a pandemic. So what?

Did you know a higher number of mail ins get rejected than in personal. Mine included because my signature didn’t match. Think of how many votes Joe missed out in because of that. Just like mine. I bet he would have beat trump by millions more!
Mail ins allow the opportunity for fraud....some states are above board I am sure, others not. As I said, we know what the process is supposed to be as you correctly state, but whether or not everyone abides by it is being determined now.
Haha. Voting in general allows the opportunity for fraud. What a lame argument. There can be fraud with in person voting.

the problem woth yoir arguments is you can’t explain how significant fraud works to swing the election. Go ahead and try. How do enough votes get through the cracks to steal this election from Trump. Paint the picture
I don't know anything about fraud I am not a Democrat. One instance that comes to mind is a 700,000 vote lead being lost in a single state...or 130,000 overnight "votes" arriving in vans to overtake a lead.
I don't know anything about fraud I am not a Democrat. One instance that comes to mind is a 700,000 vote lead being lost in a single state...or 130,000 overnight "votes" arriving in vans to overtake a lead
Those votes didn’t arrive overnight. They were counted overnight and reported in the morning.
Voters in PA were required to send in a ballot request in order to receive a ballot by mail. The same process you described.
Which states who did not have mail in voting previously sent ballots to all registered voters? Are any of those states in dispute?

California, Nevada, New Jersey and Vermont, along with Washington, D.C., are sending mail-in ballots to all voters, joining the handful of states

Biden has been called the winner in Nevada, but Trump doesn't accept the results.



35,000 vote lead 2.5%
Both are legal votes.

Word to the wise. Many, many people voted by mail for the first time. Most found it convenient and less cumbersome.

Future elections will have many more people voting by mail
I've voted Absentee for several years.
BUT this year it was JUNK MAIL voting that was causing problems.
The distinction was clear.
I requested with my signature on a absentee form. I received my ballot and signed the outside envelope so polling
officials would verify my signature with what was on file.
BUT JUNK MAIL voting didn't require that.
JUNK MAIL voting mailed millions of ballots to registered people on the voting rolls.
Are you aware that 10% of Americans move to a different address every year?
So over the last 4 years at least 20% or more have moved and hence these addresses are wrong.
Millions of ballots were sent to addressees not there... but thousands were signed for and since there was
no signature comparison... fraud is prevalent.

My point is though that the "marking pen" done for in person voting was available and apparently poll workers would advise the voter of such a requirement.
BUT what would happen if the ballot was an absentee ballot. What "marking pen" would be used? This is why the
issue was anecdotal in AZ with the "Sharpie" pens.
Election officials: Despite some voter concerns, Sharpie pens will not harm an election ballot

The “Junk mail” ballots as you call them still need to be verified by a signature. If one was mailed to an address of somebody who moved then the ballot is useless. If the new tenant of that mailbox decided to commit a felony by sending in a ballot that didn’t belong to them then it would get flagged when the signatures didn’t match.

you all are spreading so much fake news around this. Mail in has been used for years! It’s not all of a sudden a hoax because big spoiled billionaire calls it that.
Its a hoax because of the leftyflu allowing so many million more faked mail ins.
According to the aliens who came to earth yesterday accompanied by Jesus, what you say is not true. These beings plus Jesus have a sixth sense enabling them to know the truth of all situations and they flat out called you and Trump liars.

boy isn’t it fun when you get just make stuff up to use as arguments? Mine totally beat yours BTW
The leftyflu had a special code for anyone to use and do their "mail in" ballot. Tons and tons more mail ins because of it whiner.
Yes tons more mailed in their vote during a pandemic. So what?

Did you know a higher number of mail ins get rejected than in personal. Mine included because my signature didn’t match. Think of how many votes Joe missed out in because of that. Just like mine. I bet he would have beat trump by millions more!
Mail ins allow the opportunity for fraud....some states are above board I am sure, others not. As I said, we know what the process is supposed to be as you correctly state, but whether or not everyone abides by it is being determined now.
Haha. Voting in general allows the opportunity for fraud. What a lame argument. There can be fraud with in person voting.

the problem woth yoir arguments is you can’t explain how significant fraud works to swing the election. Go ahead and try. How do enough votes get through the cracks to steal this election from Trump. Paint the picture
I don't know anything about fraud I am not a Democrat. One instance that comes to mind is a 700,000 vote lead being lost in a single state...or 130,000 overnight "votes" arriving in vans to overtake a lead.
I don't know anything about fraud I am not a Democrat. One instance that comes to mind is a 700,000 vote lead being lost in a single state...or 130,000 overnight "votes" arriving in vans to overtake a lead
Those votes didn’t arrive overnight. They were counted overnight and reported in the morning.
130,000 mails ins were counted with verified signatures overnight? Hmmmmm

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