Just an honest question. Do you think Bill Clinton has a monogamous relationship with Hillary?

Wait, So its just as I said...He says what does it say about Hilary and I'm guessing its not positive. I say what does it say about Trump and you say its not fair.

It isn't about fair. It's about the lame act of deflecting whenever someone says something negative about your candidate. If your first thought after hearing about Bill Clinton's infidelity is "What about Trump?"....you should skip your first thought.

I don't agree in an election between two candidates (with a chance of winning). Not being hypocritical is my standard. Though in this case CloseMinded didn't find hypocrisy, it was a real stretch. He just criticized Trump because Hillary was criticized, it wasn't the same thing

If you say so.

Well, I do apply my standard. For what they both do, I criticize them both. For example, neither believe in free markets. It's sad how the Republicans have gone from the hope, optimism and confidence of Reagan to the despair, pessimism and fear of Trump. But they did. The Republicans suck. At least before they talked about freedom and capitalism even if they didn't do anything about it. Now they openly oppose it.

Trump piles more on. This week proposing a $3,500 per imported car tax. I'm not sure if it's all imports or US car companies or cars that are moved offshore exactly. Regardless, the guy wouldn't know capitalism if it bit him in the ass. And Republicans nominated the guy. Funny how the more Republicans and Democrats are alike, the more you hate each other

Make America great again is such a fearful, desperate and pessimistic message...

Yes, it is. The idea that we are only great if Trump makes us great "again" is the dick wad that he is
Yes, I believe he has a monogamous relationship with his wife of many years.

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Yes, I believe he has a monogamous relationship with his wife of many years.

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I can't believe even the picture in your avatar could keep a straight face over that one
There are still people left who think it's wrong to screw your wife over.

And maybe he didn't "screw her over". Maybe they had an "arrangement". None of it has anything to do with her ability to lead this nation.

I don't care that Don the Con "screwed" his wives over. That is not what makes him woefully unsuited to be President.

Neither have the ability to lead. Moral rot, lies, dishonesty, deceit, depravity, corruption, scandals. I could go on all day. This is the bottom of the outhouse and the country deserves what it has wrought upon itself.
If not, what does that say about Bill's respect for Hillary and their marriage? What does staying with Bill despite this say about Hillary?

In all fairness Trump isn't a great role model when it comes to family values.

Also I personally don't give a shit about their private lives (just like I didn't care that Bush did cocaine in his younger years).

And....that does not matter when the subject being discussed is Clinton's family values.

Bill's family values =/- Hillary's. It's unfair to blame Hillary or hold her accountable for Bill's behavior.

If you're going to throw rocks-don't live in glass houses.

For the record I am NOT voting for Hillary.

That is all fine and good. It still doesn't help to deflect.

Saying that I couldn't care less about Hillary/Bill's personal lives isn't a deflection.
If not, what does that say about Bill's respect for Hillary and their marriage? What does staying with Bill despite this say about Hillary?
At age 70, I doubt it. They have lived apart but work together on various projects, one being her current campaign. It is not unusually today for a married couple of 30 or 40 years to have such a relationship. At this stage in their life they need each other for various reasons. If Hillary wins the election, I suspect Bill will play a part in her administration, but not to the extent that she played in his.
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If not, what does that say about Bill's respect for Hillary and their marriage? What does staying with Bill despite this say about Hillary?
I'm gonna have to step up for Bill on this one. That is one ugly bitch and if sex is to be had it most certainly wouldn't be with her, married of not.
At age 70, and 40 years of married life, sex ain't what it use to be. However, Bill Clinton really likes women so I can't imagine him living a celibate life.
If not, what does that say about Bill's respect for Hillary and their marriage? What does staying with Bill despite this say about Hillary?
I'm gonna have to step up for Bill on this one. That is one ugly bitch and if sex is to be had it most certainly wouldn't be with her, married of not.
At age 70, and 40 years of married life, sex ain't what it use to be. However, Bill Clinton really likes women so I can't imagine him living a celibate life.

You meant he is a sexual predator. He has raped a women, it was settled. Be has flown to sexual convict Epstein's island of underage girls. Let's be perfectly clear.
If not, what does that say about Bill's respect for Hillary and their marriage? What does staying with Bill despite this say about Hillary?
I'm gonna have to step up for Bill on this one. That is one ugly bitch and if sex is to be had it most certainly wouldn't be with her, married of not.
At age 70, and 40 years of married life, sex ain't what it use to be. However, Bill Clinton really likes women so I can't imagine him living a celibate life.

You meant he is a sexual predator. He has raped a women, it was settled. Be has flown to sexual convict Epstein's island of underage girls. Let's be perfectly clear.
Those are your claims not mine. Those claims were made also against Donald Trump, Prince Andrew, and a number of public figures by prostitutes seeking compensation through the courts.
If not, what does that say about Bill's respect for Hillary and their marriage? What does staying with Bill despite this say about Hillary?

In all fairness Trump isn't a great role model when it comes to family values.

Also I personally don't give a shit about their private lives (just like I didn't care that Bush did cocaine in his younger years).

And....that does not matter when the subject being discussed is Clinton's family values.

Bill's family values =/- Hillary's. It's unfair to blame Hillary or hold her accountable for Bill's behavior.

If you're going to throw rocks-don't live in glass houses.

For the record I am NOT voting for Hillary.

That is all fine and good. It still doesn't help to deflect.

Saying that I couldn't care less about Hillary/Bill's personal lives isn't a deflection.

You feel like having a pissing match? Cool. Find someone else who does as well. You bored me with the deflection and now you are boring me with this other shit. Not interested.
If not, what does that say about Bill's respect for Hillary and their marriage? What does staying with Bill despite this say about Hillary?
Bill has an in breakable relationship with himself...even worse than Obama.

This may be the dumbest question in the history of this forum. Bill Clinton and the word monogamous should never be used in the same sentence
If not, what does that say about Bill's respect for Hillary and their marriage? What does staying with Bill despite this say about Hillary?
Bill has an unbreakable relationship with himself...even worse than Obama.
That has never been my impression of Bill Clinton. I think he is one of the few recent presidents that really like people. He has his faults but that's not one of them. My impression of both Obama and Trump is that they prefer their own counsel to others.
Just an honest question. Do you think Bill Clinton has a monogamous relationship with Hillary?

if one counts by minutes

In all fairness Trump isn't a great role model when it comes to family values.

Also I personally don't give a shit about their private lives (just like I didn't care that Bush did cocaine in his younger years).

And....that does not matter when the subject being discussed is Clinton's family values.

Bill's family values =/- Hillary's. It's unfair to blame Hillary or hold her accountable for Bill's behavior.

If you're going to throw rocks-don't live in glass houses.

For the record I am NOT voting for Hillary.

That is all fine and good. It still doesn't help to deflect.

Saying that I couldn't care less about Hillary/Bill's personal lives isn't a deflection.

You feel like having a pissing match? Cool. Find someone else who does as well. You bored me with the deflection and now you are boring me with this other shit. Not interested.

I like how you've been responding to me, and now that I make my point clear (and accurately), now you're magically bored...but not bored enough to just ignore my post.

And....that does not matter when the subject being discussed is Clinton's family values.

Bill's family values =/- Hillary's. It's unfair to blame Hillary or hold her accountable for Bill's behavior.

If you're going to throw rocks-don't live in glass houses.

For the record I am NOT voting for Hillary.

That is all fine and good. It still doesn't help to deflect.

Saying that I couldn't care less about Hillary/Bill's personal lives isn't a deflection.

You feel like having a pissing match? Cool. Find someone else who does as well. You bored me with the deflection and now you are boring me with this other shit. Not interested.

I like how you've been responding to me, and now that I make my point clear (and accurately), now you're magically bored...but not bored enough to just ignore my post.


Ever get an annoying itch that you can't reach?
If not, what does that say about Bill's respect for Hillary and their marriage? What does staying with Bill despite this say about Hillary?
Trump's been divorced how many times? And how many people has he admitted to cheating on his wives with? So what's that say about him?

Bill clearly doesn't respect monogamy, but people are freaking weird. Some folks respect the heck out of their spouses in all aspects but monogamy, and some spouses are monogamous and treat their spouse like crap. Monogamy is a deal breaker for a lot of people, but monogamy alone doesn't make for a great marriage.

As for their marriage? Clearly they're partners in a lot of things. Political ventures, the Clinton Foundation, policy. They work together frequently and support each other, which is far more than a lot of monogamous couples do. If she stays with him, that means despite his issues she sees their partnership as something she values. And that means despite the fact he can't keep it in his pants, he sees their partnership as something worth preserving too.

By the way: There's a fair amount of Christians that are anti-Divorce even in the case of cheating or abuse. That vow is sacred in a lot of folks eyes and there is nothing either party can do to break it. Staying with someone and working it out is the toughest thing you can do. I don't see that as weakness.
Great points. I tip my hat to you

Why? He deflected your criticism onto others. Doesn't that bore you to death?
Just to be clear, I did answer the criticism. The short version is this: Not everyone believes in divorce, and not every monogamous couple actually supports or respects each other. They're clearly partners in a lot of ways in their life and they've decided to remain so.

As an aside, and this goes for Trump and his marriages as well and the Clintons: Monogamy is only one of the things you should have in a good marriage. I don't actually think an outsider is ever qualified to talk about the state of someone else's marriage. Every person puts different value in different parts of a marriage. So all the same, I'd rather leave the marriages and spouses out of it. But if you do raise questions about one, fairness would require you raise it about both when it comes to talking about specific candidates.

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