Just a thought for Republicans that dislike Trump.

The Growing Outrage Of Off-The-Books Federal Regulation

President Barack Obama has practically trademarked going around Congress, proclaiming “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone. And that’s all I need.”

It’s long been the case that substantial federal red tape and interventionhappen without proper oversight by our elected representatives.

Last year, there were 87 laws passed by Congress and signed by the president—but 3,408 regulations from unelected bureaucrats. That’s thirty-nine rules for every law, in this preliminary “Unconstitutionality Index.”

I have no problem with tariffs..............which is exactly what he's saying.............or threat thereof.................

I'm not convinced of memorex.................
Imagine this. Trump is a reality TV star among and a real estate developer, not a politician who plans to get wealthy by taking corporate lobbyist donations. He has a thousand times that wealth already.

Lets think about how it would be if Trump leaves office in 2024 with all his promises delivered.

Imagine his popularity and how that would translate into book sales, give him an edge in negotiations in new deals and he could demand what ever he wanted as a TV star.

He would cash in so big he would make the Clintons look like paupers.

That is why he is not memorex.
Trump will be 78 in 2024. I doubt he's going to care that much about book deals or TV deals.
If it is Trump vs Hillary, he might lose, and I do mean might. A LOT of disappointed democrats will stay home giving him the edge, but a lot of republicans will also stay home. It will come down to how hated Hillary is. The independents might not vote for either.

If it's Trump vs Sanders then Trump wins no problem. Few Americans except the radical left will vote a socialist into office.

Rubio would beat both DNC candidates. Therefor I would have to disagree that Trump is the best bet.

Think about this as part of a dynamic process if you really want to anticipate what will eventually happen.

Right now Trump is going up in polls, and there is no reason to believe he has some fictional cap. People were saying that about Romney in 2012 as well and were proven wrong. Trump isnt polling high as a second choice, but he has been a lot of peoples third or forth choice behind idealistic candidates like Carson and Kasich.

Hillary is dropping in the polls as she shows the world she is a cheating cantankerous old hag, cheating Sanders, lying to authorities about her email and secured document handling and may be indicted just prior to the election. Her poll numbers will continue to drop.

Rubio is a provenliar, and though he has rising numbers, as people become more informed with his track record he will start hemorraging supporters.

Rubio is a loser no matter who yo put up against him. He even makes Hillary look honest.

You are letting your dislike of Rubio cloud your thinking. He isn't my first choice but I can easily see him beating both Democrat candidates handily. It's a fact that lying is almost a positive thing with most democrats and many independants. Obama's reelection proves that. Plus there are a great many voters who vote for stupid reasons like looks, youth, and ethnicity which Rubio has all of. He beats either candidate pretty easily, IMO.

Rubio is an open-borders traitor. There's no point in electing him.
Trump will be 78 in 2024. I doubt he's going to care that much about book deals or TV deals.
Trump is in excellent health and apparently looking forward to another three decades of full life.

When you can afford all the health care you might possibly need, you tend to live longer.

Look at Bob Hope, for crying out loud, doing military morale trips into his eighties. (1990, at age 87)
There is a lot of excitement for Trump. He has charisma, and his common sense message resonates. He is drawing record crowds and I believe he will get the votes of a lot of blue collar Democrats. He is the man to beat.

The people that do not like him are jealous of his massive success and matching ego. They'd rather elect a loser, like themselves!
Trump is pulling 49% of GOP
Trump Hits 49 Percent Support in New National Poll

Breaking Poll: Trump beating EVERY Democrat with record-high black & Latino support
The poll shows Trump defeating every Democrat with scores like this:

* Trump 45%, Clinton 40%. (There is a 20-point Gender Gap; Trump leads by 18 points among seniors.)
* Trump 44%, Sanders 40%. (Trump leads by 10 among independents and by 6 among moderates.)
* Trump 44%, Biden 42%. (Trump leads by 10 among the best educated; Biden leads by 17 among the least educated.)
* Trump 44%, Gore 41%. (Trump leads by 12 among men and by 18 among voters age 50+.)

Among those who self-identify as paying a lot of attention to politics, the results are even more dramatic.

* Trump 54%, Clinton 36%.
* Trump 53%, Sanders 39%.
* Trump 53%, Biden 37%.
* Trump 54%, Gore 36%.

Donald Trump holds a dominant position in national polls in the Republican race in no small part because he is extremely strong among people on the periphery of the G.O.P. coalition.

He is strongest among Republicans who are less affluent, less educated and less likely to turn out to vote. His very best voters are self-identified Republicans who nonetheless are registered as Democrats. It’s a coalition that’s concentrated in the South, Appalachia and the industrial North, according to data provided to The Upshot by Civis Analytics, a Democratic data firm.

Mr. Trump’s huge advantage among these groups poses a challenge for his campaign, because it may not have the turnout operation necessary to mobilize irregular voters.

Poll suggests 30% of Democrats support Trump, If so Trump will sweep the Election and Win ALL 50 States - Walid Shoebat
Poll Suggests 30% Of Democrats Support Trump, If So Trump Will Sweep The Election And Win ALL 50 States

Trump is going to win in a landslide, folks, God Willing
Trump will be 78 in 2024. I doubt he's going to care that much about book deals or TV deals.
Trump is in excellent health and apparently looking forward to another three decades of full life.

When you can afford all the health care you might possibly need, you tend to live longer.

Look at Bob Hope, for crying out loud, doing military morale trips into his eighties. (1990, at age 87)
Maybe so, but he doesn't need the money. He mostly does this stuff because he enjoys it. I imagine after he's done being president he'll spend his time sticking his nose into the political controversies of the day.
Republicans have broken voter turnout records in every state so far. I'm pretty sure that is the result of the Trump phenomenon. I'm also pretty sure a lot of his supporters will disappear with him if he loses the nomination. I know how much a lot of you dislike Trump, but at this point he is probably the best bet for a Republican win.
No, Donald Trump is a guarantee of a Clinton win.

If the retard herd is stupid enough to give the nomination to Trump, they deserve Hillary Clinton as their President.
Republicans have broken voter turnout records in every state so far. I'm pretty sure that is the result of the Trump phenomenon. I'm also pretty sure a lot of his supporters will disappear with him if he loses the nomination. I know how much a lot of you dislike Trump, but at this point he is probably the best bet for a Republican win.
No, Donald Trump is a guarantee of a Clinton win.

If the retard herd is stupid enough to give the nomination to Trump, they deserve Hillary Clinton as their President.

Here, I'll post this one more time as apparently you missed it.

Trump is pulling 49% of GOP
Trump Hits 49 Percent Support in New National Poll

Breaking Poll: Trump beating EVERY Democrat with record-high black & Latino support
The poll shows Trump defeating every Democrat with scores like this:

* Trump 45%, Clinton 40%. (There is a 20-point Gender Gap; Trump leads by 18 points among seniors.)
* Trump 44%, Sanders 40%. (Trump leads by 10 among independents and by 6 among moderates.)
* Trump 44%, Biden 42%. (Trump leads by 10 among the best educated; Biden leads by 17 among the least educated.)
* Trump 44%, Gore 41%. (Trump leads by 12 among men and by 18 among voters age 50+.)

Among those who self-identify as paying a lot of attention to politics, the results are even more dramatic.

* Trump 54%, Clinton 36%.
* Trump 53%, Sanders 39%.
* Trump 53%, Biden 37%.
* Trump 54%, Gore 36%.

Donald Trump holds a dominant position in national polls in the Republican race in no small part because he is extremely strong among people on the periphery of the G.O.P. coalition.

He is strongest among Republicans who are less affluent, less educated and less likely to turn out to vote. His very best voters are self-identified Republicans who nonetheless are registered as Democrats. It’s a coalition that’s concentrated in the South, Appalachia and the industrial North, according to data provided to The Upshot by Civis Analytics, a Democratic data firm.

Mr. Trump’s huge advantage among these groups poses a challenge for his campaign, because it may not have the turnout operation necessary to mobilize irregular voters.

Poll suggests 30% of Democrats support Trump, If so Trump will sweep the Election and Win ALL 50 States - Walid Shoebat
Poll Suggests 30% Of Democrats Support Trump, If So Trump Will Sweep The Election And Win ALL 50 States

Trump is going to win in a landslide, folks, God Willing
Republicans have broken voter turnout records in every state so far. I'm pretty sure that is the result of the Trump phenomenon. I'm also pretty sure a lot of his supporters will disappear with him if he loses the nomination. I know how much a lot of you dislike Trump, but at this point he is probably the best bet for a Republican win.

If you think you can win with 30% of the Republican party you are crazy. If 70% dislike him you think he is going to get the entire party? Fat chance

They've been told repeatedly that far more people utterly refuse to ever vote for Trump under any circumstances than are supporting him. They nevertheless persist in forcing him on the party. Presumably, they expect to use bullying tactics similar to Trump's to try to force those people to vote for him.

They're making an informed choice, so on their heads be the consequences.
What is being shattered is the status quo of the GOP that is loaded with career fat cats and pundits who are scared shitless at the prospect of being summarily dismissed by the Trump wave. Trump won't get just 30% of the GOP and he will get Independents and Democrats and people who had given up but actually hear a glimmer of hope when Trump speaks.

Of course he will. Never mind all those independents and Democrats who've already told you they wouldn't vote for Trump for any reason. You want what you want, and you're by God going to make everyone fall in line with it!

You go with that, sugar. Good luck to you.
Republicans have broken voter turnout records in every state so far. I'm pretty sure that is the result of the Trump phenomenon. I'm also pretty sure a lot of his supporters will disappear with him if he loses the nomination. I know how much a lot of you dislike Trump, but at this point he is probably the best bet for a Republican win.

THere's gonna be HUUUUGE buyers remorse should Trump be selected. His tyrannical way of doing business is gonna turn folks against him quickly. Because MOST of his support is not looking for "deals".. They are looking to reduce the growth and restrain the power of Fed Govt. He's NOT a political reformer.

All all those "Great People" he owns and controls are not gonna put up his ego and flippant ways of making pronouncements and decisions. It's gonna be a disaster of EPIC proportions should he get elected.

Be damned certain of one thing. He is NOT intending to govern as a Republican or a Conservative or for that matter with ANY POLITICAL consistency. So when your only goal is winning, you are gonna LOSE every shred of party identity you own when he's done destroying your brand.

If this is the best BOTH parties are offering -- God help the United States of America..

Who was the last president to reduce the growth and restrain the power of the Federal Government? Reduce spending. Secure the border?

I thought the whole purpose of the national tantrum you overgrown adolescents are having was anger at the status quo. Now you're shrugging and saying, "Well, that's the way it always is, so who cares if it continues"?

What's the point of storming around, shouting about Trump, then?
What is being shattered is the status quo of the GOP that is loaded with career fat cats and pundits who are scared shitless at the prospect of being summarily dismissed by the Trump wave. Trump won't get just 30% of the GOP and he will get Independents and Democrats and people who had given up but actually hear a glimmer of hope when Trump speaks.

Both parties have gone astray and made everything about politics instead of the people.

Give the Republican constituency some credit. With the support of Trump, we are trying to change the party. We too are sick of the status quo and the promises of change that never seem to happen. We're sick of being lied to and we're going to do something about it.

What are the Democrats doing? Nothing. They keep drifting further and further left to the point their current President was supported by the US Communist Party both elections and one of their top contenders for the nomination is an admitted Socialist.

So how are you going to feel when Trump turns out to be more of the same, but with less class?
Republicans have broken voter turnout records in every state so far. I'm pretty sure that is the result of the Trump phenomenon. I'm also pretty sure a lot of his supporters will disappear with him if he loses the nomination. I know how much a lot of you dislike Trump, but at this point he is probably the best bet for a Republican win.

The best bet is Rubio or Kasich.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Presidential Race
I agree. I think in a Trump vs. Clinton race, Clinton will increase her lead in the polls after the nominations because Trump will have to get votes from a lot of people that just don't like him. Trump's support by the republican establishment will always be begrudging and insincere. For a nominee to win the general election, he or she needs the enthusiastic support of a unified party and I don't see that happening with Trump.

And you do with Hillary????
Yes, well far more than with Trump. For Hillary, party comes first. For Trump he doesn't give damn about the party. Yet it is that party that will get him elected and will determine his success as president.

There are a lot republicans that are afraid of Trump, maybe not enough to vote for Hillary but enough to question his principals. A candidate that takes days to reject an endorsement by a former Grand Wizard of the KKK and quotes Mussolini may attract racists and fascists but not established republicans.
What is being shattered is the status quo of the GOP that is loaded with career fat cats and pundits who are scared shitless at the prospect of being summarily dismissed by the Trump wave. Trump won't get just 30% of the GOP and he will get Independents and Democrats and people who had given up but actually hear a glimmer of hope when Trump speaks.

Both parties have gone astray and made everything about politics instead of the people.

Give the Republican constituency some credit. With the support of Trump, we are trying to change the party. We too are sick of the status quo and the promises of change that never seem to happen. We're sick of being lied to and we're going to do something about it.

What are the Democrats doing? Nothing. They keep drifting further and further left to the point their current President was supported by the US Communist Party both elections and one of their top contenders for the nomination is an admitted Socialist.

So how are you going to feel when Trump turns out to be more of the same, but with less class?

I don't think that will happen, and here's why:

Trump is not a professional politician nor does his life depend on government. You can't say that for just about everybody else in politics.

Most of these jokers get into politics because they will end up rich if they play the game. Trump is already rich. He doesn't have to play the game if he doesn't want to. He's not worried about getting reelected, he's not worried about how much he will be able to charge others making speeches once retired. He doesn't owe any favors to anybody. And if we decide not to reelect him, no problem, he has better things to do.
What is being shattered is the status quo of the GOP that is loaded with career fat cats and pundits who are scared shitless at the prospect of being summarily dismissed by the Trump wave. Trump won't get just 30% of the GOP and he will get Independents and Democrats and people who had given up but actually hear a glimmer of hope when Trump speaks.

Both parties have gone astray and made everything about politics instead of the people.

Give the Republican constituency some credit. With the support of Trump, we are trying to change the party. We too are sick of the status quo and the promises of change that never seem to happen. We're sick of being lied to and we're going to do something about it.

What are the Democrats doing? Nothing. They keep drifting further and further left to the point their current President was supported by the US Communist Party both elections and one of their top contenders for the nomination is an admitted Socialist.

So how are you going to feel when Trump turns out to be more of the same, but with less class?

The fact that he has the GOP party elite in full panic mode tells me that he is not more of the same. Of course no one knows how this will play out but I am all for a true outsider with long track record of success in the private sector running the country.
What is being shattered is the status quo of the GOP that is loaded with career fat cats and pundits who are scared shitless at the prospect of being summarily dismissed by the Trump wave. Trump won't get just 30% of the GOP and he will get Independents and Democrats and people who had given up but actually hear a glimmer of hope when Trump speaks.

Both parties have gone astray and made everything about politics instead of the people.

Give the Republican constituency some credit. With the support of Trump, we are trying to change the party. We too are sick of the status quo and the promises of change that never seem to happen. We're sick of being lied to and we're going to do something about it.

What are the Democrats doing? Nothing. They keep drifting further and further left to the point their current President was supported by the US Communist Party both elections and one of their top contenders for the nomination is an admitted Socialist.

So how are you going to feel when Trump turns out to be more of the same, but with less class?

I don't think that will happen, and here's why:

Trump is not a professional politician nor does his life depend on government. You can't say that for just about everybody else in politics.

Most of these jokers get into politics because they will end up rich if they play the game. Trump is already rich. He doesn't have to play the game if he doesn't want to. He's not worried about getting reelected, he's not worried about how much he will be able to charge others making speeches once retired. He doesn't owe any favors to anybody. And if we decide not to reelect him, no problem, he has better things to do.

Ray, I love you, honestly, but that's drivel.

Trump didn't just appear out of nowhere at the beginning of this election, with no history and no ties. Completely aside from the fact that even he admits this whole "self-funding" charade will never hold up through a general election, he doesn't exist in a vacuum. Do you really think there aren't old favors, old ties, old loyalties following him into this? As it stands, the only people he won't owe anything to are the American people.

Just because his motivations aren't the same straightforward ones that other crooked politicians have (and please note the word other), doesn't mean it isn't still all about benefiting Trump. There's literally nothing in his life or his history or his personality to suggest otherwise.

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